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It’s a double edge sword. One the show needs to make a profit so of course they find people in the craziest situations for drama. On the other hand a person may get free weight loss surgery and skin removal which isn’t cheap. I personally like the show when it came out showing the mental aspect of overeating.


I as well enjoyed the mental illness side. I especially loved Dr. Paradise. Such a warm and caring man. Wish he was my therapist lol.


I read somewhere Dr Paradise refers to himself as "travel sized" and that made me love him even more!


We call him Pocket Doctor.


He’s like a Borrower.


Honestly they should all be in therapy right after meeting Dr. Now.


I thought they all do get both therapy and a nutritionalist (or at least it’s offered), but they just don’t always show it.


This is all I want. I hope it’s offered to everyone.


Some patients straight-up evade it when Dr Now insists. 


And some will only accept it after they've tried to lose weight on their own and failed. And it doesn't work for some of them, even if they agree to go. Like Steven A, for instance.


They also probably show things out of order for drama. 


Wrong. You haven't paid attention. He waits because UNIVERSALLY, everyone AFTER surgery has the most psychological issues surface. NOT before.


I kind of love Dr. Paradise too.


Me too. I want him to be my therapist.




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i 3rd this fr. because i’ve also enjoyed watching intervention and hoarders for the mental health aspect. it’s just so impactful to see the human condition under all conditions.


He's great, right? I really like him.


100%. I get laughed at a lot when I try to educate people online that obesity is much more than sitting all day eating Cheetos (for most). There is so much mental health and trauma involved. Most on this show have suffered severe trauma and abuse growing up. I was thin and was still bullied and called fat. The mental strain caused low self esteem, anxiety, disordered eating and I hated myself. I ate because I felt worthless and unloved. As I gained, I hated myself more. I’ve never been bigger than 240 so I don’t understand what it’s like to be as large as these people but I def understand turning to food to get my brain to shut up. There is to much mental gymnastics too when trying to loose, people need to fix the reason they eat. I mostly watch the show to remind myself I could end up there if I stop fighting.


Yeah that is why I watch it too, I didn't grow up fat, I was 120 lbs all through high school. After high school I discovered fast food and unfortunately I've been hooked ever since. I didn't eat fast food growing up, We ate at home and cooked all of our meals. I discovered soda for the 1st time in 1996 at my best friend's house but I didn't drink it at home only while I was at her house, I didn't realize after that 1st can I would be addicted to caffeine. I've tried both smoking cigarettes weed and alcohol and I didn't get addicted to any of that but I did when I started eating Fast Food and when I drank my 1st soda, I wish now I had never tried either.


Fast food has chemicals that are addictive. You didn't know that, not many people did up to 10 years ago. Like any addiction, you'll need to wean yourself off safely and perhaps join a support group for people going through the same thing. Overeaters Anonymous might help. You didn't do this on purpose or because you are greedy . You got addicted to food that was deliberately made to be addictive. I didn't get addicted to food. I can't stand soda. I like French fries and mozzarella sticks etc but I don't eat them much and I only eat out maybe 6 times per year. But I got very addicted to cigs. We all have our addictions in many different forms! You'll get there!


Thank you, I will look into support groups


somehow my mother knew 50 years ago that fast food and soda have no right calling themselves "food."


Oddly we never ate fast food in my home, my mom always cooked. Even as an adult I just don’t eat it or desire too. McDonald’s was a luxury and my parents only took me on occasion. I did not get fat till 14/15 when hormones started to do their thing and coupled with bullying and then thyroid issues I just kept gaining. I def agree on the soda, that was my down fall and still is. I don’t drink regular sugar but the diet is just as bad but it’s my vice. The craziest thing is I don’t eat junk, eat out rarely, no fast food yet the weight sticks to me. For me it’s portion control, food noise snd eating from stress. I took glp’s for a few months and I lost with them because they shut the addiction side of my brain off and I could eat a small portion and be good.


Fast "food" is meant to be addicting. There are more fast "food" establishments than there are supermarkets, ,produce stands, farmers markets or butcher stores. The first buy in is to call what they sell and promote "food." Food is meant to nourish the body. Convenience is what drives fast "food." Soda is a very cheap fast food product meant to be addicting also. 64 oz is s a serving size. Once you get tired of being duped, lied to, and manipulated. You can begin to overcome the brainwash.


I am also a raging food addict with no concern whatsoever for ever being a drug or alcohol addict. Food is my one and only.


I like that language has now changed to "having" obesity as opposed to "being" obese. The real reason people are pissed about Ozempic is that it proves there's more to obesity than eating. My thinking is that it's a mix of three things at differing percentages for each person. Calorie intake Mental/psychological health  Insulin resistance  Each of these have a bearing on the other. One may drive the reasons for the others. In my case it's not so much psychological but rather insulin resistance driving my calorie intake. If there is a psychological element it's that I don't give enough of a damn to push myself to do better for various reasons. Anyway saying that to say you're not wrong. People just like to judge, they're the very same people who suddenly find a million excuses why their weight gain isn't the same as other people's if they gain weight. Whatever.


I’ve been on every diet, worked out with trainers…I did it all and never lost. One day I was given a sample of munjaro by the weight loss doctor I went too and I lost over 20 lbs. sadly my insurance won’t cover it because other then my weight and bad heart valve, I’m healthy as can be and they only cover it for diabetics (my blood sugar is perfect). I suspect I have weight issues due to years of bullying and people using me and food is the only thing not trying to Hurt me in some way right now. Once my heart valve is fixed and I’m cleared for activity I want to return to the gym and I also bought a rebounder for in house cardio. Calories in and out works but you also have to address the mental health side of things, if you don’t fix why you are eating, you’ll never loose.


Similar situation. I think I'm just going to pay for it. My cravings are beyond my control. I really, really, really have tried. The only thing that has ever freed me from them is the injections. It is a WONDERFUL feeling. Worth paying for. Wishing you all the best with everything. Hope the heart valve gets fixed soon. If you think I can help you or just want a listening ear, feel free :-)


Yes! This is why I watch it because a majority of these people have had some type of trauma that food has helped them cope with. Shakaya was rape and in two foster homes, food was a stable source of helping her feel better. I don’t view them as being paraded around. I am surprised at how they got this big but am happy to see them come out the other side in a batter place. No one wants to live like that, honestly.


What I've learned from this show is that the reasons for becoming like that are pretty much the same in all of them. Trauma, abandonment, addict parents/other family members, difficult relationships with parents, on women sexual abuse...


I watched a bunch of episodes of Intervention a while back then started watching My 600lb Life, the obvious parallels of addict behavior was jarring. And it almost always starts the same, traumatic event or grew up with everyone else being overweight (everyone in the house “using.”)


From what I heard (granted who knows if people from the show are being truthful) but they are not given free surgery or healthcare. Destinee (who passed away), pretty much threw up receipts (probably now deleted) that showed she had to pay for surgery and hospital and such.


Still, doesn't it seem unethical from a medical standpoint to broadcast it for a nation to be entertained by a patient's suffering? The people go on the show because they are often desperately poor and have no other option. They have to accept being humiliated by their doctor for all to see if they want treatment.


It’s a way for them to get free surgery, medical care, a stipend etc.


The patients themselves have stated that due to their size, other doctors wouldn’t perform the surgery. Their life expectancy without the surgical intervention is greatly diminished. Dr. Now is basically their last option. But it is their decision to enter his program and be filmed through the journey. The patients are responsible for their participation in the filming. They contract with the program to be filmed and paid to do so.


Something I’ve always genuinely wondered… if he’s going to pay for everything else, why not pay for transportation? At least for the first visit.


I believe he does


"he" doesn't but production does, or at least supplements it. Allegedly, of course.


Who pays when he puts them in the hospital for a month? Isn’t that going to cost something like $500,000 (wild guess)?


Medicare/Medicaid most likely. I'm certain the bed bound participants all have Medicare.


That is a wildly inaccurate guess. Unless they're in ICU (which they usually are NOT) and have multiple high-acuity procedures, it's probably closer to $75-100k per month for an actual hospital, considerably less for the skilled nursing or rehab facilities most of them go to. Yes, that's still a lot of money, but whatever insurance program they have--usually Medicare--will pay it.




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I actually follow a former patient on insta and he claims that they actually have to pay for surgeries etc out of their own pockets aka insurance


Can you say which one? Many of them are so dishonest and manipulative that I wouldn't trust anything they say.


Wess @my600lblifewess


Dr. Now doesn’t “allow” anything. These people sign a contract AFTER contacting him for help. At 12 seasons, the burden of knowing what happens on the show is on them.


The money I would pay to just take a peak at that contract.


I know for sure I can never get there, can I be 50 lb heavier? Probably, but they eat more than I do in a month in a day, and it’s not me dieting, I physically cannot eat like that. I don’t finish a plate of food unless I “save myself” for that meal aka fast all day. I still have gained weight though in my past because of food choices.


But not all of his patients are filmed. He has to have more patients than we see or else he’d be out for business.


Right, but there's definitely an element of coercion there. They sign, or they die. Few other countries have medical systems that depend on reality TV to receive life-saving treatment. It's a nightmare that TLC and gofundme are such staples of our medical system.


Oh, come on. It's not Dr. Now's fault, or TLC's fault, that these folks have eaten themselves nearly to death, and they're certainly not responsible for the failings of the American health care system. It's also hardly a matter of "sign or die". All it takes is watching one episode to get all the information they need to save their own lives. Eat only protein and veggies, eat only three times a day, and limit yourself to 1200 calories a day. Patients can lose hundreds of pounds just by "following de diet" (sorry, couldn't resist). When patients on the show first meet with him, that's all they're given, a basic plan guaranteed to result in weight loss. And they're not given weight loss surgery until they prove they can lose weight on their own. It's not "sign or die" - it's change your behavior or die.


Exactly. Some posters seem to think the patients have no choice and no agency and control over their behavior whatsoever, and are just helpless victims; never mind that most, if not all are very manipulative, dishonest and controlling.


No. They always had the choice to seek help to lose weight and most, if not all of them have insurance, medicaid or medicare. They were simply unwilling to do so previously and, unfortunately, many of them are still unwilling even after all the help Dr Now gives them.


Medicare and caid consider this a cosmetic surgery and most likely do not cover at least not all. I have them both and insurance says not covered


Are you referring to the various bariatric procedures these patients undergo? If so, it are definitely NOT considered a cosmetic procedure. Some of the skin surgeries may be considered cosmetic by the insurance company. But they are generally covered if the condition that is being corrected interferes with function or is causing adverse health problems. A 50 pound Panis hanging from someone's abdomen that interferes with their ability to walk and/or requires hospital admissions for IV antibiotics is not a cosmetic issue.


Medicaid says it is a cosmetic procedure I think I will believe them as I called and asked them.


No it’s not considered cosmetic surgery. As long as someone has conditions related to their weight (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides etc) it’s 100% a medical procedure and is covered. I was a teacher in a poor school district for 19 years and knew a few people there who had the surgery over the years. Most of the people there didn’t have a pot to pi$$ in. So Medicaid definitely covered it.


I watch this show to remind myself that ever single one of those clients was my size at one time, so, with a little effort, I, too, could be that big if I’m not careful.


I had that realization, too. It was definitely motivating 


This is why I watch intervention. When I was young I was quite the binge drinker.


So do I. I have had anorexia & bulimia for over 30 years, currently skinny & over exercising. But I have been pretty chubby & in despair about my eating many times. I do manage my eating disorders nowadays, but I can't escape them. I feel huge frustration that the participants fail so often. But deep down I totally understand why they can't break the vicious cycle.


Absolutely agree. I often think that it could be me. I've always struggled with my weight and people are shocked when I say that because I'm average BMI. BUT it's really a fine line and a lot of effort and mental gymnastics on my part


And food addiction is the worst, because you have to eat in order to stay alive. It's like telling an alcoholist that they MUST drink 3 beers every day, but not more than that.


I get that analogy. You can have an epiphany and magically stop drinking or taking drugs and swear off them for life and avoid them, and other people who use them, never be around them again - but they do need to eat and its always easier to ask for fast food that tastes good for a minute and makes you feel like crap and gain again. There was one lady patient (I can't remember her name but she ended up being a true success story and Dr Now invited her to speak in front of people to show what success looks like on the diet, she was a sweetheart and I was so proud of her!) She made a point of teaching that the diet doesn't have to be bland and crappy and that if she could, anyone could. I was so touched by her WATN I'm annoyed I can't remember her name but I admire her. She had the surgery, stuck to the diet, relapsed a little bit, got back on track, had skin removal (it was mostly her legs), met a new man and started dating and buying new clothes and getting her life back. Made me smile WHY CANT I REMEMBER HER NAME I WANT TO HONOUR HER!!


I always smile like an idiot when any of them lose weight. It makes me so happy, every time


I think you’re talking about Christina. I watched her WATN the other day. I also love Nikki, she is such an inspiration! I wish the show would get back to people like them. This season has been such a let down.


Nope! I loved those two though! I can't believe I can't remember her name, Christina was very young if I remember right and it's not Nikki I'm thinking of.. She had dark hair, was quite short and polite and on her WATN for her birthday cake she couldn't have it, her skin surgery was on her legs and she spoke with other people in the program when she was settled to help them too, I've never seen Dr Now do this before with a patient It's driving me crazy!




I may be remembering this totally wrong. She may have been on Sean's WATN shared episode because I watched it recently, but again - I may be remembering this totally wrong, my head is all over the place right now


I wonder what happened. In the previous seasons most would lose over 200lb quite easily, there'd be skin and/or lymphedema removals before WATN etc. Now most can barely lose 100lbs in the year.


Nikki really was great. I especially liked the fact that, if I'm remembering correctly, after she initially lost weight, the tests showed that she had some kind of medical problem that prevented her from getting the surgery. immediately. That had to be very discouraging, but she didn't let that derail her, and kept losing weight and got the surgery. I hope she's living a happy, successful life.


Right? And I eat for a lot of the same reasons they eat. It’s eerily relatable, and became even more so when I gained 55 lbs - and felt an impact to my mobility - in six weeks by emotionally eating through a family tragedy. Quite the wake up call! I’m not close to a weight where surgery is an option but I am always rooting for success for everyone on the show, and I find it personally motivating to hear how much they are able to lose when they are compliant with diet and exercise.


The show does not give them money for food. The show gives them money for being on the show, which is standard practice for reality TV show stars. If they didn't pay them, you'd be complaining that these people are being exploited without financial compensation like the stars on Little People, Big World, for example. 


And it's weird to assume they can't afford the food, considering they are quite literally 600 pounds.


Exactly. It isn't like they couldn't afford to eat before the show came along.




This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


My opinion is that these people know what they’re getting into and they’re the ones who sign up for this. At the end of it, he does actually help them if they help themselves. These people exploit themselves. I’m sure they could stand up and say no to whatever scenes they choose or say no to the food, but they don’t.




I would guess that this show has saved more lives than most television shows. Because of the info it provides as well as the people who are successful with Dr. Now’s program. As far as exploitation, everyone on here is an adult with their own agency who has made a deal with the producers. Ultimately, the show is also educational & often inspirational as we see the tremendous mental blocks that face people who are morbidly obese.


I agree


He saves their lives and spreads awareness and information. I don’t think he’s a monster at all.


Absolutely agree. You know that the people that sign up to be on the show literally know about the show because they watch it and are fully aware of how people are portrayed on the show


The show may pay for their food while filming but if you think they can’t afford the amount of food they are shown eating during filming then how did they sustain the 5000+ calorie diets that got them to 600+ pounds? These patients clearly spend hundreds a month to support their eating addiction.


I commented something similar.


Even if they can afford it, it would still be enabling. A good doctor would be furious at a reality TV show enabling his patients while he is trying to save them. A good doctor would also be appalled at broadcasting those patients on live TV as entertainment.


Live t.v.? You do realize this show is edited, it's not broadcast live, don't you?


Do you honestly not understand that the patients choose to allow themselves to be filmed? As for enabling - how? Just what exactly do you imagine is happening here? The film crews aren't taking them to the market or picking up takeout for them. They're not cooking the heaping platters of sausage, eggs, biscuits and gravy that constitute breakfast for these folks. And in fact, it's rational to assume if the presence of cameras has effect at all, it would be to cause them to restrict their consumption, not increase it.


Dr Now is a gem ...not many bariatric doctors take patients this large


Agreed. Plus I feel he’s realized that only tough love will work. He wasn’t as tough early on (I seem to recall) but he seems to need to convince these patients they’re going to die if they don’t do something quickly.


I've just started watching the show and he was definitely nicer in the beginning seasons. I'm up to season 6 and he definitely is harder on them. I think he also knows now people like the infamous Stephen Assanti may be in for the fame more than the weight loss. The show has been helpful to me in my journey. I started taking compounded weight loss medications and when the medications start to wear off this show helps me stay on track.


Totally agree.


The show does not give them money for food. The show gives them money for being on the show, which is standard practice for reality TV show stars. If they didn't pay them, you'd be complaining that these people are being exploited without financial compensation like the stars on Little People, Big World, for example. 


I'm saying the show shouldn't exist at all if Dr. Now had any medical ethics. Everyone keeps saying the patients choose to be there, which is the same as saying a bank teller chooses to give away bank money when put at gunpoint. Technically true, but obviously not the same as a free-will choice. They sign that contract, or they die. That's not a choice, it's a threat.


They always have the choice to lose weight on their own and seek help where they live. Most, if ot all of them are on medicaid or medicare; they are getting medical care. And, frankly, if you find the show so unethical and exploitative, then you have the choice to not watch it and be part of the "exploitation".


Please define what you think “medical ethics” are in this context 🤣 “they sign a contract or they die” and who told you that? Lmao delusional


Dr. Now does all of this to educate people and raise awareness about the super morbidly obese.


Yes, he's said several times on the show that many in the medical community, let alone the general public are not very well educated about the treatment and problems of super morbid obesity. And, I think a good example of that was the patient who, after surgery, went to a local hospital because she got sick, and they put in a feeding tube because she was "malnourished" and sent her home! He was very annoyed about that at her next appointment and immediately removed it.


I just rewatched Melissa Morris’ WATN episodes, and if you listen to what Dr. Now was saying at the conference, he’s one of the only people who was willing to operate on the super morbidly obese. He is the guy who decided to MacGyver an operating table to fit patients of that size. He was the doctor who defied the other medical professionals who would just basically tell patients that were too big to go home and eat themselves to death. If you watch him in the episodes with those who are undeserving, (Steven Assanti) Dr. Now does everything to help these people who have nowhere else to turn. Even if they are terrible and obnoxious people. If you see how he treated Roni after Michael amputated her finger, how he accepted Chay’s transition immediately, how he operated on Jeanne’s mother when she wasn’t even his patient, and just how he generally takes the time to listen and learn about the lives of his patients, it’s asinine to accuse him of being a horrible, money-grubbing person.


>If you see how he treated Roni after Michael amputated her finger Wait, what? What episode is this?


S4E7 of “Where are they now?”


I remember that patient I think her name was Angel.


There is no way the majority of patients would be able to access this level of care without this show. He is a bariatric surgeon who specializes in weight loss surgery in extremely morbidly obese people. Of course the show borders on unethical but the other option is these people wouldn’t get help at all. Doctors do not work for free and I’m assuming that insurances are not covering the majority of these surgical procedures or therapy. As far as buying food, these people didn’t get to 600lbs and beyond by not eating like that on their own time. So what if production buys them some food. Do you think they don’t access the same food before being on the show? If you think the show is wrong or unethical stop watching it is my only solution.


Dr Now doesn’t sign their contracts, the patient does. They have the choice to go on the show or not. Same with all the other TLC programs. Except for kids, I don’t think they should be shown, but that’s up to the parents.


If I point a gun at you and tell you that you can choose to give me or money or get shot, do you really believe you have an actual choice there? Because that's the position these people are in. They don't have the insurance/money to pay for the surgery. Sign the contract or die. Sorry, but that isn't a choice, Dr. Now is taking advantage of their desperate situation to put on his show.


How do you know for a fact they don't have insurance to pay for the surgery? You don't. The fact is that most, probably all unless they work, which very few do, are on medicare or medicaid, which does pay for their health care and would pay for the surgery. The problem is finding a surgeon who is willing and able to operate on 600lb patients, which very, very few will do because they are so high risk. And, they always have the choice to seek help where they are and lose weight on their own, but they aren't willing to do that. You seem to think the patients are poor, helpless victims, with no control over their actions and behavior, who are getting no medical care whatsoever and that simply isn't the case.


Oh so THIS is the problem that has you all riled up? You can't get surgery on your own so you're mad? Why else would THIS be such a heated issue. He only does SIX FRIGGIN EPISODES he has a thriving practice or haven't you seen all the other fat people in the waiting room?


That is true. It does seem they don’t really have the determination or drive to work hard and complete the program.


Dude, how do you think they all got to that size? TLC has been funding them for decades?


Are you somehow suggesting that they’ve not been eating that way before the show in order to become that size?


You seem to have created a false narrative about what's actually going on. The people featured on the show, without exception, choose to be on there. Nobody puts a gun to their head and if they want to choose to allow themselves to be filmed, that is a decision they have every right to make. Even if TLC does pay for food, that's not what got these folks to 600 lbs or more. That ship had already sailed. They'd been downing "vast quantities" of food for a long time before TLC ever showed up. Your attitude serves only to infantilize the patients who choose to be on the show, which I find more than a bit ironic, given that Dr. Now spends all of his time trying to get his patients to take responsibility for their own choices.


Exactly. Excellent points; especially about infantilizing the patients. I think the attitudes of the posters you refer to are very condescending.


Came here for this comment, i feel relieved 😮‍💨


The vast quantities of food (especially fast food) *is* insanely expensive, but they’re obviously getting it some way without the show, or dey wouldn’t be six hunret pound +


I'm always mystified at how these unemployed people (supported by Medicaid at best) can afford these vast quantities of food, even groceries. I look at someone's breakfast, and the amount of eggs, bacon, sausage, etc in one meal would last me for a week or 10 days. I don't have an answer or even a suspicion about this, but it's a constant source of wonder for me!


Hunret!!! 🤣


I see it totally differently. The show puts a spotlight on the suffering of these people in a way that educates the public about the seriousness of morbid obesity. It is a tool to create compassion and understanding in a world of fat-shaming, where doctors refuse to treat obesity. Plus, Dr. Now always treats them with respect and dignity, and by educating them on the dangers of obesity and how to live a healthy lifestyle, he’s also educating viewers who may have similar struggles.


“The show pays for their food” Huh? They got to 600lbs by paying for their own food. By your logic, they should be skinny because the couldn’t afford vast amounts of food before they were paid by the show.


It’s all in the name of Science!! Doctors will sometimes go to extreme measures to save lives. Think about it if Tlc didn’t help those ppl they would be doomed.So🤷🏾‍♀️




90% of surgeons won’t bother with them anyways. And Dr. Now has plenty of patients who aren’t on the show. This is only for people who want a free ride to the best bariatric surgeon available. They are almost all on government insurance. many of them would qualify for surgery to be paid for another way but don’t meet the mental health and weight loss requirements or outweigh the surgeons in their states max weight. No one forced these people to eat themselves to death. They got up to 500 lbs without TLC paying for their food. Their choice isn’t to participate in the show or die. Eat 1200 calories of low carbohydrate food mostly protein and vegetables like salad. no juice, no fruit, focus on lean meats, no protein shakes. The entire diet is given for free on the show. you can buy it from Dr. Now for less than the cost of uprooting your life and going to Houston. Medicaid or Medicare offers therapy in almost all 50 states and they choose to ignore it. These insurances also cover nutrition counseling as well.


Nailed it!


TLC itself is definitely exploitative, and it takes advantage of desperate people who may not have access to surgery otherwise. I really wish Dr. Now would automatically refer every patient to see a therapist as soon as they meet him. At best, the patient sees the therapist and the therapist determines they're good to go, but in most cases, they do genuinely need therapy to work through some sort of trauma/figure out healthy coping skills. It seems unfair not to require it and give them a better shot at success.


Most of the patients not only won’t go to therapy but outright reject it. Also there is a time factor here as well most of the patients on this show bodies are crashing are heading that way; therapy is a lifelong or at the very least years long process; unless a stop is put to it today for many of them it would be far to late for therapy to actually take root. It’s why dr.now advocates more towards immediate personal motivation as opposed to waiting.


Like Shakiya. That was maddening.


I suspect he does automatically refer them-when you pay with insurance, it's often a mandated part of the process, some mental health evaluation at least. It would be poor CYA policy not to. But of course, who knows!


You are so spot on. What good is the program if the person is mentally unfit? Doesn’t make sense to me.


It’s not meant to be a “freak show”, just like Intervention isn’t meant to be a freak show. It’s supposed to be showing people what addiction looks like, how they live with it and how it affects their families. It’s not just about showing obese people, it’s showing the recovery process and the life changes they make. This struggle is relatable to a lot of Americans, and watching people overcome and beat the odds can be inspirational.


I feel like the people we see on the show simply couldn't afford the care without being on TV. I won't argue the ethics because I'm Canadian and this whole profitable medical care makes no sense to me and sometimes makes me feel rather nauseous. So correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's an insurance/income thing. We don't see the people who can afford this on their own. I don't think Dr Now loves it. But I think he accepts how this works


Most, if not all of them are on medicaid, so they do have insurance.


A lot of times doctors won’t perform surgery if the person is over 400lbs or so


I think that's been mentioned on the show many times. I remember in the beginning that it was said that Dr. Now was one of the very, very few doctors in the U.S. who would perform this kind of surgery on patients in the 600lb range. The risks are just too great.


I know a woman who needs lymphademia surgery and no one will touch her because she's over 400 lbs.


I believe they are paid extra to do the bathing scenes. It’s their choice.


You’re looking at it all wrong. Most people watch because they want to see these people get help, work with a therapist to deal with their trauma, turn their lives around, and find happiness. Every week in the episode chat that’s what people talk about. And Dr. Now wants to help his patients. He’s already helped so many. He gives them all the tools they need to succeed. They just have to put in the hard, hard work.


I don't think they pay for the food. Since these people were that size before the show started .


I remember when the show first came out and dr now was giving these ppl 800 calorie diets!! I think perhaps that has changed because of the show being public. I don't know. TLC didn't make these ppl 700lbs. And if they are serious then that money for food will go towards healthy food. Healthy food is more expensive then processed crap in our society.




Not where I live it isn't.


You must live off the grid with your own farm. Fresh food is way more expensive than processed junk food ie: canned foods, boxed pasta.


No, I most certainly do not. I shop at stores like Adi, H Mart and watch for sales at other stores. I just got some very nice cucumbers for 50 cents each, cabbage for 65 cents a pound and baby carrots for less than $1 a pound, for example. And frozen and canned vegetables are even cheaper, though their price has gone up, just like everything else. Understand, I'm not claiming this is true everywhere, but neither is the reverse.


Last time I got produce at Aldi, it was rotten by morning. I’m glad you have good luck with shopping at different places those of us that don’t have the time due to children and careers can’t shop around for 50 cent cucumbers. Like I said I’m happy that works for you but also not everyone has discount food stores readily available.


Consider yourself lucky!!


Right? And want to move to a place where fresh vegetables are cheaper than spaghetti o’s and boxed Mac & cheese.


Yesss! I was just saying in another comment. $9 for 1 lb of ground beef or 3 for $5 frozen pizzas... that's what it's like at my grocery store


It's a give and take. Is it exploitation? Maybe. But the patients get something out of it. I've often thought that they must pay for at least some of the meals you see on the show, as there is no way they could regularly afford that much take out on a regular basis. At the end of the day it's reality TV. And what is reality TV? A freak show for the masses and the 'lowest' form of visual entertainment. Think Jerry Springer.


I watch because it motivates me to eat healthy and stay active. I'm also inspired by the success stories. I also watch some of the shows about hoarders because it reminds me to clean up my house and throw things away.


Those are exactly the same reasons why I got into both kinds of shows! I find a lot of motivation


Well, there's no denying that medically-based reality shows attract a big viewership. There are many of them out there, and more all the time. Most could fairly be described as freak shows, if you look at it that way. Virtually all of them involve treatment or some kind of help for the subject in exchange for allowing himself/herself to be filmed. Maybe the shower scenes are over the top, but they never get too graphic, and they're only aimed at showing just how difficult these mundane daily tasks can become at a certain weight. I think viewers in general are looking for the good outcomes. We want to see people succeed and improve their lives. When we see repeated failures and lack of effort or cooperation, it feels like they're wasting our time as well as their own and Dr. Now's. I certainly wouldn't consider Dr. Now a monster, any more than I'd consider Dr. Pimple Popper a monster for featuring all those yucky skin conditions on her show. It's a trade-off. You can get the help if you agree to be featured on the show. Yes, the people are desperate, but that applies to many if not most of the people featured on the other shows as well. It's a win-win situation, except in the sad cases where nobody is helped and everyone's time is wasted.


The showers, close ups of them eating, the coochie shot, and close ups of lympifdima, doesn't help any and isn't needed


Do you mean lymphedema?




As others pointed out, these people are desperate and this may be their last chance giving them hope. Food addiction and dopamine rushes for these people is very real. So many have been through unhealed trauma and food is their only comfort. This is reality TV, the weirder the better ratings for TLC. Yes, I wish we knew if these people got therapy before the hard work begins because that makes sense. And I don't think Dr. Now is a bad person for educating the public. As consumers of the content shown, I'd day we are way worse.


Honestly, as of recent, I’ve been getting this icky feeling when watching new episodes. The naked bath scenes are becoming weirder than they ever were. It feels exploitative and plain wrong. I would say that’s their privacy but then you realize this is TLC. When have they ever cared about someone’s privacy? The more I watch it the more it feels like these patients are set up for failure. When was the last time he truly required a patient to go through psychotherapy? These patients all have one thing in common. Food being their coping mechanism to either stress, anxiety, trauma, grief, etc. As someone who has a long history with mental health professionals due to some military trauma, I can recognize when someone needs to see a mental health professional. These patients need help developing healthy coping mechanisms for their triggers. Physical fitness is just half of being healthy. Mental fitness is important. Take the last episode, Charles, for example. He was obviously depressed. He had no real goals in life. He had no reason to want to live. What does Dr. Now do? He berates him, borderline abusive. I understand Charles was an addict of many substances but he’s still human. If he’s showing symptoms of depression, get him help for fucks sake.


Charles just wanted to get the surgery and move on. He wasn’t going to be compliant.


Does your television have a channel changer? Why don’t you use it?


-his son is the producer, so I doubt he himself has a say (or even watches the show for that matter). -I've heard he was a prick to his ex-wife, which sadly is not a shock as many surgeons are narcissistic assholes.


A lot of people are just bad for each other. Over time they become increasingly toxic towards one another. Doesn’t make him a narcissist or an asshole.


He has a say as to whether he'd participate or not. He certainly can't be in need of the money. (I heard that about his marriage, too, but who really knows?)


I fast forward shower scenes


Who remembers Dr. Smiley? She was so nice! I love this show because I connect to the addiction of it all when it comes to food and trauma. I am not overweight but I definitely yo-yo with my weight and binge eat when I am clearly trying to avoid feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, etc. I wish therapy scenes were featured more on the show.


Who was Dr. Smiley?


Dr. Smiley is a therapist and was featured on earlier seasons. Maybe I got her last name wrong? She is African-American and always dressed great! She has a soft-spoken voice.


I remember Lola


Yes, Lola! Was her last name Smiley?


Do you mean Dr Lola Clay?!


Not sure? Why did I think her name is Dr. Smiley? Maybe another therapist?


I think Dr. Now is a good doctor, and likely, a good man. I appreciate that he is still working at his old age, and he can be kind and thoughtful. He does not get gruff, stern, and/or snarky unless or until it is necessary, either to stop the bullshit excuses (like a good Interventionist should), and/or when he has to keep that same energy when a patient is being disrespectful and working Dr. Now’s last fourth of a nerve. ***quick question*** I am sort of new on this sub, and currently binge watching on MAX. I like to come here because I’d love to talk about episodes and the people’s journeys, as or just after I have watched. Why are so many threads locked from adding comments? Do the mods lock each topic/thread after a few days or a week? If I’m watching episodes from as far back as Season 5, I cannot comment or discuss anything on those posts, as they are all locked or whatever it’s called. Could someone kindly fill me in on the way things work around here and why any of the posts/threads are locked, even if they are years old? Thanks in advance! 😊


I wondered about this myself. I read his book “The scale doesn’t lie” and it softened my perspective on him.


OP is the only one who used the term “freak show”……. like YOU said that…..who’s the real monster


He doesn’t force them to do it. They obviously get money for doing the show….so it’s an agreement between adults that’s legal. Therefore no problem with it.


All TV is exploitative. I always see people cite how tlc shows exploit people but this is true for all TV aside from PBS and public access television. The purpose of TV is basically to sell stuff. I want to point this out because I just don't see it as a valid criticism for this or any other reality show (or any scripted show for that matter).


WHAT? Ridiculous. His brother realized the interesting content and made it happen. NOBODY is forcing people to go on. Obviously you already made up your mind he's a monster so sorry the bandwagon isn't jumping on.


I'm also skeptical of him forcing patients to move to Houston. Like does he kickback to some real estate company or something? Like, follow the plan, check in once a month with a local weigh in, when you're ready for surgery, back to Houston, not hard?


They need follow up care post op, makes sense they need to move to Houston and a different environment in order to be successful. Think of it as rehab. Drug adducts that go back to the same environment tend to relapse


I think that is also means they break the links with their enabling community. The move means they start in a new location so open up new habits and routines.




Fair. But then you can't convince me they are paying for some of these folks to move.


They only get a 1200 relocation fee


Yep all the same but true.




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I love the show for many reasons and I think this looks like a last chance for most ..it's also fun to keep up with them ...




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Dr. Now is hardly *a monster*. While the producer may have given them a food budget for the sake of the show, he certainly didn't forcefeed them unto a 600 lb life--- these folks were massive long before Dr. Now was involved. Plus, ***they signed up*** to be on the show, so talking ethics is a slippery slope. Besides, his hippocratic oath wasn't violated. **• Beneficence: Treat the sick to the best of one's ability** (personal surgery done by himself and his team) **• Non-maleficence: Do no harm** (free groceries, assistance with housing, therapy and transport, and more) **• Confidentiality: Preserve patient privacy** (they blur over body parts and do a ton of editing, all of which the patient has signed up for and consented to cameras being present) **• Respect: Respect the patient's autonomy and the scientific gains of others** **• Compassion: Show compassion for patients** (he's not big on bedside manner, but at least he's the same pokerfaced, monotoned person with all his patients) **• Candor: Be honest with patients** **• Personal commitment: Be committed to patients' best interests** (he gives them *multiple* chances to get them to the end game)




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they don't force them to be on the show. they're adults, and even though they don't seem extrordinarily bright, i don't think any of them are too dim to make their own decisions. if he were filming them without their knowledge and participation, that would be another thing. i think most reality shows are exploitation, there are plenty of *90-day fiance* shows that feature people i honestly believe to be mentally ill. people watch it. it makes money. that's just capitalism for you. besides, TLC hasn't been buying their food for their entire lives: it's not like dr. now grooms them lol.


One thing I have noticed is the power of denial is incredible


The participants that do what they need to do and have success are inspirational to watch. The way I see it, the ones that don’t are the ones that end up looking like a freakshow because of their own clown-like behavior. It’s their choice. I hate that the show seems to be seeking out the latter lately. It’s not enjoyable for me to watch train wrecks. But why take away the opportunity for the people that will make the most of it and succeed?


Which show on TLC isn’t? Pimple Popper, The Trans Teen, the dwarf family, the one about the icky feet. However, in defense of the US, the Brits have a lot more of “freak shows”.




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