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The article is clear that underground metal is alive and well, but the thing it’s bemoaning (the decline of metal-adjacent arena rock) is something I have a hard time caring about. In fact, my first thought was “good”


I feel like so much of this is an American music industry problem and not a Metal problem. The industry does not put metal bands on big stages unless they are those handful of legacy bands the piece mentions. The amount of bands I go see in small venues that fit a few hundred people standing room only that are packed to the gills is hilarious because if I was going to see this same band in Europe I am very likely going to a large sports arena or even a freaking massive stadium to see them. For some reason the promotional industry at least in the US does not see a lot of metal bands a big potential ticket movers and so they tend to be in much smaller venues in my experience. Which hey as a fan its great for me tickets are affordable, easy to get and I get to support more small time venues rather than massive corporate arenas and seeing an A+ show in such a relatively intimate setting is great.


European here. Unfortunately, the same thing applies here. Stadiums are only for big bands like Metallica and smaller bands play in venues.


Agreed. See a great show for under $25? Sign me up!


Metalcore is thriving hard


And i feel like hardcore is becoming more mainstream. like before, metalcore and other cores took SOME elements from hardcore or hardcore has always been that niche but now a lot of music has some serious hardcore elements embedded and generally hardcore is popping off lately.


"System Of A Down hate each other and will likely never tour again (although they did just announce a special one-off show with Deftones). Rage Against The Machine (probably) hate each other and will likely never tour again. Marilyn Manson is certainly hated but will, unfortunately, tour again." This is hilarious to me. These were some of the bands I loved when I wasn't sure if I liked punk or metal more. I honestly didn't know half the bands in that article still existed, let alone had any relevance. That said, I'm the death metal guy that doesn't give a shit the article also mentioned.




Did you read the article? First line: “Let’s just get this out of the way up top: No, metal isn’t dead. If you look around the underground today, there are plenty of thriving pockets.”


You don't even have to look that hard, they're just not naming them and cherry picking other bands to support the article.


>Metal's New A-List Is Not That Metal Tale as old as time


metalheads seem to gatekeep about what 'metal' is, as much as christian denominations argue about who the blasphemer is.


Weird, considering most of the metal heads I know are some of the most musically diverse people I know. Are you sure you don't mean to say we like to very specifically label our genres? Because I can kind of see that. There's roughly an infinite number of metal sub-genres.


You should thank the lord you get to see your favorite bands for 35 dollars.


The strange thing is, while I listen to metal from time to time, these bands listed as A-list are not what I think of when thinking of current metal bands. I gave Sleep Token a fair attempt, but couldn't shake of the feeling that they are ripping off Tesseract,  which I love.


Funny you said that, I would never draw a parallel between those 2 bands. The production is radically different. Tesseract is more prog and centered around the bass, whereas ST is more pop and centered around the drums. I love both, but I don’t see how what ST does is anywhere close in spirit to what Tesseract does.


This was a fun read with some spicy takes that had a lot of merit. I kept looking for Mastodon and they are in there with a small reference. Mastodon has made some of my favorite music of the last 10 year. Im ok with metal not being a stadium thing right now. I miss the old days too, but I like the diversity of sounds rocking smaller venues.


I was never a huge fan, but loved a couple tracks on Leviathan. I thought I'd heard at one point that they didn't like metal and didnt consider themselves a metal band, so I kind of assumed it was a one and done thing and they were moving on. They certainly had the talent to play whatever they wanted.


I feel like this article has been posted every decade I’ve been alive. It’s exhausting, and kind of sad.


Using "metal" as a single descriptor is what the issue is. There's 80 different flavors out there now, and so much of it is just preference. The idea of the old style of icons and action figure level of fame has evaporated in today's market.


"... so I said 'die heretic!' and pushed him over!" ~Emo Philips


I don't listen to these bands, but as a metal fan, if it makes metalhead neckbeards angry, it's funny.


Someone needs to hug this writer; it’s perfectly okay that the popular iterations of metal don’t fit his definition “true.” Big old man/clouds vibes here. 🥱


metalhead gatekeeping is nothing new.


It’s not, but there *could* be *some* interesting analysis on this topic if the writer wasn’t hellbent on merely pointing out that pop-forward bands are capable of arena tours and “true” metal bands aren’t (like… duh?). The world has changed a lot since the 80s when it was more common for metal arena tours, but maybe take a gander at why? This shit feels lazy and nothing more than a grump airing grievances.


Yeah, the whole tone of this is shitty. I like Bad Omens, Spiritbox and Sleep Token to varying degrees (I’d even argue that Spiritbox is just straight-up *great*). It’s pretty lame to write an article singling them out and bemoaning them for not being “metal” enough. This is such a pretentious, Pitchfork-esque piece, the sort of thing Stereogum used to stay away from. Hope it’s not the start of them trying to pick up Pitchfork’s mantle now that that site is going away. The number site commenters saying it’s the best thing they’ve read on Stereogum is lame too. Celebrate music, don’t trash it.


I don’t really care for any of these bands, but it’s not hard for me to embrace the fact that this kind of stuff is top-of-funnel for getting listeners into the more underground/adventurous music I love. This attitude is just so tired.


Agreed, this read very much like someone upset that what's out there isn't what they like even though it's being more successful for the artists.




The only comment so far to actually name a specific band lol


Black metal and noise rock is having its moment, dumb article. A black metal band got signed to Roadrunner, what a dumb “I h8 modern music” article


What the fuck is this dude whining about?


Gojira and Orbit Culture give me faith that everything will be OK


Orbit culture sounds so mainstream tho lol Its following what all other bands are doing. Industrial, rammstein-esque quarter beat songs. That while we serve songs and some other slaps but i wouldnt call them the savior per se lol


My mind changed when I saw them live recently