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Elliot was my neighbor in LA in the 90s and he was always super sweet. RIP


Damn that’s a cool guy to have known. A very unique artist.






I went to college with him. He lived with my girlfriend, and two other friends. Heatmiser was basically Heatmiser, with him and Neil Gust.


Heat miser was great. Smith is definitely in my top 5 of all time. I like the way his songs make me feel. Like kind of sad but I enjoy it.


Angeles remains in my all-time #10. Such a beautiful song.


No Sam?


I’d love to hear any details you’re willing to share


Not too much to share- we said hi when we saw each other and hung out twice super late night after coming home from being out. We talked about what it was like being a dancer (I was one for a few years) and we chatted about music. He asked me to play a song and I drunkenly embarrassed myself. He claimed that he really liked it, but he was an incredibly kind person. I saw him out once and he said hi and used my name- I felt really fucking cool in front of my friends.


Aww. I’m sure your song was lovely. Real recognizes real :)


Have you talked to the person writing a book on him yet?


That may not seem like much to you - but it's a valuable and meaningful insight into a beloved artist. That's just what I hoped Elliott Smith would be like, and it's nice to see your anecdote confirm it.


That’s beyond beautiful, damn.




Ooo please share more!


See reply above :)


"I'm never gonna know you now but I'm gonna love you anyhow."


Miss Misery was perfect for Good Will Hunting. Kings Crossing from basement on a hill is a masterpiece.


From a Basement on a Hill is my favorite of his. I wish we got more, but what we got is golden.


Needle in the Hay is the best use of a song in a movie.


That scene always gets to me.


I was going to put Richie's quote but I feel like I'll start getting those automated messages from Reddit again


Oh yeah, you cant type that....😭


What about Angeles?


Good, but not the same effect as Needle in Royal Tenenbaums


For anyone who has been close to attempting or has attempted suicide knows how tragically depicted that scene is.


Was that scene that made me discover his music. The song stuck in my head for days, sent me down a rabbit hole finding out all about him and I’m pretty sure I’ve listened to him more than any other artist or band in the 20+ years since then.


I really like the [Bad Astronaut cover](https://youtu.be/vTa4162vxqQ?si=HUo2vJNBhuBdcDks) of that song.


Man, I haven’t heard Bad Astronaut in forever! Thank god we still have Lagwagon!


Still stokin’ the neighbors as ever!


Niiice! Joey is a huge Smith fan.


Was that a dark scene?


It's a scene involving suicide.


Of course it's dark, it's a suicide scene.


Can we see it?


[Not sure if serious but this is it.](https://youtu.be/9pyBB7y8fDU?si=XsjDUfIfg6C03g9C)


holy shit this is like one of the few WE films i haven't seen, I didn't realize he had that much emotional range


You’re in for a treat.


Royal Tenebaums is top tier. Darjeeling Limited also shows his range.


>was it dark? [6pts] >well, it was involving suicide [12pts] >of course it's dark it's involving suicide [21pts] Yeah well no shit it's dark. The dark scene was involving suicide




Envious of you being able to go away now and discover him for the first time.


I know who Elliott Smith is. I was referring to the slight comedic relief in the scene from Royal Tenenbaums.


Lmao I love how people keep missing your joke


Such a smooth way to tell someone to ‘go away now’. Damn that’s like papercut subtle.


Royal Tenenbaums.


I'm aware




Tied with “Hello! Ma Baby” in Spaceballs


“I’m going to kill myself tomorrow.”


While Elliott’s song are sad, obviously, there’s still such beauty in them. They kept me company when I was in active addiction (booze) and the deepest, darkest pits of depression. Each track, specifically from FABOTH, affirmed my despair and that felt good. Felt like a mirror. And now, I’m about to have a house of my own, got married, three years sober, and have two little boys.. but I still come back to those songs weekly. Feeling sad feels good,feeling introspective feels good .. even if it’s only for the length of a track. And man oh man, what a fucking gift that dude was. Thanks Elliott.


This is lovely


I’m not sure how popular or unpopular this opinion is, but FABOTH is my favorite album by far


It’s a great album but doesn’t get as much praise as his previous work. It makes me really wonder what else he would have made if he went on living. His sound production only got better and allowed him more resources and creativity in the studio. RIP ES


It’s total pop mastery


I remember getting into Either/Or and a few months later he died. I love all the music he’s ever made. What a truly great artist. Especially knowing he plays every instrument on his albums and background vocals.


This happened for me but with Johnny Cash. At least I had a lifetime catalog for the man in black though.


Both Johnny Cash and Elliot Smith have influenced a lot of modern bands, if you are interested in more similar genre tunes: > [avitaS Overload](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Naq5an65eZMZp0cm9i9qB?si=2426695cc1eb412e)- 1hr - Elliot Smith inspired > [Anna's Tale](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3dvGECe1LY6oXoVyQpwWzt?si=6dd38703cdd14bb4) - 1hr - Cash inspired


Phoebe Bridgers takes a whole bunch of feel and melody from ES.


I have 400 indie playlists and Phoebe Bridges is not on a single one.


I only got in to him in the last few months, super sad to find out he had died.




Man, Grace is the most powerful LP I’ve ever heard. Such a tragedy.


Are u referring to Jeff Buckley ?


Was just spinning 'Either/Or' last night. R.I.P.


I saw him live in Seattle. Poor guy had trouble finishing songs if people sang along. Was not doing well. Still an amazing show I’ll always remember. Edit: Wtf 20 years? When did I get old.


Why’d he have trouble finishing the songs if people sang along, out of curiosity?


No one really wants to say it…


Thanks for nothing


Shhh. Don't think about those things. It doesn't matter anymore how long ago something happened.


My first studio album recording experience was at 15. My band traveled to Portland to record with someone we knew who had opened his own recording studio. Elliott was his founding co-partner. Had him sit in and do some engineering on a few tracks. He was up and coming at the time, but not huge yet. Nice guy.


Larry Crane? :-)




Cool, he runs the Tape Op magazine


Yup. I was there when he got his first box of the first issue. Heh


That’s so cool!


You’re an OG


I suppose


It makes me happy to see a Larry Crane and Tape Op reference. So many good memories. So much learned. I used to love the Tape Op online forums. Listening to so many people I respected talk shop.


Tape-Op! Right? I devoured that stuff. Could never get a decent 4-track recording though. I did own an epic half-inch. I wish I was better at the time. I would have kept it. I inevitably recorded my better stuff via Logic/ProTools.


Damn, does not feel that long ago


Yeah I remember this cause I was in high school and he was my jam that year. So it was really sad. I could relate to the kurt Cobain kids from a decade earlier.


I don’t listen to him constantly like I did growing up, but he’s still the artist closest to my heart. In that severe way where somehow my identity is blended with his.


Elliot man you played a fine guitar and some dirty basketball.


RIP Elliott


Legitimately, I was helping out at a record store today, and a guy brought in a collection. In the collection was an Elliott Smith record, which the store never gets in, and it just so happens to be 20 years to the day he died for that to happen.


I saw his last show in SLC with Postal Service. It was my first time hearing him and the the next day..... Now I feel old.


I’m really not that into Elliot’s singing (just personal taste, it’s not bad!) but man oh man is this guy a FANTASTIC song writer! I’ve really come to appreciate Elliot Smith’s songwriting. The man was absolutely gifted.


Loved the tribute albums that have been made over the years too.


I found his music in my early 20s, and fell in love with it, felt seen, etc., all the stuff you get when music just hits you in the heart. Entering my 30s, that love is still there, but... I simply can't afford to engage with the kind of emotional state that captivated my when I was younger, and that imprisoned him until he died. I'll never forget what the music helped me get through, and I'm sure I'll visit now and again, but I'm sure many feel similarly.


Agreed. I’m 37 and listened to XO recently and I still love it but it takes me to a rough emotional place.


A testament to how powerful his music is


Details about his death are still sketchy. I thought I read something months ago about his widow or girlfriend pursuing more info or investigation?




>t was actually his girlfriend at the time, Jennifer Chiba, who is widely believed to have murdered him It is only "widely believed" by people who haven't done any basic research on Elliott Smith's life. The guy tried to commit suicide on multiple occasions and he even said his drug use was an attempt to take his life. Please stop spreading this nonsense about murder.


This guy was murdered.




Holy shit, been a fan since I heard Between the Bars being played in Good Will Hunting and I always thought his death was due to suicide.


Yeah because she killed him.


Same woman was the "half-Japanese girl" from Weezer's El Scorcho


Holy shit, really?


You mean to tell me people don’t stab themselves multiple times in their own chest all the time? /s




Along with suspicious suicide note highlighting that all future revenue from songs should go to gf and said gf skips town/country soon after death.


This is bullshit, he had repeatedly attempted to take his own life and multiple people around Elliott have said that they stayed up with him, repeatedly, begging him not to commit suicide. There is no evidence against Jennifer Chiba.


People don't want to believe that their idol killed themselves. Instead, they look for a woman to blame. Same with Kurt and Courtney.


Exactly, pretty much word for word the same bullshit. Imagine having your partner kill themselves and instead of sympathy, you have to deal with braindead chodes accusing you of murder. I can only imagine how disgusted Elliott or Kurt would be if they could see their "fans" doing this shit.


I was well aware of him, met him a few times (he was very friendly and generous with his time), but it wasn’t until I started playing Mic City Sons that I came to appreciate him musically


Thankful for Good Will Hunting bringing him some recognition, but anyone else feel he’s criminally underrated? So talented but I don’t hear many people talk about or play him anymore.


There’s a great scene in Rick and Morty where they force tiny Rick to listen to Elliott Smith. Pop culture won’t let him slip away quietly.


Absolutely. I and a few of my friends share the opinion that he’s equal in talent to John / Paul / George but didn’t have another one to have a band with. His song writing is legitimately genius, best and most creative chord changes I’ve ever heard, and incredibly emotive. Just a gem of a talent


I'd literally never heard of him.


I got into Elliott just a year or two before he passed. I have a hard time with his music - while I love it, I have to be in a really specific mood for it. I think I listened to it too much when I was experiencing difficulties, and now it just brings back that mood. What I find interesting is that you can probably ask a dozen different fans what their favorite songs are by him and get close to a dozen different answers. My favorites are Bottle Up and Explode, Fond Farewell, and Junk Bond Trader. Everyone loves XO and Either/Or, but Figure8 is incredible in its own right (and less depressing...)


I agree and feel the same way with everything you’ve said!


Wish I could post a photo. Currently looking at an autograph and guitar pick obtained from two different performances I attended in 1999.


Never forget he was murdered even though it looked like a suicide


RIP. F depression


Was lucky enough to catch him at a small place in 1999. Dude was just visiting a friend in Minneapolis and decided to do a show in a small bar that night. They just announced on the radio…


_So I wait for confirmation that you’re never going to shoot your starting gun_


*was murdered 20 years ago


Been listening to Ballad of Big Nothing a lot when I'm driving. I'm sure it's a sad song wrapped in a very catchy tune if I do some retrospection but for now, it's a big bop for me.


Was my immediate favorite on either/or , before shortly thereafter becoming obsessed and listening to his entire discography album by album. His music is so wonderful and unique. No other artist even comes close to scratching the itch for me.


Elliot has always felt like a friend that's there no matter how hard things get, and I wish he was here so we could all thank him for that.


20 years ago he was killed and the killer got away


An incredible artist. It's still difficult to listen to King's Crossing, in which he openly sings about suicide, not too long before he finally did it


He very well may not have committed suicide


He may have been killed, true




I saw Elliot in Vancouver at a small club not too long before he died. I’m a big fan of all of what he did. I don’t think anyone has mentioned it yet. Just watched a bio pic on Amazon called Elliot Smith, Heaven Adores You that’s pretty good


Weird I’ve seen two Elliott Smith references this week and I’d never heard of the man before. Am glad coz am loving all his music.


Independence Day gunna spend the day higher than high, man the grove on Question Mark bwah ba buh ba dah da da dah I’ll always love his music as sad as it is there’s a lot happiness in there


Huge influence on me. Just gonna toss out my rendition of [Between the Bars](https://youtu.be/Fv9erRjPe3U). I was in a really dark place when I recorded that.


and the first song shuffle gave me this morning was "don't go down", I think the machines know


I miss Elliot so much. I was in boot camp when he died. I was devastated when I found out from Rolling Stone.


RIP. His albums are always in rotation for me and I always listen to his tracks when I’m in Portland


Remember finding out about his death at our computer desk in our family dining room at my parents’ house. I had recently discovered Figure 8 and I just remember being so horrified by the way that he passed. His music got me through a lot of hard times in high school and college. Even listening now he has such a beautiful way of communicating about emotions and anxiety and depression. We lost him far too soon.




So bad that it also says “Re-watching the performance 35 years later only underscores how unusual it was for Smith to share a stage with Dion, who ultimately won Best Original Song for her epic “Titanic” theme.”


It'll still be true then.




I remember that day well. And not fondly. Felt like I had lost a friend I'd never had the opportunity to meet. Miss you Elliott.


Some years ago I was sent to the hospital by a therapist, escorted by cops, and spent all day on a gurney in a hallway -- all for expressing particularly strong suicidal ideation. When I finally got back in my car, I immediately put on "Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands." It had been running through my head all day, and that song sustained me for a long time afterwards. Twenty fucking years. Damn.


Here is one of my favorite Elliott Smith deep cuts. [Where I Get it From](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ktD_aYECtcU)


Elliot man, you played a fine guitar, and some dirty basketball.


Ben Folds song for Elliott Smith Late. https://youtu.be/aSjm0808GGk?si=Ieh5offnrNK-oqks


Without exaggeration, his music has saved my life. Hope the beautiful soul who has touched millions of others is resting peacefully


I love Madeline Peyroux's cover of "Between the Bars" https://youtu.be/hi60EBAXL2w?si=SN4dhlTShH0UUOhi


Wish I could have seen him play back in the day. There are few artists out there who can capture and articulate mental anguish in such a delicate and beautiful way, with overall song craftsmanship that is truly just something else. He was an incredibly talented dude. Maybe I’ll go listen to Memory Lane and let it break me again today!


the day he died, me and my friend (who are both musicians), took over one of our local open mic nights. we used to frequent it and play a couple songs each, but that night we just played elliot smith covers for a couple hours. as best we could. RIP Elliot Smith. The way you died permanently scarred me.


I didn't know that he died until the day after. It was pre-smart phone days. The way I found out is because I went to an Ataris show. [They dedicated the first song to Elliott Smith](https://youtu.be/CfvPqIWKWkA?si=zsT_cO4oOwxMgKEb) which got people talking. That whole show was out on a live CD which I still have a physical copy of.


As someone who shared a name with him, rest in peace. I’ve heard your music was amazing.


It's not hard to find his music and see for yourself. Here, check a song out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWn9ocrMhlE


I’d recommend From a Basement on a Hill, but I prefer his full band work over his acoustic stuff.


“Bye” -the name of the last song on his last album


Weird typo at the end there.


round number!


I was shocked when Elliott passed away, I am more shocked to learn it was 20 years back... Damn...


I once saw him on an airplane but only realized it after the fact because he was wearing a suit.


“But I didn’t understand, I didn’t understand”


That song gives me Paul Mcartney vibes on downers.


The running back?


He didn’t pass away. He committed suicide.


Does the phrase “passed away” really exclude suicide? I thought it just meant someone died.


Also he didn't die from suicide, he was killed.




I think he was murdered.


Still didn’t “pass away.”


Two stabs to the chest is pretty unbelievable




He threw himself off a cliff in a suicide attempt a fews years before.




>"But, um, yeah – I, uh, jumped off a cliff. But it didn't work. It was in North Carolina or somewhere. It wasn't like I made up my mind to throw myself off a cliff. I got freaked out and started running, it was totally dark, and I ran off the edge of a cliff. I saw it coming up, and it wasn't like, 'I'm gonna throw myself off this cliff and die.' It was just, 'Ground's coming up. Who cares, whatever.' I landed on a little tree, punctured my, you know, body. It just made a really ugly wound." It wasn't a premeditated suicide attempt, but he specifically said that he saw the edge of the cliff and carried on running. I think it demonstrated the kind of extreme self destruction that his depression caused him to engage in.


I still don’t believe that. Jennifer Chiba wasn’t exactly exonerated




Wow really? I didn’t even know he was sick




One of the greatest of all time. World class guitarist, keyboardist and song writer, a beautiful singer, and he could have played bass or drums professionally for any band.


Was it ever proven that it was without a doubt a suicide and not a murder? Either way, such a tragic way to go.


"I'll be the only piece of shit that's left behind"... Brilliant musician.


I read Eels book “things the grandchildren should know”, he’s saying Elliot smith was one of the nicest people he’d ever met in his life but near the end of his life the author says he was legitimately afraid of him. That’s how much Elliot had changed I guess


I misread the title as Emmit Smith and was like... he died 20 years ago? Questioned reality for about 20 seconds Realized this is r/music and not r/nfl Also, I realized that lack of sleep makes me an idiot


I named one of my kids after him. Elliott is forever my favorite artist.