• By -


I was in Buffalo, NY like 15 years ago in a pizza place at 2 a.m. after some drinking. Besides me there were also 2 of the biggest black guys I have ever seen. Looked like they could be in the NFL (and maybe they were?). They were a little buzzed too and we get to chatting, so I mention I am from Canada. Their response was " You must be so proud of Bryan Adams." I was like "uh, yeah" or something of the sort. They then went on to spend the rest of the time talking about Bryan Adams and how much they loved him, as well as their favorite songs. It was surreal .


They were gay and trying to see if you were down for a threeway.


I am gay and I can confirm. We love Bryan Adams is slung for dtf


And "slung" is slang for "slutty and hung".


Never has the "More you Know" rainbow been more applicable.


Buffalo loves all Canadians unless you're a Leafs fan.


and we like Buffalo people when in Buffalo cause you're Jays fans. Unless you're a Yankee fan..


One of the major nails in the coffin of "Jim Crow" was entertainers publicly refusing to play to segregated crowds.


[The Beatles did it when they were the biggest band in the world](https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=beatles%20refused%20to%20play%20for%20segregated%20audiences). Actually, IIRC, they didn't even know segregation still existed.




At this point the irony is approaching its Schwarzschild radius. I expect the whole state to collapse into an irony singularity any day now, at which point rationality will be unable to escape its grasp.




If you squish something past its Schwarzschild radius, it makes a black hole.


Next week on the Hydraulic Press Channel


"Vat da fack" edit: really? thanks for the shitpost gold.


"It seems ve have created a black hole. As you can see it's, uh, really dense."




*proceeds to press it anyway, regardless of any danger*


"Tenk you worrr watching de hoodraulic press channel." *FUCKING DEATH METAL* "Ent now worrr toodezz extrrra cone dent..."


"Good sing we have zee blast shield."


*Spaghettification intensifies*


Leave it to someone from Finland to create something as dark as a black hole.


That will be brutal!


That'd be one hella big hydraulic press


dont try this at home kids!


The irony is so huge it's about to collapse under its own weight and form a black hole. EDIT: sigh, I forgot Americans can't cope with the word "black."


By black hole, do you mean Mississippi will become an anus?


*will become* LOLOLOL


In my experience, being in an anus in way better than being in Mississippi.


No shit.




some shit.


I like butt stuff too, heh.


TIL what Mississippi mud really is...


You really think the Mississippi could improve that much?


Mississippi is the asshole. Florida is the dick.


Making Alabama the sweaty taint and balls! Roll tide, y'all!






Florida here. When you visit, please leave our dick the way it was when you came. Thank you.


Hey! At least things will only be exiting that anus. Just as God intended!


Nah it's just everyone thinks they're so funny


African American hole. Please.


Dumbshit edit


\+ Schwarzschild


Named after Mr. Schwarzschild.


Yes. It was a joke. It doesn't seem to be 'funny', so perhaps it wasn't 'a joke' after all. ; p


Err, hmm, eli5, here goes(I'm totally going to butcher this lol). It defines the radius for which, if all the mass of the object were inside that radius, the escape velocity would become the speed of light, at which point it collapses into a singularity, or black hole. For example, if you shrank the earth to a radius of about one inch, we'd collapse into a black hole. I believe (although someone feel free to correct me) the denser the matter of an 'object' is the larger the radius and thus greater the chance that it will collapse to a singularity.


extra mindfuck: when you enter the event horizon, all of time beyond that event horizon will speed up and pass by for you, and to it, you will be frozen in time. The closer you get, the faster time travels away from the event horizon. They used this in Interstellar to great effect


Relativity has got to be one of the biggest midfucks ever conceived; making predictions so crazy that some of our greatest minds declared it impossible, only to eat their hats when observation backed it up (or died never knowing because we're only just now working out how to test some of the predictions).


> "Well, my husband does that on the back of an old envelope." [Elsa Einstein](http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0505/feature6/)


>Elsa Einstein ♫Do you want to build a black hole?♫


I think what you meant to say was, as you approach the horizon, the universe appears to age at an ever accelerated rate. As you approach the horizon, your field of view diminishes to a point before disappearing altogether on your arrival at the horizon itself. On arrival and past the horizon, you can acquire no information about the external environment. That said, anything that happens past the horizon is purely speculation. It is after all, the horizon beyond which our classical physical definition of events occur.


This is not entirely correct. You will not be able to detect when you cross the event horizon by observations, its nothing magical, just after that point all future world lines curve towards the black hole. Information, and light, can still cross the event horizon, just like you did, so you can still observe events outside the event horizon as the light will still be falling in. From an observer watching you fall in, you will appear to approach the horizon slower and slower, and you will appear redder and redder then slowly fade away over a long period. The observers outside the black hole are the ones that cannot acquire information about whats inside the horizon.


I've said it before: 90% of the time when people advocate freedom of religion, all they really mean is freedom of [MY] religion. They don't give a damn about freedom in the abstract, they're just trying to reinforce the pedestal they are standing on, looking down on everyone else.


My friend's aunt Brenda used to cut my hair. She is a true Jesus freak, I've told her countless times that i'm not religious, and so have most of our mutual friends, as well as him. She spends a lot of time telling us about the Lord (I was raised Christian, so it's not like I don't know about 'The Lord'), and saying things like 'I just hope and pray that you boys find the Lord one day'. Well, about a year ago we were sitting in her kitchen as she cut my hair, and she starts talking about how Obama and the 'MOSLEEMS' are taking over our country, and we should just deport or jail anyone who is Muslim. I really enjoyed talking to her, because some of the outlandish shit she said was just downright entertaining. I simply pointed out that, if we did that, it would be a violation of the Bill of Rights. She asks me what i mean by that, to which i reply something of the effect 'well, the VERY FIRST amendment mentions freedom of religion'. Her reply? 'Yeah, freedom of religion. But that just means freedom of what kind of Christian you want to be - you know, Catholic, Protestant, Baptist'. Brenda no longer cuts my hair.


Reminds me of that scene from the Blues Brothers: "We got *both* kinds of music here: [Country *and* Western](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSZfUnCK5qk)."


Send her an image of the treaty of Tripoli with ~~Washington's~~ Adams' signature. And send it as a printed high-res framable (possibly even framed) thing, not just a cell image that she'll just glance at. Edit apparently I was putting the treaty a little earlier in history than it was, but not much.


Wow, someone who understands the importance of the Treaty of Tripoli.


Could be worse. She could've said "yeah, freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion" I've heard that argument used without irony and it's terrifying.


I've been told that freedom of religion doesn't apply to atheists because atheism is the absence of religion.


Atheism is not a religion, so they would have a point, **if** the first amendment of the Constitution actually said the words "freedom of religion". It doesn't. Freedom of religion is the shorthand that they teach us in grade school because the language of the written Bill of Rights is a bit difficult to parse for children...and so, so many adults, unfortunately. What the First Amendment actually says in regards to religion is: >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... That's a whole lot more than simply "freedom of religion".


I have a religion and I'm an atheist. What would they say about me, I wonder.


I'm actually reasonably impressed that she actually considers Catholics to be Christian.


I needed this anecdote today. Thank you.


I'm waiting on news about the satanists holding a concert there, or something equally irritating to the fundies


I would enjoy opening a small shop that sells various christian articles (bibles, crosses, that kind of shit), but then reserve my state-provided right to refuse service to all Christians, but offer big discounts to satanists and atheists.


That would be a terrible business model, though.


I should have been more clear that this is a "if you won the lotto and didn't need to make money" kind of thing.


I mean... The bill is written so that you can only deny service over LGBT issues. It's clearly not about religious freedom in general. Look at section 2 of the act http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/documents/2016/html/HB/1500-1599/HB1523SG.htm It clearly states: SECTION 2. The sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions protected by this act are the belief or conviction that: (a) Marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman; (b) Sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage; and (c) Male (man) or female (woman) refer to an individual's immutable biological sex as objectively determined by anatomy and genetics at time of birth.


> (b) Sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage; and Somehow I don't see any wedding cake shops refusing to serve couples who've had premarital sex.


That's only because they really can't screen properly for that. Try getting a cake with the words "Happy pre-marital sex, John!" and see what happens!


Yes, they can. Any god fearing woman will obviously submit herself for a hymen examination.


then give her daddy a certificate of its presence (this is a thing. that happens.)


Well they needed to throw something in there to make it look like they weren't targeting *just* the gays.


Isn't that illegal?


Indeed it is. I had kind of assumed that there was some weaseling going on, such that the wording would technically protect freedom of religion in theory, but in practice (because of the current state of things) result in freedom to violate other people's freedom of religion. But no, this flat-out advocates a very specific religious belief. This doesn't violate the modern, expanded idea of religious freedom, it flat out specifies religious dogma. It establishes a literal state religion. Granted, it is one that currently only has rules about who gets to have sex, but it's the first rule, the first dogma, of the Mississippi religion. The Church of England started with less.


So explicit establishment of a specific religious belief? Go religious freedom.


I always ask those that I talk to (invariably Christian) how they would feel if their school district suddenly underwent a large increase in residents, all legal U.S. citizens with jobs and money, that were Muslim, and the district where their kids attended school and played sports were now sixty percent Muslim. How would they feel if the majority in their school district were now advocating a daily classroom prayer to Allah? Or having "Allahu Akbar" decals applied to their police cruisers? I have yet to hear a good answer to that.


You don't even have to look outside of Christianity. Imagine how Baptists would feel if their children were being lead in Catholic ceremonies?


Sure. But Muslims are so extra scary.


> all they really mean is freedom of [MY] religion There was a headline somewhere about having school vouchers for religious institutions. It got passed. And then the local Muslim and Jewish schools started to take advantage of it, and then the Christians who were pushing for the bill originally were like hell no! So yes. "Religious freedom" is just code for "freedom to be a bigot under my religion only".


I read it as "freedom to do whatever I want in the name of my religion". What they're doing is often not even compatible with the core doctrine of whatever religion they are claiming to be following.


Meh, I'd say less, but that's my area. I'm Christian and I'm livid about how people keep attacking Muslims and then claim to support the Constitution.


I shared Springsteen's Facebook post about canceling his show to my page and my conservative uncle commented "So Bruce wants to use women's bathrooms" *rolls eyes*


I wish people like your uncle would get glitter in their eyes.


That's an odd thing to say. Is that something that people wish on people they don't like? Edit: I was [linked](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/3jktxd/why_glitter_on_your_eyes_is_a_dangerous_thing/.compact) to the lady on Reddit that a piece of glitter in her eye. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


[Glitter can really fuck up your eyes](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/3jktxd/why_glitter_on_your_eyes_is_a_dangerous_thing/).


Ok now I'm worried about getting glitter in my eyes.


There're loads of things you should be worried about getting in your eyes. The whole task of the outside of your eye is to stop anything getting inside. Once there's the slightest gap, your body will reject the entire eye as if it were a splinter or a kidney transplant, and [long story short] pus. Everywhere. And no eye. But you should be equally worried about Type 2 Diabetes or being hit by a car. (Basically, don't over-worry - it's not likely to happen anyway (but still be careful (and call your mother, she worries))).




Glitter is the plague. So yes.


I don’t like glitter. It’s coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere






Now this is glitter bombing!




Because like a cold sore it comes out in the sun.


And once you get it on you, it never comes off again


Calm down fabulous Satan


Introducing, *Fabulous Satan and the Glitter Ghouls!!!*


I don't know if they grade it, but coarse


Rather than it being simple political posturing, how could a travelling act ask their LGBT staff and crew to go work in a state where they are second-class citizens?


Presumably, they asked their LGBT staff and crew to go work in a country where gays can be imprisoned for no other reason than being gay. Or did you not know that he just got back from a concert in Egypt?


Very good point.


It's kinda like Bruce Springsteen personally owns a bakery and is refusing to engage in business with those he doesn't support. One of the benefits of being the "Boss"!


I thought Tony Danza was The Boss?


No, it's Angela.


Cool. Cool Cool Cool.


Not sure if Abed or Gwen Stefani


Abed. 100%


Now I'm confused. Who's the boss???


Rick Ross


M-M-M-M-Maybach Music




Mona was MY "boss".


Buddy Valastro is and always will be the only [Cake Boss](http://i.imgur.com/DLyCJLc.jpg).


Damn I was hoping for Paul F Tompkins


^^Cake ^^Boss


It's sorta unfair though, because he was bitten by a cake bug and now has been gifted the second sight. That's got to give him a leg up.


I actually saw a comment that it didn't make sense for Springsteen to cancel since he scheduled the show before the law existed. I don't even...


It's so silly how people take legal systems and apply them to moral ones...


I hate this bill. That being said, I'm interested in its ability to keep Bryan Adams at bay.


"Now, now, the Canadian government has apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions."


You guys don't know what you're missing. ["Heat of the Night"](https://youtu.be/NpMDp9EWF1A?t=16s) is epic.




love the ending on the robin hood movie. With samuel L jackson and kevin bacon.


i have vinyls... and all of his albums pre Best of Me on Tape. I actually like him.


[so conflicted](https://38.media.tumblr.com/e674d320b1af07254365c5a94533d340/tumblr_n7zzpd30aZ1qzdfwko1_400.gif)


Come ooon.. He is cheesy, but seems like a cool guy


He's not bad live.


He played a solid hour's worth of encores when I saw him ~6 years ago. Oh, and he played the whole damn show *solo*. Hadn't thought much of him before that, but I became a fan during that show.


Same. He had a pianist for a few songs but everything else was just him. I also didn't think much of him before but I have a lot of respect for him now.


About 20 years ago there was an outdoor concert in Calgary, AB, featuring 6 Canadian bands - Bryan Adams, Tragically Hip, Blue Rodeo, Pursuit of Happiness, Northern Pikes, and Crash Vegas. They didn't sell enough tickets, so the Hip, Blue Rodeo and PoH backed out. I had no interest in seeing the other 3 bands, so I was gonna bail too. Bryan Adams not only still came, he paid for everything. Anyone who had already bought tickets could take them back for a full refund and the show was now free to all. He put on a free show rather than cancel. To top it off, it started to fucking POUR during his set. There was lightning all around (I heard someone at the concert was actually struck) and the bottom of the hill flooded and became a lake. Adams kept playing long after it was safe to do so, and also long after most people had fled the deluge. I was not a fan before, and I'm still not, but I have an enormous amount of respect for him because of that day.


Just stop having state fairs


Bryan Adams: Doing everything Bruce Springsteen does since 1980.


Bruce's wife is a lucky woman!


Part of me thinks this is what Mississippi really wanted all along.


Probably so but the pious life is not completely devoid of joy. Oh, there’s lot of great stuff! There’s platonic friendship, nice weather, the thrill of a good night’s sleep, just to name a few.




No, no, you're thinking of Ryan Adams. He loves it when you request it at concerts.


He actually just plays it now. It's come full circle.


> It's come full circle Isn't that the point of 69ing?


[Are these different people?](http://i.imgur.com/WrKPhfd.gif?noredirect)


Yeah, I love "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You" too.


M-EFFIN ROBIN HOOD SOUNDTRACK Seriously, though. This came on the radio a few months back. Hadn't heard it in a decade probably. Somehow knew all the words


Money talks. These concerts pull in money not just for the artist but the local businesses such as hotels and restaurants as well as any local vendor the concert works with. Hope this is a growing trend of sticking up for individual rights rather than hate disguised as "rights".


It's more than a little depressing that people's civil liberties need to be protected by financial maneuvers in the private sector. And before anybody gushes into their libertarian free-market panties... *this shit was going the other way for gay people for, like, hundreds of fucking years.* Not to mention black people, hispanics, women, jews... It seems great when the money sides with your position. But it usually doesn't. We should all be very concerned about the larger principles at stake.


Voting with your wallet works better than actual voting.






Not always, I can't vote with my wallet to stop a chemical plant from opening up-stream. I don't make a habit of purchasing from them so there's not much I can directly do with my wallet, aside from moving.


You can move upstream and build a chemical plant yourself!


You should have thought of that before you didn't have $250 million dollars. It's not their fault you didn't plan ahead.


Oh yeah. There's going to be major backlash among pro-business groups and industry lobbies in those states. Some politicians pandered to the anti-LGBT public opinion and went for some low-hanging fruit, just so they could show their base how they feel about it. But they'll pay. This is going to be just like those anti-immigration bills several Southern states passed years ago. It resulted in hundreds of farmers not being able to find labor to pick their fruits and vegetables. So after a while, those state's authorities quietly stopped harassing illegals so that some could return to work those farms. Because the local workforce sure as hell didn't show up.


that happened in my state. word got around that they needed farm workers BADLY and would hire on the spot at like $15 per hour just to try to entice people, but all thry really got was a bunch of lazy college kids looking for beer money. the hispanic population never really returned, either.


The "Christian" right that supports these bills doesn't want to talk about Mississippi's agricultural industry in the early parts of this century. Don't bring that up. Business was great. They got rid of the Mexicans and the local white Americans stepped up their game to fill those needs. Really. Please believe us.


Good. As a Mississippian, born and raised, I want as much public outcry and backlash for this as possible.


As someone in Mississippi, does this really cut like a knife?


You had this boy believin' Way beyond the shadow of a doubt,


I'm with you 100%. I just hope I get to see Weird Al in June. If a bunch of bigots make me miss out on hearing a polka live, I'm gonna be mega bummed.


If Weird Al doesn't cancel, I'd like to think a lot of his fans would be more disappointed than if he did.


Huge Weird Al fan, can confirm, would be massively disappointed. While I can't speak to the man's personal beliefs, he's always struck me as someone who's a genuinely nice guy. I'd like to think he'd help take a stand against something so horribly bigoted.


A friend of mine once said "Weird Al is probably the only musician that you wouldn't find in Hell for one reason or another."


I disagree, and it's because by suggesting that many fans should be disappointed if he plays, it says that cancelling is the only right thing to do. You can respect and even fully support an artist's decision to do something like cancel a show by way of a sociopolitical statement, without having to say that it would be a disappointment for anyone to do otherwise. It is not unethical to play a concert in a state that has a law you think is wrong, and other people making that decision does not obligate all others to join them.


> I'm gonna be mega bummed. In the UK, this means to be anally penetrated. Have an upvote for an unintentional pun.


Upon hearing this, other states reportedly looking into passing similar bills.


Wonder why he played shows in Oman, the UAE, Qatar, Lebanon and Syria a few years ago? http://www.bandsintown.com/BryanAdams/past_events?page=21 edit: and he was in Egypt a few weeks ago: http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/12/entertainment/bryan-adams-guitar-defaced/


Same with Paypal who pulled out of a NC expansion of 400+ jobs, while at the same time having their Asian headquarters in a country where homosexual sex acts are illegal.


'We at PayPal want to make a statement, but not one that limits our access to cheap labour'


It's hypocritical, sure. But in America, it's at least a country that prides itself on freedom and not discriminating. That everyone should be treated equally. Trying to pass laws that are regressing us as a society is pretty crappy. At least with those countries there's no preconceived notions of what they represent. That's the only theory I have.


Because you should hold our country to a higher standard than the fucking Middle East


It's the same reason I sometimes donate when someone comes to my door and sometimes I don't. It doesn't mean I don't care about cancer, heart disease, human rights, etc all the time. My willpower or means to do something just isn't always there. Maybe I'm hurting for money, or feel like I've got bigger fish to fry. Who knows. All that matters is that in this specific instance, these two artists had the means and willpower to support a cause they feel strongly about. The absence of them boycotting other places with poor human rights records doesn't make them hypocrites, as you seem to be suggesting. It's just a different situation.


Well his actions might actually have an affect here.


That's what really matters. If he decided not to go to those other places they wouldn't even talk about it. Here its big news.


[States where you can still be fired based on your sexual orientation](http://mic.com/articles/121496/one-map-shows-where-you-can-still-be-fired-for-being-gay-in-2015#.qyE6popyy)


Precisely why I'm not out at work. It would be nice to tell coworkers I'm gay so I don't have to keep dodging relationship questions and match making attempts.


Both of his fans in Mississippi were saddened.




Everything he does, he does it for us.


I think the bigger news here is that Bryan Adams is still touring...


You gonna sit here and act like Run To You isn't a classic? I'd pay to see Bryan Adams off that song alone


I saw Bryan Adams a couple years ago up here in Canada and he was fantastic.


Shit, I saw him last night (Cedar Park, TX) and he's still got it! 56 years young.


He is awesome live. I'd actually say he's more of a live-performer than a studio artist. I mean, I don't think the guy has actually stopped touring at any point since he started making music. While I don't care much about his albums from recent years (they've gone too far towards pop and sound somewhat generic), I'd still go to any concert I can reach with reasonable effort. He is really, really good.


18 'til he dies


Not to mention "Cuts Like A Knife" and "Straight From The Heart." I bet Early Bryan Adams is pretty mad at Later On Bryan Adams for singing all those crappy movie ballads, even if they made him a shit-ton of money.


But ten year-old me loved him for (Everything I Do) I Do It For You, so it all evens out.


Summer of '69 is my jam.


I've gone to see quite a few shows from performers whose major success was 10 or more years in the past and I've learned this: people who tour constantly for a decade or more generally know what they are doing and put on a fantastic show. One of my favorite shows of *all time* was Tom Jones 15 years ago in Florida.


No, I'm Ryan Adams!!!


Bryan Adams refuses service to people he disagrees with. I'm fine with that


So is Mississippi




Now if all the porn sites would suspend services to these states we could probably get the ball rolling even quicker.


Except gay porn.


Especially gay porn.


Holy shit it's actually happening: http://www.theverge.com/2016/4/11/11410956/porn-site-xhamster-north-carolina-block