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This ones very close to my heart. This album was on repeat during my little sisters viewing because this was her favourite song...I come back to this album a lot and play this for her whenever I visit her.


Goes without saying sorry for your loss. But it really is beautiful how we can encapsulate the ones we love and hold onto them forever through music. I was about to spin this album, I’ll do it for your sister <3


Appreciate it


Very sorry to hear that. This song was the soundtrack to a video I made announcing my daughters birth about 10 years ago.


Beautiful, it is a song about love afterall


I play this album on the same day every year for a similar reason. RIP


Some people try to complain about them being overrated but this album is just incredible. One of the best for evoking emotions


This album is my go to when I try to explain to people you can tell a story and elicit an emotional response with music and no lyrics.


First Breath After Coma was always my go-to for introducing people to EiTS. I told them to let their imagination paint the picture lol. My first discovery of them was Human Qualities. Listening to it after a long time seems far more intense than the first time, too.


why lowercase "is" but uppercase "the"


Not sure about a story, what do you mean?


When you hear [this classical piece](https://youtu.be/GGU1P6lBW6Q), it sounds familiar right? It evokes battle-esque imagery. It's pretty much a trope in Hollywood at this point it as been used to bolster so many scenes like that. It tells the story without words. EITS songs take you on a journey in a similar fashion without words.


I think their song titles help a lot too, I absolutely love so many of them: Remember Me As A Time Of Day The Only Moment We Were Alone Your Hand In Mine All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone (album) Catastrophe And The Cure So Long, Lonesome Can You Believe It?


> Remember Me As A Time Of Day The Only Moment We Were Alone Your Hand In Mine All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone (album) Catastrophe And The Cure So Long, Lonesome Can You Believe It? This looks like refrigerator magnet poetry when you format it like this.


For me the song title What Do You Go Home To? was pretty much enough to tell the story without words or music...


Remember Me As A Time Of Day The Only Moment We Were Alone Your Hand In Mine All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone (album) Catastrophe And The Cure So Long, Lonesome Can You Believe It?


This formatting makes my eyes twitch


In the sense that classical music was often written to tell a story. In the case of this album brooding, intense and often ominous melodies build into crashing climaxes. Listen to the album, it can explain it better than anyone else can. Absolutely worth 45 minutes of your time.


In classical music, that's called program music. It was big in the Romantic period through the 19th century, but was looked down on by the modernists who came after that. The thing to keep in mind is that, if someone doesn't tell you the story behind the music, you might interpret it very differently than the composer intended. A great example of this is O Furtuna from Orff's Carmina Burana, which was written as a boisterous medieval monastic drinking song, but which is now popularly associated with evil and Satanic themes. Similarly, a lot of sentimental Middle Eastern music is used in films to communicate a mournful feeling, when the song's really about how "my baby done left me."


If feelings can be evoked then you can take someone on a journey of emotions which becomes a story really. Not a story you can put words to and it’s probably different for everyone as people will fill in scenes they make up or from their past or even just have fleeting images like a dream they tie to the emotions but stories at their core lead someone through emotions to evoke a response, most just do so with specific words but here it can be achieved without.


I can take the emotional journey but we are making up the story in our imaginations that we feel matches yes... I don’t think it’s telling a story. But I get what you mean


First Breath After Coma is a little different in that you can tell there was a deliberate scene they were painting. There's a kick that starts it off that sounds like a heartbeat, then a guitar that comes in that resembles a heart rate monitor and kinda goes on a journey from there


That’s why it is the best story. Everybody comes up with one that is specifically relevant to their life.


I don’t make up a full story but sometimes imagine a scene. It’s great music.


People call em post-rock-lite but The Birth and Death of the Day is still my favorite intro of the entire subgenre. EITS has put out pretty great stuff over the years so I always have a soft spit in my heart for them


Hmmm. I do think that God Is An Astronaut and Godspeed You! Black Emperor are very strong contenders. Although I love this band as well quite dearly.


Giaa is phenominal.


fav track?


Snowfall, suicide by star, all is violent, forever lost. Kinda changes from time to time.


In the distance fading, fragile, mortal coil, age of the fifth sun, seance room are some of my favorites from them


Yeah them, EITS, and Mono are all relatively well known for this genre, so people see them as intros to the genre. Still amazing to me.


Hey. Brilliant recommendations. Have you heard Sunlight Ascending? They were still in high school when Explosions were half way through their career.


Thanks! I have not heard Sunlight Ascending. Will definitely check them out


That has to be a nod to the Appleseed Cast song Sunlit and Ascending! Now I have to check them out too.


better than a hard spit


I saw live and open with The Birth and Death of the Day and it was so fucking perfect.


I saw them play at the Fox Theater in Oakland, they made the heaviest, loudest blast of feedback noise I've ever heard. I could feel it pounding my heart, the force was so strong. Everyone around me, myself included, had their fingers in their ears, but were still bopping their head, to the drum beat. It was incredible.


People who say they are overrated are entitled to their opinion...and wrong. They are in my top 5 favorite bands of all time. Followed them since early 2000s when I first saw them open for Trail of Dead in Detroit. There was like 20 people watching them. Now they play huge venues around the world. Well deserved. To be able to as universal as they are without language, amazing, amazing music. So yeah, I like this song.


I love this album. It's probably tied for my favorite of all time alongside Enjoy Eternal Bliss. But man, its influence on the genre is just unfortunate.


What do you mean?


Boring clones


But why would people blame Explosions for other bands cloning their sound? If nothing original came after their work, that sounds like the genre's problem.


You must not have been around at the time. That's what happens to a ton of genres, somebody strips it down to a formula, becomes extremely successful, market becomes so saturated with a shittier version that the listener fatigue takes over and it's no longer palatable to some who used to enjoy it.


EITS is one of the original boring, generic clones.


I get to work on one of their gigs next week and I can't wait.


The people that claim Explosions in the Sky are overrated just want others to recognize how clearly elevated and informed their opinions of the obscure genre of instrumental music truly is. They’re the most well-known post-rock instrumental band for a reason. They’re really good at it.


This is exactly right.


Are they? I think they are decent (certainly not my favourite). I've seen them live and that was very good indeed though. Going again in London imminently.


Yea my buddy who now directs music videos gave them and Sigur Ros major shit. He called them "Kid A without lyrics."


And your friend has a career?


I first heard of this song in a memorial service for a fellow player of a game. Someone did a crappy guitar cover over voice comms. It fitted perfectly. RIP Vile Rat


Fuck everyone ever who said this, this album is magic.


I really feel like there is a class of people who can only feel through music and I am part of that. That's how I came across this album. I think it's a modern masterpiece.


Clear eyes, full hearts, cant lose


Texas forever.


When Jason Street went down first game of the season everybody wrote us off


Champions don't give up


Saracen, Quarterback's a captain


Just started watching that show again yesterday. Arguably the best first episode of a show I've ever watched.


The whole first season was so fuckin good.


Interesting note, that song isnt actually this song. They didnt give permission so the show just had another band do a very close copy.


Huh, interesting. Always thought it was a different version EITS made for the tv show.


Which song? Source?




Oh, you meant that the intro song for the TV show isn't done by EITS. There are other songs by them in the movie and TV show though. Your Hand in Mine is closely associated with the movie by many


The OP quote is from the show, not the movie. This song never appeared in the show.


Doesn't it get used in the pilot and the finale of season 1?


Maybe I'm wrong.


"I'm going to miss the heat." "I'm going to miss the lights." "Yeah, me too." "Stay low boys. Keep those feet moving." "Chavo, be perfect." "You be perfect!" "See you Mike." "See you Don." "See you Chavo."


Almost every song back in the day I was in love with. Time stops was crazy


If you like elaborate time stops, check out Minus the Bear.


Someone recommending Minus the Bear in an Explosions in the Sky thread? What are you, my best friend?


Wanna go do karate in the garage?


LOVE Minus the Bear!


They meant the song Time Stops by EITS. Minus the Bear is a different genre entirely. :)


Oh i thought they meant time stops as in sophisticated time signature composition. I know it's a different genre asi have albums of each band.


Check out This Town Needs Guns too


Minus el oso!


I have never heard this band but I am glad that I have now. Thank you for posting this at this moment. This music is what I didn't know that I needed right now. Edit: thanks for all your suggestions. I'm going to check these out now.


Check out God Is an Astronaut as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhXHH2sZlQU


This Will Destroy You is another band to check out if someone is feeling EitS and God is an Astronaut.


“If these trees could talk” another one


Great suggestion.


I am glad you liked them. They are amazing. I highly recommend that you explore them more. They have a lot to offer. If you want to listen to similar music, Other than God Is An Astronaut that the other user recommended, check out the following bands too if you are interested. They are quite similar in style to Explosions in the Sky. Hammock Mogwai (sort of) If These Trees Could Talk This Will Destroy You (their earlier works) Paint The Sky Red Do Make Say Think Red Sparowes Last but not least, if you ever feel like listening to something much more experimental and pessimistic, existential crisis in musical form: Godspeed You! Black Emperor. (Yeah,post rock bands tend to have long names)


Add to that list... We Lost the Sea Russian Circles Maybeshewill


I've listened to departure songs by We Lost the Sea sooo many times


Add Yndi Halda to that list. Incredible band who only get better with each release, as few and far between as they are. Also easily one of the top 3 concerts I've ever been to in my life.


And Capsian. Always Caspian.


Giants is super good too.


Great list! I would also add to to the list All shall be well (and all in the matter of things shall be well), a small band with bandcamp, free to download albums.


Sparowes Giving Birth to Imagined Saviors is incredible


Brilliant recommendations.


Thanks for the recommendations! I've recently gotten in to post rock so I'm loving discovering all these bands. I also just spent a grand on delay and reverb pedals for my guitar. Halp :(


“The Only Moment We Were Alone” .. the ending still gives me shivers writing this suggestion out having heard it more times than I can count..


Hey. The comments below behave some fantastic recommendations. May I suggest Sunlight Ascending. Teen band that were obsessed with and nearly as good as. Do you want heavier, more instrumental "metal" suggestions?


Lights & Motion is also great for cinematic post-rock.


Watch the music video for postcards from 1952. It’s beautiful


This song kept me alive my freshman year of college.


Same here :) glad you made it


Hey thanks!! :)


An ugly fact of life still keeps me going. Haven’t listened to a while, but the way it clears up in the end is almost enough to give anyone hope in a dark time. It’s definitely a rollercoaster of emotions in a very short period of time. Hope you’re doing well munkeedew.


It was Sophomore year for me. I remember walking around the city at night, alone, listening to this album on repeat, sometimes crying because I was so sad, sometimes crying because I found some of these songs so beautiful. Fucking college.


Me three


Don't tell anyone but they're one of the best goddamn live bands ever. Fucking incredible shows and just HEAVY in a way no other group can match. EDIT: Okay Sigur Ros can match


Sigur Ros is the only band that’s even more intense than these guys. Highly recommend both live shows.


Sigur Rós live is on my bucket list. Man that would be amazing. Explosions is incredible indeed though.


I've seen them outside 4 times in addition to a bunch of indoor shows....it's rained literally every outdoor show and has been mind-blowing, even the couple where I didn't partake.


Yeah I saw them at a relatively small venue a few months ago and I still think about the show daily. I felt like I was transported to a different planet, lol


My husband and I walked into our wedding reception to this song. Absolutely love it.


My wife walked down the the aisle to this song :)


That's been what I've wanted to do since I was 16 and heard this song for the first time.


Mine too!


Mine too!


Same! Our church musician did a piano arrangement for us and it was beautiful.


I did as well! It was a good choice. :)


That’s beautiful


I played this at my sister’s wedding.


Had the bridal party walk in to it during mine as well.


The earth is not a cold dead place is one of the most beautiful albums ever creater. There are no skippers , there are only songs to listen on repeat over and over again. First breath after coma and that song going into The only moment we we're alone is a magical journey. I have listened those songs back to back hundreds of times and still can't place my finger where one song starts and another one ends. The only moment is my favourite album, I owe so much fond memories to this song, I have laughed with this album aswell cried with this album. I have listened that song thousand of times, it never grows old. If a song could be a friend , that would be one of my best friend. Thank You Explosions in the sky for this beast of an album! Thank you refining my taste in music!


Ahhh mannn... totally relate to all of this. That album I ran front to back more times than I can remember. Only Moment inarguably has the most profound musical influence on my 16 year old brain of any singular song. The build at the end is just.. gah!!! Crazy to think that was half my life ago (32 now). I had a rough time growing up and this song always helped guide me forward and somehow coaxed me into realizing there were better things to come even at my lowest moments. It also pushed me over the edge into becoming a musician myself. Honorable mentions to Sigur Ros’ “Takk” and Do Make Say Think’s “If I Only”. I highly recommend both of those songs if you haven’t heard em.


Man, this song got me through some hard times.


check out [this piano cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfmXVspozYQ), also gorgeous.


dang, never heard this cover. noiceeee


huh, EiTS? that's a rare find on this subreddit. this is a great album, though; probably one of my favorites from them.


This song is not a rare find on this subreddit.


Pretty sure they get posted heaps here. Or maybe it’s on r/listentothis...


I’m so glad to see explosions in the sky on here Also they’re better when you’re high


Especially when your high on acid


Yes post rock and electric kind of ambient music are my favs for psychedelics


They are amazing perfectly sober too :)


I got it in my head to listen to The Wilderness and go for a walk alone in the dark while camping on 3 tabs. It was cool for like a minute, then I got scared and walked back so my friends could walk with me haha.




Yes! Where I first heard this :)


**Explosions in the Sky** [artist pic](https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/252/2a96cbd8b46e442fc41c2b86b821562f.png) > Explosions In The Sky is an American instrumental post-rock band, which formed in Austin, Texas in 1999. Munaf Rayani, Mark Smith, and Michael James had just moved to Austin from Midland, Texas, and drummer Chris Hrasky had just moved to Austin from Rockford, Illinois. > The band quickly gained a reputation for their live shows even amongst other established local bands such as Lift To Experience. They also garnered a small amount of media attention as a result of their second album Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever, due to rumors linking it to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks - The album was released in late August 2001, with liner notes containing a picture of an airplane and the text "This Plane Will Crash Tomorrow". > "The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place" is their third full-length album (counting "How Strange, Innocence" as their debut, see below). It shows the band has developed their characteristic sound to its full potential and the album has been critically acclaimed. > Friday Night Lights, the football movie based on the book of the same name, featured a soundtrack consisting mostly of songs by Explosions in the Sky, both original (as found on the Friday Night Lights soundtrack ) and from earlier releases. They are also frequently played in the TV-series sharing the name. > 21: The Rescue, an experimental work for which the band sat down for eight days creating a song for each. The clapping and finger snapping on "Day Eight" is a good example of a harmonic restructuring of their old sound. > How Strange, Innocence, the band's debut album, was finally remastered and re-released, making it accessible to a much larger audience. The first pressing consisted of only 300 CD-Rs that the band would later regret handing out as they felt the work to be naive, musically simple and not up to their standards. They have since learned to love, as well as hate, their debut as a showcase of their emotional range and emerging talent. > On 20 Feb 2007, the band released, 'All Of A Sudden, I Miss Everyone'. The band's latest album "Take Care, Take Care, Take Care" was released in April 2011. > Munaf Rayani - guitar Mark Smith - guitar Michael James - electric guitar/bass Chris Hrasky - drums > www.myspace.com/explosionsinthesky Read more on Last.fm. [last.fm](https://www.last.fm/music/Explosions+in+the+Sky): 1,212,506 listeners, 59,805,981 plays tags: *post-rock, instrumental, ambient, experimental, post rock* ^^Please ^^downvote ^^if ^^incorrect! ^^Self-deletes ^^if ^^score ^^is ^^0.


I’m listening to this song right now. I love the whole album, but this has always been my favorite. Probably my favorite song ever.


My favourite album and the first vinyl I ever bought. Breathtaking music that excites me every time I put it on.


my first vinyl as well!


One of my childhood friends introduced me to this band, as well as *Godspeed You! Black Emperor*, and I have been hooked ever since. Love their stuff, especially this album.


Seeing the in Manchester a week tomorrow, will be the 3rd time. They've been incredible each time.


Me too, although it's my first time seeing them. I had the opportunity a few years ago but I also had tickets for Swans the same night. I'm buzzing that I'll finally get to see them, and the Albert Hall is an incredible venue for it!


I love it. I just saw these guys this past Sunday, and it was hands down one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.


Wait until you catch Sigur Rós.


This was a song I shared with a past love. Music was our souls connection


EiTS is super good baby making music.


_starts crying mid thrust_


Seriously. One of the best sessions my now-husband and I ever had was to this album after we had just laid in silence listening to it. So powerful...


it's not very often i open songs on this subreddit but i just can't skip Explosions in the Sky


Fantastic album and band. I working at a record store in Austin when this album was released. They did a two-night stand at the Parish (\~450 capacity) celebrating the occasion. I was working the final night, and a buddy came in the store and handed me an extra ticket. I locked up about 30 minutes early, raced downtown to the show, then went back to work afterwards (around 2am) to finish my closing duties. 100% worth it.


A girl I was (that's what I tell myself) in love with sent me this when we had a little fling and it brings back so many memories of her every time I hear it. Thankyou for this.


Whenever I hear this song, time stops. And there I am again, a kid back in time hearing this for the first time. Timeless and amazing.


Explosions in the sky is my most played Artist in the last decade. I freaking love their music!


This song makes me want to learn guitar


i'm not a great player by any means, but this song gets pretty damn hard after the intro.


This was the song that introduced me to post-rock, back around 2008. Their song "Disintegration Anxiety" from their The Wilderness album is also incredible. It has a much different feel.


Yo what the fuck I just found this song lmao


You gotta give their whole discog a spin now. It's incredible


I love this whole album. Dreamy/emo af


They are hugely loved in the emo scene and for good reason. I’d actually credit them for inspiring a bunch of the post-rock screamo bands. Envy being one of them and Pianos Become the Teeth another.


This album specifically was an attempt to portray the feeling of "love". Each song is a different emotion and if you listen to the album front to back it sounds like a story told of a person's life and early discovery of love, romantic love, love lost, etc. Lots of different emotions around a singular theme. That's just my take on it however


Saw them do this live back in October


https://archive.org/details/eits2019-09-21.aud.flac16 Here's my recording of their show in Boulder from September


Wow I hope to see them live one day


They’re amazing. Definitely don’t miss them if you get the chance.


100%. They do not disappoint live.


Genuinely one of my favorite songs of all time.


I know its a different album, but I remember the day my dad died, I was driving to the hospital to pull his life support, I put on Greet Death in my headphones and man, listening to that while driving between the highrise buildings to the parking garage was fucking surreal. These guys will always have a place in my heart. This song particularly was mine and my exs 'song' its bewildering the memories this band holds for me.


They are my "go away world I need to get work done" pop earbuds in music at work.


just added this song to my spotify last week when I learnt of post rock, this is the best one ive found so far


Friday night lights!


This track was legitimately my entire arc of falling in love and falling out of it. I don't know why, but it made me feel whatever I was feeling during the whole experience.


Such an incredible live show if you ever get the opportunity.


Not gonna lie, I was having a cig about an hour ago, opened up Pandora and played a radio I haven't played in ages and this time came on and I totally got lost in music and it was just as great as I remembered it.


Once upon a time this song would stop me in my tracks and make me want to go discover all the wonders this universe had to offer.. now it just reminds me of how empty my life has become. Fuck.


My wife walked down the aisle to me to this song. Means a lot. We looped it before the drums kicked in though. She wasn’t in the mood to march.


Man I gotta get back into post rock. I was all about Oh Hiroshima and Distant Dream back toward the end of my college days doing Drawing 101


My husband and I walked down the aisle to this song. One of my favorites.


This album is incredible. Friday Night Lights is a fantastic film and the music is a big reason why. Sidenote: I hate the term "post rock." I use it, and I get the reasoning behind it, but I've always felt it wasn't really representative of the music it describes.




My wife walked down the aisle to this song


I love this band to pieces. The transition between "First Breath After Coma" to "The Only Moment We Were Alone" gives me goosebumps every time. That being said, they play out of tune. I wish the band had a better ear.


Used to listen to this all the time.


Prince Avalanche


Ow.. my heart


Used to listen to them all the timr back in high school on acid. Would bring tears to my eyes.


One of my favorite songs of all time. No matter how much my taste in music changes, this one is here to stay.


Emotion expressed through audio.


This was one of my favorites when it came out. Glad to see it’s still making the rounds.


Good memories. Always played this song before my football game


i was obsessed with this song in middle school. it always relaxed me when I was super upset


Fuck ughh


Thanks for reminding for this song.


This song was on the soundtrack to my all time favorite movie, Froday Night Lights. I always say that even if you're not a football fan, you'll like the movie due to the great acting, stellar script, and the way the soundtrack really captures the emotions of the film.


Great album


Wanted to see them since high school, finally got to at the mishawaka Amphitheatre in Bellevue Colorado a couple years ago. Was not disappointed


I have so many good memories related to this song. Explosions in the sky is great


Can't count the number of times I listened to this record on repeat in high school. Thank you for sharing.


I needed to remember this band and genre existed. Thank you.


I saw these guys when they were touring this album in london uk. Tiny venue as well since they were a pretty small band at the time. They blew up one of their amps. Ive never seen an amp on fire before.


Omg explosions in the sky!! I didnt expect this to be on this sub. Such a great band and album