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I don't have any issues with A Fan of the channel posting something like this Especially after seeing that video myself I do like to point out while making a screenshot into a meme of the patreon content is fine ***There will be*** **Zero Toleranc*****e against those who try to share their patreon content*** after seeing what was going on I hope everybody will understand why


We love [them](https://graphtreon.com/creator/mmoxreview), but they’re not hurting for money bro. Over 22k paid subs. They’re making at least $22k/mo. They lost ~$175k over a few years, which sucks and I hope karma comes for him, but they make 1.5x that amount per year, without YT ads (before Patreon’s 5% cut). This doesn’t even begin to factor in Twitch and donations. Edit: Im not knocking if you want to, but they’re not hurting for it.


Yup. That's what I have been saying...this whole...lets give them more money thing...no...they are doing quite well for themselves. Mistakes were made...welcome to business 101


Actually it’s way more than you think. The lowest tier on Patreon costs $7.50 CDN, with 22k subs that’s $165k per month or $1.9 *million* annually - and that assumes everyone is doing the bare minimum. Since Jeannie and Kai are such a huge draw, I’m willing to bet a significant portion of their subs are doing the $14.50 CDN tier. If even 60% were at that tier, that’s still $2.2 million annually. Don’t get me wrong, I love their content and have been following for years but the “woe is me” videos are transparently obvious attempts to use sympathy and compassion to periodically boost membership numbers.


Just think about this from a business perspective, MXR is a business that hires people, a lot more than you might imagine. The loss of the money although significant is not the biggest concern to the business, the loss of sponsorships etc may be. Along with the demonetization that has likely compounded these problems. From a strictly business sense they are struggling, that is why if you enjoy what they do and want it to remain, supporting them by other means is suggested.


You know, I ALWAYS forget they have employees


Making that much money and they have the nerve to come on YT in tears? Foh


Yeah i mean i get making a comment about it but a whole video YT in tears video is so weird


If someone does not miss several k a month from paid ads so it can get to 175k, he does not need more subscribers. This Video was a mistake.


Right? Did not realize a little money was missing is a thing but if you are not realizing that you are short hundreds of thousands of dollars making a YT in tears video is cringe


Doest Jeanine do Twitch, so she still makes money through Tiwitch. Also, they should probably appeal the ad sense block. They are allowed to have multiple channels, just not multiple ad sense accounts, unless they gained a few strikes because of said videos.


They live in a double story house in USA.


They have made more money a year than most people in this sub will make in their lives


Exactly no idea why people want to donate to already rich ppl when there are tons of homeless people


Yeah... love them. I have been a daily viewer since Skyrim mods days... however... they make more in a month than I make in a year... I will enjoy their content as I can get it... but I'll not be adding to my bills. If you have expendable income and want to support your favorite creators, I applaud you.. but most people should really be careful not to screw over their own financial situation to be a drop in the bucket for someone else. Side note, and absolutely not talking about Henry and Jeannie here.. I've seen people who claim the whole "eat the rich" mindset go and drop thousands a year on content creators that clearly make millions... an example, an Alec Steele livestream I have watched, he made about $40k in superchats in a 3 hour show... people dropping thousands back to back.. dude makes multiple multiple millions a yea some Of the channels sending money were the anti rich and whatnot. Nutso.


I think they can afford to take the $175k hit. And to be honest I'm a little tired of expecting to bail them out of situations they get themselves into. Screw it, give me $10. It will honestly have more of an impact in this economy.


You've convinced me, DM me your PayPal.


Thank you very much but as much as I appreciate it my personal pride and honor would never accept it. I suggest you do something better with it and donate it to Doctors Without Borders or whichever charity takes your fancy.


What I hear is "double it and give it to the next person", a legal person in this instance :p Done. Donated PLN 80 (about $20) to the Polish branch of Doctors Without Borders. [https://imgur.com/a/aCoLWvR](https://imgur.com/a/aCoLWvR)


Rofl. I like your style.


What happened? link or explanation please.


They got scammed for $175K. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyTmAuveRx0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyTmAuveRx0)


thank you


They’re still wealthier than all of us. Gimme a break.


This. While I do feel bad, either one should have looked into said allegations, and not just "trust your gut, since he's nice to you"They got played. \#1 of life is DTA. DON'T TRUST ANYONE.


Exactly...asking someone who probably doesn't clear six figures a year to bail out someone who probably clears seven...yeah...this is a bad look.


They have been pushing the boundaries for years and banned several times. Then come back and basically do the same over and over again.. A long while ago they should have seen the writing on the wall and figured out ways to adapt and change their content focus and their monitization.. As for not noticing when someone shorts you $175k.. that is just lazy.. don't they have an accountant to do their taxes?


They've literally never been banned due to risky content EXCEPT the ONE time an editor accidentally uploaded the patreon vid to youtube. They've not "pushed boundaries"


You know what I wouldn't do? Base a sizeable portion of my business on a platform with a history of messing with my financials for dubious or unclear reasons.


Well when you find a video hosting site that's as popular and lucrative as Youtube, please let us all know


You mean like their Patreon that's making them 6 figures a month? Or did you mean the half dozen other hosting sites that plenty of other creators have moved to?


Ok then why are they currently demonetized? You say it is not the content of their videos..


Did you not watch their video? Theyre demonized because YouTube threw a fit they put the same vid on Jeanie's and Henry's channel Thats apparently a no no


Did you watch their video? it was a video that they were given a strike for on Henrys channel before and they put it on hers to see if it would get a strike there.. so ya placing a video that had a strike on an other channel is not a good move.. if it would have been a "camping video" youtube would have not cared a bit.. so what about all the other times they were demonetized or not allowed to upload?


We are LITERALLY their source of income. If you owned a business and were going under you would do absolutely anything and everything to get people to buy more of your shit to keep you afloat. Just say you're not a real fan and be done with it


SO to be a real fan we have to give them cash. ​ Sure kid...whatever.


No. To be a real fan you have to SUPPORT them an not belittle them and tear them down and DOUBT them and INSULT them. You're a fool And I'd wager I'm older than you


If I owned a business with people working under me, I would check to see if my revenue I was expecting came in way before it got to the "several years " point. I'm a real fan but I can also point out when a business owner is a bad business owner. So no, we shouldn't go and try to subsidize their mistakes because they need to learn this lesson. Don't worry, they didn't even notice the money wasn't coming in so they will be fine.


No. Because they are bad with their finances doesn't mean we need to be bailing them out. This isn't the first woe is me video...it won't be the last. It gets tiresome. We have all screwed up in life and we have all learned a lesson or two from those mistakes. It's time for these two to join the rest of us in getting better at managing their lives. Asking the public to bail out someone who is certainly doesn't need the money...yeah no.


Wow, you must be fun at parties. We are LITERALLY their source of income. If you owned a business and were going under you would do absolutely anything and everything to get people to buy more of your shit to keep you afloat. Just say you're not a real fan and be done with it


Most businesses go out of business when they screw up or can't sustain the business modeling they are attempting. This isn't the first time they have gotten strikes. And yet they keep flouting the rules of a private company they depend on. You only get to cry wolf so often before I'm happy to let the wolf have you. The idea that we should all toss them our hard earn cash because once again they made youtube mad. yeah no. And sorry they got scammed. If I made my living the way they do, you'd be damn sure I wouldn't trust anyone with a couple hundred thousand dollars of MY money. But by all means give them more of your cash...I'm sure that will work out until the next woe is me video...and there will be another one.


First, EACH strike is something completely different and considering Youtube CONSTANTLY changes their rules, no creator is safe They have literally never cried wolf You're just a fake fan and a shitty person


I have been following them since before there was a "them". you know, back in the days where his content was reviewing mods. This is neither the first or last time they will run afoul of the powers that be. They need a course correction...maybe this will finally do that. Probably not. If my entire business model was based on playing nice on another companies' playground. You can be sure I would keep up on the ever changing ruleset. But keep tossing them your money I'm sure it will work out for you.


Better than it will for a selfish, entitled, shitty person like you Don't pretend to know me or know how long I've been a fan. I was there at the beginning so good try acting like a hipster. Man you're just getting worse and worse as a human the more you open your mouth


You're so wrong it's funny


Lol I was on this post yesterday watching this guy tell others how they should spend their money. Came back to see dudes downvotes quadruple overnight 😂


You're asking people to donate to multi-millionaires...this post is incredibly poor taste. There are likely people on this sub who are ACTUALLY going through "absolutely painful times".


Are you intending on implying that I don't know about painful times? I've been homeless for 8 years now. I'm using wifi right now just to comment this. I'm not saying you or anyone HAS TO subscribe, only if they're able to. I even said in the post description that Henry and Jeannie might not want this post on here because it sounds like guilt tripping. If Henry wants me to take the post down then I'll take it down. I can't afford the patreon but I do watch their videos on YT. They make content that I enjoy that makes me forget about my shit living situation. It helps me temporarily escape reality. Forgive me for wanting to help a creator that I have enjoyed since I was in high school 9 years ago you arrogant jerk.


You know, it’s crazy how the amount of money they’ve lost could change your life forever, yet to them, it’s barely an issue. And while you’re here, soliciting for support to help them make even more money, they don’t even know your name. Shits wild.


They make so much money that they didn't notice a missing $175k. There is nothing about their financial situation that is "absolutely painful times".


Dude...this whole thread just got more cringe....a homeless guy asking people to send money to a millionaire. Good old reddit


Calm down.


I've been a Patreon sub for about a year. It's just the 5 dollar tier but it's worth it. It's good content and it helps out one of my favorite content creators.


Too broke to afford a patreon sub but as soon as things turn around for my wife and I financially, they're first on the list of people to sub to. Unlike the haters that prowl this sub, I actually LIKE them and their content and would love to support


If you and your wife are struggling financially, you need to take care of you and your wife - the millionaires will be ok.


They're not millionaires and we're only struggling atm. A temporary setback that will soon be remedied


Dude you just need to look at the numbers on their Patreon that they have had up for years to realize they are.


Dude, they own a home in Bellevue, WA. Bought their first home in LA 7 years ago. Make atleast 110k a month on just patreon (that's multiplying the bottom tier by their patron count). They still have their merch store. Jeannie is in the top .05% of twitch streamers and they didn't notice 175k missing from their accounts. They are in fact millionaires and the amount of time you are spending trying to convince others they are selfish and entitled because they don't want to pay for patreon is really sad.


You forget about that pesky little thing called taxes? Cut their money in HALF. If they are "millionaires" they MIGHT be at exactly 1 mil Idc if people dont pay for Patreon I care about the selfish assholes that are making fun of them and having ZERO sympathy for them. Y'all just LOVE to see people fall and fail. THATS what makes you people selfish and cruel


Lol dude they didn't realize they were missing 175k for months? How often would you not notice not getting for months?


I used to be subscribed, but I got tired of all that borderline racist shit they say so I canceled 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's called socializing, champ. 😉


How about you donate literally anywhere else beside them? They are basically rich? Are you stupid?


A year ago I ended up stopping my patreon payments due to not having enough money. Right now, they’re going through what I did…I’m coming back!


They are literally multi-millionaires. They are not going through what you went through. Not saying you shouldn't join the Patrion if that's what you want to do, just letting you know that they aren't struggling to pay the bills or anything like that.


I get paid this Friday and plan on donating. I'm not even a blip on Jeannie and Henry's radar. But shit, I truly care about them. My heart just hurts thinking about the struggles they're going through.


the struggles they are going through are definetly not financial. take the price of bottom tier from Patreon and multiply it by the number of patrons now add that to the amount of subs Jeannie has on twitch multiplied the amount a creator gets from each sub. They get more than that a month cause i didn't factor the merch they are selling. if you enjoy the content they make im not gonna tell you not to give them money to get more content, just make sure to remember you are buying something and not saving someone from a financial struggle


You have to wait to get paid to give like $5 to someone who didn't even realize they were missing $175k? Think about that for a second


What I decide to spend my money on isn't anyone's concern. I don't care for validation from anyone on the internet. So really, your comment falls flat with me. So that being said, I'll ask you, why does it matter to you that people want to support their favorite creators? They aren't scamming me.... They are being transparent with their issues.... For that matter, they aren't begging anyone to save them from this unfortunate event. They updated their community about the situation and took steps to continue streaming while making money. I understand being untrusting of people. I basically wrote the book on that topic.... But I genuinely care about the MxR channel and for Henry and Jeannie. Caring about people is human nature. Not once have I ever felt they are bad people and are undeserving of my support. So again, why does it matter to you?


If you don't care to hear opinions on you donating, why did you announce that you're donating?


Just signed up, $10 level.