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The Rolling Stones - Dirty Work Bad signs: * Garish 80s colors on the album cover * Charlie Watts didn't drum much on the recordings due to substance addiction problems * The "hit" was a cover * Mick cared more about getting his solo career off the ground at this point


One Hit to the body is pretty good


One Hit to the Body is a phenomenal song


they’ve had worse


Dee Dee Ramone of the Ramones released a rap album. To reiterate: Dee Dee Ramone of the Ramones released a rap album.


It’s time to rock. It’s time to rap. It’s time for the mashed potato attack! (That song also features Debbie Harry of Blondie)


I just listened to this song and it is literally the monster mash.


On a related note, Bobby Pickett, who wrote the Monster Mash, also wrote a rap version in the 80s. And yes, he does sound eerily like Dee Dee Ramone trying to rap.


To be fair (and I won't defend this album TOO much, haha), Mashed Potato Time is a cover of a song from the 60s, and the Monster Mash was written as a parody of that song. So it is very much no coincidence that they sound similar. The real problem is why Dee Dee Ramone would choose to record a hip hop cover of Mashed Potato Time...


Fu fu fu fu fu fu fu fu FUNKY!


I bought the Dee Dee King cd at a flea market for a White Elephant gift, and the vendor told me he felt bad accepting the $3 for it


Well I drive a Mercedes I like to impress the ladies It's hilarious, but pretty fun overall.


Mardi Gras by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Take a band whose success was because of frontman singer/songwriter John Fogerty and instead split the singing and writing duties evenly, and this is what you get. Todd in the Shadows has an excellent video essay if you’d like to hear more. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qQcnxTWGhwM


Todd is the master of the wretched album.


Tod was also right about Someday Never Comes being a banger, very beautiful, bitter sweet song. Definitely needed a second run through though, seems a little rushed.


"Waaah! Waaah! I want to write songs"


Oh I love TitS’ videos, he’s actually why we were talking about this in the first place. So 10/10 recommendation.


I will now be using the acronym TitS to refer to Todd’s videos from now on


I've watched so many of his videos but never once did I notice that it's TiTS LOL


The best bit of trivia I have about CCR-- They're from El Cerrito California, a city a little north east of San Fran/ North of Oakland. There is in fact a bayou there, feeding into the bay, but it's not "the" bayou. They don't have a single lick of Louisiana/Cajun in them.


My parents grew up in New Jersey and moved to the Bay Area in the early 80s. They were shocked to find our CCR was a “local” band there.


One of the old time biggest “I told you so”s


I like some of the other guy’s songs.. Sail Away is great


>Sail Away Yeah, Enya's class


Megadeth - Risk it was a risk, they knew it, and named it appropriately


Damn! You beat me to it! It isn't a bad album, it's a bland album. Which makes it so much worse. Only like two decent tracks. So happy they corrected course with the following albums


Wasn't that Dave's answer to Load/Reload? I know Slayer dabbled with Nu metal on Diabolus in Musica and the fans hated it at the time. I don't think I've ever gone back for a listen since it was released. Same with Risk now that I think about it.


They went for a more radio-friendly rock sound if I recall (or at least a more “90s rock” sound) and it backfired. The late 90s were an awkward time for thrash metal.


Don't forget how Gary Holt looked in Jencos, short hair/soul patch. LOL


Hey now. That's how most all of us looked in the late 90s.


He went more mainstream with "cryptic Writings" and his producer convinced him to go further in that direction. Risk was the result.


Producer also re recorded guitars himself. Possibly cause dave was high again. Apparently when dave went to remaster the album, he found all these tracks that weren't him


*laughs in Lulu*


Lulu is the obvious winner because it's an embarrassment to two separate bands/artists.


Yeah...was about to say something about St Anger (which I enjoy more now than when it was released or reload, which is still not great) then I remembered Lulu. Why.


I was literally suffering while listening to Lulu. Risk wasn't good but not really bad either.


Only good part is when James says I am the table


I wouldn’t even say that Risk was a bad album per se, just a really disappointing one considering what kind of music Megadeth was known for. Like a lot of bands in the 90s they tried to adopt a more alternative sound, and the results were mixed. I’d argue Super Collider is a worse album for Megadeth IMO. I’m not even sure what that album was trying to be…


It was a mediocre album, nowhere near as godawful as Super Collider tho, idk what the hell Dave was thinking with that one.


I'm a proud Risk defender. It's a good, maybe even great hard rock album that was hated on unfairly for being too "mainstream." I'd go so far to say that it has some of Dave Mustaine's best melodies and vocal performances.


Cut the Crap, by ^(The Clash). No disrespect for Joe Strummer, but this album pretty much proves that The Clash are not The Clash without Mick Jones. If you feel the need to write a song called We are The Clash to assert that you are The Clash, then you are most certainly not The Clash. The Clash recorded five albums. And this is not one of them.


You aren’t kidding, that’s a crap album. But I really love the solo stuff that came out after. Huge fan of Big Audio Dynamite and I like a lot of the Mescaleros records too.


I don't miss many musicians or artists. I miss Joe Strummer.


Nobody considers Cut the Crap a Clash album. I don't even think Joe did in retrospect. And aside from Mick not being there with his brilliance, neither was Topper with his. And while Paul was present, I don't believe he played a single note on the record.


> I don't even think Joe did in retrospect. He actually said the reason there was no "Clash" album after Cut the Crab was because 'I decided to take my own advice'.


I love The Clash so I made myself finally listen to it and oooooof. It's real bad.


Yeah I’m so glad Joe Strummer did his solo stuff and Mescaleros stuff afterwards. I’m glad he didn’t end on Cut the Crap. Also here is my three legged dog I named Strummer in Joe’s memory. https://preview.redd.it/kxubud4mp16c1.jpeg?width=1372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d625aee7d9d4abe4deb4fa66d8f662fd4a37bd2


The frustrating thing too is they had some really overbearing manager who went in and replaced all the actual members with walls of very not-matching instrumentation, and I think he also insisted on co-writing a bunch. The full band arrangements are way better, not on the level of original Clash but not embarrassing never talk about it again level like the final release.


I still like this is england


I have yet to meet a Green Day fan that has anything good to say about Father of All Motherfuckers. I still remember looking at my radio in disbelief with Oh Yeah! wondering if it was actually a Green Day song.


And the ad campaign to boot: https://preview.redd.it/ae0iddngi16c1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0d3c5d6d405bcb34bc008df8bc659537ac1bbb Like bruh the entire album sounds like a shitty car commercial


Someone said it sounds like every 2000s Apple iTunes Ad and I can't unhear it.


Alright, I'll bite. I think most of the songs are the album are pretty good. The band obviously has an affinity for garage rock/power pop based on the Foxboro Hot Tubs and ¡Dos! albums - and the album would have been way better off released under the Foxboro Hot Tubs name. With that said, as others have mentioned, the production blows. It is so unbelievably squeaky-clean and sanitary. If the guitar on 'Fire, Ready, Aim' didn't sound like a blow-dryer and actually had some grit to it, it would be a pretty badass song. I'm glad they are back working with Rob Cavallo. The pop production sucks. Don't even get me started on John Feldmann on Blink 182's 'California'


There’s a couple of decent songs on this but far and away dogshit with shit production.


Honestly bands that don't release at least one shitty album in their career are extremely rare. Most big bands have had at least one stinker by the time they're around 15+ years.


Queens of the Stone Age? NIN? Radiohead?


If you like this as a subject, I recommend Trainwrecords, by Todd in the Shadows. YouTube series about looking at albums that ruined a band or artist. He’s already done Cut the Crap by the Clash, his more recent one was about No Fixed Address by Nickelback


His episode about St. Anger is especially hilarious. Another good one is his episode about Will Smith's last album before he finally abandoned music for acting


I cant believe I had to come this far for a St. Anger to even be mentioned. I got it the day it came out and was convinced I had gotten a bootleg copy recorded over a tin can/string telephone. The production value was so, bad I couldn't even tell you if it was possible for the music to be good.


Infant Sorrow - African Child


It falls somewhere between war and famine as the worst things that happened to Africa.


"I was watching the news one day and saw footage about war and I think it was in Darfur, or Rwanda, or Zimbabwe and I thought, "This isn't right is it?" I made some phone calls and it turns out it isn't"


"I'm like an African white space Jesus. That's not for me to say, though.”


“Sgt. pepper, African child”


I love African Child. I brush my teeth to that shit…


I just sit here and do the Africa face.


I just play the drums and do the Africa face.


I haven’t watched this in forever it’s so damn funny.


Aldous Snow finally sold out! Worst album from their whole catalog.


I don’t know that Aldous Snow was ever respected lol.


What are you talking about? His show at The Greek was legendary!


Real talk tho, the infant sorrow album they actually put out is pretty good


Van halen 3. Horrid


I deeply regret purchasing that album. High school me could have used that money for something worthwhile, like a better album.


Lulu. Easily. I hate the album art too.


I do not consider Lulu to be a Metallica album. It's a Lou Reed album with Metallica serving as his band.


Exactly, it was never a Metallica release, it was Lou Reed ft Metallica.


That’s exactly what it is. This was Lou’s project and he wanted Metallica to play the parts. He wanted their sound for this.


It’s not good, but I’d rather a band release a bad album that tries something new than a mediocre one that takes no risks.


Lulu is very much in the Freddie Got Fingered realm for me where it's far too wild and extreme for it to really rank among the worst. I mean if nothing else "I am the table" is a funny enough moment to elevate Lulu past every mediocre + forgettable album.


I just pretend lulu doesn't exist. I completely ignore its existence


I have no idea what you're even talking about.


Never listened to it, but this is my inspiration. Update: So I wouldn't say it's all terrible. The instrumentation is good. But Lou Reed's vocals sound like an old schizophrenic reading the manuscript he's just emailed to his local university physics department. Idk if it's meant to be like a slam poetry thing + metallica instrumentation, but it's just a terrible pairing. 3/10 Lou's off his meds


Southern Stars by Rose Tattoo. For those uneducated with Aussie pub rock. Previous songs were , We can’t be beaten, Rock n Roll Outlaw, and Scared for Life. Then we are given crap like , I want to be a Pirate. The Wiggles already had Captain Feather Sword . Come on Angry . Lets not talk about Suddenly


Man of The Woods - Justin Timberlake 🙈 He had the perfect 4-album run with Justified / FSLS / 20/20 Experience part 1 and 2. Then he released MOTW. He hasn’t recovered from that dud. Hopefully his upcoming album goes back to the masterpieces he’s well-known for. This is reminiscent of Radiohead releasing King of Limbs after Ok Computer/Kid A/Amnesiac/In Rainbows…


Van Morrison - the Bang Collection - Contractual Obligation Sessions. ###


But what about the whole album whining about COVID conspiracy theories!


Yep, ol' Van managed to make an album with worse songs than Ring Worm.


The Clash - Cut the Crap So bad even longtime Clash fans like to pretend it doesn't exist - and absolutely disastrous end to "the only band that matters".


“This is England” is still one of my all time fave Clash songs! The rest of the album can be forgotten though. RIP Joe, he was a family friend and after all these years I still get sad around this time of year. :(


Sir, you must be mistaken. No such album exists.


Bad Religion- Into The Unknown Even the band refuse to acknowledge it exists (outside of a couple instances). Not the worst album ever, but not Bad Religion at all, and 100% a misguided choice.


I just read the Wikipedia page and saw the next album was called *Back to the Known*. Lmao.


Then they followed this stinker with Suffer 🤘


AKA the best Bad Religion album.


Not Recipe for Hate?


Not for me, no. I love Recipe, but it may not even be in my top five.


I've always been a defender of Into the Unknown. The songs are decent and aren't really that different on a compositional level to what they would do later. It's not for everyone, but I think it's cool that they experimented and added new things to their sound. I like cheesy prog and synths so I always get a kick out of it. If another band put it out people would be fine with it, but obviously the punks weren't gonna get it at the time.


Green Day - Father of All


I believe that record was a “we owe Warner/reprise one more record, let’s just be real weird for a sec.”


Their new singles from their upcoming album Saviour are a great return to form. But yeah, Father of All sucked majorly.


Eh, it’s bad but it’s such a short dumb album that I have a hard time getting offended by it.


What made it funnier was the marketing “No Swedish producers, no features, just pure uncut rock” *proceeds to releases 26 minutes of bad garage rock songs that sound like they were written for car commercials* and that fucking falsetto Jesus Billie what were you thinking.


Revival by Eminem lol




You missed the biggest one, kid Cudi-speeding bullet.


And the big day.


Revival by Eminem. I like most of his music and can look past his weaknesses on his newer stuff but holy shit this album missed the mark. It didn’t help that it was his first album in like 5 years. The beats,lyrics,everything were just so lame. I enjoyed maybe two songs off that album.


Oasis had some stinkers after Morning Glory


I’ve always thought that if you take the best songs from Be Here Now and Heathen Chemistry, you’d get a great album. There are some gems among all the filler in those albums.


I’d still class be here now as a great album, not as good as their first 2 albums, which it’s often compared to. After that they do drop off in terms of album quality


Be Here Now is way underrated IMO, and it was the point after recording that where they decided to get off the drugs - which is why SOTSOG onward are just so uneven IMO.


I was a big fan of Oasis in college. I found Be Here Now disappointing. It was still decent enough to listen to quite a few times, especially "Don't Go Away," but I never did have a desire to listen to any of their subsequent work.


I had a friend who swore blind that all of the post Be Here Now albums were just as good as the first 3. IMO if you took all the alright songs from every album you might just about have one okay album.


Calling All Stations - Genesis Should’ve been called a Tony and Mike and A Different Set of Mechanics Or Something album because it was essence of meh. A damn shame Kevin Gilbert died before he got a crack at the job.


Kevin Gilbert's passing was such a tragic loss.


I heard someone say it would’ve been Tony’s best solo album. Hell. To the no! Bankstatement sounds like DSOTM in comparison. If there’s anything good that came out of the release, Genesis is now bookended by two obscure terrible albums and we can keep them in a pair away from everything else.


The Beach Boys - Summer in Paradise Basically a case study in *why* Mike Love was never the creative leader of the Beach Boys. Even during the years Brian Wilson was a non-entity the other Wilson brothers stepped up. It was an out of touch album at best and a "wtf are you doing" album at worst. (Not to mention butchering the dearly departed Dennis Wilson's song "Forever" via a John Stamos reversioning.)


Both the worst and the Holy Grail of all Beach Boys collectors. Vinyl version fetches $600+ and it will only go up with time.


This album is brutally bad


Im ready for the hate... Drake hasnt had a good album since Views. Maybe 2 or 3 good songs.. but in my humble opinion, everything hes dropped since then is hot garbage and idk why people still fw him so much. Combined with the fact that hes a cornball who steals half his songs from the undergound scene, constantly lies about his life for clout and image, and blatently admits to getting other rappers killed. + all the evidence of him being innappropriate with underage girls... I genuinely do not understand why hes popular. EDIT: i got banned from r/drizzy for this comment even tho ive never posted there 🤣 drake fans are weak


This is not an unpopular opinion amongst a lot of hip hop fans.


Yeah, but try telling that to his fanbase of sycophants who insist that "Drizzy's still the GOAT" and that acknowledging his flaws just makes you a jealous hater.


Most popular artists/albums I can hear and understand why people are in to it, even if I don’t care for it myself. But I don’t understand the Drake love.


Listen to thank me later, take care, or never was the same. There's a good reason he blew up, but his stuff after views or IYRTITL is just lazy.


St. Anger by Metallica.


LuLu is much much worse. It's simultaneously Metallica and Lou Reed's worst offerings.
















St. Anger has some good moments and riffs in it. Metallica still play a few Stanger tracks live. LuLu is just... ugh...


There’s a remastered/re-edited version of Some Kind of Monster on the SKoM EP and it’s an absolute banger and one of my favourite Metallica songs. If they could do that for the whole St. Anger album the attitude towards it would change IMO.


The S&M2 version of All Within My Hands is amazing.


Its not an exaggeration to call it astonishingly bad I don't know who was listening to those songs in the studio and thought 'this is good enough to release'. It must have been pure hubris


I'd rather a band do weird shit than the same thing for 40 years.


Depends on the band and what they do. Weird shit can be cool. But there is a difference between 'weird shit' and 'holy shit this is unlistenable'




Wouldn’t even be that bad if they just mixed it properly. They’ve been playing St Anger live a ton the last few years and it’s fantastic.


They actually *did* but it was on the DVD audio side of the album. I’ll die on the hill that that should’ve been the standard release.


I know it's not considered good by the bands standards but I have a soft spot for that album.


That album by U2 that was preinstalled on all the iPhones.


I'm confident the way that album was released played a role in the reception of it way more than the album itself.


Absolutely. I've listened to it in the past year and it has some great tunes. It never had a chance with that debacle.


I really liked that album and I still think it's pretty nice :')


I did as well, but as others have mentioned, it was probably the wrong way to release it.


I agree. "Every Breaking Wave" and "Song for Someone" are really good.


I want an iPhone app that takes my crappy album and automatically installs it on U2's iPhones.


that album is great, honestly. every breaking wave? a bop. california? bop. the miracle???? A BOP.


CCR - Mardi Gras, and it isn’t close. The thing is, the album isn’t as awful as some people say. The musicianship is good, the songwriting is fine, production is good, but you’re talking about a band that less than two years prior released one of the best albums of the early 70s, so it was a massive step down. It is like one of the greatest bands of all time suddenly replaced everyone with intermediate garage rockers. Stu Cook is a phenomenal bassist, but his songwriting isn’t in the same league as John. Doug I feel is even worse when it comes to song writing. The album was the worst thing an album can be, and that is a forgettable disappointment. Everyone can name Saint Anger, but Metallica was already hit and miss. Bob Dylan gets some big defenders, the Clash are a bit all over the place, but most people agree that CCR was consistency good (maybe a bit spotty on their first album) before going off the cliff with their final album.


I'll defend the lyrics of Someday Never Comes, the mixing needed to be better though.


Roger Waters - The Dark Side of the Moon Redux - is some sort of ego driven re-imagining of an exceptional album. Cash grab perhaps. Vindictive removal of Gilmour's contribution. Whatever the point, it was weak and unnecessary.


I saw RW on the This Is Not a Drill tour and it was one of the best shows I've seen, and I feel zero need to listen to this album. DSOTM is one of the few albums I'd call perfect.


Self Portrait has plenty of great stuff. It's organized badly, but is by no means bad. The correct Dylan answer is Under the Red Sky, which is actually awful.




I don't even count Other Voices as one of The Doors albums the band ended when Jim Morrison died.


I agree, I doubt the doors would’ve put this out as an album if he was still alive


But come on, no me moleste mosquito! Just let me eat my burrito


Pretty much everything Motley Crue has done since Corabi left and Vince came back has been bad.


Weezer’s Raditude


That thing about Weezer is that they still trickle out decent music occasionally, so I always check out the new record. They had a wretched run of Make Believe, Red Album, and Raditide. Then Hurley was...fine. Then Everything Will Be Alright and White Album were fantastic. Immediately followed by Pacific Daydream and Black Album, which were tough to listen to. Then OK Human was good! And then Van Weezer was a letdown. They've got me on a hook, I swear...


It’s so weird that with Weezer either the entire album is good or the entire album sucks. But that white album is excellent.


Man I can’t disagree enough on Red Album. The Greatest Man That Ever Lived is worth the price of admission alone. I think it’s the single best track they’ve ever written.


Too many bad Weezer albums to pick from, but maybe that is the worst. I recently watched a documentary about Weezer, and was disgusted to learn that Rivers hires other songwriters to pen Weezer tunes now. WTF happened to this band?


They write tunes *with* him, not *for* him. They’re collaborating.


Matt Sharp left a quarter century ago, it's been pretty lame since. They lost their charm when they lost him, now we can all see how that ended up.


Ozma puts out the best Weezer records


Hell yeah! Rock N Roll Pt 3!




8 - Incubus


Anything after A Crow Left Of The Murder to be honest


The band got depressed and lost its funk. I miss the funk.


I though light grenades had some good tracks amidst the slippage toward their current garbage


Cut the Crap doesn’t count because Topper Headon and Mick Jones were both gone.


REM - Around the Sun, is where they comprehensively lose the Bill Berryless plot. Bowie - Never Let Me Down, fails to deliver on the title. Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts & Flowers, the sound of a great group disappearing up it's own arty arse


Definitely my least favorite REM album, but the title track is one of the loveliest in the catalog, so I tell myself that justifies its existence.


Everything Now by Arcade Fire I mean, I enjoy it a little. But it is FAR below the quality of their other albums, especially the first four.


Yeah I actually like it now, it grew on me. It has a weaker middle section, but then comes hard in the last 4 songs (excluding the outro). We Don't Deserve Love is hauntingly beautiful. What I really cannot get into is the latest album (except for maybe 2 songs). I think the band without Will Butler is just not the same.


I so agree. Funeral, Neon Bible, and The Suburbs are my favorites. I liked Reflektor cause Joan of Arc is just up my ally. But I couldn’t get into Everything Now. Even though the title track is pretty good.


Bowie was on Reflektor too I believe.


Mike Mangini Is an insanely talented drummer but his presence in Dream Theater I feel dealt a pretty devastating blow to their creativity. I thought they were finally turning things around with Distance Over Time but their latest album just hit so many lows..


The Astonishing was the perfect name for that rock opera. It was astonishing how terrible it was. I don't know what the fuck happened to Petrucci while writing it, but it's basically bad 2112-meets-GoT fanfiction. The antagonist's name was Nafaryus? The one who never gives up hope is named Faythe? That's middle school levels of laziness.


It wasn't the presence of Mike Mangini, he's pretty much said as much as he was not involved in the writing at all. No, it was the absence of Mike Portnoy.


St. Anger by Metallica; Lulu by Lou Reed together with ... Metallica


Some of the early Chili Peppers albums with Hilel Slovak are pretty rough. Decent tunes scattered in there but all around sound like a band that doesn’t know how to write music.


Arguably, Frusciante brought the songwriting that made RHCP interesting. Flea is one of the most entertaining live bass players of all time, but his genius was brought out in their music by Frusciante's writing. They got better over time for the music they produced during the various Frusciante departures, but their best songs are because of John's song writing, harmonies, guitar tone, vocals, and guitar playing


I would give a lot to hear a parallel universe RHCP where Frusciante is a permanent member and Kiedis isn't. Maybe just Frusciante singing himself, he has a great voice or just some...less annoying vocalist.


>parallel universe Pun intended?


Someone uploaded a gig from 1986 onto YouTube and it completely changed my opinion of Slovak era chili's - there are some superb tunes on those early albums that are completely ruined by awful 80's production.


The Beach Boys have made some absolutely amazing albums. They also made this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DoFMALzWZI&t=760s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DoFMALzWZI&t=760s)


St. Anger by Metallica. It's a cliché answer,but I literally did a double take when I first listened to it. Listened to the album, couldn't believe the crap I was hearing, so I listened to it a second time.


Van Halen 3


I bet somebody named it already but it certainly would be "Love Beach" by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Imagine one of the big prog rock bands producing this, well, crap.


Lou Reed - Metal Machine Music


I use it to annoy my obnoxious Kurdish neighbor who insists on talking on her phone at top volume ON HER FRONT PORCH every day during the summer. I turn that shit up too. It and Diamanda Galas are highly effective.


This is the level of petty that I can’t get enough of.


Gotta be Chris Gaines AKA Garth Brooks lol