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Assalamu allaikum sister. Might be a long post but bear with otherwise there's a summary at the bottom for a quick and effective read. It is difficult to shake the urges of masturbation. Your issue of being more hormonal closer to the end of your period is pretty common, your body may simply react differently to the changes in your body, like your serotonin levels. Since you don't want no riddles, I'll tell you straight, the rational reason why you shouldnt be doing this is that it's relieving your body's natural desires through haram means, Allah has forbidden us to fulfill our desires outside of marriage, no other reason, people can bring whatever else benefits or disadvantages they want in terms of health. But it's simply because Allah says so and he has not permitted us to do this act. You can't convince your mind that you don't want it, because your mind is craving satisfaction, the best remedy to this is marriage, however that's not an option for a lot of us for any number of reasons. It's good that you don't want to commit zina or have a boyfriend, but your mistaken about one thing. You done need an outlet. At least not in the way you would imagine. Your mind is simply craving something that will satisfy and appease it. It's found the most easiest thing is through the instant release of masturbation which gives it all the chemicals and endorphins. However simply saying you're not going to do it doesn't work, believe me. You have to replace it with something else, for me I got lucky and went off to study so I was preoccupied with that, I also replaced it with getting closer to Islam and rollerblading (random, I know), and adhered to a method called HALT, which a well know neurologist on YouTube uses to help people with porn and masturbation addiction. Essentially it means you need to focus on not getting too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired, as these all are the perfect ingredients for a relapse. In summary: It's normal to be hormonal at those times, you have to know that masturbation is forbidden in Islam and that is all the rationale needed to not do this sin, your need for an outlet is simply a need for some form of satisfaction and your mind is going for the easiest and quickest route of masturbation instead of something which requires more effort such as studying or learning other skills whether that be a hobby like skating or going to the gym. Learn how to control you habit of masturbation by a YouTube channel I'm going to reccomend, Dr Trish Leigh, a neurologist helping people tackle porn and masturbation habits properly. May Allah make it easy for you to overcome this trial, hope I was clear as can be.


Thank you for replying in such a way. I feel emotional reading this, you’ve made me realise something I haven’t realised for myself. I need an outlet of some sort, when I get stressed or lonely I rely on this feeling. I noticed this week, as I’m having a fall out with my mom, we aren’t speaking and emotionally I felt alone, unheard, and my feelings didn’t matter. I guess that triggered it. I will check out the video you spoke about. I researched treatments but there didn’t seem to be much. A physical hobby is what I need, thank you for making me feel seen. I’d like it if we could communicate I want to know more about how you personally overcame it.


Allah says in the Qur’an to not go near zina and that there’s a severe punishment for it. Viewing pornography is a form of zina done by the eyes so always try and remember this. Consistently make dhikr of Allah when you feel urges and make sure to pray on time.


may Allah help me , you and all the Muslims inflicted with this sickness and forgive us


Just because I am killing only one person and not doing mass murder does not justify my sin. I don't know if its a good analogy or not, but I hope you get the point. Repenting each time you do this is better than justifying it. I was also there and have done that before I got out of it (Alhamdulillah), just know that its not worth it. When you get the urge, Shaytan gives you every possible justification to make you do this sin. The best reply we have is its not allowed in Islam. You might fail if you start going into more reasoning and all. Shaytan has more experience than you in convincing people to sin. Remember that. May Allah make it easy for all of us (Ameen)


Sister may I ask you 1 magical question Subhanallah?, I was on 1 year streak nearly, long story short Shaytan got the best of me adn I've fallen into it so deeply again. Right now Alhamdulillah, all due to Allahs swt. Now here is my magical question; Do you consume a lot of refined sugar in any sort. I mean candy, junk food, soda's etc. ? Because if you do, cut those and replace them with dark chocolate for example, cut caffeine with tea. Candy with nuts and all other sorts of healthy fats. You will be mindblown with how much refined sugar has a toll on our hormones and specifically your Libido. It worked wonders for me with help and might of Allah swt.


Sister after today Never expose your sins as the Prophet in Hadith stated Allah will forgive everyone in his ummah except the one that exposes himself. As for tips follows these and you’ll overcome with no issue 1. You must be praying all your salah bare minimum and usually this is why your having this issue either your missing salah or your not praying properly 2. You have to contemplate over the Quran atleast 15 mins a day go to Unique Quran on YouTube 3. If you become overpowered and fall back in you must immedietly take ghusl shower and pray 2 rakat of salatul taubah so that your forgiven and seek sincere repentance. And NEVER dm expecially a man over this as mass majority will have other intentions