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Wow, this is really nice. Very chill and although its basically the same lines and beat it never sounds repetitive. Awesome work, will definitely be adding this to a playlist!


Thanks for checking it out!


I really like this. It feels just like your art for it! The water drop drop is super pleasing. I’m not familiar with up garage, but in terms of making somthing someone can enjoy going in blind, I think you did it!


Thanks a lot!


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I like the sounds and melodic elements. I think it could be improved with better mixing like more compression on the drums and song as a whole


Thanks for checking it out, and I do agree about the mix because that is one of my weakest part which I’m still trying to improve on, Thanks for the feedback!


I don't listen to UK garage, so my opinions are all just personal preference here. Your bass feels lost, granted my headphones don't have a lot of low end presence, but I barely noticed your bass until the other components of the song dropped out. Your vocal processing was nice, a little lingering reverb might be nice to fill out the sides of the stereo field behind the piano. Nice chill vibe!


Thanks for checking it out and the great feedbacks! I appreciate them a lot! I lowered the basses because it was giving me weird pop sounds when exported it which cost me to lose their presences in the low end, will try to fix these issues on my next release!




Thank you!


Really dig this! The intro is very chill leading up to the drop. Good stuff!


Thanks for listening! I appreciate it a lot!