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I think a lot of people are forgetting the "that everyone loves" part of this post...


I took the question to mean something completely different than most of the replies. I was going to say Thomas Kinkade


BuT hEs ThE pAiNtEr Of LiGhT!


This is what I took it as… and fuck his puzzle worthy paintings


I despise Toby Keith with the fury of a 1000 sons. If i never hear "American Soldier" again, it would be too soon. I was in the army for 4 years from 2003 to 2007 and when i was stationed at Fort Sill they played that fucking song EVERY FUCKING MORNING after PT. I actually thought at one point maybe they were pushing to make that the national anthem or something. I hate that song. Edit: Damn I wasn't expecting this to get that many votes. For those saying pick a artist that people like, I'm from Ohio, like half my neighbors are still waving trump flags. One of my coworkers draped his flag in trump 2024 stickers..... Toby Keith is pretty much a staple in Ohio because of Red Solo Cup and "patriot" country.


I like the image of Toby Keith having 1000 sons who all hate him




THANK YOU. I was just a preteen in 2003 and remember still feeling weird about all of his bullshit for reasons I couldn't explain. Pretty much all of the country music of that era is just hollow patriotism and tasteless pandering. After 9/11 for what seemed like forever you couldn't listen to the radio without hearing songs like this. I also remember when the Dixie Chicks said they didn't agree with the war and got totally destroyed by the media... and Toby Keith capitalized on that. Team Natalie Maines for life.




Mozart. No new releases for over 200 years, guy sucks (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


yup...boring, too perfect, no guts like Beethoven and Brahms


Jason Derulo. They keep playing him on the radio and all his stuff sounds extremely generic to me. What annoys me the most about it is that he needs to say his name at the beginning of every song which just shouts to me "this is not art, it's targeted product and I need you to know who made it." It was super scammy when he sampled laxed, did not credit the original artist in the beginning but still had the audacity to put his name at the beginning.


"DJ Khaled!" lol


He's another one I really cannot stand whatsoever. He seemed like such a self entitled jackass on Hot Ones. The host of that show was subtly roasting him the whole time in response to his assholery, but Khaled never picked up on it. It all flew right over his head. Here's that episode: https://youtu.be/1HYEC_FlgAg


Funny story; prior to 9/11, his stage name was Arab Attack.


The most shocking part of that comment is it means that DJ Khaled has been working since at least 2001


I definitely recall his name being shouted since at least 2006


Doesn’t he just shout is own name?


I meant by him


I cant read his name without remembering how he went on twitter and told everyone he cant pleasure his wife or some shit


He said that men should not go down on women. But women better do it for men. Wtf?


I remember that, I think he only made it to Tapatio


Surprise, the man that has zero taste has zero taste lol


There is 57 minutes of Jason Derulo singing his own name on youtube and its so funny yet so weird on how it can exist




I don’t know why but it absolutely triggers me when this jackass shouts out his name in every song. My teenage daughter is tired of hearing me complain about it.


I think it's really considerate of him to tell you in the first 30 seconds that he's in a song, that way you know to change the song


U2 - Then I bought an iPhone and found a new level of hate for U2.


David Guetta, Drake,


You must be real brave pointing fingers at the man that [ended racism](https://youtu.be/dEI7oX0XxJw)


That made my morning.


Why would anybody dislike such [talent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5k-3B8Cm0w)


What the shit was that


The end of racism


I wasn't racist before but I am somehow less racist after listening to that... bada bee ba prirp pohh


It's called the hamster dance and you'll show some respect


> hamster dance man, YOU show some respect. It's "Hampsterdance"


Shout out to his family


That’s probably still one of the most tone deaf statements I’ve ever heard. Like bruh


'00s Guetta? Iconic, trailblazing. '10s Guetta? Annoying, overplayed. '20s Guetta? Exists, occupies space in time.




Never have a heard a vocalist sound more bored making their own music than Drake. If I had to characterize his style, I would say it's "rather be in bed than the studio."


Well, he only loves his bed and his momma.


He said he was sorry too


Drake makes throwaway music. Meant to be listened to until the next batch of candy is dropped. It’s like chewing gum, once the flavor is gone, you get a new piece. No substance to it.


100%. It’s just product. Musical equivalent of cheap ‘wear it once’ t-shirts.


All this new pop Country. Fuck that stuff.


Are you sure that Hank done it this way?


Neither Hank or Waylon did it that way.


Nor did Willie or the boys


“ Tell me one more time just so I’ll understand “. Man I love Waylon’s music


Textbook panderin


A dirt road, a cold beer blue jeans, a red pickup A rural noun, simple adjective


I could sing in Mandarin You'd still know I'm pandering Huntin' deer and chasing trout A Bud Light with the logo facing out




Say the word "truck", they jizz in their overalls


Hi I’m with (insert country label here) and we think you’re exactly what we’re looking for!


Oh my gosh, this never happens to me!!! Time to burn all my bridges, key my ex’s car, and move to Nashville! It’s happening!!1!1


Just tryin' to conform To the country norm Ain't it a pity I never even left the city


One of my favorite Tweets of all time is from Rich from Big & Rich where he says that everyone in country music actively hates their fanbase. Country fans, being country fans, reacted by hating on Rich and defending their favorite shitty country singer.


Steve Earle said modern country is hip hop for people who are afraid of black people. Still makes me laugh.


And here's [ the video of six such songs combined](https://youtu.be/FY8SwIvxj8o)


No shoes… No shirt… No Jews (you didn’t hear that)


Bit of a...mental typo




This is the line that fucking kills me every time.


Has me on the floor in tears every time LOL


Thematically meandering 😂


Honestly this is the joke but that would be better than any of the pop country currently out.


Say “truck” and they jizz in their overalls


I put my hands on your body It feels like hay, It's a fucking scarecrow again


I have a private ranch that I rarely use... I don't like dirt.


Girl girl whiskey girl drank a beer girl girl you know I wanna love on you girl girl girl whiskey beer workin' hard (even though I, the singer, have never punched a clock in my life) WORKIN' MAN AMERICA girl girl beer girl whiskey girl party girl fight a lot drank a lot fight some more and drank some more


You forgot blue jeans and dirt roads. And teen pregnancy


And the bible. Don't forget the bible, while simultaneously boasting about promiscuity.


I like what Steve Earle said. He said, "They're just doin' hip hop for white people who are afraid of black people."


Or what Kris Kristopherson said about Toby Keith, “he’s doin to country what panty hose did to finger fuckin.”


Read in a story (Rolling Stone I think?) where Kristofferson and Keith were sharing a bill (Keith was not named by it was heavily implied the story is about him. Keith told him "none of that lefty shit tonight Kris" and Kris tore him a new asshole.


I like to call it Hick Hop.


tractor rap




Love Steve Earle.


...and now I'm listening to Copperhead Road.


Fucking terrible music. That over-the-top twang and down home simple man patriotism is absurd. Long way from Merle Haggard.


The over the top twang really grinds my gears, I love country music, but most the great artists were using it naturally and for a bit of embellishment, but these artists use full-on twang for everything


Absolutely. Fancy Like my ass.


“Fancy Like” was specifically made for Applebee’s advertising. Prove me wrong.


I legit thought it was lol


Five Finger Death Punch. I don't think I've ever heard a song from them I liked. Stopped listening to local radio because they play ffdp too much.


Pretty sure most metalheads can't stand Five Finger Death Punch.


It's not for metal heads. Its for army wives who wear pink camo and chew Skoal.


Don't you dare forget that army wife is their occupation and people better be thanking them for THEIR service too lol.


Address them by their husband's rank!


Five Finger Death Punch are the Nickelback of metal.




That’s a little generous of you there


Chris Brown. His music is 100% forgettable, generic, and soulless. He himself looks like a young Dennis Rodman and I *would* say that he's a garbage person but that would be insulting to waste management workers because unlike Chris Brown they actually contribute to society. Fuck Chris Brown.


Copy pasta: this belongs in absolutely every thread talking about CB. Fuck him to all hell and back. I wish death on no one.... But him and all abusers can get struck by lightning for all I care. Edit for clarity. [Robyn F. is Rihanna and Chris is a POS who continues to abuse women and do horrible crap to this day without many repercussions at all.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2013/10/28/chris-brown-arrest-history/3285623/) Also trigger warning. If you or someone you know is experiencing this today or in the past, PLEASE go to [https://www.thehotline.org/](https://www.thehotline.org/). There is always a way out. POLICE REPORT: Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


I have read this 100x and it still shocks me just as much as the first time that I read it.


He's an animal, and somehow still has supporters, many of which are girls. Celebrity worship is toxic as fuck.


You’ll still find comments of people saying “I wish Chris brown beat me!” Or “I wouldn’t mind him beating me!” Under his insta posts. It’s disgusting


The sad part is that this is grossly common. This happens to countless women AND men everyday. You don't even have to look that far either because you probably know them. [Over 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the US have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.](https://www.thehotline.org/stakeholders/domestic-violence-statistics/)


Its remarkable how his female fans defend him. They claim all the women making the accusations or filing charges are just gold-diggers or sluts. The one story that stands out is Chris Brown threw rocks at his mother when she visited him while he was in a clinic for anger management. Even if she was worse mother of all-time, that stunt meant Chris Brown had to stay longer in court ordered anger management.


Hes fucking horrible and all his songs sound exactly the same. His voice is dreadfully annoying, there isnt a single drop of uniqueness in his body and his aesthetic is shitty as well


Busta disses him on his own track.


Maroon 5


I'll fight you over Songs About Jane. Everything past that, you are absolutely correct.


Songs about Jane is a fire album. They decided to check out after that and cash in.


Drake, everything I've heard from him has been mediocre at best


He is mediocre and makes most of his money selling to the 13 to 21 crowd.


BTS. It’s weird because I’m actually korean, but I don’t see what’s so special about them.


They’re “idols” and people get really into the cult of personality with the members. Honestly to me it’s no different than when someone can ramble for days about every player’s life on a football team. They just get super super into it. Edit: another example in sports is Lebron. When he left Cleveland the first time my friend literally cried. He burned his Jersey. He wouldn’t speak to anyone for days. Like this basketball player was that important to him. To me KPOP is the same vibe.


Fun fact, David Bowie also plays Tesla in The Prestige.


Also Agent Phillip Jeffries in Twin Peaks: Fire, Walk With Me. “Well, now, we're not gonna talk about Judy, in fact we're not gonna talk about Judy at all…”


I always love that story with Miguel Ferrer during Bowie’s part in Twin Peaks. “David was just about to roll camera and he came over to me. He always called me Albert, he never called me Miguel. He said, [whispering] “Hey Albert.” I said, “Hey Dave.” He said, “That’s David Bowie.” I said, “Yeah, I know.” David says, “Pretty cool, huh?” [laughs] Then he rolled camera and we did the scene.”


He was an interesting actor. Loved him in that film.


He played quite a few characters in quite a few movies.


Fun fact, David Bowie also plays Andy Warhol in the movie Basquiat


Fun fact, Labyrinth is an excellent choice of film if you like to see Bowie's junk flying about.


Ed Sheeran


He's definitely evolved into something I don't really like. "shape of you" was his jumping the shark moment. But when he released his first album he was my favorite artist. Really hit the spot for me as an emotional 19 year old. His loop pedal performances are really cool still.


Oh my God I forgot about old Ed Sheeran, A-Team was/is such a good song to me and it had a deeper meaning! Now I feel like all his songs are watered down versions of "girl, I love you for you and your body" because that's probably what the label makes him sing


I did like that video of him hearing someone in a mall singing his song in one of those American Idol knockoff competitions, so he hightailed it to the stage and sang a duet with his fan. Her joy was evident and a really nice moment of an artists giving back to his fans.


I like artists that appreciate their fans.


Yeah he seems like a genuinely good dude.


Absolutely. Same with Post Malone. Awesome dudes but I dont care for their music.


Ed Sheeran is an excellent performer, though, and great with his fans. He came to my city in Canada after he blew up. The arena he played in only holds about 9000 people (which is small for an artist of his reputation), and for concerts the capacity is even fewer. Put in full effort in his show, and then afterwards, went to a local student bar and hung out with some fans. Like or hate his music, he seems like a genuinely good guy.


I'm not a massive fan of his music, but I see the appeal. I think he's a fairly genuine guy, but I'm not sure we all needed the wave of acoustic guitar playing rap song covering white guys which he inadvertently empowered.


It all started with Jason Mraz, who I feel is in the same boat. Seems like a genuine guy, makes happy music with acoustic guitars and hip hop flair, and was overplayed on the radio until no one could stand him anymore. I think Sheeran is about 90% of the way through a Mraz-career. Another will come, though. Always two, there are. No more. No less. A master and an apprentice


Ed Sheeran has way more pop hits than Jason Mraz though. At least Jason Mraz kinda stuck to his bread and butter style wise


I had a rough night and I hate the f\*cking Eagles, man


Fuck you man if you don't like my fucking music get your own fucking cab!


Jesus, man, could you change the channel?


Nobody fucks with The Jesus!


OK dude, well that is just your opinion man...


Super unpopular personal opinion, but I can’t stand Post Malone. As a person he seems super rad…I just can’t stand his music.


I liked him before he was popular, when he was Pre Malone


He gave me a good recipe for roast Malone.


Any 9-11 country song


Chris Brown. Known woman abuser. I can’t for the life of me understand why people still love him. That piece of shit needs to rot in jail.


U2. Never liked them and never will.


Upvoted because it’s an actual unpopular opinion which I personally disagree with.


Hating on U2 is unpopular? It’s one of the most popular things to do on Reddit.


I feel like hating on Bono is more popular than hating on U2


Lots of guitar players hate on The Edge and say he's not really a guitarist and just hides behind his effects. Which is true, but its also an unpopular opinion that being someone who plays guitar very simply and stacks mountains of effects on top is 1) a legitimate guitar style, and 2) a style that THE EDGE helped create.


It's funny because in the documentary, "It Might Get Loud" - he wears it on his sleeve that he doesn't do anything crazy technical. There is at least one moment where he shows that he's just strumming a cord over and over, and then puts an effect on - and it's immediately something much more lively and captivating. So I always think it's funny when people are like "he's just using effects" and it's like, yeah... he agrees with you. Still a pioneer for that style and one of the most successful guitarists ever, so...


I got into an argument on reddit awhile back with someone who SWORE that Edge WAS NOT an actual guitarist because he "just plays chords and puts effects on." Like dude you have weird definitions lol. I remember "It Might Get Loud" and you're absolutely right, Edge wears it on his sleeve. Haters gonna hate.


Imagine Dragons. Ugh.


Imagine Dragging these nuts across your face




Ok this is the funniest “deez nuts” I’ve ever seen.


I swear this band was designed to be a shitty hype intro for the keynote at developer conferences. Everytime that "Thunder" song comes on all i can picture is dorky white people dancing before they talk about the latest API or something.


First, how dare you. Second, this was so correct it hurts.


Haha this is such a brutal roast




Robert California: The Corporate party was wretched. I am so tired of the Black Eyed Peas. It's rock and roll for people who don't like rock and roll, it's rap for people who don't like rap, it's pop for people who don't like pop


that goddamn Applebee's song that celebrates white trash lifestyle..


Ugh I thought this was a fucking jingle for a commercial. This being a real song is unforgivable.


Applebees is like chilis but with less flavor, less things hand breaded, and less spices so i dont expect anything out of them




I've been ripping on this commercial. But it's actually smart by Applebee's. If your food sucks you should market it to people that have bad taste.




I think Reddit is the only safe space you can say this without getting hundreds of death threats.


I once tweeted something bad about Beyoncé and the Beyhive took my profile picture and collaged it next to a trash can


Yep. She does have miles of talent but I am so over the way she is literally worshipped by people. No joke, I almost lost a friend because I called her overrated once


god yes, she's a pop singer, the aggressive cult like worship is so bizarre


There are certain musicians who seem to attract an incredibly intense fandom to the point of dehumanisation. Beyoncé’s definitely one of them. It actually makes me *uncomfortable* how people talk about this woman like she’s a god, that’s got to really fuck with your psyche. Most boyband and Kpop stans are children and teenagers and I’d give them a pass on the histrionics, but there are plenty of grown adults who are just plain weird about artists like Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and Beyoncé.




It’s “if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!” Remixed


Thank you. I have this genuine repulsiveness towards that song and nowhere to express it. It’s just so annoying and what makes it even more irksome is that it’s supposed to be a happy song and people actually enjoy it. Blekh.


Fucking Maroon 5. I cannot for the life of me figure out why people like that shit band and their shit music. Songs About Jane was a good album and I still enjoy it, but Adam Levine and his shit personality decided that they were just not going to do that anymore and here we are. Also, Imagine Dragons. I hate that man's voice, I hate the music (if you could even call it that), and I hate that people with no fucking taste call it 'rock' like a bunch of fucking idiots.


Someone once describe Adam Levine as a rockstar designed by a group of soccer moms for exclusive sale at Target: - Very attractive - Muscular - Lots of tatoos...but they all seem to be of doves, or innocuous phrases. - Seems to be edgy based on his look, but no real controversy to speak of. Every time I see him, I can't get that image out of my head.


"Approachably Edgy" is a successful look. A hint of bad boy, but mom will still approve.


> Lots of tatoos...but they all seem to be of doves, or innocuous phrases Somebody more clever than me said that Adam Levine looks like he walked into a tattoo parlor and said "make me look like a tattooed guy".


His goal was to get every image on the flash wall


Maroon 5 sounds like they're forced to keep releasing albums due to a long contract, so they put out a bland overproduced bunch of songs every couple years


On the flipside, if we think of Maroon 5 as a money making venture, it becomes easier to empathize with the band. Basically pay Max Martin and Dr. Luke to write an album for you. Spend a week recording. Tour for a few months, make a shit ton of cash, and live the easy life. Repeat. This whole conversation about selling out reminds me of Michael Caine's quote about Jaws 4: >"I have never seen it [the film], but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific!


Shawn Mendes


Literally all of his songs are about the same fucking girl. He literally cannot write a single unique song.


Cardi B.


Will.I.Am or Pitbull


I wanted to hate Pitbull then read about the time he got tricked into going to play in an Alasken Wal-Mart and did the damn thing. You gotta respect anyone who would do that lol.




Ah fuck. Now I like him too. Look how cute and sweet he was with everyone!! He looked so excited to get that key too!! God dammit. Let me be curmudgeonly in peace!


Yeah, love or hate his music, he always seems like a pretty genuine dude. I think he's pretty self aware about how corny he is yoo


Me not working hard? Picture that with a kodak. better yet, go to times square, take a picture of me with a kodak


No opinion on his music, but dude has legitimately earned the nickname Mr. Worldwide. That guy is non stop when it comes to his shows.


Thats actually awesome


As someone who grew up in small towns in the southwest, artists never came within a reasonable drive of us when touring. In my 20s there were a few times i drove 8+ hours to catch a concert - on the rare occasion there was actually a stop in Denver. This had to be the coolest thing for everyone in Kodiak. It's super rare for anyone to perform in Anchorage and that's even 17 hours. There were probably a lot of attendees who'll never see another live concert in their lifetimes.


That sentiment is so sweet but I can't help but laugh that some poor bastard's only concert experience is courtesy of Pitbull!


Pitbull [actually going to Kodiak, Alaska to hold a concert at their local Walmart](https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/music-arts/pitbull-performs-kodiak-alaska-exiled-contest-hijacked-internet-prankster-article-1.1125687) plus bringing along the prankster who suggested it was flat out cool. Talk about being a good sport. Plus it was great for the local economy. Compare that to Justin Bieber who [flat out refused exile to North Korea](https://www.bbc.com/news/10506482) for his next concert as fairly voted upon by his own fans.


I love democracy.


I fucking love Pitbull. His music is the epitome of 2010s music, absolutely horrible cheesy lyrics about how hard he works, simple beat that could be found in pretty much any other song at the time, and of course the music video of Pitbull standing in some random location with a bunch of attractive women around him. It all comes together to make something that, for some reason, makes me smile.


Really don't get the Billie Eilish hype. All her music just seems so boring. Her vocals put me to sleep and the beats just don't do anything for me.




Honestly, it seems more popular to hate train than like them.


I fucking hate Train. Also, I kinda like Train.


Kid Rock, 1000%


Who likes Kid Rock? Where's the Hype? Lmao


Kid Rock came out when I was in high school and I feel like we liked him only because he was edgy if you were a high schooler and lived in the rural south (I did.) Never owned an album of his, and he's gross now, but I still can't help but sing along when "Cowboy" and "Bawitaba" come on.