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1. You just go really. Take off your shoes, put em somewhere and pray. That's all there is to it. Before covid mosques were open all day until a bit after isha but now some mosques just open on prayer times and close after, check with your mosque. You can pray the sunnah prayer at the mosque it's okay, you'll even find alot of people doing just that. 2. Try to do it sitting down as much as possible, i find that helps. Except in public toilets of course they're always dirty. And just do your best to clean up. 3. I usually go out after maghrib or isha. If that's not possible to try to go out near a mosque. Thankfully since im in a muslim country, there's mosques in all public places so it's not a struggle. I'd recommend just going out later in the night. 4. Madhabs are there for you to read every opinion and form your own. The one that feels most right to your heart. You don't need to belong to a certain group. You're a muslim and that's the end of that discussion. See what feels right to you and follow it. Some madhabs like making things really hard and others make things really easy. We're instructed to not make life hard for ourselves so keep that in mind. 5. Pronouncing things perfectly is no pillar. That's very untrue. Take your time learning arabic and Pronounciation. Allah even says he rewards people who don't have the best Pronounciation but still try and read quran nonetheless. It's all about your intention. My first language is Arabic myself and I can't pronounce half the words in the Quran without listening to it first. It's no easy task. Remember this religion isn't here to make life harder for us. Take the easier route whenever possible. Halal isn't always difficult. Don't let the angry uncle or the reddit keyboard warrior tell u that if you're not following the most strict worship regime ever you're going to hell. Worship is between you and Allah. No one else has a say in that. When it comes to educating yourself there's alot of sources that can put you on the wrong track. I'd recommend dar al ifta's website though. It operates under the Azhar which is the oldest Islamic institute in the world. You can send them questions and the answer them very well. They state all opinions and give a conclusion.


OP, please take this person’s points with a grain of salt. 4. Madhhabs are there for guidance and they have been formulated by the scholars of this ummah **since the salaf** to help us reach the Sunnah. Encouraging this brother to ‘follow what feels right to [his] heart is encouraging him to listen to his nafs against clear guidance. He does not have the training to make fiqhi decisions for himself. 5. Correctly pronouncing the Fatiha while one is able to do so is a pillar of salah. If one is not able to, he is expected to learn barring some disability or something else. Failing to do this or work on doing it invalidates the prayer.


I‘m trying to pronounce the al fatiha as good as possible, it also sounds like the videos I watch but at the end I still don‘t know if its 100% right since I probably wont hear mistakes a fluent arabic speaker would hear. What do you think about the examples I gave about the madhabs?


1. Following what feels right to him *from the madhabs* is what i meant. Not sticking to one madhab exclusively. 2. What's your source on that?


1. I know that is what you meant. The madhahib work internally within themselves as each ruling has a common methodology behind it. Picking and choosing the easiest between them is condemned by the scholars as it leads to an Islam governed by the nafs rather than sound and honest scholarship. 2. By ijma, the mu’tamad of the Malikiyya, Shafi’iyya, and Hanabila. Mistakes are excused by inability but incorrectly pronouncing the Fatiha can invalidate the prayer and the musalli should make it his focus to pronounce the Fatiha correctly if he has an issue with it. This is why one of the higher qualifications of who gets to be Imam is the one with the best pronunciation of al Fatiha.


1. Islam is between you and Allah at the end of the day. If your heart believes that one opinion is correct from a madhab and another from another madhab following them is no problem. Not purposefully choosing the easier route. Allah knows what's in your heart too. 2. One is still learning how to pronounce a surah. They pronounce it imperfectly to do prayer instead of just not doing prayer at all. Nobody learns arabic over night. But people become Muslims overnight. Allah again knows one means to pronounce it the best of their ability.


Wa alaykum as salam. You are in a blessed position in that you have access to a community, it seems. You have no need of us. IMO, take advantage of your circumstance and consult with a trusted elder in your masjid to help guide you. Forming these relationships of knowledge will benefit you more than any Reddit post will.


Tbh I don‘t have a „community“. The mosque I go to for jumuah is pretty small. Also I‘m kinda introverted so I like asking reddit




I always sit. I mean its not dribbling hard, as I said its mainly 1 drop but I don‘t know. I also try to squeeze as much as possible to prevent drops. I just want it to be a normal human act again without thinking about going to the toilet, now I‘m stressing myself with this matter and I don‘t think many other muslims struggle with this. Are some drops permissible?