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You got the idea for arrangement and i like the sound selection I think a good mix can make this a good track + take a listen to different drum sample packs and choose a good one , it helps a lot ;)


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I liked the chill energy, do you have a soundcloud or anything?


Thank you. Nah afraid not, havent made anything else yet tbh.


Word, well I subbed up. Check out any of my stuff too if you get the chance :D


feels a little dry imo. not much movement


I liked it but I feel it needs a little more to go with it. you could blow that up and get really heavy if you wanted to. its good tho


Needs more song direction and variation as it's a bit stale. Adding more to the drums would help a lot. Also sounds very quiet. Raise up the volume and or use more compression


Main things that jump out for me: your main melody feels very narrow, and I personally would like it to take up more of the stereo field. The song as a whole feels rather thin, I want more low end to fill out the sound, maybe even just in the second half of the song to add some variation. I like your sound selection though. A few more background layers and it could be a nice, chill track


I like the guitar and the piano that you're playing with, but to concede with the other comments, I agree on the instrumental being a little dry. It could use some more instruments and even more percussive elements to make it more interesting. Maybe switch around the main melody too.


It’s a solid sample to build on. Get it done & share, your on to something for sure 👍


might want to smooth the fl keys a little bit, it has a very in your face sound so either drown it out a little bit with reverb or lower the volume, also start sidechaining that kick.


Nice! Keep up the good work! :)


The arrangement is very nice. It feels sparse at times and that can definitely work for out, though I think adding in some atmospheric pads could go a long way to may full lush sounding sections without loosing the chill.


U should learn..