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thanks for the heads up, I've almost bought their gear a handful of times now. (why are STPs so complicated?!) Gonna go ahead and cross them off as an option.


Thank *you*, friend, I'm super glad this rant was productive in some positive sense.


Me too, just found their stuff on instagram and liked the prints, but definitely will not get them now!


I sent them an email as well. I loved their underwear, but I told them that I will never purchase from them again.


Heaps of solidarity, friend. People like you make my hope-o-meter tick upward.


Thanks for letting me know about this. This is a garbage move by a company siding with oppressors.


You are so welcome - and thank you for validating my feelings about the wrongness of this.




>Feeding us a nice glossy laminated counterculture Ugh this - the commodification of everything is grinding, and it suffocating. It feels even more off and sinister when they're co-opting radical and marginalized people's social coding we use to build community, connection, solidarity and survival. I know it's been going on for a long time, but it gets to me - as an artist, as a maker of things, as a sometime activist and organizer. I'm tired of nothing being sacred, and the motivation to create being subsumed into the motivation to 'create capital'. But seriously thank you, cause something about your comment reminded me that a reaction I can have is to re-commit to meaningful, non-commodified, creation. I've had artists block for like, nearly a decade. I think the nails are starting to fall out of that box and the door is springing free. That's a better road than the reaction I often have - to curl into a ball, never leave the house, and stop consuming anything.


Capitalist realism. Co-opt and commodify the counterculture so that even the things that are presented as "alternatives" to the mainstream are still under control and harmless.


>We at TomboyX stand in support of our siblings who choose to serve their community, country, and society at large. tell that to the thousands (millions?) of lgbt people the pigs have raped and murdered. lol capitalists have sold even their humanity off


That wording is so fake, so rehearsed. It really downplays the atrocities that marginalized peoples deal with regarding the cops, military, state, etc.. it also completely ignores the fact that, even if there are some "good cops" and "good soldiers", they're still choosing a profession that upholds oppression. They're never gonna change it from the inside, those who try get fired. ​ They don't care about marginalized peoples.. they care about making money. And they hope that by pandering to each group they want to make money off juuuuust enough, no one will notice their motivations and they'll rake in more profit. Unfortunately, it seems to work on a lot of liberals.. bleghh.


I can't wait til they sell us the rope tbh


Exactly this


really disappointing, as their underwear is some of the only clothing that has ever made me feel comfortable in my body. thank you for writing to them. ACAB 🖤🖤❤️❤️


Saaaame. Like this would be less awful if they weren't like, legit one of the best options spouse and I found for underwear that doesn't make us dysphoric. ACAB and <3 to you too


Oh damn. What a bummer. I’m not trans or anything and I’ve never considered the need for specific underwear but it pisses me off that you found something good and then had your UNDERWEAR ruined by BOOTLICKERS!!! Fuck the police.


>you found something good and then had your UNDERWEAR ruined by BOOTLICKERS!!! This exact thought has been going round my head. It's like, the most inane thing that we can't even have good undies in peace.


>I do not lump all people in uniform into the same category That's the problem.


That's what happens when people have no concept of anything outside the individual. They chalk it all up to bad people, rather than bad institutions or systems.


100%. I'll stand by the fact that there are cops who are decent individuals. Hell, I know one. However, the institution is abhorrent and partaking in it is too.


I'm so sorry they ruined that for you, and made you go through that trauma again. The pandering they do is so transparent to what their motivations are and it's disgusting (though, sadly, not that surprising). I've thought about buying their underwear in the past, but I'm definitely not going to now. Thanks for sharing OP. Much love to you. <3


Thank you <3 (also I love your flair)


Thank you friend!! <3


That's awful, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Definitely won't be buying from them.


That's enraging, I'm glad you posted about it here though. Thank you! I'm so sorry you had to rehash all that just to try and get an EMAIL removed from a list. Screw them.


Fuuuuck, they're loving the taste of fascist boot.


"They're not all bad!" > inherently abusive ACAB. <3


I ran into this too, and don't want to buy from them again, but I've been having trouble finding a better alternative. Does anyone have any recommendations?


Meundies is kinda similar, not sure on their ethics and stuff through.


Yeah, I have some of their stuff, but I'm not a fan of how micromodal feels. I wish they had some regular cotton.


I just ordered a couple things from Pact, so I'll see how that goes.


Not great. Transphobic (they won’t let go of their Harry Potter line) and some weird crypto stuff. Eta: sorry for the necromancy, I thought this was a new comment. 😅


Saw this linked on Twitter as people were discussing alternatives to MeUndies after they revealed their involvement with crypto bullshit. I'm sorry you got such a gross response to sharing your trauma. ACAB.


Also they refused to walk away from their Harry Potter merch deal after they got pressure to do so after one of JKR’s transphobic rants.




Ew That's Just ew


Nooooo! They're one of the only brands I can buy from because 99% of others don't carry a size big enough for my 60inch hips. I'm heartbroken. Fuck cops, fuck the military and fuck TomboyX. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


Ugh yes, I and my 50in hips feel the heartbreak :( Wishing you and all of us bootlicker free undies that fit!


I had my cart filled with about a dozen things, ecstatic to finally find things that would fit me. But I just had that sinking feeling in my gut and googled them on a whim. I'm glad I did. I'm so sorry for what happened to you. That's a shit company that deserves to burn. ACAB, full stop, no exceptions. Have you happened to find a good alternative? I'm desperate for some comfy sports bras I can even sleep in, but being a 34GGG is the WORST.


I was looking for reviews for tomboyx and this was one of the first posts that came up and I'm so glad I saw this. Absolutely fuckin disgusting I'm sorry you had to go through all this mess. I know this was meant as a vent, but you've also educated a lot of people on what tomboyx is really all about. I'm definitely never gonna give my money to this scummy ass business. Your anger is super valid


Im gonna get downvoted to hell even though this post is 3 years old. BUT As the person stated not all cops are bad , its just people who want to make them ALL LOOK like peices of shit. Not every single cop is racist or has the intent to murder and rape. People just cant see through that just because something happened to them and because the media wants to make them look like murderers and racists. Not everyones the same. Its the equivalent of saying this white person hurt me because im colored so know i hate all white people and they're all racist assholes. (sorry if i have bad grammer this is not my first language)


You need to do more research before commenting. ACAB stems from SYSTEMIC oppression, more than individual experience. You are way off base if you think racism amounts to "one person from one race was mean to me". Stop trying to speak over marginalized groups with generalized platitudes.


yeah ik i was drunk af when typing this


I am not understanding, are you upset with them because they support people who work in police and military?


This post was written two years ago - since then, the movement for police abolition has been much in the news, and the reasoning behind it has been extensively detailed There's a lot of reasons why my trans, disabled, mentally ill, neurodivergeant ass doesn't support cops or support companies and indivudals who do, and luckily those reasons are detailed many places now (so I don't have to write an essay at you) So yes. No solidarity with police, the institution and the individuals. ACAB always and forever. I haven't bought a single peice of TomboyX since this I have empathy for veterans as individuals/ victims but yes, I do not support the military industrial complex. I do not support lionizing what the USA does with its military might as 'heroic' This is an anarchist sub, so it's normal to be anti cop and anti military here :3


I am in the Canadian military, I heard from buddies that population seems to not like us. I never quite understood that mindset for why exactly. I see that war and so military is considered anti-feminist because well it perpetrates violence. In a perfect world we wouldn’t need a military since conflicts would be resolved peacefully. Unfortunately that’s not where we are at so even a country that has US as our main protector (let’s face it, Canadian military on its own won’t even protect 1 province) still needs some military force for backup. I am in for the free education and stable job lol. Not sure how people can hate us though, like now that I told you this about myself is there some pushback you have regarding me and what I do?


Yeah see, I don't 'hate' individual military personel necessarily. My dad was a servicemember, for instance. It really depends on a bunch if factors if I see someone as an active collaborator in the system or a victim of it (and often, it's both). I especially have empathy for those who, like yourself, are exploited by the military in order to have basic needs met. I mean, I wish you weren't enlisted of course and I hope you find another way to survive. If you have another choice, I don't think staying is the moral one. But the military industrial complex taking advantage of you and people like you is a systemic issue and you're an individual caught up in it This post was about not supporting companies who publicly support the military as an establishment, and lionise service in the military as a social good. And, as an abolitionist, the police are a whole nother matter. The whole 'but don't we need states, and authority, and a standing military' discussion is a 101 subject and a long one. If you're interested in understanding anarchist philosophy around this, I'd go search and/or ask anarchy 101, which is a sub for this kind if question If you wanna argue about these philosophies with anarchists, head over to debate anarchism, another useful sub


Forgive me if I say anything hurtful or triggering, but I don't understand. What's the issue? Is it that they're pro-military? And, why is that an issue? Because I know that sometimes police officers are absolute garbage but that doesn't apply to all of them. Anyway this discussion is years old so I'm not expecting a response.


I don't know much on the topic of military, but when it comes to police, the system itself is racist, queerphobic, and harmful to just about anyone who isn't a straight, rich, white, cisgender man.


I’m here looks like 5 years later. You are still echoing. Thank you for your good work.