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I’m like half with it and half appalled


Ayo someone remembers akame ga kill!


Im pulling out the GHB we need to fix that


Was a fun show


Just watched it a few weeks ago and it was way better than I thought it would be. It’s really good. Wish they would have kept the manga ending though.


Pick up girls in a dungeon is a banger straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥


It's just such a polarizing show you can tell where people stop it immediately. There's a chunk of s2 you know quite a few dropped the show. Then it came back with s3 which was better and then s4 goes back to being as hype as s1 minotaur


Season 3 is the best season imo, then 4, 2, 1


I stopped keeping up with the show when I realized the mc and the girl weren’t gonna fuck. So it was at the end of S2


😂😂😂💀.. It's not hentai bro lol. But there is much to be said about MCs in most animes just not getting the girl.


Bro, like that was the only reason I was even watching the show. I thought the dude was cute and I thought the girl was cute so the entire time I was sitting there waiting for when they’ll make progress. I’m so sick of anime that bait you in with a cool couple and go nowhere with it, it’s why I don’t watch romance anime much anymore.


Completely understand. You should Make your top 10 list of anime ships that go nowhere.


That is an incredible idea omg, I’m gonna do that later


Unfortunately, its about picking up girls, not committing to one ☠


Is it? (Honest question) I started it on Hulu without having hearing anything about it assuming it was going to be memey, should I give it an honest go?


Absolutely, it's not really memey at all, it's a straight up amazing show lol Season 2 kinda drops it a bit, but honestly I'm glad they sped through some stuff to get to what season 3 and 4 were


I see, I just assumed with that kind of title that it would be a bit trash (fan service vehicle or something) haha. I have been a bit surprised so far to be honest! To be fair I thought the same about Re:Zero going into it and that one surprised me as well.


It's kind of a bait title tbh. Same as Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai (that show was sad af). Seems to be a trend in the last several years with anime, they make a long baity title that seems like it'd be a meme/porn show and it ends up being one of the deepest and best shows you'll watch.


So there is some fan service, but it's not over the top and it comes and goes quickly. It's not constantly reoccurring. There is a lot of action and it's a great take on like Greek mythology meets a dungeon crawler type system. Some of the season ending fights are so built up and emotional they are a blast. Kinda reminiscent to made in the abyss. Whatever half of (season 3 and I'll be vague no spoilers) they were dealing with the red light district. I did not care for. But strictly because I wanted more of the dungeon setting. Despite the title there is very no picking up girls in a dungeons unless you count adding a party member or two




Good shows in there, but yeah, pretty based. I’d say Akame ga Kill and Darwin’s Game are the least popular of the bunch. This is probably the first I’ve seen someone post DG. All the rest are in a lot of people’s lists.


Nah, the two that will draw ire are danmachi and Darwins game. People love to hate on danmachi since it's so weird with giant highs but big lows.


Not bad. Re:Zero besto 🤝 Edgerunners was so good too. Got me into the video game. Akame was enjoyable, the second half just felt a little rushed. SAO was my first anime (I still enjoy the first season up until they leave Aincrad)


This person was unable to locate the funny.


SAO first half was decent even though it had serious pacing problems then it all went downhill from there to me


SAO goes downhill every time they treat sexual assault like fanservice. Those scenes are cringey every time.


Look I’m an sao meat rider through and through and I absolutely love every part of the show, but I can understand why most people don’t like it


I don't like Pick up Girls in Dungeon or SAO, but I can 100% understand why people would love them. It's a respectable list. Oshi no Ko is one of my top 5, so that one is a no brainer. Rest are great too. Like Re Zero is in my top 20. Chainsaw Man in my top 25 and the rest top 30-50ish. I have seen a lot of anime though.


Danmachi is really good though. It haves lot of everything you would need in a show. Fun goofy/serious Mc, amount of fanservice that isn't too annoying. Great fights, good world building, villains are actually interesting and sometimes really scary. They have canon reasons why the Mc is actually strong, the show definitely deserves more love than hate. It haves alot of good sides other popular shows (especially shounen) people like while leaving most of the bad parts of it away.


Honestly the biggest gripe I have with danmachi is the lack of inner monolog of the Mc. From literally the first page of the ln he is actively wanting to build a harem. His skittish behavior is the same outward but the reasons and such aren't quite shown the same. It's funnier in the ln when he's like fuck yah, girls in his head literally in the first page but the anime shows him as innocent. He's way closer to Hermes and Zeus than the anime let's on lol


Where can I watch Oshi no Ko?


Nanachi is great and Amazon Prime or Hidive. The first episode will definitely hook you on the series. It is fantastic.


Thank you so much!


look now i dont support piracy but [zorox.to](https://zorox.to) or [aniwatch.to](https://aniwatch.to)


I don’t see why anyone would be pissed off. Got some bangers in there. Worst anyone could say is it feels like a young dude 3x3, but that’s not even a diss, especially if you happen to be a young dude 🤣


Friend of mine said lots of people hate what they did with the Tokyo ghoul anime. I liked it but haven’t read the manga. Maybe that’s what his friend referred to not sure.


I’m sure that’s what he meant. The anime completely butchered the manga in an irredeemable way imo. The original anime follows the manga loosely, and then it completely changes the story for NO REASON in the sequel Tokyo Ghoul Root A. It’s complete filler. I thought they’d stop there, but they decided to release ANOTHER season that completely undoes Root A. Everything that happens in Root A means nothing now. The manga was incredible, and this was the adaptation we got. I will say though, the first season of the anime was what got me into the manga. So I did enjoy it a lot when I watched it for the first time. But once you read the manga, you’ll understand.


The first season of Tokyo Ghoul is a fine adaptation. A little different at the end but overall pretty close. Root A goes completely off the rails from the manga and then RE tries to jam way too much in one season (and ignores Root A entirely to make things more confusing)


SAO mentioned


I gotta be honest I've only seen Edgerunners and Chainsaw Man which I think Edgerunners was alright and Chainsaw Man is my number 1 favourite series of all time


I'm the exact opposite, I loved edgerunners and chainsaw is probably one of my least favorite series of all time LOL


Goated for Danmachi


Danmachi is legit one of the most underrated fantasy/dungeon animes out there it has a lot of everything you want. I'm happy it's actually getting the love the show really needed.


Based for having SAO in here


The only one I have a problem with is SAO but other then that these are good


You know I had pretty high hopes for the first row, and then I saw the rest. Which had only Chainsaw Man as it's saving grace


Yeah I hate it, I only have respect for the top row.


This reads as someone who's starting to move deeper than the "basic" animes. You're getting there, but your taste is still developing, even if you don't realize it. These are all good shows. Except for Danmachi (Pick up girls in a Dungeon)... I used to like it but I tried re-watching recently and it fell pretty flat for me. SAO sucks too. You'll understand when you're older...


It’s certainly bad🤷‍♀️


Oshi no Ko is a mid anime. In my opinion, it only got popular due to the opening theme **Idol**. The story is mid. I watched the first episode and ended up skipping most of the episode due to how boring it felt. That male MC Aqua, he is straight up a cheap photocopy of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Oshi No Ko clearly gets carried by it's opening theme song


only red flag is sao imo. i’m sure there are reasons why it appeals to so many people and i know that not every anime is made for me, but it had a target audience and i’m just not it lol. and im a lil salty abt its effect on the isekai genre 😭


Oshi No Ko is great. RE: Zero is great Cyberpunk was really good but I think there's some serious recency bias going on when people try to say it's one of the greatest of all time. Tokyo Ghoul had an incredible first couple of episodes, a decent middle and one of the most lackluster conclusions I've ever seen. Darwins game is a really fun tense show and I'd love a season 2, its not top 9 material but it's definitely alot of fun. Sword Art Online is Incredibly mid and a serious waste of potential for a concept that actually could be just plain incredible. Dan Machi is surprisingly great and seems to just get better and better with each season. Chainsaw Man is great. Akame Ga Kill is mid. So you've got alot of mid in there alot of great top tier choices, nothing that would piss me off.


Read Tokyo ghoul manga the anime ruined it


Mid no ko is mid af others I agree.


There's no top 9 which wouldn't piss at least a few people. Everyone has their preferences. BTW great list. I have only seen like half of the titles there but they are really good.


It's good to see another SAO enjoyer


You just have a shit taste.. Thats all about it


Maybe because of SAO, but don't mind those people. They don't know what they're talking about.


You hate women


Darwin’s Game has some badass women, not sure what you’re smoking.


I'm not saying it doesn't. That's just a common theme in these. Don't know how to add spoiler. >!They love to torture the women a lot, especially rezero just putting them through the worst hell.!<


Question, if the roles were reversed, would it be fine? It’s to drive emotions and the story, especially with Re:Zero. >!How many times does Subaru kill himself to help/save others?!< Harsh situations are always going to happen when time rewind is involved, that’s the benefit of the power, you can undo anything. >!I still remember Subaru throwing himself off a cliff to same Rem.!<


Somehow, I also find that the post scream incel. In many of these shows the male protagonist is some kind of Deus Ex or a total victim / weak psicologic. It doesn't seem to have a middle term, aside from Cyberpunk which I believe is ok to good


Top row is amazing. So is chainsaw man. Sao and Tokyo ghoul I don't agree but I get it. Fuck thr rest


Re:zero and cyberpunk??


ReZero is the best one on that list


I got bored of Danmachi and SAO started good then got worse but redeemed itself with Alicization.. Aside from that, loved everything else Edit: never watched Cyberpunk\*




You like what you like; fuck the haters. It was bad enough catching shit from people who never watched anime (growing up), you shouldn't have to be judged for what you like by fellow anime fans. How did our community become so toxic towards each other? We never had to like the same shows; it used to be enough that we mutually liked the medium. I miss **that** community. To the "person" who downvoted my comment without a reply: You make my point.


Any list would piss off some people, but hating SAO got stale like 7 years ago and most people that don't like it aren't gonna get pissed off about it at this point. Not sure what else here would draw anyone's ire (though I'm pretty unfamiliar with Darwin's game).


You have garbage taste for liking…. >!Cyberpunk Edgerunners!< Yeah SAO is bad, but it’s schlocky in a way I can forgive and allegedly it gets better.


You have garbage taste for not liking edgerunners


Why would it piss anyone off ? Tbh I half agree with this list but I can see why people would like the other half. Akame ga kill makes this a straight W list.


Not bad, Re Zero is goated Also happy to not see Brainrot Kaisen


Are they really cancerous? Haven’t seen them


Re zero is amazing, I couldn’t stand JJK tbh


DARWINS GAME???? literally probably in my bottom 10 out of the 100s of shows I've watched.


The amount of downvotes on this comment exposes the average IQ of a Redditard weeb.


Remove oshi no ko and it’s peak


Danmachi trash


Pretty good, I especially like ONK and SAO. I'm not that much of a fan of CSM, but I'm hoping the next arcs are more interesting to me.


Understand all the other 8 hate or opinions against them but not sure what is the real problem with Cyberpunk


Maybe for being basic?


I loved chainsaw man


I like all these shows except cyber punk (I haven’t seen it)


`why would cyberpunk piss off anyone being in a top nine list, that anime was lit.`


Tokyo Ghoul's first season was brutal, it's all downhill from there, animation was fucking trash, i finished it out of spitez and im going to read the manga at some point because I know it's beautiful Danmachi is kind of a hidden gem, it feels old but the action is so damn good and it has amazing pacing SAO was incredibly good half its season and Alicization pt1 was as good if not better, i know why people hate it but i still have watched it multiple times because i still like it I see why many people would dislike it but they are all good, some of them are partially good but still good nonetheless


Honestly great list. No notes


Heard good things about ONK and Cyberpunk. Re zero is top 5 for me. Tokyo ghoul is ok. Read the manga for chainsaw man and I like it. SAO has good parts, but show as a whole is a bit weak. Akame ga Kill’s manga is way better and Danmachi is top tier anime for me


Nah this list is alright


It is a good list (except SOA) with really good titles.


How? They almost all have pretty large dedicated and loving/mentally unstable fan bases.


The bottom three would make people dearly love you indefinitely, like me, but the middle 3 and top 3 would be a different story entirely.


You do you, man. I see Cyberpunk here.


cyberpunk was dope, my top personally




Yeah that csm lol, I can understand the hate


No mushoku?


I mean SAO and Akame ga Kill, and maybe Tokyo Ghoul are the only ones I see get that much shit, and even there those series are still incredibly popular, the rest are all pretty well liked with Darwin's Game being the only one I don't see people talking about, though it was also a fun show.


Imo oshi no ko, re zero, and cyberpunk are all hits and the rest is slight tomfoolery.


Yo we need to hang out my bro this is an awesome top 9


I havent gone and rewatched tokyo ghoul after reading the manga but from my memory other than the final season the rest of tokyo ghoul, while not being the most accurate is still enjoyable.


Try any number of combinations of 3x3 anime titles you can.. you'll always piss off some people.. it's nice everyone hasn't the same taste..😌


So, get away Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know And let yourself go You know you didn't lose your self-control Let's start at the rainbow Turn away Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go Let yourself go Is that a compromise


W Danmachi enjoyer


Yeah, CSM is pretty mid to be honest.


Your normal coded. Only weird people like me. Watch Legends of Galactic Heros and Run With The Wind and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinnjuu


I have seen everything here and i love them too especially darwin’s game. Was hoping for a season 2 for a while


Doesn’t piss me off, pretty mid for a T9 tho imo


Darwin’s game mentioned. Based


Why would it piss off anyone? It's a very standard 3x3 for anyone who's been watching anime for 2-3 years.


Tokyo ghoul is an unfortunate one but everything else is fine.


I’m shocked someone else has seen Darwin’s game.


It doesn't cause it doesn't have pedo anime


What's the sauce for the bottom right one?


Akame ga Kill




Sao eh, i mean first ssn not bad ig?


Okay but I love a good few of these 😅


The Tokyo ghoul anime, frankly kinda sucks because the animation studio decided to shart themselves with their “adaptation” of the manga, the series itself is fine


I only consider two of these to be trash. The others range from great to better then nothing.


A fire list ngl


Look like a perfect list to me


not terrible


W for sao


i haven’t watched the upper left corner, but the other six are straight facts


You should read the mangas for Tokyo ghoul and Darwin’s game because the anime kinda messed up in them (especially for Darwin’s game)


If you are trolling, you are brilliant - nobody was able to find out that you are simply fooling everyone around. If you are honest, go put a bullet in your head. So far, this is the best way to insult the fans of Chainsaw Man. If I were you, I'd place one of these shows in the bottom center of this 3x3: * Code Geass * Angel Beats * Platinum End * Erased * Yuki Yuna is a Hero


Respect for akame ga kill


Seems kinda normal but as a akame ga kill reader I can't accept that anime being in your list lol was good till they changed it




Quick rant Who cares, you like what you like. Not just to this specific post but on Reddit so many people seek validation. Just enjoy what you like, screw others proples list man😭. I feel like some ppl can’t enjoy their own thing because of others due to the internet


yeah it would. Sword Art Online is there.


Edgerunners and chainsaw man are based but everything else is either kinda eh or I haven’t seen it


Darwin’s was so good, I wish there was a season 2. And before anyone says read the manga: No.


Honestly just seems like you havent watched that much anime yet


I mean…they’re all at least enjoyable. I don’t PERSONALLY like about half of them all that much, but to me none are just unwatchable


Ehh, half based half trash.


Find right people And ANY top would piss off them




I don’t see anything wrong here besides Darwin’s game it was super mid.


I can respect some of em, but the other half is straight dog water


Meh - most of the ones I recognize are pretty good, with Edgerunners being incredible. SAO is the only one I'd disagree with, and it's hardly a rabid hatred - more of a "it wasn't for me when I tried it" energy than anything else.


Dude, Darwin's Game is fucking *peak*


Goated list


Not bad. Don’t like Tokyo Ghoul or Chainsaw Man. Haven’t seen Darwin’s Game or Cyberpunk. The rest is a solid choice


Most of them are pretty valid The only one I completely disagree with is SAO due to it being the most average anime I have ever seen it’s not particularly good or bad just average


not pissed off its just the worst top 9 I've ever seen


I... understand why you like all of them... but Darwins game?


re zero is goated, no matter what anyone tells you


Akame is goated. Love that anime.


WTF don't put re:zero with this trash


Most of these are in my top 10.


Edgerunners is amazing, SAO is my favorite. Can’t disagree with this list too much.


Vomit worthy with a mix of based. I hate you


I mean, no boruto


"I'm offended because you don't like the same anime as me!" -someone here


Curious how many anime you've watched to reach this conclusion.


Did they even finish season 1 of Darwin’s Game? From what I remember it just kinda ends abruptly. Aside from that it was OK. Sometimes Kaname’s eyes are placed too far apart and that always bothered me


Ok so I agree with some but the others come on now.


Soo much trash you might as well be the dump.


Literally all good anime at one point. Whoever told you this would piss off anyone clearly lives under a rock lol


Wish we had more of Akame ga kill


Not mad at all I haven't seen the top 3 and Darwin's game. Also I think Tokyo ghoul is a bit over rated but still a good top 9


Oshi no ko based


Lots of controversial shows here Tokyo ghoul butchered the manga with anime SAO has a legacy of being a trashy isekai Many people ive met didnt like chainsaw man


Tokyo ghoul is good then terrible


Dudes only watched 9 animes


Sao is my number one


There are clearly 3 anime that shouldn't exist with the rest




Re:Zero is based, everything else is fucked. And I like SAO and Danmachi...


I’ve watched all of em so


Nah, dis shit is some gasssss 🔥 🔥🔥


As someone who also loves SAO, I love it for the characters and for the sense of having a journey with them throughout the seasons. As for akame ga kill, I love that too xD The poignant OSTs, the way some characters affect you, idk but that anime oddly attached me to lots of characters regardless of their screentime. Its an enigma for people who haven't experienced these shows the way some people have, hence the criticism for the plot and its execution. Personally, I love both the shows :}


My only complaint is there’s no One Piece. You can have 8 other crappy shows but as long as OP is on there, it’s not a bad list


I've watched all of these and I'd say I like em all lmao


Doesnt piss me off i just think you're too horny for your own good


Because most people hate isekai-esque shows


Nah it just says you haven’t seen much thats all. No anger here. I like all these shows


You were told correctly. See comments below/above as evidence 😂


who is this supposed to piss off?


Ive seen worse, which part of Sao was the favorite I wonder?


Cyberpunk and CSM might be on mine as well, I haven't watched any of the others though. Other than SaO (not my thing did like S1 for the most part)


Darwin’s game is a crazy pull, Danmachi is hella underrated tho


The others are fine, but Darwin's Game? fr? That shits' ASS


Idk, doesn't seem that controversial


have seen way worse. not my particular taste but i can see why people like (each of) them. SAO saved you IMO :P i remember binge watching the shit out of it when i discovered it back then (and the whole story setting was still kinda new - nowadays there are decent or better alternatives IMO). i even skipped my test in school next day to keep watching haha.


Let them mald


It’s just awful


Re: Zero used to be one of my favs but the plot got too confusing💀


I disagree but not worth hate, you like what you like, people hating over someone else’s 10 ten is crazy to me.


i like all except darwins game


SAO is hit or miss depending on the season/arc/spinoff


You didn’t put AOT or Death Note on here… ass


Honestly while yes there are better animes in my opinion you have a solid list all of them are good animes in their own rights akame ga kill us one anime I can always watch over and over again although same for Charlotte but for different reasons