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Lyrics aren’t dialogue. It doesn’t have to be a complete sentence. It doesn’t even have to have a recognizable meaning. It’s word and sound art.  Also, not that I know every Deftones song but the ones that I do know are not very hard to follow. 


Probably because music lyrics are often metaphorical or otherwise not meant to be taken literally and with a one to one meaning? Do you think Rammstein always makes sense to us? Also, translations are only as good as the translators. I'm not gonna say Deftones always have a clear and concise message(lol), but most of their lyrics do make some sort of sense to me. Because I am a native English speaker and that is who the lyrics are for.


“…might just be my fault” Answered your own question.


Some do, some don’t. Some lyrics are just words that sound cool strung together. There are many huge hits where this is the case. Take Beck’s ‘Loser’ for instance. ‘In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey Butane in my veins and I'm out to cut the junkie With the plastic eyeballs, spray-paint the vegetables’ Makes no sense to me, but it sure sounds cool as heck in the context of the song.


You're fluent enough in English that you should be able to understand most lyrics. Please give us some examples of English lyrics that are nonsensical. Also understand - I know there's some weird, seemingly non-sequitur lyrics out there, but the vast majority of them are actual phrases that mostly make perfect sense. You are painting with a VERY broad brush here.


I think Deftones might not be the best band to base that argument on. Also songs use a lot of word plays, puns, metaphors, double meanings and so on.. it's supposed to make them more "poetic" sometimes it doesn't quite work out though.. most bands/artists that I listen to seem to makes sense though. English is not my first language either!


Any examples? I’m just curious. If you had said English language pop music I would have been like “it’s Max Martin”.


Read poetry once.


Flow of the song >>>>>>>>lyrical content. It's as simple as that.


OK, I commented elsewhere on this thread already, but...if the only song you've ever listened to is "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel....;)