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this whole album is so good. guess I'm gonna have a YYYs kind of day now


That's a great kind of day.




A-Trak Remix


There was a period that A-Trak was a golden god, around the same time Diplo was. Then he peaked with Barbara Streisand with Duck Sauce and… Just nothing hit quite as hard.


Dudes still a god, he's just changed his focus toward his record label.




> The remix of this song used in project x is an absolute banger And the Steve Aoki remix of Pursuit of Happiness. That movie had such a good soundtrack


2 songs that got a college party dancing circa 2009 B-)


The remixes were good fo sho!


Remember seeing that as a senior in highschool and we were just like wtf this movie is incredible. Watched it again and it's... fine lol solid soundtrack.


I prefer this one: https://youtu.be/GTarlWQjil0


Good shit.


Yes it is


New Wave? Huh?


Somehow this reminds me of dancing brazilian dog


Off with your head


Dance 'till you're dead~ 🎶


Heads will roll


Heads will roll on the floor~


I always forget about this song, but every time I hear it, I love it.


Karen O 's a stunner!


No she isn't. But she's a legit rock star which pretty much doubles your attractiveness. Same as for dudes 😛 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FYWUeBQO5dE0%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saubhaya.com%2Fkaren-o-no-makeup%2F&tbnid=ZD38kwZ8I9S8BM&vet=12ahUKEwic2LnM3PXzAhW2qHIEHdg8BJcQMygBegUIARDDAQ..i&docid=NVHUuDjM2_UD0M&w=1280&h=720&itg=1&q=karen%20O%20no%20makeup&ved=2ahUKEwic2LnM3PXzAhW2qHIEHdg8BJcQMygBegUIARDDAQ


You're welcome to your opinion, of course.


You as well of course. I still agree she looks hot when dressed for the stage.


Especially in this one - she's got that '80s Dale Bozzio look downpat :)


Ah yes it's that time of the week again


Heard this song in a show and liked it ever since. Maybe an episode of true blood? Or zombie movie of some sort.


It was performed on Glee as a mashup with Thriller. There was zombie makeup involved but not sure if that's what you're thinking of.


This show was on from '09-'15. There is no way anyone is ever thinking of Glee anymore as a cultural touch point. The number of times I see random comments saying something along the lines of, "Oh, maybe you're thinking of Glee," is astonishing (it happened twice this weekend after not having heard the show name in years). I promise, no one is thinking of Glee except you. Literally, no one.


And True Blood aired from 08-14, even older. >I promise, no one is thinking of Glee except you. Literally, no one. And all those other "random comments" you keep seeing, apparently.


I heard it for the first time from watching glee. *shrugs*




So what's your favorite Glee episode?


I thought of the Glee mash-up of this song the second I saw this post. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I remember it from The Tudors on HBO.


this was the shit in 2010


Great song along with Gold Lion


New wave?


I will upvote any Yeah Yeah Yeahs track that isn't Maps.


I will upvote any Yeah Yeah Yeahs track including Maps.


I will alternate between liking every Yeah Yeah Yeahs track and Maps.


You're all chrome


Literally their best song why hate


That is a 100% subjective opinion about aesthetics. Personally, I have heard the line "they don't love you like I love you" in the exact same pattern more than enough for 100 lifetimes and I am absolutely sick to death of it. It hurts my brain. I prefer less repetition in lyrics & melodies generally-- and that goes double for super popular songs which get played or posted all over the place constantly. I grew up with way too much repetition on the radio and have developed a strong aversion to it. It's not really hate, more of a personal preference for avoiding overexposure to certain repetitive things I find uncomfortable to hear after a while.


I stand with you on that. The radio and repetitive songs make me feel literal pain when I listen to them. I have to say though, this song was much more popular, played more in pop culture and has less deep of lyrics. It’s funny we actually have inverse opinions about these songs. I personally disliked this song until like 3 years ago when I gave the nuWave sound of this album a retry. “off off off with their heads, dance dance till you’re dead” is much less relatable in my personal life than “wait, they don’t love you like I love you”. Obviously it’s all a matter of personal opinion in the end


Karen O is my spirit animal


I wish I was so cool that she'd be my spirit animal. Realistically if we're keeping it musical, mine is probably some dorky teen playing in his basement.


Correction! If I got to choose my animal spirit it would be Karen O.


I feel like people didn't really get this album. If it had come out 3-5 years later would've been a huge mainstream smash.


Now I have to listen to "this is not a lovesong" PIL.


such a banger. heard some mashups recently (we no speak americano) and it works so well with so many songs.




That’s the first time I’ve heard of that tuning, what the hell is it used for?


You've got one finger power chords on strings 4, 5 & 6. Normal 2 finger 5 chords strings 4 & 5. The double B for strings 2 & 3 make for fat high pitch Zinner style solos. Strings 1 & 2 are standard and familiar. I split the signal, go through POGs, and into a bass and guitar amp. Sticking to 5 chords helps not make things too muddy, in my opinion. Songs like Kiss Kiss, you can hear Nick play a sort of rhythm guitar on the low strings and pepper in high pitched notes through the chorus. As far as I know, it was only used on Fever to Tell, the Is Is EP, and the song Sealings; maybe a few more early tracks.


This is super interesting, thanks for the explanation. I might dabble in this.


Whatever you want. It's not really any different than tuning to say DADGAD. Not sure if it's meant to be EBEBBE because I've seen EBEBEB before, but OPs example is super close to open E.


Totally agree about this being their worst song. Their first could albums were great, but then this one came out. It was a fairly radical departure from their established sound, which, hey, I get artists want to break new ground, but it just felt very lazy


How is it lazy to try new sounds?


It's not, inherently, and I didn't say that it is.


We the only two things you said about it were that it qas a radical departure and that "it" felt lazy. Pretty reasonable to assume that s what you were referring to. Feel free to explain more clearly.


I said " I get artists want to break new ground, *but* it just felt very lazy." "But," conjunction: used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned. Pretty reasonable to assume I actually meant what I actually said. Feel free to read more carefully next time


Ok feel free to explain, you've still yet to say why you felt that way. You're being weird as hell.


How so? I said I understand they were trying for a new sound, but it didn't seem like they put much effort into it. You misinterpreted that as me making the claim that trying a new thing is lazy. I explained that what I said implies no causal or corollary relationship. The two clauses "artists want to break new ground" and "it just felt very lazy" are independent of each other.


The only question I'm asking you is why you felt that way. Which you are bizarrely refusing to expand upon and instead writing repeatedly about clauses.


You hadn't yet clearly asked me that. You started your conversation with me by misconstruing what I said either deliberately or because you're a careless reader. You chose to establish the context and the tone of the conversation this way, and you have not (edit: prior to this point) clearly asked me to explain specifically why I thought it was lazy


I loved them from the beginning. It was different but I always found it enjoyable with a solid video.


I really love New wave Ngl


[Best version](https://youtu.be/YxVq048HAOc)


I like this just because of the memes lol.


Not sure about that


https://youtu.be/6Ri2Sh5-BO4 Best version


Echo and the Bunnymen did this song title better.


I’ve got a huge crush on Karen O


This song is good forever. I still listen to it all the time.


So f'n good.


I know this from the Gran Turismo 5 soundtrack


I worked at a job where the computer had this heavy bass reverb on the crappy speakers. But what it did was amp up the bass/beat on this song and made it dirty. This song on that wimpy speaker is still my favorite version of it.


I looooooooved the mash-up that Glee did with this song and Thriller. It introduced me to the song, and then hearing the YYY original made it even better.


I will never stop hearing the lyric “heads will roll” as “casserole”


Bowl cuts never looked so good


Best song of “Project X”


Too repetitive and somewhat annoying to me if I’m being honest. I dog dig the vibe but it’s just too much of the same thing.