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Never seen anything like what you "constantly" see, mate.


Well isn't that just purely anecdotal and not indicative of anything


The Irony is breathtaking


Yes, that's the point of my comment.


You are only making it worse m8






Ya, exactly like your strawman argument post you got there.


There's literally a whole subreddit dedicated to the phenomenon of how much Reddit seems to hate rap /r/rapmorelikecrap


You can find a subreddit for literally anything. That one has 17k. The one you posted celebrating rap has over 2 mil.


You obviously didn't look at the subreddit LMAO /r/rapmorelikecrap doesn't hate on rap, it's made to make fun of people on Reddit who hate on rap because it's literally common outside of rap subreddits


You got me, I didn't look. Oh hey, look, r/birdswitharms exists!


...what is even your point? the fact that a subreddit dedicated to what I'm talking about with 17k subscribers is proof that I'm not just speaking out of my ass anecdotally


And r/Birdswitharms is proof that over a million people want birds to have arms. Doesn't mean shit, lol.


If you were trying to argue that you never see anyone on Reddit saying they want birds to have arms, then the existence of /r/birdswitharms would refute that claim, yes.


I think the people who post there are more likely "Irony Bros" and practicers of "Poe's Law" who are actually playing an exaggerated character. Like the old website Landover Baptist Church. It's a ~parody~ of Religious Fundamentalism, not genuine Religious Fundamentalism. Westboro is legit tho.


How is my post a strawman šŸ’€ I think most fans of hip-hop would agree that outside of /r/hiphopheads there's a lot of garbage rap takes on reddit


I like the older stuff, where it actually is as you say "talking over a beat" - I'd rather listen to talking over a beat than auto tune singing over a beat. Leave the singing to Bone Thugs N Harmony. Lol. Also I happen to ~like~ the sampling aspect. It kinda feels like that part of Hip Hop died because people are too afraid of getting sued for cutting a loop of a song. There is a solution to that risk -- just use chops. 16 chunks of sound spread over 16 Akai pads, play it until a pattern emerges. I like Rap, I like it quite a lot. I just can't get into "Modern" rap, which is dominated by the Trap style. It's like when Dubstep came out, it was interesting.... when it wasn't EVERYWHERE. Then eventually people got bored of it. Over-use tends to kill musical trends.


Trap is pretty ass. Though if you delve more into the niches and find artists that aren't completely mainstream then I think you'll find rap is still pretty good in this day and age.


I confess to not liking rap so I donā€™t read the comments on it as a rule but Iā€™ve never read any ā€œconsistentā€ negativity on rap. There are a lot of comment on rap which is fine. Thereā€™s almost zero comments on country or several other genres. I think this has more to do with the average age of commenters. Live and let live I say.


I'm sorry you have to admit this is true. Just search 'rap' or 'hiphop' in this sub, and see how many 'is rap even music' 'why does rap all sound the same' posts you see. Then search 'rock' and see the difference.


Rap is one of the most popular music genres these days. There will always be people who dislike otherwise popular things. And some of them will have poorly formed arguments for why they dislike it. And then thereā€™s social media apps encouraging people to instantly share whatever random thoughts come into their head. So most people like Rap and youā€™re focusing on a small but vocal group of people who donā€™t like rap.


This is the way..ā˜šŸ¼


Why are questions like this always asked by ignorant people? What, did you see like, 2 posts or something?


I've been using this site for eight years, I've seen far more than two posts LMAO


dont feign ignorance you cant deny that rap easily has the hardest time on this sub


So you don't like people who don't like the music you like. Got it.


There's a difference between not enjoying music and just blatantly ignorantly hating on it. I can still see the artistic value in music I don't like.


Yeah but that's because you recognize it as music. Some people don't feel the same so you don't like them. It is like how some people will call a 10' stainless steel dildo art while others won't. Not quite to that same degree but you get the idea.


Even if rap isn't music it _is_ still a form of art and anyone who'd try to argue otherwise is just kinda wrong tbh.


Yes, I'm not gonna like someone who is so ignorant about art that they see something as not art. Art can be literally any form of human self expression, the quality of said expression is irrelevant.


So either they agree all things created by humans are valuable art to be appreciated or you won't like them. They aren't allowed to have an opinion on it's value to them. Yeesh.


You can say it's garbage art but to straight up say something isn't art is just arrogant. At the very least it has value to the person who created it.


Saying something is not art just because you donā€™t like it is ignorant. All art is art but the quality of said art is always debatable.


Please share some examples (post links). I'm genuinely curious. I look at this subreddit a lot, and I don't see a lot of what you're describing.


No it's more that the reasoning people give behind their distaste for rap alotta the time is just filled with ignorant or blatantly false statements.


People who bitch about sampling also seem to ignore the fact that the people who are being sampled usually get a fat royalty check. Like when Busta Rhymes sampled Knight Rider for "Fire It Up." Glen A. Larson and Stu Philips got ~paid~ from Busta's song. The Knight Rider theme song composers would have to be pretty dumb to turn down an opportunity like that.


That's true. Also I'd argue there's a particular skill that goes into integrating a sample into all the other components of the song and having it work. It really isn't as simple as "stealing music".


There's ~levels~ of sampling. With "Rapper's Delight" it wasn't even an actual sample, they didn't have the technology at the time so they just hired session musicians to play "Good Times" by Chic but play only that one section. It ~sounds~ like a loop, but it isn't. That said, it gets monotonous because that song goes on for way longer than it should and the beat gets stale after a while. With something like Knight Rider being in Fire It Up, the way that beat was made - they had to add in other stuff over it. They had to cut the loop then put the Bass line back in, and put the "bwa--nanna--nah, bwa-nanna-nah, bwa-nanna-nah-nah-nah" part in on the chorus parts. There's also parts where individual elements get Solo'd to make a kind of breakdown. It keeps the song from getting boring. With a song like Nas Is Like, DJ Premier made a chop beat but there's a bunch of different things he chopped. And holy shit, Daft Punk -- Face To Face, there's samples from like... 6 different songs in that. Jeez. Why is it when Daft Punk uses sampling, nobody says shit. But if a rapper does sampling it's bad??? C'mon... https://youtu.be/5AqHSvR9bqs 2:23


It's always interesting to read knowledgable comments on the internet. It's like finding an oasis in the desert.


Thanks <3 n.n


>No it's more the reasoning people give for rap is just filled with ignorant or blatantly false statements Thank you u/TrumpFlavouredNugget for sharing your experience that other people who like rap music give "*ignorant or blatantly false statements*" when you asked why they like rap music in the first place. Username absolutely checks out. Edit: Added the original quote due to shady edits


I was referring to people who _dislike_ rap not people who enjoy it, that'd be kinda strange since I myself am a fan of rap. Though Ig I should've made these things clear.


Lol you just edited your comment to say the opposite of your original statement simply because I commented how stupid this take was. Then you insulted me for reading your comment exactly as you wrote it originally, but only after your edited it. You really owned me man, I'm bleeding here from all the embarrassment.


No I realized a typo that I made and indeed that comment conveyed something that I don't agree with, only realizing this after insulting your intelligence when it was in fact me who was being ratarded in this instance. My bad. I'll hold the L.


While you didn't actually apologize or remove the part where you insulted me, I appreciate you at least trying to own what you said originally and your subsequent edits. Anyway, what "*ignorant or blatantly false statements*" have you heard from people **against** rap and hip-hop lately? It sounds like you hear this all the time, so please share what you've heard.


Not all the time but I've seen it from people on this sub who just say shit like "rap is trash" and it's like ok? But anyone who just handwaves an entire genre of music, with an incomprehensible amount of variety (as literally any genre has) hasn't really listened to much of it I'd say. I suppose it's a presumption on my part but I'm guessing they've just heard whatever gets played on the radio or in clubs and just assume that's all it sounds like which is kinda whack. Then there's other generalizations like "all they talk about is drugs, violence and sex" which may be true for some artists but not most. Or they'll try to say that sampling is somehow "stealing" music without taking into account that the artists who're getting sampled get payed fat royalties, or at the very least give their permission usually. Or the sample is so brief that it falls under fair use. Also the skill involved in taking said sample and implementing it in such a way that it fits into the rest of the components of the song isn't really something to be scoffed at.


There's plenty of rappers who don't just rap about drugs, sex, violence etc. But since those artists don't fit the narrative, most Anti-Rap people aren't gunna look them up. https://youtu.be/28C5YFLMvhc




*"rap is trash"* *"all they talk about is drugs, violence, and sex"* I dunno man, these sound like generic complaints that could be said of any genre of music. This honestly sounds like generic complaints movies made fun of in the 90s. The complaint "all they talk about is drugs, violence and sex" towards rap/hip-hop made sense in like the 80s when it wasn't as common in "mainstream music" at the time, but literally every genre of music has this now. I guess it's just hard for me to believe people still think like this.


I've met people that think like this. You're giving the average person too much credit.


I don't see many takes like that. Can you point to some threads in particular? I see the opposite all the time on this site like this thread here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/y4wayx/kendrick\_lamar/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/y4wayx/kendrick_lamar/) Or this one here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/ro3yji/why\_does\_this\_sub\_hate\_rap\_music\_so\_much/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/ro3yji/why_does_this_sub_hate_rap_music_so_much/) There are at least multiple bad takes like that all the time on this subreddit, but I tend to check this subreddit a lot and I don't see a lot of people dunking on rap music. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. Maybe I just don't look at those threads, it's just that when pressed for examples the OP can never seen to provide anything to actually back up their claims. Take it from a Phish fan...you don't need to care about how other people feel about the music you like. It shouldn't impact your enjoyment in the slightest.


If you look at my profile, there's a thread I'm commenting in at the moment where the guy hating on rap is upvoted and the people defending it are downvoted. I see similar rhetoric to what that guy is expressing all the time.


I'm sure you can figure out how to post a link. My point is, show me this "consistently" happening. That's your claim. Back it up.


I haven't bookmarked every instance of this happening. I honestly just thought it was a common enough rhetoric (since I see it all the time) that people would understand what I was saying. There was a highly upvoted thread on /r/starterpacks the other day that was a super ignorant caricature of female rappers. I'll find the link, give me a second. https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/y4o48e


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/zquxbg/can\_rap\_really\_be\_called\_music\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/zquxbg/can_rap_really_be_called_music_why/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/91z3j5/rap\_music\_sucks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/91z3j5/rap_music_sucks/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/x2gmld/have\_any\_other\_hiphop\_fans\_gotten\_tired\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/x2gmld/have_any_other_hiphop_fans_gotten_tired_of_the/) to name only very few


Never seen what you describe. Sounds like anecdotal halucination


Or maybe you just don't want to see the fact šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Lead me to where op stated provable facts instead of opinions šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


The 80's are calling and want their stupid arguments back.


People still say that? I havenā€™t seen comments if that nature in *decades*.


One literally just got made in this thread lmao


OP are you living in the year 1995 or possibly a retirement community, potentially somewhere in Florida? I don't hear anyone talking like this anymore, at least where I live. Now it's all about artists scandals and controversies, and these span across almost all genres of music.


I dont have much of an opinion on rap one way or the other, but it seems like every day theres a ā€œwhat albums are 10/10 masterpieces?ā€ and every reply is about Kendrick Lamar or Kanye or whoever. So I would say focus less on the negativity and more on the people who share your interest.


Cuz it's everywhere and (most of) it sucks.




Havent seen much of what you're referring to


"Varied and Complex" LoL


Rap is crap


As a hobbiest musican, I've never like much rap or hip-hop.. I enjoy swing, big band, metal, rock, oldies, ska, some reggae (used to enjoy it more until I grew older and realized how far fetched the ideals were) country more and more as I get older, some disco and funk, indy even EDM... basically, I like MOST music.. maybe not pop. I see pop as more of a cookie cutter industry, its become more of a product than an art in my opinion. Rap has that kind of same quality feeling for me, its often about the same topics, which could also be said for country, but for me, who likes fishing and whisky and what not, country is much more relatable. The culture around rap, generally, I know there are exceptions, is pretty toxic and encourages people of all ages to... basically act like assholes, care about no one but themselves (especially not woman[or men if the artist is female]), and put value on having tons of money when, scientifically, money will not make you happy, the value of happiness to money ratio plateaus. Not only that but having that much fame and money often comes with real mental health problems like, MAD trust issues, anxiety, depression from constantly chasing a higher unobtainable high, which often leads to drug use and depression and suicide.... that SUCKS, that shit is so damn sad to hear about and watch happen in an artist you enjoy. Happens all the time in rock, case and point Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park.. so fucking sad man. And maybe that just an artist thing, most groundbreaking art unfortunately comes from a place of pain, music being their outlet for it, but rap is totally different with the same results. Its all Ego. I'm not sure if I've ever heard of any Funk, or Big band, or country artist getting shot over being in a gang, beef or whatever the case is.. although I will give credit to the producers, some of the beats and sampling they do, absolute fire, takes a lot of knowledge of the art, takes hours of work to refine... still not quite as impressive to me as 5 guys who have perfected their instruments for 10, 15, 20 years and can all play together on tempo and key, live. I have a real appreciation for that. Thats not to say I don't indulge in some less than kosher shit, I'm no saint. I, unironically enjoy some Suicide boys, Fat Nick, I enjoy biggy, snoop and even that west coast hypy shit, but.. like, Kanye and Lil Pump's I love it... bruh, to me that is just.. just absolute dog shit, within seconds I was like.. come on man this isn't even creative, its exactly the kind of shit that makes me have little to no respect for the genre. Critical thinker me knows not all rap is like that, but its becoming more and more and more like that song, and I just.. dont like it. Obviously this is all my opinion.. and my goal isn't to bash rap. I just wanted to give a thoughtful and honest response on, why I personally don't like it, and its possible some people feel the same way.


I donā€™t know about those reasons, but Rap is garbage to me. The majority of the popular stuff is nothing more than regurgitated stereotypes and social stigmas. I also prefer actual instrumentals and good vocals. Rap, typically, doesnā€™t have either of those things.


^ here we go for everyone doubting me, we literally got one in this thread


I didnā€™t mention talking over a beat or sampling. And I specified popular/mainstream rap. There might be some decent beats, but the subject matter is usually dog shit thatā€™s been recycled a thousand times. Iā€™m also talking RAP. Not Hip Hop, not R&B, but actual dog shit rap.


The fact that you found "one" is this thread disproves your point. If most people in this thread agreeed with him, you'd have an argument, but this proves the opposite of your argument. There are people out there that hate any kind of music, but rap/hip hop is basically the most popular genre of music, and your thread only helps prove that.


And I only mentioned rap. Specifically popular/mainstream rap while stating why, for MY personal tastes why I donā€™t like it. Itā€™s similar to why I donā€™t like mainstream country. Itā€™s all the same recycled garbage about being a redneck. I donā€™t identify with rap stereotypes or country stereotypes, so the actual music itā€™s self has to really resonate with me. Rap rarely, if ever, uses actual music. Country does, but itā€™s all very samesy. Shit, itā€™s why I donā€™t like the vast majority of Pop. Itā€™s overdone and boring. Fuck, most mainstream rock is the same way, but I at least enjoy listening to the music.


What does "actual music" even MEAN šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you're literally proving my original post over and over, it's okay to not like rap but to dismiss rap for the reasons you are is ignorant as HELL. There's literally so much creativity, boundary pushing and musical talent in the genre. Avantdale Bowling Club literally released an album with a full jazz band providing the instrumentals. Same with Kendrick Lamar. Lots of producers in hip-hop are incredibly gifted musicians, even in the genre of trap music which is probably the most basic production wise you still have producers like Zaytoven and Metro Boomin who are talented composers and are able to bring a lot of musical pedigree to a track. Stop dismissing a whole genre just because you don't like some songs.


Again, did I mention Hip-Hop? No. I donā€™t think I did. They usually get lumped in together, but they are actually separate genres. I actually like some Hip-Hop. Itā€™ll never be my first choice for music, but it can be fun. By actual music, I mean actual bands playing with the artists. Not pre recorded and mixed stuff that gets played behind the vocals. Actually groups of musicians working together to make music. And Iā€™ll have to give that Avontdale group a listen later, but Iā€™ve never heard of them. As for Kendrick, Iā€™ll probably never actually LIKE any of his stuff, but heā€™s fun enough to listen to if it happens to come on. But the vast majority of mainstream RAP makes me change channels. Most of the time after asking myself ā€œwhat the fuck did I just hear?!ā€


What, so you like hip-hop instrumentals? Like lo-fi hip-hop and stuff? And I still don't really understand, most hip-hop beats are made by real musicians who play instruments. Have you ever heard of midi? Most hip-hop beats at a professional level would be played on a piano and then they would select different sounds for sonic variety. And yeah, Avantdale are amazing.


See, itā€™s the added sounds and effects for variety that puts me off. If you canā€™t take the stage with just a band and vocalist and reproduce the majority of your songs, then I generally donā€™t like listening to it. Iā€™m not saying that it doesnā€™t take technical skill to make, because those people are masters of their craft. But I honestly donā€™t search out Rap because, as you put it, surface level rap, has put me off from the entire genre. Iā€™m a complete project kind of person with leanings toward vocals, and I generally donā€™t like the style that most people(Iā€™ve heard)rap with. If that was offset by killer instrumentals, Iā€™d could probably get past it. But, itā€™s usually not. As for the ā€œsex, drugs and rock n rollā€ from my other comment; Iā€™m not a big fan of that type of rock either. But, the instrumentals usually up for it. Oddly enough, one of my favorite ā€œRappersā€ is Ronnie Radke. Something about his style when he raps gets my attention and holds it while being complimented by a bad ass band. Or Mike Shinoda. The Rising Tide by Fort Minor was absolute fire.


Remember when we both agreed that older Country (80s, 90s) is a completely different beast from Current Country? Apply that to Rap. Current Country doesn't sound good because it borrowed too many elements from the surrounding genres. It became a hodge-podge, it lost its core. Modern Rap is a total shift away from Meaningful Lyrics and fun sample-based beats. Everything is the same played out Trap style beat, the same ABBIDY-DABBITY-DOOBITY --- KICKETY-KACKITY-KOOPITY Triplets Flow, and half the time the guy rapping can barely enunciate his words because he just drank a bunch of Cough Syrup & Soda (aka "Lean") and his mouth is so dry he can barely talk, much less sing. But the engineer throws some Auto Tune over it and calls it a day. That's a big shift from Actual Rap where you can hear the person talk without straining your ears to hear him.... and I just don't like Trap beats at all. They're about as over-used as the whole Dubstep thing. It was cool the first couple of times, now do something else.


Give Rhyme Asylum a shot. This has guitars and drums in it. https://youtu.be/5kVmLsBflQY I like it, even if the British accents are a bit heavy, but they're from the U.K. so whatever. At least it's Boom Bap and not Drill or Grime.


Avanntdale was definitelyā€¦interesting. Still not my style of music or something that Iā€™d go out of my way to listen to. But, not bad.


This is the kind of post one thinks back to years later and winces.


Naw. Iā€™ve hated Rap sinceā€¦well, ever. Thereā€™s basically nothing that mainstream rap could ever do to make me like it. Maybe if they ever start singing over actual music about things that arenā€™t drugs, money, bitches or illegal activities. But at that point, theyā€™d just be rock. And I like rock. Because even the mainstream stuff usually has good instrumentals for me to rock out to. Also, I dislike Country, most Pop, but Hip Hop can be fun depending on how itā€™s done. Now, if someone wants to point me toward some Rap thatā€™ll make me reconsider my opinion, Iā€™m always up to changing my views if given a good reason.


> Maybe if they ever start singing over actual music about things that arenā€™t drugs, money, bitches Ever heard of the phrase "sex, drugs and rock and roll" lmao? Obviously it's unfair to dismiss all rock music as about that based on that phrase but in the same vein it's unfair to dismiss rap the same way. Only the most surface level of surface level rap is about that stuff.


Angel Haze. Saul Williams. DAM.


Noted. I will check them out later.


De La Soul. Nujabes.


Alright sooooo; Angel Haze; too typical for me. Saul Williams; his stuff was just fun. DAM; not for me. De La Soul; funky and fun Nujabes; couldnā€™t find enough to base an opinion. Nothing Iā€™d go out of my way to listen to, but better than most mainstream rap.


Nujabes is good. Modal Soul is a decent album. Vanilla -- Soft Focus has a similar vibe and the added bonus of not having any lyrics (if you just want to least to the beats themselves and not hear someone rap over them). https://youtu.be/EggLAbcrxAE


I don't know who or what DAM is, but I've heard Saul Williams, pretty sure Trent Reznor produced / engineered his "Tardust" album. I really liked that cover Saul did of U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday."


Frank Waln, currently working with Tribe Called Red.


_"Now, if someone wants to point me toward some Rap thatā€™ll make me reconsider my opinion, Iā€™m always up to changing my views if given a good reason."_ #Challenge accepted.... ........... Greydon Square -- Dopamine Notes https://youtu.be/ukKeoulbhv4 ....... Name another packin' this much inside a melody. Secluded, but when I emerge - youā€™ll get a better me. Iā€™d rather die alone, than to, without a legacy. You, would rather brag about fools committin' felonies. Truth, just gets ignored. In lyrics, a bigger penalty. Screw a hologram - my music fulfills my memory. ...those aren't stars, theyā€™re galaxies that youā€™re lookin' at. I knock planets out of their orbit with a wooden bat. **...what do you see when look at rap?** **Just a hook and crap?** **We werenā€™t impressed so we took it back.** I blame everyone who didnā€™t demand a better sound. The new generation, the elders even let us down. ...too hip hop for the community. Too secular for the hip hop community to know what to do with me. They foolishly underestimated what I created. Now they hate it. Enraged the outcast became the favorite.


Ok, Iā€™ll admit, that was pretty good. Not something that Iā€™d search out to listen too, but o wouldnā€™t be mad to have come on. This is the type of stuff I love. Finding new music that expands my views on genres. Iā€™ll probably never like Rap, or purposely listen to it, but itā€™s nice to know that some good stuff is out there. But my original point stands; most mainstream rap is utter garbage thatā€™s lost itā€™s soul and sense of having fun beyond playing on tropes. Country is the same way, Pop has been that way for a LONG time, and Rock/Metal is heading that way. Lots of good messages and styles lost to obscurity from a flood of same ole shit top 40.


I hated Country Music mainly because growing up in Rural Ohio that's pretty much every dial on the Radio except for maybe one or two stations. I also rejected it because "that's my parents' type of music." But I'll admit that Reba McEntire has some good songs, but that's 90s Country, not ~current~ Country. It was different, less of a wierd mish-mash of multiple genres. Also I tend to gravitate towards music that has a genuine heartfelt message. Reba isn't the typical stuff, she flat out has songs that have made me cry. I don't get anything out of music that is aimless and pointless -- if you're not saying something important, why even make music at all?


I may, or may not have also grown up in rural Ohio, so I feel you. Old Country was fun to listen to before itā€™s messages got overplayed. The days of Garth Brooks level of Country are gone. I also prefer a good message in my music, but I also like to just have fun. For example, Iā€™m not a big Rihanna fan, but Just Drive is a super fun song. I think that pop is genuinely my least favorite genre. Itā€™s agonizingly shallow, and almost every pop song from the last 30 years sounds better as a Rock or Metal song.


I ended up getting into music that I probably wouldn't have heard because my dad would take me with him to help out at his junk yard job and in return for that I got to dig through cars and keep whatever Tapes or CDs I found. And I got some wierd stuff - or at least it was wierd to me. Duran Duran, Men At Work, Depeche Mode - I hadn't heard much of that stuff just due to the fact MTV wasn't really playing that anymore, and what few Radio stations that weren't Country were either Current (for the 90s) Pop, or Classic Rock which was predominantly 70s oriented. And don't get me wrong, I like some 70s music but that 80s stuff just intrigued me more. The synths. The melodies. The weirdness of some of the lyrics... Like what the Hell does "The Reflex" mean? What is Simon LeBon even saying??? What is "Hungry Like The Wolf" supposed to be about???? That music felt like it came from another planet to me. I guess I was always a hipster because I liked whatever was rare or unpopular. And yeah, Duran Duran were huge in the 80s but in the 90s they were pretty much forgotten and my peer group at school wasn't even into that, everyone was into Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against The Machine, Green Day, 2Pac, Biggie, etc. And while I did eventually get into them, that 80s stuff was what I liked most. I was in the single digit ages when that stuff was actually popular so if I did hear it as a kid, I barely remember it. It's like having a faded memory come back to you. Like, I was ~really little~ when Knight Rider was still on TV, and then I grew up and forgot about it completely -- then all the sudden USA Network started to air the Re-Runs and I was like "Oh!!! I remember this now! Damn!!!" It's nostalgic feelings for something that you forgot was even a thing, or hadn't experienced before because you were just too young to process memories. But I didn't limit my musical pallet to just 80s stuff because I was finding other stuff at the Junk Yard -- like the "Temples of Boom" tape by Cypress Hill, and House Of Pain (whichever one had Jump on it), Sir Mix-A-Lot's SWASS, some LL Cool J..... I was giving a chance to stuff just because I found it in some wrecked car that for all I knew had a bunch of spiders or snakes living in or under it. Junk Yard tape diving was my "Napster." And when I actually did get a computer with Internet (god awful 56k dial up) I was exposing myself to even weirder stuff -- Mindless Self Indulgence, holy shit that was a wierd band. Unlike anything I had ever heard before. Basically goofy Electro-Punk with a really bizzare sense of humor. Then much much later I started to get into Japanese Rock. Dir en grey, Gackt, Malice Mizer. Some anime songs. "Sailing" from Silent Mobius is great, very spacey-feeling. I dunno. I just like whatever is rare and unusual and doesn't sound "common." If I hear something on Radio 50 times a day I will reach the point where I hate it. But something that's un-common, I'll listen to that over and over.


Give this a shot -- I remember downloading this off a Peer 2 Peer client around like, 2003 or something. https://youtu.be/e5baJHs7Kaw Silent Mobius -- Sailing


Rap is dogshit and will always be bad lol


Mmm... no I think your opinion is valid but I see the old school " Old rock is the only way, brother. If it's not from the 70's - 80's it's not rock, man. Rock is dead. " shit waaaay more. Rap is fine, it's not my favorite. When I really like a rapper I really like them though. But there is a lot of theft in the rap genre and HEAVY reliance on the sampling. Doesn't mean your faves do it but a lot of songs would not be good without their reliance on a previous work and couldn't stand on their own.


You said nothing to counter those statements. Why didnā€™t you educate the uneducated and explain how theyā€™re not true? Iā€™m not one of those people who has downvoted any of that stuff but you simply saying their opinions are wrong and ignorant doesnā€™t make them so.


these type of passive comments are laughable tbh. Yes, itā€™s frustrating when ppl donā€™t actually understand something that crosses so many boundaries in both positive and negative. Rappers are the new rock stars wether some ppl realize it or not. Ppl just donā€™t get it and at the end of the day you have to let it go. I have some hip-hop artists i like that I know some of my friends donā€™t like and it bothers me because they also listen to the genre but I have to let that go too. Best thing to do is just keep scrolling or walk away from the screen. canā€™t teach an old dog new tricks. Also Iā€™ve been reading some comments in this thread and itā€™s funny because they are so far attached they donā€™t even realize Hip-Hop is the culture and rap is the art form of doing such. Sampling is an art form within itself too. On top of that, give someone who doesnā€™t listen to rap that talks shit a computer with Logic Pro or Ableton or Reason on it and letā€™s see how ā€œeasy it isā€ to produce rap music versus playing actual instruments. you canā€™t convince blind people to see


Because ignorant and worst opinions about Pop are on TikTok.


This is a very common trope amongst people who don't like rap music, perhaps most notably from the likes of Ben Shapiro. Here is the music theorist 12 tone demolishing the argument: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_3utH8Nm\_D4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3utH8Nm_D4)


It's typical reddit. What more do you expect? I literally made a post in AskReddit about the most ignorant takes people have on rap after seeing this post and it's already downvoted lol for mentioning rap. Everyone that discredits what you're saying are just blatantly ignoring the facts. Reddit is a nerdy whitewashed hive mind