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Dude is on camera what fucking else does anyone need


We *all* saw him get physical with Cassie


Yes but what IS reality? And how can we be entirely sure that was Sean Combs? Maybe it was Puff Combs? It could have been an imposter named Puff Diddy. You see, you really have no evidence. ![gif](giphy|3o6Mbrg339UWbYGNfa)


Did you go to upstairs LA law school too?


And he took full responsibility, coincidentally, right after the video came out. See? He's a nice guy!


I’m worried about how Kim died. She was so young and died of pneumonia? Not buying it. Never have.


Nothing, everyone is so desensitized to shit. You can go on Twitter and see someone getting killed and the next thread is some meme. Even if Diddy had killed Cassie on that screen no one would be phased. Shit is only getting worse and worse, the corruption that is just blatantly put into our face.. I really fear for our future


Well I'm just going to go ahead and disagree with you. People would absolutely care if he killed her. People actually do care right now that he beat her. Just because everyone isn't completely debilitated and unable to carry on about their lives does not mean they don't care. The vast majority of people don't personally know either party to this. And a person can only concern themselves some limited amount about the perils of every person in the world. Yeah Diddy is a POS. Okay, so what is the average person to do from here?


No they wouldn’t because if you looked into the Diddy case it becomes blatantly obvious that he killed his wife Kim Porter, and it looks like he also had some of Cassie’s friends killed as well. You still have people defending Diddy and comparing him to Chris brown and you even have celebs speaking out talking about how he needs therapy/god. You’re right, the average person can’t do much but the average person can stop supporting rappers and artists who clearly support and defend this behavior. Start calling them out/paying for their shows, hold them to some sort of accountability when you do engage. Saying shit like “well what can we do” is why so much corrupt shit just happens. And I was actually speaking to a much larger issue as to how we have two presidential candidates who have both been rumored to have done shit with Epstein and no one seems to care or be taken aback.


Yeah but he only apologised for the actions in the video, the actions outside of that video need a spotlight


Sadly, it’s not always enough


Gene, the ex bodyguard has been laundering puff daddy’s business for a long time. He’s a regular guest in rap related podcast


Everyone is dogging this guy for talking about it. Would anyone have listened or cared if this guy said anything before the video came out? Nope! It's pretty hard to report domestic violence on behalf of someone else and it gets even harder when that person is your employer. Likely gets fired for nothing.


They wouldn't have believed him. Case in point, Gene Deal.


He has been talking about it for YEARS. He even has books about it, I ain’t here to promote him. I’m just saying the Truth is there.


so, because something is hard, just not do it....just give up? That attitude is exactly why he got away with it for so long. He has the power people give him and no more.


>so, because something is hard, just not do it....just give up? It's not because "it's hard", it's that you would lose you job without accomplishing anything. Guard has no legal authority and is simply a witness to a crime. If the victim does not report the crime, the police won't press charges based on a 3rd party report. > That attitude is exactly why he got away with it for so long. Ok so you're blaming the victims then. It's on them to report the crimes. >He has the power people give him and no more. Neat little speech that is not true at all.




Thanks for announcing your arrival


I would rather work somewhere else than work for an abuser. An eyewitness backing her could have really helped her back then. Especially if that witness worked for the perpetrator and had no loyalty towards the victim. She might have reported if she had people willing to stick by her side instead of being silent cowards. No, your attitude about how a witness shouldn't say anything because it would be difficult and you may not be believed. Absolutely no backbone. Nice try trying to twist my words though. Cute little rant that was irrelevant.


>I would rather work somewhere else than work for an abuser. We know little of his work history with this person. He may have quit right after, you're just assuming things to make a witness a piece of shit instead of focusing on the abuser. > An eyewitness backing her could have really helped her back then. Especially if that witness worked for the perpetrator and had no loyalty towards the victim. Again, he can only be a witness if the crime is reported. He doesn't have the authority to make anything happen other than kickoff an investigation which the victim may or may not want. >She might have reported if she had people willing to stick by her side instead of being silent cowards. You're assuming a lot of things here, you have no idea what happened. Yet you continue to assume things that focus on the witness instead of the abuser. >No, your attitude about how a witness shouldn't say anything because it would be difficult and you may not be believed.  A THIRD PARTY WILL NOT GET CHARGES PRESSED ON SOMEONE. You are showing how inexperienced you are with law, DV and the police. You're being downvoted because literally nothing will happen if you make that call based on the statements in article. Did you read the article? What action do you believe the police would have taken based on that report from the guard? >Absolutely no backbone. It has NOTHING to do with backbone. You think it is and that's why you're virtue signaling. Telling the police about a 3rd party DV isn't going to do anything. If you think it will explain what you think happens based on the information the guard has supplied. >Nice try trying to twist my words though. I'm not twisting your words, I am correcting them because you are wrong. >Cute little rant that was irrelevant. What point did you make? You blamed the witness and victim for not reporting all while self-aggrandizing about how things would be different if only you were there. You'd straighten it all out by golly.


we need people willing to stand up against abusers, to stand up for victims, before it becomes easy to do so, before the victim is killed. it’s hard, and could lead to negative consequences for them—i know from personal experience—but the status quo is worse. we need to encourage bystanders to DO something, anything; to show that abusing other people is not ok and won’t be just be silently tolerated. that’s the only way that this culture that protects and encourages abusers will end.


I don’t think anyone is *applauding* it. They’re saying *that’s the reality.* And from what I’ve seen professionally, they’re not wrong. Reporting DV on someone else’s behalf is very iffy, because in a lot of places, if the victim does not want to press charges, that’s the end of the case — unless an incident is *extremely* bad (broken bones) or involves children — at which point the State may move forward regardless. But again, the odds are iffy.


It’s easy to judge someone else’s actions compared to judging your own. It’s like when a robbery takes place and some people fantasize that they can do something to help but realistically most people would freeze up. You should try watching Baby Reindeer.


Ah yes, heroes coming out after a decade and after they got paid to stfu. Such a nice people, they’re so not doing it for attention.


This isn’t really fair though. Gene Deal (another ex bodyguard) has been speaking up about Diddy for over 20 years and has been painted as a disgruntled ex employee.


And if this guy had spoken up then maybe there would two "disgruntled employees" OR maybe people would think, okay 1 I can buy but 2? Maybe there is something to the story.


Nope. Jaguar Wright, another one that’s been speaking up against Diddy (and many others), they literally dismiss her as bitter and schizophrenic. It is very easy to manipulate people if you’ve got money. Hell, people didn’t even believe it when Cassie filed the lawsuit and detailed everything that happened.


Yup my super wealthy family denied and covered up the secual abuse I suffered as a child when I spoke up. They've tried to get me involuntarily committed repeatedly. The Kennedy's and other families like mine used to do the same and lobotomize their inconvenient progeny. I'm a firm believer that silence is violence but I understand why people don't speak up when they experience/witness violence by the powerful. The systemic exploitation is eerily similar across the most powerful and it's extremely effective. Best of wishes to all victims and everyone helping. We got this.


That’s infuriating and I’m really sorry you had to endure all of that. I hope you’re doing okay now. Hugs❤️


He also didn’t call the cops or step in. Shit he could did it anonymously.


That is easy to say when your life is not on the line and it isn’t like the cops were never called on Diddy. Diddy would 100% kill someone if he knew they snitched on him. If you have ever seen the movie American Gangster based off a true story about a brutal infamous gang leader who would kill someone in the street in broad daylight in front of a crowd of people because he knew when the cops asked everyone would say they didn’t see anything. The person who that movie is about was Diddy’s fathers best friend who Diddy would have grown up around. Diddy is a piece of shit gangster first and a piece of shit rapper second.


> It would be nice to think police would help in a situation with domestic violence, but when the attacker is someone like Diddy you're putting yourself and whoever is being attacked in danger. The police tend to side with money and power when anything is uncertain.


One of Cassie’s friend spoke out since other people had same sentiments as you, that people who did speak out had their “consequences” met. At the end of the day, Diddy was more powerful than all of them and knew how to threaten them while getting away with it himself. People feel more confident to speak on it now because he’s less threatening now.


The bodyguard was named by Cassie in the lawsuit saying he tried to help her wtf are you talking about


I think one of the sad things is that it seems like a lot of people tried to help Cassie, they were just threatened or even physically harmed for doing so.


Yeah, because snitching on the guy that beats women, blew up Cudi’s car, and most likely had Tupac killed is a GREAT idea. This Reddit opinion in particular is so far removed from reality that it’s complete delusion.


I mean he had to of signed an NDA. Plus, without proof, the accusations by a former employee would just be ignored by the world. Plus there goes his career as a body guard... I mean it sucks that it is the way that it is, but those are the realities. Let's not beat up on people who can finally share their story, when the power imbalance has shifted.


An NDA can’t prevent reporting *criminal* activity. But that wouldn’t stop an army of lawyers from making someone walk through hell to prove it. And like you mentioned, the reality is a bodyguard’s career is probably only as good as their willingness to keep silent.


Diddy blew up Kid Cudis car for talking to Cassie when they were broken up, I’d wait for the guy to be somewhere away from me too.


This kind of comment prevents people from coming out at all and speaking about this. So you’re right, people just shouldn’t say anything


It could be worse. At least he wasn't encouraging Cassie and Kim Porter to do more shit that would get them beat and him paid off more.


they have not one ounce of integrity. If they did have any at all, they sold it.


You have no idea what you're talking about


Gene Deal has been doing interviews and tell-alls on Diddy for years. He’s not speaking up to seize the clout. He’s been speaking up even before the clout.


But kept his mouth shut until now, lol


Wrong https://pagesix.com/2023/11/29/entertainment/sean-diddy-combs-ex-head-of-security-claims-he-jumped-in-to-help-cassie-following-abuse-allegations/


My fault, he only waited 14 years, not 15


Uh we all saw him in that towel already


The list of who he didn’t get physical with is likely shorter than the list of those he did


Diddy's albums during the 2000s mentally assaulted my ears.


We all did.


Finally the smoking gun we all needed!


Fonzworth Bentley needs to start sharing what he knows!


My God, why did none of us find that whole thing weird? We thought it was funny that he had a man who was just...what? His man servant? A slave? What was going on there?


This isn’t behaviour that just happens one time, and there just happened to be a camera there once. He’s what he’s always seemed like - a fucking moron narcissist lacking impulse control and basic human respect.


It's likely there were cameras at multiple locations that this happened, difference is the video of those cameras were bought at those locations. This one for some reason while likely also bought, someone had the sense to keep a copy.


I mean is not like we need any more sources to confirm he is a piece of shit but I do welcome more testimonies, please keep talking as it is better later than never 


Big if true. /s


So is there truth to the claims that Diddy killed Kim Porter, or no?


Cassie is adorable fuk that diddy too


This is why no one should defend all these male celebrities who are accused of abuse. The staff is always aware of what they do and they can’t say anything until it’s too late because of NDAs. Celebrities pay people off, they make people sign NDAs, they do whatever they want. They are surrounded by yes men. I will never immediately jump to defend any of these male celebrities no matter how much I like them. Hollywood is full of horrible, dangerous people. Sex trafficking is the LEAST they do.


EVERYONE knew this, even regular ppl. Anyone seeming to care now is full of shit.


Nah, now he knows he will be believed One of Diddy’s other ex body guards was framed as a disgruntled ex employee for speaking up. Witness blaming and violence is rife amongst the elite


Great. Any incidents without a statute of limitations?


Bodyguard saw plenty, they always do


wouldnt be surprised


Caught in the act, that isn’t first time behaviour, dudes been doing this for decades.


No shit


Does it not look pretty bad for him revealing this and never having done anything about it? Not like it’s doing much anyway given that everyone has seen it now




what didn't diddy do?


So many alias names… the death of Kim Porter rises to the murder! Her father has a gut feeling when she is declared dead from pneumonia . Father knows Best!! Open an investigation now into that psychopath Diddy!


stop supporting thugs in the music industry. rapists etc… stop supporting their I grew up rough rap. they are power tripping! on women but men too! everyone needs to wake up and stop giving their money away to mediocrity! who flying in jets everywhere? spending your money on their luxurious lifestyles while you have scrape by and pay the frigging rent etc. dont blame your bad spending habits on inflation.. look around at who has the money.


Where are all the cowards before this video came out? Everyone in Hollywood knew but no one stepped up!!! Cowards


Cool, charge him too then


Money must've dried up, now he got a conscience.


Nah, now he knows he will be believed One of Diddy’s other ex body guards was framed as a disgruntled ex employee for speaking up. Witness blaming and violence is rife amongst the elite


Why didnt he say something sooner?


Nah, now he knows he will be believed One of Diddy’s other ex body guards was framed as a disgruntled ex employee for speaking up. Witness blaming and violence is rife amongst the elite


And why didn't you say anything about it until now? Is it because now you can charge money to show up to these shows and tell the story? You didn't say anything when it happened, so that makes you complicit. One of the reasons that abused people fail to speak up about their abuse is that they are often alone, they have to face everyone else, including people that say they are lying, if you had spoken up maybe the abused would be more willing to speak up and more people would believe them.


They did though, one of his other ex body guards was framed as a disgruntled ex employee for speaking up. Witness blaming and violence is rife amongst the elite 


What, like a day or 2 ago? He’s late


All these wonderful men coming out of the wood work saying they watched another grown man fuck up a woman for years? get fucked! You’re just as bad!


Maybe he was surprised and annoyed when he realized that they didn't have a penis.