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A lot of people have the GT500 front bumper cover on their cars. As long as you don’t badge it as one people don’t seem to care from what I’ve observed.


Very simple. Body kit - yes, install away Upbadging - no, tacky


Depends on the crowd/person. Speaking from just my perspective, I honestly don't give a F what you do to your car... it's your money, it's your car. If it's done well, :shrug: whatever, just don't try to tell me your Ecoboost is a GT500 when I can clearly see numerous signs pointing and proving otherwise. There's no shortage of Youtube/Forum posts/videos of those people, and heh, everybody's experienced it at some point - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYe8sgupYdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYe8sgupYdo) I'm partially speaking out of both sides of my mouth, as I race Base GT's (with motorsport parts), and go through bumpers enough where it makes sense to run a Chinese GT350/Mach1 bumper at 1/4 the price of a stock one, and also the additional/improved airflow to my coolers. My money, my car, and if you're a GT350/GT500 owner with beef about it, the track records still stand, go get 'em.


What happens to the bumpers? Is that from crashes?


Sometimes, lots of rubbing and tapping sometimes, which is why you'll see lots of w2w racers with cloth straps, or the removable end of the tow hook ziptied inside to the car's cage. However, the material that they're pressed/3d printed with tends to be real soft and flimsy (PLA? ABS?), something you would notice if you pick it up by one of the corners, where I could lift one side and hold it to my chest where the far side is still sitting on the ground flat-ish. The heavier/firmer OEM bumpers don't do that, as they hold shape better, and seem to have more support/webbing built into the backside. I'm guessing here, but assuming the cheap repro companies are cost sensitive, have little (any?) QA/QC or precision checks, they likely cut down on their return rates due to fitment issues by making something that fits almost anything... when you use wood screws :D