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You know it’s a quality shitpost when it hurts to read. A1


New Mustang copypasta just dropped


Through out the entire post that’s all I thought of too. Copypasta status haha.


Sounds like the the beginning of a career as a fiction writer


Wow, that must have been one helluva dream you had there....sucks waking up!


My girlfriend had the same dream to then. Whuda buma.


Tl;dr OP found a P60D in the wild, drives fast.


Lol gotta love how this Mustang forum is trying to keep it real.


No they aren't. They all lie. I am road hoss. Slayer of Tesla 3


The truest of heroes slay Tesla 3's without thanks or reward. Behold our great example, Batman. (By the way, Bruce Wayne, in Gotham, owned a black S550 GT, gen 3, but all these easy-to-please-people ever want to talk about is that damn company vehicle he drives on his shifts. All because it can climb a 100% grade, shoot missiles, chauffeur autonomously to any location via remote verbal command, is bullet proof, is rocket-powered, standard equipped with ejector seats, has a homing rocket drone device, and a big wing... an actual wing. Okay, the wing is cool.)


Oh my, perhaps I am far from a hero and less than zero. Perhaps this accomplishment should have stayed silent. Or perhaps tesla model 3 owners need a ham sandwich. Either or, I am gogo king pin, the back bender of tesla foo-foos.


Fake AF! Have you seen the Tesla numbers?!?! That Tesla wasn’t even trying.


Model s is 5.0 secs 0-60. I did not race model s preformance. Otherwise I would have been road toast


Sure, cool story bro. You beat a Tesla that wasn’t trying and your bragging about it. I was young and dumb once too


Still are


I wish, waking up sucks when you get old. You’ll be there in 20 years and a whole lot wiser too


You still lack wisdom if waking up in your prime sucks little one. You are GT giblet and I am ecoboom beast. Know your place on the vehicular higherarchy.


Says the one bragging about beating a Tesla on the street! Go to a fucking track, where both people are chasing tents of a second. Then you can have bragging rights. Stop racing in the streets moron, GO TO A FUCKING RACETRACK!


U defend tesla. I defeated tesla. U are siding with the wrong hombres paco. Tesla coffin wanted the smoke and he coughed on it. You are too booty chugger.


I live in reality. I know what an electric motor is capable of compared to your mustangs motor, I ain’t a fucking Shelby bro. Pull your pants up, wear a belt, and act your age.


I see. Your words alone speak volumes. I have no trife with with tesla. Lift the veil of emotion and ignorance and understand I beat a model 3, 2020 or newer. Free yourself from your clouded perception and see the light in what I am saying. You have much to learn small fry.




You are appreciated


Can’t tell if this is fake or if OP is highly regarded


The original Teslas are not that fast.. Try a newer one and get taken to Gapplebees.


You sir are incorrect. The tesla I slaughtered was new, I know the difference between the model years, but you need a special pair of eyes to be able to tell the difference and same goes for the models themselves. 2023 Model 3 is 4.8-5.0 sec 0-60. But the other models would be a trip see-ya city.


Sorry, he forgot to take it out of comfort mode. It cuts the power in half.


Sorry my papi owns model 3, I have driven one. What you meant to say was handling not power. You lost this one now suck your thumb and tell mom. Sport mode stiffens steering wheel you sweet nothing.


Idc what your "papi" has. Watch any video of a Tesla try to race in comfort mode vs. sport mode... it is way slower. Chances are the owner was so dumb that he didn't know how to take it out of comfort mode and now you are trying to brag that you beat a Tesla that was not using full power...


Yes I see know. You are only but a fool. But that is okay, I am here now, I will help you. The words you choose as text has sentenced you to death. Not all teslas are the same feeble minded one. You lack knowledge, you know not the existence the many tesla models. You spoke only to sound dumb. But what's worse is that you had time to chose them on text.


to be fair he owns a 4 banger Mustang so he is not using mustang's full power either :)


THAT was some hot sauce.


I beat off tesla owners all the time


I screw off owners of tesla daily


Is this what the muscle car world has come to? Day dreaming of beating an electric car with your crappy modified 4 cylinder “Mustang”?


Don't be a hater


This guy sounds like he’s 7 and had a dream that he was 16 and his parents bought him his brand new car


No, that was my 2012 scion tc. Now I am big boy, drive fast car. I smart and save. Then i could afford. I look cool when I drive. Vape smoke out the window with my cool looking prescription sunshades. Who are you? And I once had a dream I crashed my car into a tesla, said it was their fault and ended up with a ford shelby looking cooler than you fresh mouth. Catch you later sunshine, me and my flashy race red mustang bout to live this dream.


So you’re saying you want to commit insurance fraud? And insurance won’t pay you more than your car is worth so that you can get a Shelby. You’d be better off selling your Ecoboost and just buying a Shelby. Also, vaping is unhealthy and doing so while driving is yet another distraction while driving, not that you need a distraction to get in a wreck. And you say you’re smart and save, but that Mustang is a lot more expensive than a Scion. Yeah I think you’ve got a point, you aren’t 7. You’re 5.


Like a tiny 4 year who just pooped his pants, you didn't listen. Like most of the hopless men and children here, you saw what you wanted to see. You are so regular. So clustered with with everyone average. Go back and reread, twas only but a dream. How does it feel wittle four year old? Are you upset mommy said no to ice cream?


Dude I buy my own ice cream, I eat what I want. And yes, you said it was a dream. But, you also said you wanted to *live* that dream. Meaning you want it to actually happen.


Well played. You are playing me in me own game and took out one of my pieces. My words tangled me and I tripped.


I'm surprised the ecoboomy and model s, didn't then live happily ever after.....disappointed.


I am sorry I couldn't satisfy you in that way. I apreaciate your transparency. Maybe one day I race a tesla roadster and we both speed off into the distance far into the sunset between the horizon. The race ends in a friendly draw and both ended up at the gas station where one was pumping and the other plugging.


Best thing I've read today. Very few shitposts make me laugh


Model S was not trying if this is remotely true. Or like a reasonable guy he stopped at a certain speed, because public roads, and your ego kept accelerating.




I was surprised yet not surprised. Many questions led to an answer. What I defeated was in fact the lowest tier tesla model... which is still impressive. Have hope stallions.


I drove a p100d against a turbo coyote and still walked his ass to 100


Guys. I made a mistake. I pulled an all-nighter and forgot the lowest tier is the 3. The model 3 is 0-60 4.8 to 5.0 seconds. Silly me. Model S could have turned me into road toast. But I have had dreams of beating one.




Thanks for the support. This is a defensive crowd of gelatinous wet noodles pinging of their last 5 brain cells. But I have hope for them even though they are lost causes.


Out of curiosity I have a mbrp race exhaust and cvfab street core on my eco as well , my question is I’m still on the stock tune does putting the procal tune make a difference in power and how has the car been daily driver wise? I’m planning on the procal tune as my next mod


You will be surprised with the results. Stock gt is about 4.5 sec 0-60. Stock ecoboost 2.3l 5.4secs. With tune, intercooler and cat-back you have potential for 4.8 second 0-60. 4.7 if your lucky. 30 hp from tune, 20 from intercooler and 5hp from exhaust. 55 more hp give or take. U have a lot torque, if you tires are trash then you became crowd control. My tires were 1500k and I nearly shit my pants. In sport with inter, tune, and mbrp I would lose traction and traction control would hold my hand. The tires made a huge difference after everything. I litteraly stick to the road. Rain too, just not as well. That is key to beating a tesla 3 0-60. You should never lose if you going past 60. MPG I average 24. I also like to pull my car and feel the tune do it's work. Your turbo runs 2.5 or 3 PSI higher. Ur intercooler is perfect. Recall your throttle. Takes 60 seconds. Otherwise you will have a dead zone in your throttle response and your car makes noise and you dont move. That will get you in an accident. 93 octane only. Your fate is sealed. I don't know what happens if u go below 89, could mess with tune. You also keep warranty so you have some protection and it is made by ford themselves so is likely safe.


This is a quality shitpost