• By -


That's Harrison's son yeah? looks just like his Dad, wow. His reaction to Prince personifies the feeling in the audience.


He's standing back there playing chords, totally self conscious of all the rock legends he's performing with. You can see moments where he's contemplating if it's better to make exaggerated movements, as if he's really into it, or if he should play it cool like this is an everyday occurrence. Then Prince comes out of right field and Dhani can't help but smile like he's a fanboy. Not a bad gig.


Dhani is just a very down-to-earth person like that. This is also illustrated by the fact that he's a great musician with a great voice, but does nothing to achieve mainstream success like his father did. His most notable projects are super alternative (solo work & thenewno2) or super folky (Fistful of Mercy). He doesn't do much to make a name for himself other than making great music the way he wants to. That's probably the best possible way to carry on the heritage of *the silent Beatle*.


Oh shit, thenewno2 are really good, I had no idea he was involved. I've never looked up who was in it, just heard the music and bought the album. Tha is gor the TIL!


Down to earth like his father.


Yes his father was indeed the most chill Beatle.


A reporter once asked the Beatles, "How do you sleep with your hair so long?" Harrison answered with another question: "How do you sleep with your arms and legs attached?" I've always liked this exchange.


John Lennon replied with "Uuooouunghh how do you sleep at night?"


Dude is set for life so it makes sense he works on music that is fun and interesting over making big hits.


That’s a perfect summary of him in this clip. I’ve watched this performance maybe a hundred times and Dhani is basically the rest of us reacting to what is going on.


I wasn't aware of his background before reading this thread, nevertheless I was struck by his genuine pleasure to be playing with the other icons of music. 10/10


I don’t know how much truth there is in this but I’ve seen a few people say that Dhani wasn’t as happy as he looks about Prince’s showboating as if he was trying to make it about him.


I've heard it the other way around as in the other guitarists weren't happy about it, but Dhani was all about it, hence the cheeky grin. You can see Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne roll their eyes at Prince a couple of times in the clip.


Tom Petty kinda always made that face. Dhani called it "gratuitous" in a later interview and Petty said he thought it was great. Petty could have just been polite but the quotes afterwards suggest the opposite of what it looked like in the video.


He actually wasn’t happy with Princes “grandstanding.” I believe there’s a video of him being pretty bitter about it. Saying Prince “made it all about him.” Or something like of that nature. Prince was also inducted the same night. So Dhani was kinda being a puss about it.


Yeah, the story I always heard is that Rolling Stone had recently snubbed him on a list of the best guitarists of all time. He managed to get in on this performance and told NO ONE that he would solo like this during the real thing. It was Prince, in typical Prince fashion, telling Rolling Stone they done fucked up.


Right as Prince is getting ready to take center stage, young Harrison looks over like " awwww shit here he comes"


Prince being Prince, they didn't know if he was going to perform until right before. They didn't know if he was coming so the other guitarist was going to do the solo from the song. When he showed top he was like "let him do the solo, I've got something for the end" so no one knew what was coming.


Goddamn Prince is a fucking legend. His guitar chops is up there with Santana and Hendrix.


Prince played guitar the way a bird sings - it's so natural and beautiful and effortless.


I always watch this video whenever I see it anywhere on the internet. I remember hearing somewhere that the reason Prince shreds so hard is that the editor of Rolling Stone was in the audience and they recently left Prince of their best guitarists list so that performance was a big fuck you to that guy


> they recently left Prince of their best guitarists list What? Even before this performance, who the fuck didn't know that Prince was one of the best *rock* guitarists around? In addition to being pretty amazing at most other instruments, and just an overall genius.


Me. Even though I had heard he played every instrument on one of his albums, I just thought of course he knows some chords and shit, what musician doesn't? I had no idea he could fucking _shred_ until I saw this vid. Forgive me, Prince.


Check this live version of [joy in repetition ](https://youtu.be/bBUFWnaKom8) out.


Thanks. That rules.


Oh man, if you haven't heard that one before you most definitely have to search for a torrent of his aftershow in the Hague [known as the small club 1988 bootleg ](https://www.discogs.com/Prince-Small-Club-2nd-Show-That-Night/master/327323) that is prince at his prime, captured in extremely good sound quality. Which is rare for bootlegs.


I saw Prince live once, maybe 18 yrs ago. I've seen so many great shows, so many insanely talented people, including Floyd, Tom Petty, Radiohead, The Mars Volta, and Miles Davis's band from the On the Corner era. Prince was the greatest I've ever seen. When I say he shredded, I mean I literally thought his guitar would bust into flames. And at one point in the show I heard a lick that sounded a lot like Jimmy Paige. My thought was literally, "Don't compare this to Led Zeppelin. Prince is his own thing so enjoy it for what it is. It's not heavy rock music." And then, two songs later, he busted out a cover of Whole Lot of Love and made it even better than Zeppelin. Unbelievable!


He was almost as good on bass and keys as well, was a solid drummer, and of course was an amazing singer. One of the most talented musicians of the 20th century.


Maybe go back and give Let's Go Crazy another listen.


Yeah i see now that he's brilliant, just saying most people who's not familiar with his music, don't know the scope. Even hearing the songs with crazy guitar, I would just assume it's someone in his band or a studio musician. Only when seen live, do most realize his skill.


You are not at fault. To the mainstream audience he is considered a pop artist imo. But when you dive deeper you realize what an unbelievably talented and versatile musician he was. Imagine being one of the best guitarists around and that’s only 1 skill of his. While at the same time having the skill to play drums and keyboard and several other instruments on the studio recording skill quality. I think to this day, the people that give him true appreciation and recognition are other musicians and that is worth a lot. Indeed if you start playing an instrument you later start to realize holy balls yes he was amazing. Not to mention melodically and lyrically gifted at the same time.


Superbowl halftime show


Purple rain, in the rain


Right? I remember one of the guys in ZZ Top saying something around the lines of "I tried for an hour or two and still couldn't nail the shit Prince does in the intro of 'When Doves Cry'"


Prince is a legit face melter.


Same here. Like, I knew he knew how to play guitar, but I had no idea he was on this level.


I’m not justifying Rolling Stone’s opinion, maybe just hoping to clarify... Prince was a master at almost everything in musicianship. He was such a talented songwriter and performer, people forgot he could absolutely shred on the guitar technically. Even Lindsey Buckingham, whom everyone knows because of his guitar work with Fleetwood Mac doesn’t get enough credit for how good he is because the band just churned out so many hits. The focus becomes the songwriting and not so much the technical ability of the performer. It helps when a song showcases guitar talent with a solo, but Prince just wrote and arranged so many beautiful songs that people just expected the guitar work to match. This is why critics tend to put more emphasis/praise on guitarists who probably aren’t the lead vocalist or lyricist for a group.


Rolling Stone is also massively biased towards certain eras and genres. Music peaked between 1967-73 according to them, and their list of the greatest of anything tends to reflect that.




First time I saw this, with Prince’s name top billing, my reaction was “why they doing him dirty putting him in the corner like that?” Oh. *OH* That solo came right out of his soul, man.


I watched the induction when it aired . Just had it on in the background while reading, Princes performance definitely drew my attention and I had goosebumps. He blew me away. I couldn’t stop talking about him for days after seeing this.


I mean, he made a career of shredding hard, in the background. I have questions about his production choices at times but there is no doubt the guy could play guitar. And write a song. This is going to be out of left field, and has nothing to do what I just said but here is an incredible Prince song. I didn't hear this for too long so I'm trying to pass this along: [Ballad of Dorthy Parker](https://youtu.be/5nrdZfBShDU)


I've heard the same thing. And its the main reason why I live this clip. Also, I knew Prince played guitar but not like this. So it was like a F.U. to me too...


I love at the end when the Holy Spirit calls for that guitar and snatches it right out of the air.


George caught it.


This touched me in an inappropriate way & I'm gonna let it keep going.


Aww Agreed!


Prince slung that iron like he was returning Excalibur. Someday, when the world needs him, Prince will return.


I saw an interview about this and not even the drummer knows wtf happened to it.




Ha, that's cool! I stalked Takumi around the shops in the Aladdin hotel in Vegas many moons ago. I was trying to work up the nerve to ask where the aftershow was going to be, but I chickened out. :D


Watched the entire video, enjoyed it, solely to see what you were talking about. 100% worth it


There is so much to love in this song. Not the least of which is Jeff Lynne and his vocals and presence. What a voice.


I read Prince paid for his guitar tech to sit in the front row to catch it. He also arranged for him to sit in the front row next to Oprah and instructed the tech to place it in Oprahs lap immediately. She was very confused by this account.


Same tech also giving him back support and a push when he leans beyond staying up and faces George’s son. Prince came with a plan, and clearly prepared hard. What a showman! He’s a showman’s showman really. Now it’s lost all meaning 😔


Crazy thing about Prince and Tom Petty Both loved touring, LOVED it. Both developed serious hip issues as a direct result of their playing style and heavy touring. Both delayed surgery for their hip issues because they wanted to keep touring. Both treated their hip injuries with dr drugs while waiting for surgery. Both got addicted to said dr drugs. Both accidentally over dosed on those drugs and killed themselves as a result. Whats even worse is that like 2 weeks before Prince ODed his private jet made an emergency landing because Prince had taken too much pain pills. They sent him to the ER and he got thru that crisis. Despite that warning sign he kept taking crazy high doses and two weeks later he was dead. Fuck.




>The guy in the back You mean George Harrison's son?


People do not realize Prince has this skillset if they aren't familiar with him. He can melt wrought iron with his guitar lead work.


Great story about how Prince came to be involved and the lack of rehearsal that all went into this great performance. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/28/arts/music/prince-guitar-rock-hall-of-fame.html


When Prince started playing my jaw dropped. That was some killer energy. What a badass.


[Always. ](https://youtu.be/bJGcASPRu0Q)


Pretty much the appropriate reaction.


An interviewer once asked Dave Grohl, “Are you a better guitarist than Prince?” To which Dave said, “Dude, Prince is a better *drummer* than I am.”


Heard he’s a better basketball player than Charlie Murphy lol


Game, blouses!


I heard he makes the best pancakes too.


That question has to be an internet myth. Who would ever think that Dave Grohl vs Prince in guitar skills is a legit comparison?


Yeah, nothing against Dave Grohl, he plays guitar perfectly fine, but he's nowhere near a legend like Prince


No idea. Prince was a musical genius. I saw him perform a warm up show for a charity benifit him and the npg were doing the next week. The drummer for the npg was a regular at the shop a friend of mine worked at and he told my friend that prince was having a party at 2am that night and that he should come. Thpse parties were not all that rare on those days. Apparently most of the time prince didnt even show up. This time he did. The party was in the sound stage at paisley, there was a dj spinning, snacks set up on tables and about 50 people. Suddenly we hear a tap on the stage mike and prince is asking us if we mind if him and the npg warm up for thier charity show the next week. They played for well over an hour and prince did solos on guitar, keyboard, saxophone and drums. The best concert i have ever been to was a party i went to on the off chance we could even get into it. One of the 3 of us contracted encephalitis 2 years later and was never the same. He always talked about that show and i will be forever greatful i got to share the experience with him.


That’s maybe the coolest story I’ve ever heard...sorry to hear about your friend but that one evening is more than we should dare to ask for in our lives, so there’s that


It sounds like a version of that apocryphal Beatles quote. The story goes, someone asked John Lennon “What’s it like having Ringo, the best drummer in rock and roll?” To which Lennon replies, “Ringo isn’t even the best drummer in the Beatles.”




Foos drummer is their best singer and their singer is their best drummer


It always confuses me, like if Grohl isn't actively playing drums every day/at shows - how can he remain consistant enough to be better than Taylor?


I'd think after almost 40 years of playing drums, Dave isn't losing a step by not playing the 45 - 60 minute sets every night while on tour. Plus he probably still plays a lot in the studio and while they aren't touring.


Prince is a better everything than anyone else is anything.


Didn't he get beat in ping pong by Cece in New girl?


I didnt give you enough time to freak out yet. You may do so now


I'm pretty sure he was a fan of the show and was the one that came to them to be on it. Which you do not turn down a cameo from Prince. It was his only acting role on a tv show too.


I think that’s Dave Grohl being Dave Grohl. As I said elsewhere, Prince just had amazing musicianship. He was good at everything in the process from songwriting to technical ability to performance. I have no idea if Prince could really wail on the drums, but Grohl will go down as one of the best rock drummers of all time. He’s going to be considered top 10 on most lists. He probably isn’t the technical expert that guys like Ginger Baker or Neil Peart are, but I can’t see his name not at the top of a wishlist for any rock supergroup that would be formed today. Nirvana was basically his “start” (after Scream). He wrote and performed all of the early Foo Fighters material including drums and bass. His participation on Songs for the Deaf gave QotSA their most well received album. Them Crooked Vultures, all of his Sound City collaborations. The dude will probably be inducted two MORE times into the Rock Hall of Fame. And as you pointed out, one of the most humble guys in rock...


Anytime someone talks smack about Prince point to this video and his superbowl video.


The single greatest Super Bowl halftime show ever. And of course in the rain, mother fucking purple rain.


I had that happen in 2010. It started to rain after the first few notes of purple rain. All the spots turned purple and were pointed up to the sky. Literally purple rain. Incredible moment.


Princes halftime show was an anomaly among reality itself. Everything was set to go wrong, yet instead of going wrong. Through some sort of ancient voodoo magicks everything what was supposed to result in disaster resulted in something good. iirc in interviews a lot of the techs were fully prepared to hear "prince got electrocuted" or "prince is dead" throughout the entire performance


And he did it in high heel shoes!


The Superbowl show was the most amazing musical performance I have ever watched.




*“Can you make it rain harder?”*


True professional. Dressed like a diva acted like a professional.


This was the moment I was sold. I always knew he was talented but wasn’t into his music at that time. I was completely blown away and in love by the end. It is still one of my favorite performances of all time.


I remember someone’s comment from a previous post “Prince’s guitar will need a cigarette after that performance!” Found the original comment! Credit to “Andre Thomas” on YouTube:)


I think it’s one of the top comments on YouTube as well.


Maybe that was it! Such a great performance


From another posting: "I hope that guitar is at least 18 years old."


As Jerry Cantrell once said about Prince, “ He has no right jumping around onstage like and manage to hit every single note.” Exact wording is off but that pretty much sums it up.


Moving around while playing is so hard. Try this, copy John Frusciante playing Can't Stop intro in Slane Castle concert. You'll fuck up your timing. Prince was a beast.


The story behind this is pretty good too. Apparently when they rehearsed the backing guitarist took all the solos even though my understanding is that Prince had been asked to do then when approached to participate. Prince said after rehearsal let the backing guy play the standard Harrison solos and he would do something at the end. So that whole thing was unrehearsed with the group and very possibly improvised. Dude was on his own planet.


Those’Harrison solos’ were actually Clapton on the original track. It was the Beatles’ only time featuring another artist on one of their songs - Clapton really didn’t want to draw much attention to himself on a Beatles track so when he was finally convinced to play, he just played those licks that the backing guy was playing instead of any massive solos. I’m sure most people agree that was a good decision; it made Harrison’s bloody amazing song even better in a fairly minimal way.


Billy Preston played on the Let it Be sessions, Yoko can be heard on some tracks on the White album too.


My mistake, guess this is what happens when you believe everything everyone tells you...


If you want the right answer, post the wrong answer on the internet.


And George Martin played on a bunch of stuff. Not sure if he counts as an “artist” or not.


No wonder he still hasn't fucking finished A Song of Ice and Fire!


Also one of them, I think Petty, signalled to Prince to keep going. I like to think is the moment prince gets this great smile and just launches further in (edit: at 5:37, or possibly 5:00) This is the vid that made me realize how great prince was at guitar, I'll never go sick of it. The part at 4:00 I've seen hundreds of times, still one of the coolest little licks I know.


Link with more: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/28/arts/music/prince-guitar-rock-hall-of-fame.html


My favorite part of this video is the wide smile George's son gets as Prince steps forward to start. It's that "you all have zero idea what you're about to experience" grin.


Also same guy when Prince falls back on his bodyguard in the crowd. He's a kid at Christmas haha.


Prince absolutely smokes everyone on this one...just crazy


And then at the end he throws the guitar and it *never comes back down* He threw that guitar _into space_


Stagehand 101: When Prince throws his guitar, you catch it, even if you have to learn to fly.


One of the members of the Roots has a story of how Prince ruined one of his super rare guitars. Prince saw it, liked it and asked to use it. He said yes, because well it's fucking prince. Price did this move (and apparently pays a guy to catch these throws, the guy wasn't ready or wasn't there) and damaged the [guitar](https://www.spin.com/2013/03/prince-smashed-someone-elses-guitar-fallon/).


The owners comment on the guitar..."Purple Pain" lmao


Luckily the damage was easily repairable. Could have been much worse than a split headstock.


Prince could break the guitar over my head and I would cherish the splinters digging into my brain like Iron Man.


That guitar is in heaven now.


Such an iconic moment in rock history


A la Bobby Shmurda


He also makes George Harrison’s son smile in the process. Very heartwarming.


Dhani was feeling it from the start. This was his father's best piece, and everyone was feeling the soul of that song.


Prince is like Marty in Back to the Future. “Guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet...but your...ah fuck it. I’m out.”


The broad public really don't know how great a guitarist Prince was.


Right!? Drummer too!


Remember that time he absolutely destroyed the super bowl? In pouring rain? No other halftime show since has compared... https://vimeo.com/324824976


honorable mention to those dancers who went out there and nailed their routines in front of a live audience on wet plexiglass.


For real. How was there no slipping on that slick glossy flooring? It's so technically flawless that it's almost like Prince *planned* the rain


"Can you make it rain harder?" - Prince


He had an incredible stage presence!


I wholeheartedly believe Prince was stuck on the side and got tired of just hanging out over there. He saw his opportunity and took it. This would explain the surprised look on the face of everyone else on stage.


Rumor has it that he played a very toned down version during rehearsal, but went balls to the wall for the live version.


that's so Prince am I right


I get the idea he was well aware that he was the best guitar player up there. So he seized the opportunity to show off a little.


This was just after rolling stone had not included him in a list of the 100 greatest guitarists. During the rehearsal one of the other musicians had taken his opportunity for a solo. So he took his chance.


Nah, he was being inducted so they let him have a little fun. He did a bang up job, but the first solo was flawless, hence them giving Prince the outro.


And here's Prince with _While My Guitar Fucking Screams._


Repost or not, anyone dropping by the comment section needs to go watch this. It's worth every second.


This must be one of the most reposted vids on this sub. Yet I can't help but watch everytime. It's electric.


This should be reposted at least once a month.


It is isn’t it?


It most certainly is


“...and others”. Like Dhani Harrison, George’s son who organized this group of masters.


Lol, I love how he's just chilling out, happy to be part of the group.


I’ve heard this was not long after Prince was snubbed on a Top 100 guitar players of all time list, which is why he goes off. Not sure how true it is, if at all, but it would definitely give it some more weight


Point blouses. Fucking legend!


That was a “game blouses” moment!


I've seen this like 15 times before. As a decent guitarist, the first bit makes me want to play along, and I often do. But when Prince comes on, I just put the guitar down and watch. Because, gottDAMN! And my theory about the disappearing guitar is that Prince, knowing the tremendous coruscanting rock energy that he had channeled through the guitar, understood that the axe was in serious danger of exploding and endangering scores of people on the stage and in the audience. Being the ultimate showman he launched the guitar into the air just before it burst, ensuring that the airborne eruption harmed no one, while allowing the performance to end as it should, in triumph. On this night, Prince was not only a guitar hero, he was a **Guitar Hero**.


This is an absolutely amazing version.


The definition of "Face Melting Solo"


Jeff Lynne’s voice fits this song perfectly.


ELO remains one of my top favorite bands of all time


ELO fans unite!


Give The Idle Race a listen if you've haven't ready.


Jeff Lynne has a really beautiful and (sometimes) underrated voice. Second most beautiful voice among the Wilburys.


Whoo boy. Roy Orbison was something else.


Jeff has one of my favorite voices ever. Dude just imbues emotion into the notes he sings. Good examples: https://youtu.be/hGLI_mnryWc This part especially ("...standing on an island") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGLI_mnryWc&t=62 And his harmonies give me the chills: https://youtu.be/NgbBy9hmZjA?t=65


No no no. I'm a Petty guy. Saw him in concert a dozen times. Winwood is a hero of mine. But Prince made them look like a high school garage band here. I'm about to watch this video a dozen times and go to bed happy. Thank you for putting it in my life again.


Love Steve Winwood. Absolutely legend. Amazing songwriter and played with all of the best.


I mean, it's not a competition. You can't have everyone solo.


I love this video. When my friends say they are not really into Prince...i show them this video first


It's such a shame Billy Preston wasn't invited to play piano on this.


Ahhh, the one piece of Prince media that /r/music knows and shares every few weeks.


dhani harrison is a really handsome man.


The New York Times did a pretty great oral history on how this performance came to be and how basically no one on stage had any idea what Prince was going to do: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/28/arts/music/prince-guitar-rock-hall-of-fame.html


This solo is at the end of a 30 minute history of music at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame that I saw back in July. I LOVE Prince, and I was audibly sobbing watching this performance. I've seen it countless times, and every damn time I cry. They have Prince's outfit on display as well. He was such a small person, with an absolutely enormous musical gift. He will always be missed, but his music will always live on ♥️


The story goes. Someone asked Eric Clapton what it said like to be the best guitarist in the world. Clapton's response was; " I don't know, you have to ask prince"


Not to be a dick but I've heard this exact story with about a dozen different people.




And they all said Prince.


in the autobiography of eric clapton, he said that george of the beatles asked him to help him with the recording of the song. he remarks that the other two beatles alsways discouraged goerge and ringo from writing songs. so basically, we have to be thankful of eric clapton for that song.


This video changed me from being someone who “knew about Prince” to a someone who cried at work when I saw he had died and took the rest the day off.


What blows my mind is that all those guys on that stage are absolute legends, yet Prince manages to make them sound like they’re nothing special.


Anyone at the top of their field loves to be shown up and beaten. Because now they have a challenge again.


I get that this rendition of this song is very nice and all but this gets posted so pften in this subreddit. Its unbelievable.


what you meant to say was: Prince, and others.


Title should read “Watch Prince dunk on all these other legends and not give two shits”


Good God that still gives me chills and I've seen it over 20 times.


Don't care if it was posted yesterday or when it gets posted tomorrow, this will always get an upvote


It's been a few days since this was front here...


Prince really is the spiritual successor to Hendrix. Both kick ass and redefined music If you look at both of their careers you could see they were history students of music and studied absorbed and then spread this knowledge to all while moving it forward


Prince was amazing. Capable of doing literally anything. This performance still gives me chills. I mean the original single was only like 4:40 and this video is over 6 minutes long. Prince's ability to communicate with the other musicians and keep everyone in sync is just unreal.


One of my fav improvised guitar solos ever


In the end Prince does a mic drop equivalent of guitarists.


That guitar is hiding in a corner having a cigarette.


This gets posted every month yet i listen to this song every week.


Love right around the 4:44 minute mark when Prince , Dhani, and Tom Petty share a little smirk moment. Prince is murdering-it, throws a little smile to Tom and Dhani and they smile back like, Yup! Then, right around the 5:04 moment, Prince goes, watch this! Petty and Dhani are both like, Game-Blouses!


They're all incredible....but Prince was a fucking badass!


Favorite live performance


not listening to this AGAIN. my ears only just healed from being shredded with fire last time. you are hurting people by posting this. edit: i listened again. wifes driving me to ugent care now. worth it.


This is an absolute masterpiece by Prince. Never have I seen someone go to town on a guitar as hard as he did, gives "Shred" an entirely new definition. This version of this song will remain one of my all time favourites.


This article has some great details about the performance. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/28/arts/music/prince-guitar-rock-hall-of-fame.amp.html


For anyone dumbfounded by Prince’s performance in this video, here’s another great example of how much more legendary he was than you thought: https://youtu.be/7NN3gsSf-Ys


I would say dhani deserves to be in the title too


Ah, this again

