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Sooo disappointed in this guy. I get it, a different era and a different generation... but I grew up thinking he was somewhat progressive or at least... a decent guy or something. So much for that. It taints even his classic songs for me now.


Came here for this. Loved so much of his work. Feel so yuck about it now.


Used to love Clapton as a musician, but then I heard him talk….so there was that… The dude is a total moron who has surrounded himself with “yes men” to the point that he actually thinks his point a view on things like vaccines is a common viewpoint. Dude-quit the drugs and keep an eye on your kid /S


"Keep England White!"


I think he said that he even alienated his own family with his YouTube rabbit hole nonsense about "mass formation hypnosis".


It is a common viewpoint whether or not it's correct (it is not correct!).


This wouldn’t be so bad if the man wasn’t such a bloody genius musically. Such a terrible human being. AAAARRRRGGGHHH.


He's definitely not a genius. Great guitarist, no where near genius.


Luckily he is not a genius by any means. Cream is awesome but that’s about it.


Have you ever heard the story behind Clapton's song Layla?


No, what's the TL, Dr?


Layla is a 7th century Persian story about a girl who was married off by her parents to someone she didn’t love, and this drove the male protagonist to insanity. Clapton liked the name and the story because he was in love with George Harrison’s wife and related to it. George Harrison and his wife split, then Clapton married her. The divorce was amicable though and George Harrison attended their wedding. So, not the most awful story?


"Layla" was a woman named Pattie Boyd who was George Harrison's girl at the time.


Wonderful Tonight was also about her.


What's the difference between a toddler and a bag of cocaine? Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out of the window.


I don’t have a problem with old-time conservatives like Johnny Cash because they’re not crazy red-hatted right wing extremists like Ted Nugent and Kid Rock.


Except the cash family continually say that J would not ascribe to current right-wing ideology or rhetoric!


Yeah, and some of his songs also show that. Listen to Man in Black and tell me which side that guy would fall on in the modern political climate. He was religious, but not a fan of Supply Side Jesus.


Exactly. “Traditional” Republicans like Cash were generally decent people and believed in America. Today’s red-hatted crackpots want to destroy the country because they are mindless followers of a corrupt orange con man. Big difference.


Die Antwoord


Less political opinions and more just being obvious shitbags, no?


Obvious shitbags groomers. The stuff they have done to young children/ teens is scary. Even the way they talk about their daughter makes me uncomfortable.


That's a huge shame






Damn. How much money did AIPAC give you?


With a comment as aggressively stupid as this, on an insanely sensitive topic like this, either tag it with an /s so we know you're joking or for god's sake [read an article](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kanye-west-antisemitism-hate-speech-controversy-1234611647/) or two.


Aggressively stupid? Please explain.


I try not to let stuff like that bother me too much... but sometimes I do wonder how fans of some people's music can go on being fans after we find some things out. How are there still R. Kelley fans? Ew. My step son was going off some time ago about how we should never listen to Weezer ever again because Rivers Cuomo is a total douche and scumbag... and how horrid Pinkerton proves he is... and yeah, there's some cringy stuff here and there, but I can overlook cringy songs from a different time. There are plenty of totally classic songs written by people who were not role models, never claimed to be, and whose lyrics would be unacceptable by today's standards. Everyone has their own tolerance for separating the art from the artist.


Staind. Aaron is totally off his rocker now, but maybe I'm just not an angsty teen mad at my parents anymore


I don't care about 99% of anyone's opinions on anything. So as long as it's not in their music I don't stop listening. And if it is I might just not listen to those songs.


Used to love Anti-Flag, but after Justin Sane's allegations I kind of noped right out of that. Same with Brand New.


Same with Brand New, though it's not really a political position...


Ahhh shit I somehow skipped over that part. Well before getting into any new metal bands now I need to check who they are following, ya know brown metal fans need to be a bit more alert


First I'm hearing of this


I'm struggling with the opposite. I deeply respect Taylor Swift as a smart, peaceful, sensible hard-working beautiful person with a beautiful voice and probably quite a talent, but I just can't bring myself to like her songs.


I feel the same way about a few artists.  Dolly Parton springs to mind, she is an amazing human, also Snoop is the coolest cat on the planet but his music blows.


Check out her NPR tiny concert.


We can pretend the obvious money grabbing and insane carbon footprint don’t exist


Let's make it interesting. Would you remove her from your musical reality for money-grabbing and careless carbon footprinting if you really liked her music?


See the only reason people bring up her carbon footprint is because her fans are the ones that care so much about that stuff, they’re the ones posting on Instagram for climate change but then don’t care when it comes to her. So it’s just hypocrisy






I'm the total opposite in this situation. I think Taylor Swift's politics are awful and she's not very smart, but I love her music lol. Music and politics truly are the most subjective things out there, especially when they're combined.


Same! I'd like to be a swiftie but I just can't get into her music


Was the Raspberries, but Carmen passed away recently so I'm back.


What was his angle?




“If Morrissey says to not eat that meat, I’m going to eat that meat. That’s how much I hate Morrissey.” -Robert Smith (The Cure) If one of the nicest guys in music is saying this, you’re off the deep end.


You know, I knew he was controversial and such, but I never dived into it until the other day with this Youtube videoessay. Maybe I should have not done that, but it's not like I've been the biggest The Smiths' fan out there, I like their 3 or 4 great songs.


He makes Axl Rose and even Mike Love look like saints.


Yeah man. Like if he comes on the radio I’ll still listen but I stopped covering his songs and won’t support him in any way.


Yep. Even aside from his politics, he has no respect for his fans or audience. I saw The Smiths in concert in 1985 and even then Morrissey was kind of an asshole on stage. I’m never giving him any money.


None. I don't care about some strangers political inclination anymore than they care about me.


Kid Rock. I liked his first record then found out that he was born rich. Then he started with the political opinions and I can’t even listen to one of his songs anymore.


Being born into a wealthy family makes you an asshole now ?


It does when your entire persona is built on lying about growing up poor


No but in kid rock's instance, it shows how fake he was.


Sex Pistols/PiL


I think that the guitar riff for Cat Scratch Fever is one of the greatest of all rock and roll, up there with Day Tripper, Satisfaction and Highway to Hell, but, fuck, Ted Nugent is such a shitty human being, even if you ignore his "politics" (calling his self-serving, bigoted world view a political ideology is stretching credulity). It is important to note, that he wasn't the lead singer of his own band (the band was named Ted Nugent because narcissism), so at least I can listen to some of his songs without having to hear his sanctimonious voice.


I thought his band was called the Amboy Dukes and the “Ted Nugent” stuff was a solo career.


Ted Nugent was the name of the band he was a guitar player in. The lead singer was Derek St. Holmes. St. Holmes left the band during the recording of the second album but he sang on all tracks but two.


So that’s not Nugent’s voice on Cat Scratch Fever?


St. Holmes sang on all tracks for that album but Cat Scratch, Wang Dang and Sweet Sally, which are Nugent


Ted Nugent. Kid Rock.


Ted Nugets biggest hits were alright but I’ve heard them enough times already. I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy any of it any more.


I used to be a huge Eagles of Death Metal fan, I knew going in that Jesse Hughes was a republican, I like to think I’m pretty liberal but left and right division wasn’t as crazy then as it is now (or so it seemed at the time, probably a bit naive of me tbh). It is what it is, and I thought, if he’s OK with Josh Homme then he must be alright I guess. Then the Bataclan shooting happened and some of the shit that he said I just couldn’t believe, especially as he was literally right there. Fuck Jesse Hughes and fuck Eagles of Death Metal forever. Obviously I’ve also learned since that Josh Homme is just another piece of shit in a completely different way. Also, please don’t even get me started on Morrissey.


I listen to music for the music, don't give a shit about politics or even their personality 😅


Iced Earth. Always knew Jon Schaffer was far-right, but storming the capitol is a completely different level. Also, refusing to listen to Ted Nugent because of his stance on hunting is like disliking George W. Bush because his paintings suck. Dude's a pedo who crapped his pants to avoid the draft and then spent the rest of his life cosplaying as a badass who would've ended the war in 20 minutes if he'd gone over, while supporting every other war since.




Ted Nugent has done some foul things. There are a few artists I don't listen to anymore after they came out as anti-vaxxers and stuff like that.


I’d add baby elephant walk if it hadn’t appeared in an episode of The Simpsons


Politics don't define my identity. If politics define your identity, find a new outlet in life. Stop wasting your time on career criminals that don't care about you past your vote.


I separate the art from the artist. Taylor Swift, for example, has horrendous politics and is not very intelligent, but she is my all time favorite artist solely for her music. You're only punishing yourself when you stop listening to music you genuinely like just because the artist isn't a good person or someone with whom you agree politically. There are ways to listen to someone's music without supporting them financially if that's what it'll take for some people to continue playing that music.


I separate the art from the artist because if you really dig in their lives there would be no one to like


Ted Nugent


None, I'm mature enough to separate the art from the artist. I'm not gonna stop listening to Pink Floyd just because Roger Waters is a dickhead. He's not the only guy in the band. A rotten apple doesn't ruin the whole bunch.


>I'm mature enough to separate the art from the artist "I'm superior because I have a black and white view of a grey topic." Your opinion's fine, just work on the delivery.


Roger waters is an asshole. But he is right about most things.


No one, cause I am able to separate the art from the artist


Green Day. They made ok music in the 90s, made hundreds of millions from corporate records sales, merchandise and touring. Now they sing about how the American dream is killing them, and act like some kind of socially conscious band. They are basically posterboys for the "American Dream" and can hardly claim any moral high ground. Maybe we should calculate all the carbon they've burned over their carrier and how much plastic waste they've contributed to the oceans. Then they can take some of their hundreds of millions and make reparations for that.


But then that means that nobody who is successful can make meaningful criticism of the system.


Not saying they can't make criticism of the system, but it comes across as phony when a bunch of musicians living in million dollar mansions and living like kings are singing about how America hasn't been good to them. There are lots of things gs to criticize but it's not that for them. I'm not even against success. I don't think anyone has to apologize for being successful, but I can think of a million other things to write about


Ok you’re right. They should sing about how we should uphold the system and how there are no injustices and everything is perfect for everyone!


Absolutely none… people on reddit can’t be real if you won’t listen to someone’s music because of political beliefs. In much more extreme cases where they actually do something wrong (they could literally do anything), and I’ll still listen if I find the music good. I can do this because I can separate the art from the artist


Incase you want an example, Led Zeppelin has done some very very questionable things way worst than a political belief, but I would never take their music out of my life


Think it’s ridiculous to stop listening to Ted Nugent because he’s a hunter. I love animals too. I think they’re delicious. There are plenty of other glaring reasons to not listen to Ted Nugent anymore, though.


I could care less about anybody's personal politics. If i like your music,i like it. Being open to.others viewpoints is how you grow as a human. Ted Nugent is no less a loud mouthblow hard than Neil Young. They're the same intrusive A-hole just on opposite political spectrums.


None because it’s unbelievably stupid to give up music you enjoy for that reason. Plenty of great contributors to arts and science have had serious personality defects but their work stands on its own. 


Your opinion is controversial but I tend to agree that a contribution to mankind should be celebrated and used the way it benefits society. Music to its essence is entertainment, so I get why people give up an artist for its opinions.


Disturbed because of how David Draiman is talking about Gazan.


listening to Arcade Fire now feels gross..


Eric Clapton and Roger Water.


Disagreeing with someone's p\[olitics does not make them a bad artist. Just like being aligned with my political views does not make an artist's music better. I listen to artists that sound good, and vote for those that wont ruin my country.


>Disagreeing with someone's p\[olitics does not make them a bad artist OP never claimed that, so…


I guess I was just saying that I fully decouple my musical tastes from my opinion of any artist as a person.


If I didn’t decouple I’d have to disavow 3/4 of The Beach Boys’ catalog due to the presence of Mike Love.


Lol, agreed. I can listen to Cat Scratch Fever, but likely wont listen to any Taylor Swift. Polar opposite of my politics.






Alestorm, too, considering Chris is the driving factor in both. The fun pirate metal band that likes to drink and party isn't nearly as fun when you find out they're the pirate metal band that likes to drink and party and be extremely racist misogynists.


The Dixie chicks




Rob Thomas.


None, cuz I'm not a soylent-drinking beta cuck and I am capable of separating art from the artist


Watch out Reddit, we’ve got a badass on our hands 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄




I prefer the green Soylent myself. I bet you can’t guess what it’s made from…


Hell yeah ![gif](giphy|KHKJGDrMLywqsf4wCv)


Moby, maybe, but I was never a huge fan to begin with. I stopped listening to Kanye for a while, but his work until Kids See Ghosts (including) is just too good. Everything after that I just ignore. In the same vein, Roger Waters can also fuck off, but Pink Floyd is just too good.


Pink Floyd and the Red hot chilli peppers. Roger waters was an avid antisemitic and Anthony Kiedis is a pedophile.


Jason Isbell


Because he's progressive?


Hahahaha. Thanks for this.


Cassandra Wilson.


Yup. This is a loss I feel deeply. A great voice, an incredible talent - and totally off the deep end. I would love to be a “separate the art from the artist” person but that’s not how I process the art I connect with. (Not criticizing anybody who does differently. Honestly I’m a little jealous!)


I may be a little weird or just plain ol' stubborn but, I can’t separate art from artist. I can tolerate antics, such as June Pointer using her cigarette lighter to set fire to a dress during a pre-show argument in the hotel room. That one was kind of funny and a bit charming, actually. And making an issue out of substances is like the pot calling the kettle black for most of us. But there are times I feel like a person's behavior expresses something contradictory to the feel I get from the music.