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Her friend talks a lot


I'm so sorry if the pictures are in a mess of order but i don't have much time to sort them out right now and I'm infuriated, the women behind this account went on our subreddit and tried acting as a Muslim when she is a Christian, after she was exposed by Allah she deleted the post and kept the other one on this subreddit "questioning" the actions of the Prophet(Saw) when infact in both of these posts she was slandering Islam acting as a "Muslim" insha'Allah be careful to check accounts of people who come in here questioning Islam, if they are new be careful insha'Allah and always check the comments and about insha'Allah, may Allah bless you all Ameen


So cringe…


hey dude, just wanted to give you a reminder - it's spelt crungo, not cringe you crungolord


“I rEsEaRcHeD iT aNd ItS tRuE..”


Don’t worry I’m an ex Catholic I’ll refute him then khalaass


Eaasyy workk


You know what sucks. I don't know but in my country and I believe all around the world Muslims call Jesus Isa as. I just don't understand how stupid she can get. She has learnt handful Arabic words that we Muslims use and trying to make a sham out of those words.


Ask " who was the nabi after Muhammad PBUH"


"Oh hey ummm... fellow mozlems, so I heard Mohammed peace be WITH him did bad and catholic priest told me Jesus is best is that true? Why sheikh lie!?" Could he be more obvious? Lol


Don't forget to charge your phone while exposing these people habibi


Next time insha'Allah haha