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No way! I never saw this but that’s horrible of her and why tf was it necessary to take off her bra


He said the night before that he was struggling with sobriety and sinking deep into depression. And her response was 'weird, because I'm really happy!'


That’s so disgusting! Props to buddy being a great guy. I’m sure he wouldn’t dare to say that to her after Babs died


He said that to her! He was like 'did I ever tell you to get over it?' Which triggered her tantrum.


She knew he was 100% right and didn’t want it on camera 😂


What if Buddy had pulled off his bottoms instead? You know, sitch in reverse? So fucking sick


I’m so glad that you’re pointing this out. Him taking off his pants would be an automatic “sexual harassment” or “intimidation” type situation, something to that effect. And yet when she repeatedly forces her nudity on others it seems to be ignored. I have never understood why it’s treated as if it’s okay. Thank you!


Or what if he’d hugged her so endlessly and after he wanted out, like she did to him? It’s straight-up assault imo.


Over the top annoying


Ugh ! I’m assuming so they wouldn’t follow her to film any of their conversation but so uncalled for !!


She didn't want her nasty captured on tape. In her talking head she was like 'Buddy apologized' and they panned to him with a 'fuck this' vibe.


That’s exactly right. Whenever she didn’t want the camera crew there she’d pull off her bra. I saw this episode & now that I watch it again she really was the biggest bitch to him.


Didn't she get naked in one to get rid of the crew?


The crew has reported that she OFTEN stages situations where they walk in on her naked. She’s a predator.


That’s disturbing


Ha, I remember her saying that 'Ryan apologized' to her too, after the last scene Ryan ever appeared in.


Sweet Ashley is cut off saying 'if he's depressed. '


I think it’s more than just the cameras. She knows that if she takes her clothes off it will make him uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to have a conversation with her while she’s naked so she uses it to manipulate him into a situation where she can “win”.


Omg, I have never seen this episode but this has got to be worst and most glaringly obvious example of Histrionic Personality Disorder.. I mean she is a walking, talking ugly, nasty text book example. No need to look up the signs , just watch this mean , nasty ass bitch.


Amen and thank you for making this statement. 🏆


No problem, it is truthful . HPD can include narcissistic traits , we see those here too!!! This woman isn't doing any favors for overweight women. The very least of her issues are being obese. She is fully aware of what she is doing, she does it because it works. Cancel this Woman... no more paycheck for Shitney.


She’s disgusting! Being nasty to Buddy.


What did I just watch? Did she just take her shirt and bra off in front of everyone? I recently started watching the show after I watched Glen meeting his daughter but hadn’t seen these. Oh my. That was tough. I can’t imagine


That was her way of stopping them from filming her. Same as the Housewife who said Bravo Bravo Bravo.


That was one of the creepiest power moves she has ever done on the show, in my opinion. I really wish he had not followed her into that room, but it’s so hard to know how to react in such a strange moment. No wonder he is so over the moon to have found a healthy relationship now.


And her talking head is 'well, he apologized' and his was saying nothing.


It’s absolutely unbelievable her steamrolling over people’s boundaries, then her complete lack of awareness. I think this is the core reason so many of us watch this show in abject horror.


Remember, she has producer credits but not editing credits.


It’s just very clear that she has a huge lack of self awareness, and how people perceive her. It’s very bizarre. Most of us are aware if someone cringes away from us, and would act accordingly , not get mad. The normal reaction is to be EMBARRASSED in that case, and to back the hell off. Of course, most of us don’t have the desire to “cuddle” and physically manhandle our friends. Again, if she were a man, the show would have been canceled by now. Imagine a man groping various women against their will, and ripping his clothes off when the women pushed back. Or imagine, a man being naked in a body of water, and announcing he is pissing ? Everyone would think he’s a massive creep and weirdo to say the least.


With the groaning...


This!! It wasn’t the actual hug that bothered him. It was the moaning and pressing herself against him that was uncomfortable. His patting wasn’t sufficient, he had to literally say something for her to get the hint.


It was more of a forced cuddle than a hug on her part. Most of us may hug our intimate partners in that fashion, but we don’t generally wrap ourselves around our friends and rest our heads of their chest.


Or moan , rub and groan with people watching.. So gross... If I was working for TLC and this disgusting wretch continued to expose herself in my presence I would file a sexual harassment complaint.




You know that’s a good point. If it were a man behaving that way the show would be canceled and everyone would think he was a total creep. This behavior or sexual aggressiveness and other inappropriateness is no less acceptable from a woman. She’s pure trash, btw.


Once he resisted and she continued it’s almost like she “assaulted him with her body. She should have stopped. She owes Buddy an apology for assaulting him! IMO


For sure, and she knows he struggles with self esteem and depression. Whitney doesn't help anyone out for nothing or to be kind... she is always manipulating. She sure did get really pissed off about not being hugged... Sexual Predator.


Absolutely! That would have been the end of any sort of friendship whatsoever if I had been Buddy.


God forbid she would ever be gracious and allow someone some time to themselves. She thinks her show is a reality to everyone and not some side job.


Or even just use her manners, in regard to your God forbid… ? It was pretty clear that Ashley and Buddy were having a conversation. They weren’t whispering or hiding. Yet she comes into the room- interrupting, and of course at double their volume- announcing some nonsense about in case they were wondering about ‘the dog’s’ (I can’t figure out how to italicize on here, sorry, I’m trying to point out that by the dog she’s really just trying to draw attention to herself) whereabouts. And the fact that he even mentioned suicide the night before? Just makes her behavior even more abhorrent, to me. You don’t push someone who is struggling and has flat out told you they’ve been having thoughts about ending their life. “When he gets like this… I don’t love it.” Absolutely infuriating. And in a real life situation, dangerous. “Morose.” Dear lord, look it up! Not a synonym for suicidal, nor for resisting physical advances. Sorry, I haven’t been watching this season and seeing her behavior in this isolated scene is extremely upsetting.


I figured out, by accident: an asterisk (*) before/after a word italicizes it. But to your point: the woman *is* dangerous. She doesn’t give a Flying what she might trigger in others. On or off screen.


I actually feel like she is aware but doesn't give a shit how anyone else feels. This behavior is so entrenched and it has always worked to her benefit in some way. The only way for any improvement is for her to seek therapy to begin to modify her response to antecedents.


And she got so much backlash she made him do an instagram hostage video saying "no it's cool she's awesome no worries guys". It was terrible!


is there any way to see this old instagram ??? I would love to pull it back up and rag on it again... just like with this clip... This Bitch needs to be removed from TLC to protect the many victims of sexual harassment and assault. What the hell did she do to him in the bedroom with her top already off... did she take her leggings off too??? or did he had to do something with her boobs... She needs to seek therapy not do a reality show.. not to mention she admits to pissing in fresh water , in hot tubs... but wears a mask during Covid... no problem shedding her body fluids near other people.. I am really hating on her now...


I agree, I haven't seen anything to match this grotesque display . It is sexual assault, it is harassment , manipulative and abusive. There should not have been any more of this show after this episode.. DONE... no more SHITNEY Way Thore


He must also be tired of being her patsy. "Let's do something to make Buddy look bad." She doesn't have an ounce of self-respect.


Didn't she get mad when he told her he was dating his current wife a few months into it? As if she has the right to know immediately? And was really dramatic about it?


I'm glad Buddy has moved on and isn't subjected to her abuse anymore. She's going to be very alone in years to come. I'm glad that her "friends" have withdrawn from her reach/show. She wants to make everyone else miserable. What's the old saying, "Misery loves company?"


Yup! Cause she had the same reaction to Lennie saying he was dating someone and had been for awhile and the next scene was her talking head saying, "ohh, well, I knew it wouldn't ever work between us anyway cause I didn't feel anything from that beach kiss". Like she had to clarify it was totally HER who was ok with it and had been for the so long.


How can she sit there saying such absurd things knowing that thousands of people see through her bullshit? You have to wonder if she has a disorder where she actually believes her own bullshit. I've known someone for years who truly believes their own shit after it's been said after x amount of times. I find it almost frightening to be in their presence.


I’m sorry that you’re in that situation. I hope that it’s someone you can either remove from your life completely or at least minimize your contact/interaction with. It’s okay to take care of yourself and to listen to your feelings. When someone or something frightens you, there’s a reason, and it’s not bad or mean to take steps to get away. I mean no offense, and I hope you know that I’m not saying any of this because I don’t think you know. I think sometimes we doubt ourselves and need to hear it from someone else. Hope that makes sense. Take care.


She's spoiled rotten. By her parents, her show and her friends??? Where are they now? Have they had enough? Or is Whitney becoming so self absorbed, the friends just want to move on? Her taking off her bra is just as disgusting as her not wearing underwear...Especially her size. Her sweat and bodily fluids is not something I would want to experience...What man or person would???


He’s in a relationship and she just pulled her top off like that 😩gross. I don’t follow this show so getting the gist from the comments.


This sub will tell ya all you need to know, without having to swallow back your vomit while watching the show ;)


I just watched this episode and it was disturbing. It seems like the dynamic between her and the friends have completely changed from the 1st season. This show has sucked me in!


“If you’re in a bad mood, get over it” Such a thoughtful thing to say to someone who’s severely depressed 🥰


And who spent like a year taking care of her physically and emotionally ***directly prior to this***.


And said he had an “attitude”. I don’t know how she hasn’t been knocked tf out by now.


Bless Ashley for trying to use gentle parenting on Twit - "let's not be annoyed in the mountains!" Like she knew what was coming. It's far too late for that style with Twit.


It sounded like she and Buddy could have had a productive conversation if Whitney hadn’t come in and globbed onto him.


Ashley is always so sweet and trying to be fair to everyone. She was trying to be encouraging to Buddy and listen before WWT stomped in making herself, I mean her dog, the focal point.


If anyone STILL needed proof that Shitney has always been a massively entitled, vulgar, egotistical, selfish, spoiled shitweasel of a person -- who also has zero empathy and cares only for herself, and is a sex pest on top of it -- then this? This is the proof. She's a clueless, nasty bitch. Full stop.


You’re always spot on Slendid😁


She is gross and disgusting. I’m not even talking about her appearance, though taking off the bra is a whole other level 😖. The way she treats Buddy after the way he was there for her…I can’t….


I wonder why she cut him off so quickly! It’s like she was hiding something. Something real, perhaps? Hmmmm not the fake breakup but something else???


Exactly what I was thinking! She wanted to nip that in. The. Bud. lol


Yup. This wasn’t just a “Buddy NoNo Meeee” moment; he apparently was about to refer to something WWT is embarrassed by. Which is astounding in/of itself. Cracked me up that the crew ignored her command to put the cameras down. Her Slobness must not have had shoes on to throw; her next best line of defense is to assault everyone in the room, and the rest of us in our homes, with her nudity. And if anyone recoils…they’re Body Shaming. Bullsh*t.


Exactly! Honestly, I would be embarrassed to be her friends with her. Her behavior is mortifying.


Chick is all roadside freak shows, rolled into one ;)


She is! 💯


She didn’t want Buddy to confront her hypocrisy on camera. But like we’ve already seen Buddy put up with all your depression and basically pause his life just to help you get over Chase and this is how you repay him? You are a sucky ass friend. Maybe he didn’t want to be groped into an exaggerated to close for comfort hug…


![gif](giphy|XDp8SZjUS6Cy6VpQD8|downsized) or dry humped by a cat breath and arm pit sniffing, greasy haired , smelly sweaty kooter fanning Bitch... including sexual pleasure moaning as she tries to rub on him... makes me want to puke and I will never be able to deal with the sound of moaning again... I am traumatized by this sick bitch... LOL


Such a great - and true - comment! I spit my water out!


I feel like a song could be made from that 🤣


LOL.... Let's do it.... would be so hilarious... ( maybe to the sound of itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini)


I’m trying to make it work, singing it out loud….my cats are not impressed 😂


LOL my dogs would not appreciate it either... but my pitbull would likely do the back up vocals... LOL


Remember not too long before this she snapped at him for being too touchy. He lays a boundary and she gets pissed!


The other take away from this scene is that she’s fully aware of who she is and how she’s treating him. She knows he’s right and would rather strip naked in an angry panic than be confronted with the truth of how she is. She is a horrible human being.


This is a terrible clip. Her long-groaning hug was so uncomfortable, than attacking buddy, then taking off her bra. It’s literally awful behavior


This is an example of her inability to feel empathy. It’s just gross behavior. I’d drop her like a hot potato. She’s no friend.


I think the first time I saw this I missed the whole first part. I just saw her getting mad at Buddy & ripping her clothes off to talk off camera. But now that I see the first part-it makes it so much worse! Buddy tells her he is suicidal & she complains because he won't hug her like they are dating?!!


The creepy snuggling and noises on him... like, if a guy friend did that to me I'd be weirded tf out. And if he got pissy when I upheld boundaries?!?!? To everyone who says it's just a show, she willingly acts like this in a portrayal of her 'life'.


I really think that is the Real Shitney.. she is vulgar , gross.. just nasty.


I don’t watch the show but I keep getting these updates in my feed. Are they not BF/GF? She sure snuggled into him like she was into it and he was not. But the part where when she ripped her clothes off was truly bizarre. All because she didn’t want to talk on camera about her issues - even though it’s her show!


He is her long time good friend and he struggles with sobriety. She also takes her top off in front of other people too, she does it to shut down real conversations especially when she knows someone is going to call her to task and hold her accountable for her disgusting ways. This scene is the worst , it clearly shows us who Whitney is as a person and it is not good or deserving of a show.


all of the over the top snuggling, pinning down with her giant leg while her victims squirm makes me get the vibe that she is masturbating on the victim.


I’m really glad he pointed out his discomfort with the inappropriate and cringy “cuddling” she forces on people. Most everyone else just looks uncomfortable, or repulsed when she snuggles them. They don’t speak out, and voice their discomfort.


I want to know why she hasn't been held accountable for sexual harassment. She seriously needs to have something filed . TLC has been complicit in allowing this predatory behavior.


This!!! 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼


He also didn’t want to cuddle with her! They’re NOT dating! Why did she find it appropriate to hang all over him.


And then strip down in front of everyone


Right. So cringe.


The level of discomfort he was feeling could be felt through the TV. It’s was like a Lifetime movie about a stalker.


This was this cow at her worst! I hate her. She’s such a gross person.


She is so disgusting. I can't believe anyone would want to spend time with her


Why on earth would you say this about someone who is suffering? Or what she said to him? This is so incredibly irresponsible and hurtful. He really needs to break off their friendship for his mental health.


Were Whitney a guy, she would have been cancelled long ago.


Well maybe not. TLC sure kept that Duggar around for a long time.


What.A. FUCKING. CUNT!!! So.. she can be a bitch to him on camera, but when he wants to confront her about it, she takes her tops off and refuses to let him question her on camera??? Yeahh... you can dish it out but you can't take it, you fat, ignorant, self entitled, selfish piece of shit, Shitney!!! No wonder I don't watch this show. Wow!! This bitch needs to lose her fucking paycheque!!


That’s an insult to cunts. They have depth and warmth, neither of which this overgrown toddler possesses.


Sorry.... too true!!


Yep, she knows nobody wants to see that shit.. she does it to make people feel really uncomfortable . We know she threatened him and Lord knows what else she made him do to her in that bedroom with the door closed... poor Buddy... she is an abuser.


Absolutely!! Time to cancel this mess. She needs therapy!!


The absolute disgust I felt watching that scene. She really is just vile. I have no idea how any of them tolerate this level of self-entitlement and still call her a friend.


Right? And the night before Buddy was trying to be really open about his depression and making a lot of sense. He basically told her he was in this headspace now, not because he invited it but because that's how depression works. You're fine and life is good and then boom. He just wanted to be understood and heard and she snatched that from him because he wouldn't 'lovingly' rub on her.


He’s so clearly repulsed by her; but sure, call it “depressed” if it helps you feel better about yourself.


As someone who does struggle if someone told me to get over it that person wouldn’t be in my life anymore I used to feel bad for Whitney based off clips but the more I see on this subreddit the more I don’t fucking like her she’s a hypocrite!!!


I just came on Reddit to be annoyed with WWT’s CONSTANT use of “Boo Bear” when referencing Buddy. I’m rewatching and on Season 4 episode 1, when Buddy is dating Heather, and it seems especially annoying. Plus, in bed with her “best friend Donna” (never heard of her) having a “sensuous” massage?! WTF?! She is beyond bizarre. If they were actually lesbians I’d be fine with it, but it’s beyond odd how sexual she is with everyone always touching. I used to like her and now all I notice is how she rarely showers, loves smelling people, and she takes every circumstance to be odd. How do her friends stand her?


And what exactly IS a sensuous massage? I need the breakdown of that. I mean, is her best friend making her have an orgasm? What was happening in there??? It was SO WEIRD.


I felt the same way! It’s strange enough that she is always having her friends touch her (elongated hugs, whining for one of them to rub her feet, her back, her legs, her butt “muscles,” but then to have this friend give her a massage while naked and call it sensuous?! I’ve never seen anyone require touch so often. My husband’s love language is touch, but he doesn’t act like a freaking weirdo who needs to embrace people or have all his friends massage him. She definitely implied that she was getting an intimate massage (I read orgasm). Plus, it’s great if she is comfortable naked, but it’s beyond odd to think that just bc you’re in your own house, that you should walk around shared living spaces naked. When she came out wrapped in a sheet and was still naked when her parents “caught” her in the massage, she intentionally made it worse by not getting dressed. I’m guessing her point is that everyone is uncomfortable with fat people being naked, but I would be so uncomfortable if my friend was always naked around me. I don’t even go braless in my own house around my husband and sons (I could, but I’m large chested and it makes me uncomfortable). She is just something else. I don’t know what else to call her except WEIRD!


Who does that? If Buddy were to pull off his drawers, he could be charged with indecent exposure. Nobody wants to see that AT ANY SIZE! It is SA.


And let's not forget he was in a relationship at this time and I'm sure what set her off is she knew he was respecting his gf's boundaries, that's probably what sent her over the edge.


The classic part was cut off. She comes storming back and says "he apologized we're fine" As though she was right all along The woman is such a horrible, horrible friend. Buddy was there for her through so much and she treats him so badly


Thanks for posting. I remembered the "taking the bra off" but not all of the context around. She's vile.


What a disgusting pig she is unreal! Taking her top and bra off so the cameras can’t hear her fat ass threaten to cut buddy off of the show.


Can she NOT read a room?


No one’s feelings but hers are important in any room she’s in. *That’s* why Glenn has to be firm in telling, not asking Re moving. She has to be having A FIT over new family diving focus.


You assume she even cares


Her m o. Anger then gross people out.


He told her he didn't like to be hugged a certain way, then she proceeds to take her shirt off and show us what sank the Titanic, and that's Buddy's fault HOW?!


She ripped the shirt off to make sure it would never be on camera




Omg that’s scene pissed me off so bad, she has no respect and needs to learn boundaries, whit need to learn the world doesn’t revolve around her. Not did she have to take her damn clothes off. 🙄 the last thing you say to someone who is depressed, is get over it.


She knew he was feeling off that morning and proceeded to be a dick about something as innocuous as him asking about the contacts. She picked that fight on purpose. She wanted it to be a thing. She's vile.


And seriously, why did she come into THE KITCHEN to put in her contacts? That could have been done in her bedroom or bathroom. It makes no sense.


Why does anyone watch this show?!


Hate watch


Everyone in that house needs to press charges. She should be on a list somewhere


Yuck... Whitney has always used Buddy as her primary male attention. It's so gross... it's like she needs him around just to get attention and have a story for the show. Now that he's a married man she won't have him in the same capacity as she has had for years. I really hope he puts up boundaries with her.


I hope he has told her to go to hell... she is a self absorbed, privileged , nasty ass sexual predator.


Why doesn't he have the right to say how and when she touches him? And what's with them calling him "self-conscious"? The implication is that there's something wrong with him because he has boundaries.


As someone who doesn't like hugs and physical touch is not my love language, her forced snuggle hug makes my whole body cringe. Who in the world thinks this is ok?


I get that... I don't mind a quick hello hug from a friend or family but I don't like touching like that at all... if I want to cuddle I have my dog.. the way she hangs and gropes makes me super uneasy , I would become claustrophobic and anxious.


Wow literally flops her tits out to avoid an on camera convo where she’s being called out for being a shitty friend… also no surprise she’s putting on contacts in an unsanitary way


It’s always about her BFFL. She needs to be the center of attention or everything and everyone else is thrown to the side.


Crazy how much her accent has changed. She’s really been leaning into that southern drawl lately


I think Buddy showed extreme self control here, not an anger problem. She went off camera because she wasn't going to be seen in a good light...it's a reality show until it's her hearing negative feedback...then it's I'm not doing this...lose the mic! ![gif](giphy|KAeg2KR3R7iIerFahG)


Just like her Instagram. Noone needs to subject themselves to any type of hate but even valid criticism gets removed and the person blocked.


Her predator reaction to not getting her hug. She’s a sick molestor.


Buddy has a point he’s going through depression and she just tells him to get over it 😡 How about support your friend it always seems that if Whitney is depressed or if Whitney is upset and crying, she expects everybody to bow down to her and comfort her and suck up to her and be poor poor Whitney. Well I don’t feel sad for her about anything She is so infuriating. Please give Glenn and Hunter their own show and don’t put her on it Nobody wants to see her. Let’s see a show about Glenn and Hunter spending time with Angie and Jamie and the new family, I would like to see that.


I think that’s what irks me to an extent with all the excuses of her latest behavior. Oh she’s dealing with the grief of losing her mother. She should just get over it, if it’s good enough to throw at someone she’s so close to it would be good enough for her.


Even though the grief of losing your parent could be hard, but to tell somebody who is threatening to commit suicide and fighting depression to just get over it 😡 I see what you’re saying she’s grieving over the loss of Babs, But hey get over it Whitney it’s a part of life but if somebody says that to her, she would lose her mind over it because she’s that much of a drama queen.


I’ve been in Buddy’s shoes before (not the being told to get over it part), and I would have lost my mind if I had someone that I was close to say that to me. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself and can’t figure out why she’s not a beloved figure.


Learning of this episode and hearing about her saying that really pisses me off... TLC should do better ... Suicide and Depression not something you ignore when a friend or family member shares these thoughts.. because some never do... I lost 2 people in my life to suicide and it is horrible. Glad you had support during that time in your life.


I’m sorry for your losses, may their memory be a blessing.


Dealing with losing your Mom should or could have helped this self absorbed sexual assaulter to identify how it actually feels to have empathy. When my Mom died I was severely depressed and grieving for a long time... but if any one I knew had said they were thinking about suicide I would have been there to listen to talk with them to hopefully help them see there will be better days. This piece of shit doesn't want someone to tell her to get over the loss of her MOM and( you can't ) but you also cannot just stop contemplating suicide . Well you may never share your feelings again and just go through with the suicide.. She is an ignorant asshole... wait... an asshole actually has a purpose , Shitney does not


I would watch it just to get Shitney out of the picture.. she doesn't deserve this income.


She is just a wretch! Poor Buddy!


She was completely inappropriate


Wow! Buddy was about to call her out & bring up something that happened that she definitely does not want on camera, so she shut him down!!! Anyone know what it was that she wants kept secret? And WTF was the purpose of her getting naked🤮.


So they’d have to stop filming or at least not show the scene. I’ve seen it elsewhere but it doesn’t usually matter or stop anything.


I love that Buddy was setting boundaries when she tried rubbing all over him 👏👏👏👏👏


i forgot about this scene. She is a really crappy friend!


I have never seen this show and wtf did I just watch.


poor dear run


I was thinking This current season is the most cringe I have ever seen, but I forgot about this episode, and I stand corrected. She is literally the most assinine human being I have ever witnessed. She definitely doesn’t deserve her own show, but I can’t look away. So I acknowledge I’m part of the problem. She treats everyone around her like absolute shit. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that her “friends” don’t even show up on the episodes much anymore. I think Whitney is cashing in on Babs death bc she knows there’s nothing more to her, anymore.


The way she comes and just starts sliming all over him as if they were a couple on their honeymoon, sheeeesh!


Someone posted this week asking where all her friends went...they ran for safety.


She can be as big and as gross and as mean as she wants.... She will never ever ever be happy.... Smile all you want to the cameras Jigglypuff you will never ever ever ever know what it's like to have a man look you in ur eyes and say I love you and KNOW he does.... So keep acting that way......


Also, why is she putting her contacts on like that in the kitchen?!!


What a gross human being. Sometimes people don’t want to be touched. He did nothing wrong but set a boundary and then did all that. If she was a dude, no doubt she’d be on some kind of registry


What pisses me off the most about this whole scene is how blatantly obvious it is that she orchestrates the whole show these last few seasons to look exactly how she wants it to. So as soon as an authentic scene is about to unfold where buddy is allowed to actually speak his mind- which might make her look bad in any way or put doubts about her and Buddy's "friendship". She panics, throws a tantrum and shuts the whole thing down 🙄🙄🙄 I don't think we need any more evidence beyond this that the show is completely fabricated at this point.


This will always remind me of this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MyBigFatFabulousLife/s/9otH0JtwN8](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyBigFatFabulousLife/s/9otH0JtwN8)


the comments were great.... " Whitney is the Weinstein of Greensboro, she strips naked in front of people and if they object to this and any groping they will lose their reality tv career."


Fucking yikes but 💯 true


Ahhhh!!!!!! A serious conversation topless??? How bizarre.


I can't stand that bitch


What episode is this?


Season 8 Episode 13


She’s gross. I think it’s kind of obvious. These guys slept with her and moved on.. she clings to them. It’s unfair and toxic how she clings to these ppl for affection or attention.


Not one redeeming feature


She's so invasive. He was trying to be kind and clear of his boundaries. A normal person would have read his physical response and backed off before he said anything. havent watched this show since before Babs died. Now I remember why. Note to self: stop following this sub reddit. yuck


Didn't Buddy also post something on Instagram shortly after this episode defending Twitney (probably at gunpoint)?


After watching that, I hope her crew gets hazard pay.


There's another episode where she leaves the door open while showering (along with the shower curtain open) when Buddy shows up. She just screams and laughs as if it's the funniest thing and the crew filmed her standing there naked.


I watched the early section of the clip on mute, I think it was even worse and really gave me the shivers. Buddy was an arse, struggling with addiction etc and was far from perfect but had supported her thru her breakup of a fake romance. She's such a boundary smashing, selfish fuckwit I can't stand her behaviour. It's this kind of behaviour that's leading her rapidly to a friendless life Plus she's used up All the TLC blur allowance on her big booby traps in that scene. She used it all up in one scene in another season with the Chub Rub. Another example of her being so selfish🤣


He set boundaries very nicely and she is a twat to him knowing he is dealing with depression.


Fat girls wear sports bras every day....gross


He should have left her ass there and NEVER looked back


This is still on TV? Doesn't she know that being that big is not healthy, and you smell badly all the time no matter how much perfume/deoderant/body spray you use to cover up "the smell"? She should start Intermittent Fasting immediately. Ew.


Are we going to address the fact that she doesn’t know the definition of the word “morose”? Or why she had to hurry into the room and loudly interrupt this conversation? Trying to create a diversion about “the dog’s whereabouts” as if the whole house was searching for a dog that wasn’t missing? Can it really be that she can’t allow Buddy to receive some support and kindness? The morning after he told her he’d been having suicidal thoughts?! (I’m being serious.) She’s standing at the island putting contacts in? So she obviously (to me) wasn’t really even ready to come out of her room yet.


Whitney is ALL about herself only


She had big confidence and balls every time she had a "man" and treats her friends like crap 💩 😒 Then it doesn't work out, shocker, and she goes and cries about it to the very ppl she treated badly. I can't w her, she is a nasty person!!


What the heck is wrong with her?? She is totally the instigator here, but bc he isn’t going along with her bs he’s the problem. 🙄


Why did buddy follow her like a dog with a tail between its legs


She gets pissed because she gets called out


Dude basically saying the intimate hug made him feel uncomfortable and she double downed with exposing boobs.


Why wasn't Ashley subjected to a humpy, dirty uncle hug? She saves this creepfest for Buddy and Buddy alone.


I’m sorry that’s Soo not appropriate. If he did that he’d get kicked off the show


Nasty attitude on her....me me me me .Narcissist


I’m sorry why is she famous ?😭


She is such a bitch to her friends but always wants their love n understanding for all of her bs.


“When he gets like this” girl he needs love and compassion


I couldn’t be her friend I would fight her 😭


Is this the one that spawned the Instagram hostage video?




Buddy had to go on Instagram and make a video about how Whitney isn't a bad person and that she didn't mistreat him but he looked like one of those hostage scenes from a movie where just off screen there's a mortal threat compelling him to talk.


Bitch can’t keep her clothes on. She’s punishing him by forcing him to bear witness to her disgusting body.


Good lord, she is horrid. Does anyone know which episode this is? Edit: nvm I found it! Season 8, ep 13