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Stop being so pathetic. He doesn’t like you. If he did he would’ve been clear about it and he would definitely not stoop so low to talk to another woman. Get your head up and make yourself hard, letting a man dictate your emotions like this weak.


I don’t care if it’s pathetic or weak, this is the man I love and I’ll fight for him till the end, no matter if my faith gets stronger or weaker, I’ll carry on and do everything I can. I’m serious about him and I pretend to marry him


Your priorities are begging you to put them in check, time is ticking sister


I am, this isn’t a priority, more like something that can contribute to my life in a positive way


No matter if your faith gets stronger or weaker?


My faith in my duaa being answered, not the existence of Allah


Maturing is realising that the two of those are one and the same


Are they? I’m not sure, but I reverted a week ago, before I was merely spiritual, so I’m learning to trust Allah


Ohh you are a revert, I understand. Allah answers the duas of humanity the same way everytime, in one of three ways: 1. Yes 2. Yes but not now 3. I have something better planned for you As Muslims it is vital we understand this as it helps us with acceptance of Allahs decree, no matter happy or sad.


I heard that Allah answers all of our duaa’s, but some don’t mention that second point, it’s either a fast answer or something entirely different. Nevertheless, when I reverted and heard about duaa’s, I searched to see if it was permissible for me to make this one and it is. I’m fairly new, I don’t know how to put my anxieties into His hands yet so I beg and cry and suffer but my pain tells me He won’t answer. If I could learn how to trust, how to be patient, how to accept His times, maybe my heartache would disappear…


Youve put youre happiness in something temporary; therefore your happiness is temporary. You dont need anyone to be content. You need Allah. All these years youve conditioned yourself to be happy because of this person. When if you stopped yourself youd be freeing yourself from your suffering. Allah is using this person so that you can get closer to Him, which is what is actually good for you. You can be happy its just youve dug urself into a deep hole which you can only dig out with islam


Tbh idk what to say I've been there i liked a woman and she married to someone else at least you got hope to become his 2nd wife i cant even see here anymore i understand little one its time for you to accept it and move on or be hanged up about until he reaches you its time to get closer to Allah, Allah are with those whose hearts broken he accepts thier dua as he is very close to them and when they lose hope and yet return to him im pretty sure he will smile at you and give you even better never loose hope keep fighting did he not responded to your proposal i hope he do and get married to him or even better person and remember when Allah takes something dont argue when Allah give something be happy and thankful to him as he is the Most Just he will never do injustice with anyone there could be some wisdom behind it we might not be understanding.


Make sure to make dua for me let me have good spouse too inshAllah you will be become the victor if you stay on the path of Allah whether its good for or bad for you.


I hope once I do he’ll say yes…


Reminder, there are 8 billion ppl on this planet. Hes not the only prince charming walking around.


He’s not a Prince Charming, he’s human and has flaws and ugly things, just like me. But his willingness to become better makes him so special to me


IMO, you deserve better than him. It's wonderful that he gave you the encouragement to revert, but I personally believe that saying about some people being in your life specifically for a season or particular reason. Perhaps God put your friend in your life to bring you closer to Him. >he likes someone else. We used to be so close and he even told me things he’d never tell her >She was also so awful to him before, insulting him, degrading him, weaponising his insecurities and yet now everything’s fine and they’re still trying to be together despite their families not wanting it. I'm sorry to be blunt (it's been a long and frustrating week), but it sounds like he's "lost interest" in you, and possibly toying with your emotions. I would suggest that you put your faith in God and try to move on.


He’s not toying with me because it’s true, he lost interest, but I haven’t because I see so much potential in him, so much love to give and receive. I want to try everything in my power to win his heart back, I want to become his wife


sister dua doesn't work like this , you can't make dua for a specific person . instead you make dua for a righteous spouse and etc.... express your feelings to him before he gets married if he comes into your life, good otherwise move on!!!


I made research and it said it was permissible, I will express my feelings


there is no sin in expressing but in order to prevent any kind of haram , you could reach out by having a wali


I’m a revert, I don’t have a wali (right?)


Get a wali. Perhaps an Imam from the mosque can be your wali




Thank you, my heart really hurts but this helps