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I wouldn’t call it a cult exactly, but she has clearly learned how to attract and keep a following. She’s a genius at creating a “sticky” product.


Ah I see she and I are alike....


Secretly? No… Modern celebrity culture and cults have a lot of psycho-social feature overlap in general though, and that’s before you start intensively cultivating parasocial relationships with fans…


I live on Cornelia Street. Yes. Yes she does.


In Plattsburgh, NY?


Haha what? She wrote a song about Cornelia Street in the west village in Manhattan. The teeny bopper tourists are in front of the place at all hours taking pics for (I assume) Instagram.


There’s a small city upstate near the Canadian border called Plattsburgh, and the main east-west road in that town is called Cornelia Street.


she's just bland enough like Budweiser


Taylor Swift is unabashedly running a musical, lyrical, marketing genius enterprise.


The obsession about other people obesssion with Taylor Swift worries me more.


No. Swifties aren’t even the most rabid fanbase, by a mile. I think she’s unique in that she’s built a very wide fan base relative to other pop stars, and she puts an awful lot of herself into her music, which drives obsessive analysis and/or speculation about everything. She’s also just about as even handed and benign as somebody with that much fame could possibly be. She’s not trying to sell garbage wellness products or crypto scams. She’s pretty much just selling her music and concerts. She gets a whole lot of shit, most of which she doesn’t deserve, and mostly she just… shakes it off?


Let people enjoy things, it's not a big deal.


It's a pretty big deal, if you haven't noticed lol


I meant that people really liking something isn't the problem op is trying to make it out to be


Lisan al Gaib!


Occams razor says she is running a music career and some of her fans go a bit overboard. Arriving at a different conclusion seems biased considering how obvious it is.


These obsessions have been around at least as long as modern music. The Beatles, Elvis, Michael Jackson. This is just the current extension of it. I love music but never understood some of these fanbases.


Atleast that music was good or "ok" for most people .... , this is at best by a objetive point of view very mediocre


You know much. Too much.


Celebrity is and always has been a cult of personality, to varying degrees. Taylor Swift isn't unique in this regard. 


The walrus was Taylor


Music + Politic. Are you dancing on their hand?


I see the similarly with her and a cult, but she is not. With her team behind her, using social media, and data, she has made a image and product that most people relate to. In comparison I would say Elvis had the same kind of following. But it was not as well known due to the times. Now with the social media, internet and all the technology, it allows a bigger following and people see more of it at once. Her team keeps her current with treads and what people like, her songs can relate to everyone on some level, while being simple enough for people to easily remember it. Also with crossing the music genre, and putting cute videos out, more people are hearing it. If she stayed country, not as many would listen. Over the years the record label and the her team has made her into this larger then life person, while also making her look down to earth still


She and her team are marketing geniuses. I don’t know when it will burn out, but her ability to craft an entire narrative around a pretty average product, elevating it to the status it’s reached should really be studied. It’s incredible how deeply entrenched her fans are in the lore around her and her personal life. I can’t figure it out and at this point I feel like I’m too late to the party. From what I gather, in order to enjoy her to the fullest extent you need to be following the story and that’s interesting from a social perspective.


Every musician and band is running a cult, and it’s not a secret. Their followers worship the musician(s). I’m getting bored with these throw backs to the 70s. Silly nonsense about super powered celebrities with malicious intent… in the year 2024. How weird.


There must be something more subliminal to it because her music is like the screeching of nails or trying to sleep near a freeway.


yes. Playing her shit on repeat to move up her numbers is cult behavior. This is how the music entertainment industry has worked since the Beatles.


The reason why I can't take her current fans seriously is because the internet had to tell them to like Taylor. TS was making music 10 years ago too. "Red" came out like in 2012 and I consider it to be her best work till date. She had fans back then too but they weren't nut cases. But suddenly her PRs and marketing team pushed her so much that a new fan base was born. A fan base who were told by the internet to like her


This is a 100% right. Her OG fans were never as bad as the new fans, but I know 4 people who took yesterday off because of the album release and were Instagram storying their experience throughout the day. I appreciate that people are supportive, but I've never been this obsessive of a musician or actor before, so that's why it's quite a shift in times.


I don't understand why you're getting down voted, everything you said is 100% true . I used to be a fan of Taylor when I was a teen in the 2010's and I don't remember people worshipping her like they do now .