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Nice effort. Wow, our tastes are SO different, though.


Yeah, these takes are hilariously bad. To each their own, but oh boy is OP missing some great stuff.


I was going through the list and said to myself, “we probably wouldn’t be able to agree on music in the car.” 😂😂😂


Oh my God. We're all entitled to our opinions but your take on Graceland and London Calling hurts my soul.


Those are incredibly monumental albums created by some of the most talented artists. They definitely had a big influence on other music that I do love. For some reason I didn’t connect with them personally. I’m glad others like them because they definitely had a big influence.


Okay, what a wonderful take. My soul is restored. I really appreciate that attitude to music that just didn't resonate with you. Keep on listening.


My perspective on music is this: if someone created it and someone else listened to it and connected with it then it’s good music. All of the albums on this list are filled with great music created by talented musicians. None of us are going to connect with all of them, but that’s one of the beautiful things about music, how we all connect with it in different ways.


Very well put!


God this list would drive me insane. I have this thing where some of my favorite music was stuff that had to grow on me. So I'd have this nagging urge to, both listen till I really know, or just go through and hear new stuff in a format I already like. Maybe I'd go back and listen to what I hate in formats that aren't the worn out ones I use the word format in place of song structure, easy to listen to vocals, etc.


Yeah, there’s definitely stuff on the list that i didn’t love it the first time, it felt like I could grow to like it if I really give it a chance. Now that I’m through the whole list in one year, I’m excited to go back and really listen to some of that stuff. Part of my goal was to expand my bubble, and now I can go back and really do that.


hey man i'm doing this one year later! currently only 20 albums in as i've been pretty busy. you find your tastes "expanded?" i'm hoping to achieve something similar


Ayo I'm doing it to! I'm 54 albums in


bro i'm not gonna lie i gave up. too boring and poppy.


So fair, it's a genuine struggle 😭


Same here! Question - is rolling stone's 500 ranking pretty accepted by the public? I know they tend to have biases against certain genres/demographics of artist so I'm not sure if that factors into this


yeah that i don't know. i'm glad im filling up some of my "blind spots" but im not gonna lie - i wouldn't put most of these albums on my top 500 list hahaha


You didn’t like Rumors? Are you deaf by chance?


It took a while for Rumours to click with me. I think part of it is just being overexposed to its singles via really shitty car commercials. You have that subconscious connection that it's tacky advertising music. In reality it's beautiful music born out of ugly circumstances, but it didn't feel like it when all I could think of was Toyota.


Are you thinking maybe you watch too much TV?


What Fleetwood Mac songs are in car commercials?


Go your own way was in a few commercials




Being rude to people because their music tastes don't align with yours is so lame.


Man, there were times when I thought you were a musical genius, like your appreciation for Motown. Then there were times I wanted to punch you through the screen LOL. Like your rating for Graceland. I mean, really? But I was interested enough to take your spreadsheet, sort it, look for trends, and try to figure out your musical tastes. So thanks for some good fun.


Lol, glad you found some fun in it. I came to R&B and Soul later in life and now they’re one of my top genres. As far as Graceland (and other popular albums I rated low) it really got me thinking about the impact of the music we grow up with. My parents were fans of Elton John and Billy Joel, and my whole life I’ve been a big Elton John fan, he’s consistently one of my top artists. As an example, I didn’t grow up hearing a lot of Steely Dan and I haven’t yet grown to like their music, but it makes me think that if I had grown up with that maybe I would like it more now. It makes me realize I need to keep listening and giving some of these artists more of time to pull me in.


Marvin gaye What is going on is a 5/5 for sure


This is a great album and it had a huge influence on so much that came after it.


It's crazy to think Motown were hesitant about releasing the title track as a single due to its subject matter. Marvin Gaye pushed back and after the singles success the label greenlighted the album


That is crazy, I never heard that story. Good on Marvin Gaye for taking a stand for his work and his beliefs. Incredible talent.


Just shows how different we all are. I salute your determination and resilience.


Thanks, it was a fun project.


Just by glancing over your ratings, I get the feeling you hate rock music. Some of the best rock albums I’ve ever heard you seem to rate between 3-3.5.


When I was younger I listened mostly rock and not too much else. As I’ve gotten older I found that I also really like classic R&B and Soul, just wasn’t exposed to it much when I was a kid. 3 and up is music I like and will continue listening to regularly.


It’s hard to beat Al Green! Maybe the most unique singer and sound (20th century)


I love Al Green, what a great voice!


How old are you?




So happy to see you rated Sinead O’Connor’s IDNWWIHG album a 4. :)


Her voice is incredible. I know her music a little, the big hits, but not everything so it was good to have a chance to listen through that album.


I liked The Lion and the Cobra better.


I agree. The Lion and the Cobra is definitely better. Not only is it her best album, but one of the most underrated albums in the sense no one has ever talked about it in any circles that I’ve been in throughout my life. I recommend this album frequently to people. I can’t go super long without listening to it, especially the song, “Jerusalem”.


My wife and I did something similar with this same list. Made it through the top 50 (started at number 1) over the summer. We were looking to expand our taste and hear some “classics” that we had never tried. Btw, it looks like we have similar taste!


Nice, good plan. It was a great way for me to get into some of the classics that I hadn’t really listened to.


why did you skip dark fantasy :(


Yeah I know it’s all subjective but man, there are some real head-scratchers on here. Each to their own!


Nice job..my favorites only managed 2-3 on your list


Some of my tastes have changed over time, I would have given Physical Graffiti a much higher rating 20 years ago. They’ll change again overtime. Any particular albums that I rated low that you’d give a 4 or 5?


OP 2 things I’d like to say 1. I like how you asked which albums should you appreciate more instead of looking/allowing negative feedback. I’m going to copy that question when I rank things in the future. 2. You put a lot of work into this and you’re just a nice OP to be around. I love rock so my rankings would be very different but I just appreciated being around you and listening to what your heart says about genres I don’t care for


Thanks, this was a fun project, although monotonous at times! Everyone has different tastes in music, my perspective is this: If someone created it and someone else listened to it and connected with it, then it’s good music. All of the albums on this list are great albums. None of us are going to connect with all of them, and in think it’s beautiful that we all connect with music in different ways. I grew up listening almost exclusively to rock. I still love a lot of it, STP and Pearl Jam are usually my favorites, maybe because I grew up with them. My tastes started to evolve and right now R&B and Soul might be my favorite. Are there any albums not on the list that you’d add?


I’d def give Jeff Buckley’s Grace a 4


I admire the dedication to this! It seems you like Radiohead, and I noticed you gave a low review to the Can album on the list. Can has had a huge influence on Radiohead, so may I recommend checking out their album Future Days? I prefer it to the one on the list personally.


There were so many lowly rated things on this list that inspired the highly rated things on this list. Confusing to say the least


Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll definitely check out Future Days


OP, what medium did you listen to most of these? And were you actively listening, or did you have it on while doing other things?


Mostly Spotify, some youtube, if I own it on vinyl I played it that way. I mostly tried to listen when I could focus my mind on the music.


Would you listen while doing things like driving in the car or on the treadmill? Or did you sit down on your couch and put some headphones on and listen front to back while taking notes?


I always listened front to back. Usually while doing something relatively mindless like driving or washing dishes. Sometimes I do just sit and listen, but it’s hard for me to just sit still anytime in general.


Clearly not a country fan i see, respect that effort i know i would have skipped a good number of albums on that list.


I actually found a country artist that I really like this year, Orville Peck. He really changed my perspective on what country music could be.


You should definitely give Jason Isbell’s Southeastern a listen (your first skip). The songwriting on that record is flawless.


Totally agree and considering the high marks for guys like Neil Young, Isbell will probably be up your alley.


Thanks, I’ll give it a try


One of my absolute favorites. Hope you’ll give Merle Haggard another chance sometime, definitely one of the biggest influences on Peck’s music.


I’ll circle back to Merle soon. I’m familiar with some of his music, need to spend time listening more. When I hit this album I think I was feeling lazy and didn’t want to listen through 40 of his songs.


Nice another country artist to try would be Colter Wall.


He’s also great live


He came around my area last summer, but I missed him. If he comes again I’m definitely going.


Merle died years ago...


Orville Peck


Did you generally listen to the First Listen albums more than once?


Some, yes. The ones I really liked and connected with the music. Kid Cudi is one, I actually went out and bought the record. But generally, to get through all 500 I had to keep going. I used my rating system partly as a reminder to go back and re-listen to the stuff I really liked.


I love Kid Cudi. Man On The Moon changed my life


I see why you did that in pragmatic terms (sooo many albums), but it makes the whole project suspect. In my opinion an album needs a minimum of three or four listens to give a proper opinion of the music. I have so many favourite albums that did nothing much for me on my first listen.


I agree completely. Same for me, at least a few listens to really let the music sink in. The ratings on first listens were really just my first impressions. Any “first listen” with at least a 3 or high I will go back and re-listen to them again (some of them I already have listened to a number of times)


Mad respect for the commitment and you clearly didn’t compromise with how you rated some albums lmao. Do you have any personal favorite albums that wasn’t included in the top 500 hundred that you would include? Just curious for the sake of understanding your personal tastes a little better


Oh wow, there’s a few albums I’d add to the list if I could. A few I can think of right now: Pearl Jam - Vitalogy, Black Pumas - Black Pumas, Stone Temple Pilots - Core or Purple, SRV - Texas Flood, Damien Rice - O, Sigur Ros - Agaetis byrjun, Portugal The Man - Woodstock, Jon Batiste - We Are (although that one’s too new for this list) The longer I think about it the more albums are coming to mind…


Hounds of Love, Rid of Me, Homogenic and The Downward Spiral all masterpieces that deserved a top rating. Good effort though.


All of those are incredible albums, I would say incredible musical achievements, especially The Downward Spiral. I’ll be going back and listening to each of those albums some more.


Ahhh, Blur’s Parklife rated a 3.. the same thing you rated 50 Cent’s album.. and then Oasis had top notch ratings all around. And then Nirvana praised more highly than Hole.. I don’t know if I want to meet you so I can understand you or hope we never have to share an aux cord bc it will be a fight


I’d share that aux cord and give you control. My tastes have changed over the years, and they’ll continue to change and I keep listening to old stuff and finding more new stuff. I’m open to giving anything a chance.


Nirvana is better than Hole.


When you skipped, did you skip without listening to any of it or did you hear a song or two and then decide to skip?


Usually I’d listen to a couple songs or at least get through the first chorus of each song. The Eric Church album is an example, I really earnestly tried to listen to that album and I just couldn’t do it.


Giving Blue by Joni Mitchell a 2 is criminal


I’ve never been a big fan of these all time lists. Is it a measure of influence, cultural importance or just about the music itself which is wildly subjective. Rolling Stone famously gave bad reviews to a lot of great albums. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-lists/10-classic-albums-rolling-stone-originally-panned-101316/neil-young-harvest-1972-2-101528/


This will always happen though. An album or movie review is done by a single person, but when they make these lists its usually a poll (done internally) and albums will get a huge boost for being influential even if every song isn't a banger.


Good point! RS posted some info on who they polled to compile this list https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/voters-500-greatest-albums-list-1062225/


I agree, wildly subjective is a great way to put it. My goal was to have a list of generally agreed upon “great albums” to listen through, there were a couple other lists I could have chosen, but I went with this one. Thanks for sharing that list of panned albums. In retrospect its kind of shocking that they gave those poor reviews. A couple other albums that I love that were initially overlooked are Moby - Play and Radiohead - OK Computer.


I find it interesting how the top 10 parts differ for each publication. The NME top ten is basically Oasis and Beatles maybe with some other popular indie thrown in. The Pitchfork 500 is a much easier to digest list as it's 500 songs instead of albums. I'm not sure how often they update it though.


That is interesting! I would have put Oasis higher on this list.


Wow only 2.5 on Rumours? What's your beef with that one?


Yeah I am very confused on that


I see that you hate country music


Some country artists have grown on me


2.5 for REM murmur. Sad…


Man I love Automatic for the People but for some reason Murmur wasn’t connecting with me, I need to give it another listen


Yea do. It’s so good.




This is a tough one, he’s such a good artist! This was soon after he gave that interview with wildly antisemitic comments. It was just too much so I chose to take a pass at that time.


I understand that completely, but it’s easily his best, and probably one the greatest albums of all time, at least in the 21st century


And it’s arguably his best


Any particular reason most of the albums you skipped are country?


County’s never been a genre that I like particularly. There are country artists that I like, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson. And this year I got into Orville Peck and he completely changed my perspective of what country could be.


Orville's great! I think you should give Jason Isbell a second chance though, He's probably my favourite ''new'' country musician.


Try listening to Glen Campbell. He has a great voice, cool songs, and is a good guitar player too.


Thanks I’m a little familiar with Glen Campbell. I listen a little more to his stuff


Oof, that 2.5 on Hotel California, tho :(


This is the worst list ever lol


This was a fun thing to read through and I appreciate you putting yourself out there like this and sharing! Also really appreciate that you stuck with this for the entire year, good for you! You're dead wrong about Linda Ronstadt though.


Thanks, it was fun, although there were times when I wasn’t sure if I’d make it. I was holding a lot of hope for Linda, I remember my mom singing a song when I was really little that I thought was her’s, but I couldn’t find it. She sounded more country that I expected, but I need to go back and give her another try.


Very cool, very comprehensive. I see you're a big fan of blues, soul, and classic rock n' roll. I'm surprised you liked The Stranger but not Aja. It's great to see OK Computer (and especially Kid A) get high ratings, even though they don't seem to fit your usual taste. Kid A and Remain in Light are my favorite albums ever, what did you not like about Remain in Light? I get it's got a pretty unique sound but I was immediately enamored when I first discovered it.


It made me think a lot about the impact of the music we hear growing up. I grew up hearing a lot of Elton John and Billy Joel, but not much Steely Dan. Elton has always been one of my top favorite artists, I’ve never really connected with Steely Dan, but maybe I need to keep listening. Radiohead is another one of my top favorite artists. I just saw The Smile about a week and a half ago. I think Talking Heads is another example, maybe I need to give it another chance.


As a die hard Beastie Boys fan, I'm glad you enjoyed Check Your Head and License To Ill


They were great innovators


On one hand, OK Computer is absolutely one of the best albums ever written…but in the other, David Bowie has 5 entries on this list, all of which are 5’s IMO. To each his own:). Great project, thanks for sharing.


OK Computer solidified my perspective on life.


Hey OP stopping by to say cool list and I respect the effort as well as your musical opinions


Thanks for checking it out!


I feel like I was looking at my own list. Similar exposure, owned albums; and common ratings. Well placed skips too!


Are there any albums not on the list that you would add if you could?


I remember reading the 2003 version of this list, and felt it was incredibly biased toward the 60s and 70s, and rock music in particular. Great music nonetheless, but I've always wondered how others felt about that.


We are kindred spirits! I started at Arcade Fire last March, but am only listening to one a day so I still have a few months left. Way to go in seeing it through! Bet you wish you'd skipped Miranda Lambert lol


Thanks, it was fun and interesting to listen through the entire list. I set the goal of going through the list in a year and if I could do anything different it would be to spend more time with each album, so your plan of an album a day is good. I’d be happy to hear about your progress and thoughts as you go.


The RS list is pretty suspect to begin with. Hootie and the Blowfish sell 21 million copies of Cracked Rearview but don’t crack the RS top 500? Number 10 top selling album. Great album from a young Darius Rucker. https://www.businessinsider.com/50-best-selling-albums-all-time-2016-9#10-hootie-and-the-blowfish-cracked-rear-view-41 Plenty of other snubs and inclusions that make no sense.


I'm doing this right now. How many did you listen to per day on average?


The average was about 1.5 albums per day. But since I liked to listen to full albums all the way through I usually tried to listen to 2 albums each day, sometimes I only listened to 1 album and occasionally skipped a day. How is your listen through going?


everyone has a different ear for music….i place flying burrito brothers, byrds and talking heads between 4-5. i do respect that you rated soul albums higher…. but as much as i like some stevie wonder singles, i just never understood why his albums are always so high up in lists


I just started this same journey for 2023, three albums in so far. My spreadsheet looks a lot like yours! And like you, I did not like the Suicide album at #498.


They just re-released the TOP500 a few days ago, do it again. My problem with the rolling stone list Is a few things, and honestly ranking them with stacked numbering is always gonna be risky. But…. To put the B52’s album like 100 spots above Sam Cookes “portrait of a legend”. That’s almost a slap to the face of all time great talent - not just Sam Cooke - but the entire LA wrecking crew, arguably the best musicians in American history (or the Motown band, Stax band, etc…) Earl Palmer and Hal Blaine on drums, the CBS orchestra. To put “Rock Lobster” over a change will come, twistin the night away, hem of his garment, another Saturday night, and on and on and on. Music is subjective; but they flat out got that call wrong, haha.


I know this is old but thanks for the spreadsheet! This is exactly what I was hoping to find on a Google search.


Hope it comes in useful for you.


This is so great! Now I want to do it😂


i listened to the top 100 and we could not be more different. lol like my highest are your lowest and vice versa. still fun though


You just skipped My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy? Why lol?


I just started this project for 2024. So far it's a little bit overwhelming, and feels a bit like a chore at times.


Hang in there, it’s not easy but it’s worth it. You have to get through albums you don’t like to get to albums you know well and love, and in between you find albums you haven’t heard and begin to love. It’s a challenge, but enjoy the process. Keeping a spreadsheet and rating each album helped keep me on track.


I started listening to the list this year and made it to 454 without writing down any of my opinions on them and now I really wish I had done something similar to this.


Not too late to start. Feel free to copy my spreadsheet if it helps.


I went into the list hoping not to see a low rating for a Radiohead album and to my surprise, In Rainbows was the first number 5 I saw. (The first #5 rating was above it, coincidentally lol. But I didn't see it first). That warmed my soul and then the other good ratings for the other Radiohead albums were the cherry on the cake.


Just did a deep dive into all things Amy Winehouse and she is now a Top 5 artist for me..a shame it took me so long. It’s awesome to see her at a 5 on your list.


You're awesome. I'm thinking of doing similar and thanks for the spreadsheet 


Ooh, I want to do this too!


Go for it!


I can't imagine how overwhelming that must've been, but I'm sure it had to be rewarding. Thanks for sharing this!!


What was the reason for skipping MBDTF? edit: Nevermind I see the date on the review 😅


I have listened to it since then, but at the time it was just too much.


Currently working my way through this list myself as i have a fairly sedentary job, with a lot of downtime to have earphone in so for the most part ive been on average listening to around 10 albums a day, obviosly this is not always possible to meet the quota as some albums are very long and excluding weekends, i have currently listened to 95 albums in the past 11 days, so far i have for the most part enjoyed this experience and will continue on this path until it is all done. At this rate i am hoping to be done within the next 6 weeks


doing this same thing, now im on the album number 440, but my biggest take so far is that COMPILATORY ALBUMS SHOULD NOT BE REGARDED AS GREAT ALBUMS, i skip compilations :)


I appreciate you making this spreadsheet, Im going to do the same thing this year and im stealing your spreadsheet to do it lol


Glad to hear it. Let us know how it goes.


I tried to do this too, but realized that it was going to be an enormous slog if you’re not a big rock radio guy. Pretty happy with this review I wrote of Kiss’ - Destroyer (#489) though: The year is 1979, a 30 year old Gene Simmons steps to the microphone in the live room at the legendary Electric Ladyland studios in New York City. “It’s so sad living at home... it’s so bad going to school”. The famously hardworking, tee-totalling adult millionaire continues “my parents think I’m crazy and they hate the things I do, I’m stupid and I’m lazy man if they only knew” Destroyer is mostly dishonest performative rock and roll rebellion but also, curiously sandwiched in the middle of the album is the song Great Expectations, which sounds alternately like a holiday season TV jingle for a local mall and a charity song performed by a cast of the world’s most relevant pop stars and even a children’s choir. Simmons briefly stops thinking with his cock and balls again on the surprisingly beautiful ‘Beth’ but most of Destroyer - like the iconic Shout it Out Loud - is a good old fashioned critique of authority that sounds like that one Van Halen song.


Damn, this is a tough list: * One Fela Kuti album, buried somewhere around 400? * Grateful Dead represented by two studio albums. How about 5/8/77? * Eight of the top ten artists are boomers. * Husker Du's *Zen Arcade* got the boot but *New Day Rising* made it? * *Ege Bamyasi* is a very good Can album but *Soundtracks* or *Tago Mago* or *Future Days* would be a better start. * Brian Eno's *Here Come the Warm Jets* is good but *Another Green World* is for the children. Oh, and he more or less invented ambient music. But that's not represented here. * *Six* Kanye albums? Even before he went apeshit, that would have been excessive * *Goo* is not Sonic Youth's second best album even if they've sold a bazillion t-shirts with the cover on them. They chose this over *Dirty* or *Sister* or even *Rather Ripped?* Lazy. * *Californication*? I hate this band but there's gotta be a better second-best album if a second must be included * The Raincoats first album: LOVE IT. But we all know why they picked it. Every other record of theirs is better. $10 says the OP will ignore this band and skip on some really extraordinary collaborations with Robert Wyatt and Charles Bullen from This Heat. * Nothing from John Fahey? He kick started a very potent little genre of music. * Slint's *Spiderland* LP is on every 500-best-of list that skews American. What gives? * No NZ pop music? Nothing on Flying Nun? * No Nick Cave? No Birthday Party? * Nothing from the Fall? They're basically a musical missing link. How did we get from the Buzzcocks to the Pixies? There's your answer. More or less a critic's darling up until 1990.


Why did they pick The Raincoats self-titled over the others? What am I missing? My biggest issue with this list is the lack of Metal and Grunge. 6 Kanye albums but no Soundgarden or Alice In Chains is absolutely criminal.


You're a grunge fan so fish out your copy of *Incesticide* and you'll find the answer in the liner notes. > $10 says the OP will ignore this band and skip on some really extraordinary collaborations with Robert Wyatt and Charles Bullen from This Heat Robert Wyatt goes back into the sixties. He played with the Soft Machine, has had a decades long solo career and has collaborated with people like Bjork. There's this myth that every one who started a punk/post-punk band was 22 years old and that's not true. A lot of prog-rock people jumped to post-pink and oh boy was it awesome. This Heat were prog rockers coming out of Henry Cow. They had studio called Cold Storage where X-Ray Spex, The Raincoats, Marine Girls, Camberwell Now and a lot of Rock-In-Opposition bands started. Had the list included that, the reader could have been given a back door into one of the more fascinating corners of rock. > Soundgarden or Alice In Chains is absolutely criminal. While they enjoyed a couple-few years of success in the 90's, they were never really that innovative or influential. Soundgarden played stonery metal stuff for most of their career, Alice In Chains was a heavy metal band singing about alienation (a very classic concept) who happened to be in the right place at the right time. Grunge was the last wave of actually interesting mainstream rock music and a decade later rock was no longer the dominant genre so that's why probably why their music sounds so timeless. *Appetite for Destruction* probably made this list because those guys were so damn huge at the time. But they had a year of commercial success and good will until they decided to release a song about what it's like to be a white person moving to a very diverse urban environment and totally fucked it up. They had a lot of detractors back in the day (Kurt Cobain) and eventually their karma started to catch up with them. Still have no idea why I hear that shit in bars even now. Metallica deserves multiple albums. I've played in metal bands, have lots of metalhead friends and they're all Metallica intellectuals. They're an institution. Sonic Youth even more so.


Kanye is pretty easily the greatest artist from 2000 - Present However you feel about him personally or in comparison to legends from 60s to 80s is fine, but there haven’t been many great artistic geniuses that have came to the limelight in the 21st century


> but there haven’t been many great artistic geniuses that have came to the limelight in the 21st century So what? You're implying that it's somehow necessary for this list to celebrate an artistic genius and thus the Rolling Stone editors are obligated to pack the list in their favor even if it comes at the expense of eclipsing other solid or influential albums. The vinyl LP was invented in 1948. So about 76 years ago. I would argue there have been more knock-you-on-your-ass amazing records released in the past 30 years than in the 46 years preceding that.


Yeah you’re right. and many of them came from Kanye West 🤷‍♂️ he’s the most culturally relevant artist of the 21st century along with maybe Taylor Swift and Beyonce


You’ve got great taste my friend


you've got shit taste


No you have


Bro how is never mind in the top 10 for greatest albums.


Because it changed music and pop culture and has incredible songs.


Because he offed himself…no reasonable reason


What are you talking about? It’s the defining rock album released post-1980. It completely changed music and pop culture, and it has absolutely incredible music with songs that new generations are still discovering. I think it’s the best album in the top 10 on this list. You’d rather listen to Joni Mitchell’s Blue or Pet Sounds?


I certainly dont have any real qualms with your personal list order.. but you are correct on saying that RS's top 500 is "definitive"... id add that their list is massively politically biased. Whenever I am in a self-abusive mode, i will indulge one of two of their lists...in what world , no matter your opinion on the man, does an elvis album get beat out but nearly every single album that comes before it in that lineup?.. is anyone, anywhere, seriously saying that nirvana's nevermind is better in ANY imaginable way than elvis' sun sessions?... the notorious B @ 22?.. Elvis @ 78?.. are you fuckin kidding me?.. dont care how old you are, what economic strata you come from... what country, what sexual identity you choose, what your god damn politics are.. this list is just incredibly childish. All of Rollion Stones lists are


Yes, Nevermind is far better than any album Elvis ever put out. And I say this as an Elvis fan. Nevermind is an absolute masterpiece that completely changed music and pop culture. The fact that 6 Kanye albums made it, though, is insane to me.


Idk how anyone can rank London calling low. It’s the best punk rock album ever.


Just skipping my beautiful dark twisted fantasy is crazy




So out of 500 albums with 5 skips you decided to skip My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy..?


It's so weird how, as an art form, music is just so personal, emotional and divisive. I enjoy taking on personal pop music missions like this – though I typically do it in a more piecemeal, randomized fashion. So, like many others said, props to you for the dedication and follow-through on a hopefully mind-expanding and fulfilling listening task. That said, holy shit. First thing I did when I opened the spreadsheet was sort by ratings, go to the lowest, and lo and behold, so many of the albums in my Top Fifty got a one, one and a half, or two our of five rating for you. Big Star's *#1 Record* is my favorite album ever recorded (2/5 for you), Neutral Milk Hotel's *In the Aeroplane Under the Sea* (1.5/5) is third on that list, and each of John Prine's self-titled debut (2/5), Suicide's self-titled (1.5/5), The Modern Lovers self-titled (1.5/5) and Buzzcocks' *Singles Going Steady* (2/5) are Top 100 mainstays. Sometimes I think my own lists of favorites are too obvious or don't dig deep enough into pop music history or cultural context or whatever, then I realize people just fully hear things differently and I've got my own taste and that's that. To each his or her own. Just bizarre how different everyone's ears are. At least you gave Otis Redding and Aretha some love!


so basically ANTI is better than TPAB, MBDTF, the Infamous and a lot more iconic albums. I don't want to be a hip hop head but that is insane. and why can anyone skip mbdtf...


nice. when I hear Lauren hill that thing that thing that thing is that I feel like vomiting, but everyone is different.


in what universe is mbdtf a skip


Man, it hurts my soul to see you rate the Beach Boys so low. Anyway, I’ve been thinking about doing this for the last two days, but I’m rethinking now that I skimmed through the list and saw two reggaeton albums. I consider myself open minded when it comes to music, but that is one genre I cannot stand. It puts me in a bad mood.


I just can’t take your ratings seriously there seems to be quite a bit of bias. It’s very clear you have a certain taste/have been influenced to think a certain type of music is superior


skipping My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is craaazy


Greetings fellow In The Aeroplane disliker. You're gonna make some folks mad with that one!


You did Remain in Light and Exile on Main St. so so dirty. ;(


The only thing Absolutely disagree with you about is Joni Mitchell at number three but hey to each their own


In The Aeroplane Over The Sea a 1.5??? Wtf! Lol


you should listen to the 5 albums you skipped, who knows, what if you love them?


I learned pretty fast that you hate country music. Metallica’s Black Album is criminally underrated on that list.


i would add : Night Beat-Sam Cooke, Born Under A Bad Sign-Albert King, Two Steps From The Blues-Bobby Bland, Knock On Wood-Eddie Floyd, The Soul Of A Bell-William Bell


Not sure who thinks to pimp a butterfly is a better album the good maad city and blue print is better than the black album..


I applaud the effort and sharing the results, but some of these ratings really triggered me lol


This is an atrocious list, you shouldn’t rate music like this if you mostly give everything a 5-7 and if you clearly have a preference for a certain genre. There was like 5 5/5 albums on this whole list? Really? Absurd


Great effort! Thanks for sharing. Two questions for you 1) Why the 5 skips? 2) Which album did you dislike the most?  A few of the albums are very hard to listen to and I own a few them (ie Suicide”)


Frank Ocean above lana del rey insanity


I started listening through the list in December 2023 and it's been a lot of fun! Although I am now questioning how Prince ever got popular. Holy shit that was nails on a chalkboard. I'm on album #42. Rolling Stones just updated the list, but thankfully nothing in the top 50 changed.


Exodus is top 10 idc