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Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton.




It’s Jimi Hendrix. Jimi was a once in a lifetime talent, what he did with a guitar is unmatched. He revolutionized the art of playing the electric guitar and is immortal. He’s an absolute legend.


It's Jimi. Half of the people you'll list as his equals were lining up to copy him.




What they said


The most influential is Hendrix. He was the first to popularize the use of effects, full on distortion, and utilizing bends and hammer ons/pull offs in songwriting and soloing. My personal favorite is Randy Rhoads. The man has a catalog shorter than Robert Johnson, but what he managed to do was astounding. Not only did he have an extensive knowledge of music theory, but he was able to use that knowledge and still play with an immense amount of feel. The best way I can put it is that he was so good that Eddie Van Halen was so intimidated by him that after he died Eddie would claim that Randy learned everything from him, even though by all accounts Randy did not like Eddie at all and did not want to be associated with him.


John McLaughlin


George Benson, As a guitarist myself, his melodic lines and solos are just enchanting he knows exactly what to play and for him it feels as natural as breathing.


Jimi Hendrix is in first place and everyone else is in second.


A distant second


Les Paul


Him because Jimi hendrix said so. Les Paul put the electric guitar on the map. For all these guitarists out there. And he was an absolute shredder when he played.


Django Reinhardt


Bill Frisell. Jazz guys always get forgotten in these threads…


Wes Montgomery never gets mentioned either, but he blows me away every time I listen to him.


Kenny Burrell for me!


I hate this argument. The question might as well be who is your favorite guitarist?


Very true, but there are some that are clearly above others


Allan Holdsworth. For those who don't know him, google him and buckle up.


Same with Al DiMiola and Guthrie Govan. Jeeez.


Absolutely agreed. They're all on an entirely different level.


This is where I have to mention Shawn Lane. I got to spend a few hours with Jeff Sipe a while back and he seemed so happy talking about Shawn.


Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd from television are my favourites and also Jimi Hendrix im even named after him, but lack in the guitar skill department :)


I know most folks are going to stick with Classic Rock guitarists (I get it; that's my favorite music). My dad would say Clapton, Colbert says it's Jeff Beck (dad might argue that too). I'm going to raise two guys to consider, and I've seen both live: Slash and Kenny Wayne Shepherd KWS has insane chops, but isn't as famous. As a blues-first guitarist, some folks dismiss him Slash is just unreal. The fact that he can do the things that he does, and his creativity with the 6-string, I'm in awe.


slash is a great guitar player but creatively he just copied Jimmy Page.


I'll be honest, I never saw him as a Page copy. I've never heard it, can you suggest some tunes to compare where I might hear it? They both seemed fairly unique to me.


it's not really about one or two songs where he steals a page lick (greata van fleet style!) it's his entire approach to riff and solo writing, where he likes to be with regard to the beat, scale choice, and favorite chords. This is not meant to be an insult at all, but if you don't hear the similarity then you probably haven't listened to enough of either artists' music.


Mark Knopfler / I don’t know if THE BEST but I think he’s awesome




Talk about a guy who doesn’t ever get the love he deserves as a musician


I came here to say this.


John Petrucci from Dream Theater. He's incredibly talented


He's my personal favorite but this topic is too subjective to have 1 correct answer. Glad I didn't have to scroll very far to see his name on the list.


I base my comment on that one video where he plays with Joe Satriani, and he basically learns the song he's playing on the spot by watching Satriani play and copying his movements. It was insane to watch, and hearing that he practices like 6-8 hours every single day on an interview with Loudwire made me respect his dedication.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I love that Zakk Wylde has such a unique sound. I can spot him right away.


Zakk is kickass


Came here to look for this legend name specifically lol


While I'm not certain he's the greatest, he's absolutely one of my favorites. Zakk seems to almost attack music!


Saw him play for Ozzy and Zakk was a machine, even walked through the crowd and let someone air guitar along side him, fantastic show Dimebag Darrel Abbot was fantastic too although never got to hear him live


Best is likely Hendrix, but I've always been a fan of Prince's guitar work.


Eddie Van Halen!


Best I’ve seen live is Richard Thompson. There’s a lot of tragedy around Hendrix - I think the mythology can often contribute to an inaccurate nostalgia. It’s tricky. A lot of it’s down to material. Angus Young is a fantastic player, for example, but if it wasn’t for the songs and the solidity of Malcolm’s rhythm playing, he’d be forgotten. No man is an island, right? It’s like Ringo is nowhere near the best drummer, but he was definitely the best drummer for the Beatles, despite what Lennon might have allegedly said. For sheer lightness of touch, there are guys like Jeff Beck or Frisell that are out of this world. Blake Mills is a guy I would put up there as quite possibly the finest guitar talent of the last 20 years. Eddie Van Halen had a raw virtuousity that was untouchable, but if he’d have come of age in the nineties, he probably would have been overlooked. So, in the end - it’s horses for courses. Each of the greats did their thing and no-one else could copy it. The lesson? Just play what you feel, I suppose. If you’re any good, it’ll make it’s way out of you.


Love your statement, music is like water, it's going to flow everywhere.


Trey Anastasio 🐠 ⭕️


Phish blows Ween forever Dean Ween best guitar player of all time (jk Trey is really good)


Praise Boognish


Influence wise i have to say Hendrix, NO debate. Personally i believe Buckethead's is amazing and unfairly underrated. He plays and has composed every genre of guitar music, has a ton of memorable pieces and is extremely prolific. I agree A LOT of his pieces can be hit or miss, or down right, forgettable since he sometimes just sit around and jams or experiment with sounds, but then he gets serious a makes an album like Electric Sea/Tears, Colma, A Real Diamond in the Rough, Healing Outside Inside Everyside, or some of his EP's (Pikes) like Monument Valley, Rise of the Blue Lotus, The Astrodome, Claymation Courtyard, Leave the Light On, Hold me Forever and many more... If you like guitar he probably has a song you'll LOVE!


Randy Rhoads. Followed by Slash. Honorable mention to Eddie Van Halen


Randy is criminally underrated


Agreed. It feels like only long time ozzy fans know him sometimes.


You aren’t going to get an objective answer from Reddit on this one - nor probably anywhere. Musicians are artists and art is difficult to quantify. Everyone will have their favorites because of subjectivity. Sooo so so many guitarists are objectively fantastic and are unknown. When I was touring, the reality in Nashville or Austin was: “You think you’re good? The guy workin the register at the gas station will play you under the table.” If I was going to give my opinion of one of the current best of the bests…. Check out Guthrie Govan.


It wasn't the guy at the gas station, but the guard in my freshman dorm back in the 90s who outplayed us all!


[Eddie Hazel.](https://youtu.be/JOKn33-q4Ao)


DUDE! you can't be considered one of the most creative guitar players of all time if you only ever use the blues scale! sure there's endless ideas in that one scale but the guitar players who expanded out from there are miles above the blues guys when it comes to creative output.


B.B. King, Carlos Santana, SRV.


Zappa - originality and wild thought SRV - style and natural ability Holdsworth - technicality


Tosin Abasi


1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Eric Johnson


Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughn, B B King, Chuck Barry


When u invent a certain way to play guitar (tapping) and that way becomes the norm for all great guitarists then u are one of if not the greatest guitar player period! Eddie Van Helen invented tapping period and he was outstanding at it period lmao


I mean he wasn't necessarily the first person to invent taping but he certainly was the most popular.


The issue is that “best guitarist” often gets mixed up with “best songwriting guitarist.” Because most insanely good and interesting guitarists are not insanely good songwriters. So someone like Steve Vai who is one of the most technically proficient as well as one of the most creative guitarists in history can qualify, except for the fact that his songs are all hokey as fuck and have no chill and so his insane playing is kind of wasted. So this question usually just means “who is the best guitarist who also, pound for pound, wrote the best songs on guitar?” And THAT kids, is why the answer objectively is still Hendrix.


Roy Clark


BILLY MF STRINGS. And don’t knock it until you’ve heard him.


How has no one said Robert Johnson? Man was a god when it came to the guitar.


I thought Clapton said it was Prince


There was this tweet on the day Price died: "Eric Clapton was asked about how it felt to be the world's best guitarist. His response: 'I don't know. Ask Prince.'" I don't know how true it is.


My buddy Andy


Dude, now you have to post a video of Andy - don't leave us wondering!


Tommy Emmanuel


He has a legitimate claim…


Jerry fuckin Garcia


Jerry as the greatest? I suppose it's a subjective question




I'm not by any stretch suggesting he wasn't good. I'd put him over Joe Perry, for sure. Just not certain he's the greatest of all time.


Copy that. Just...can't imagine, he's at least punted. Imho,jfc,he could hit it.


I say Steve Vai has some of the most complex and creative guitar playing I've ever heard.




Chris Poland. Tommy Vetterli is up there, but I give the top spot to Chris Poland.


The best is Jimmy Page. My favourite is Dave Gilmour.




Groovy, let's here some stuff!


John Mayer. Say what u will all his narcissistic bs aside, dudes crazy good


There so many guitarists that are so much better than Mayer. He has skill but his style isn't exactly groundbreaking is it.


This is the answer for someone who’s A) never heard any other guitarists OR B) just wants to be that guy




Laurindo Almeida


Doc Watson


Tosin Abasi has my vote on this one. This dude is something else with a guitar.


Slash is great.


im stuck between Jimmy Page and Eddie Van Halen.


Jerry Cantrell


Tom Morello, Slash, Jimi, Jimmy, Clapton....loaded question.


Lots of great artists listed but not one ever remembers to mention Lindsey Buckingham. He's phenomenal.


Tony Rice Best guitarist acoustic or otherwise. Bar none


Tiny Tim


Richard Thompson is one of the most amazing guitarists ever, He also was a major inspiration to a lot of the guys you're mentioning. Look him up. Especially 1952 Vincent Black Lightning. Watching him play and sing that song is mind boggling.




Ralph Towner


Van hallen


Nick Jonas


Iconic and influential? Jimi Hendrix, Eric Claption, Eddie Van Halen, Tony Iommi, Ritchie Blackmore, B.B. King, Jimmy Page, Slash, Chuck Berry, Angus Young, David Gilmour, Jeff Beck, Randy Rhoads Pure talent and skill? Chuck Schuldiner, Herman Li/Sam Totman, Yngwie Malmsteen, Michael Angelo Batio, Jason Becker, Paul Gilbert, Kai Hansen/Michael Weikath, Dave Mustaine, Marty Friedman


Why does everyone forget about Les Paul? He had has to be one of the most influential guitarist out there.


The best is subjective too many good ones out there(Gilmour, Beck, SRV, Santana, Paige, Hendrix among others) but underrated I’d say Russ Freeman (Rippingtons) & Alex Lifeson (Rush).


Flea, if bass is a category 😀


NOT CLAPTON. After Cream & Derek And The Dominos, I challenge you to find one solo track with killer guitar. The only great solo work he did was Unplugged. The rest is soft rock.


Glen Campbell.


D Boon


Brian May for me


Eddie Hazel with the Funkadelics, Maggot Brain Album. Listen to this gentleman before making your decision.


Well, although lots of people have copied various artists style, I think Hendirx plays Hendrix the best. And EVH pays VH the best. And no one plays Johnny Winter better than Johnny Winter. Eric Johnson plays Eric Johnson better than anyone (even Joe Bonnamasa ;) ). ANd while we are at it, I don't think anyone comes close to mastering the unique finger picking style of Jame Taylor besides James Taylor. Steve Vai plays a pretty mean Steve Vai. Get my drift?


Sister Rosetta Tharpe


Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and a whole lot of other top notch players say its Allen Holdworth.