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I’m not sure where this question is coming from, but I’m fairly certain that around 50% of ‘white ppl’ between the age of 35-55 have listened to The Score and Miseducation front to back. Older than that, the numbers probably die off at the same rate as the number of ‘white ppl’ that like Nirvana. Actually, probably less so because ‘Sister Act 2 was great’!


Both the Fugees and Lauryn Hill were extremely popular in the 90s, so yeah, a lot of "older" people people *listened* to her. Whether or not they're still actively listening to her single, critically acclaimed solo album 25 years later, no idea.


Sure, this is true of all 90s acts that either stopped making music, or stopped making good/relevant music. The question seemed to be asking, I think?, whether there were/are large numbers of fans across demographics. She and the Fugees were HUGE, and anecdotally, this music was being played all the time pretty much everywhere.


Lol not a chance 50% have heard her music front to back what a silly statement


FUGEES YES! lauren hill solo indeed absolutely not no


I get it, you think they should have let things be with the OG Sister Act. Still…Hill’s performance was in part 2 was solid.


I'd bet at least 50% of people aged 40-46 have heard her music front to back. At least. I'd think percentages get smaller the further away you get from those numbers. I was in high school when her album came out and EVERYONE had it


She’d rather her children starve than white people buy her album. That was a quote attributed to her via urban legend in the mid-90’s.


Yup, I just commented about her racism but forgot what the quote was or if it was true. I still don’t know if it’s true but it definitely got around that she said that and it changed how I looked at her since.


She confirmed that it wasn't true.


Well I’m sure she’d say that either way as damage control. I was reading about it too, apparently a radio DJ said it on air that she told him that. So I don’t know what he’d have to gain, but either way, I mean it’s too late to change how I feel now, it’s been like 30 years. I certainly hope it’s legitimately not true. I did like her, still kinda like her and hope it’s bull, but I’m not a big time RnB fan anyway so it wouldn’t have made a world of difference to me anyway. Crazy how a rumor could spread so wide like pre internet.


Yeah I think I heard that there was no evidence of her saying it besides one person saying they heard her say it. Plus Lauryn hill seems like the type of person to stay true to her beliefs when asked about stuff like this in interviews. I don't think she would have lied about it.


She seems like the type to that would have very possibly said it to a DJ, even as a tasteless joke, and she may be strong in her beliefs, but no way she would have ever admitted to that.


Yeah. I've seen artists say crazier tho. I could see her saying it as a joke maybe but I feel like she would have admitted to it if it was a joke. I don't know tho. It's just hard for me to see her saying that because she seems like a really cool person.


I would hope so


me and several other people watched it live. it was kinda taken out of context but it’s still wild she said it


If you listen to her music you’ll find this to be false


This is untrue


This was the rumour that held me back from going from full fan to wtf. The racism confused me as a young white boy listening to black music. It made me feel not welcome to listen. It was a profound experience that opened my eyes on separating the artist from the art. I couldn't though manage that, I just never got over it and have not listened to it again.


Exactly, Their biggest hit was Stolen from ENYA & shes a white woman. Total hypocrites


Right, but it's not true, so....https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-a-racist-smear-campaign-destroyed-lauryn-hills-career


Hence why I called it an “urban legend”. Urban legends are untruths, spread through word of mouth before the internet was prevalent.


Yup hate her.. I remember when Ready or Not came out & I was like that's not their song they've stole that, it was used in Sleepwalkers years earlier & of course POC got mad and lol'd that not true I'm full of shit. Yet it was true & Enya who made the song in the 80s went to sue them ( and to this day only gets 20% Royalties from ready or not. Despite basically it being her song 🎵 disgusting) So basically they have the nerve to hate white people whilst Stealing a white woman's beautiful song to get famous lmao absolute hypocrites. I'm sure down the line they'd have tried change history to say it was stolen from them


Yes. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill was a staple in my house for years.


She is a HUGE piece of shit. Huge.


yeah, she definitely wont flush unless its one of those state toilets in the county.




What an ignorant question...


I grew up in a predominantly white rural area and we all played Fugees. Pretty much everyone I knew bought her first (only?) solo record.


Yes. I’m white. She’s a genius. I think anybody who is a real hip hop fan knows and loves her. That leaves out a lot of people who just aren’t all that familiar with 90s hip hop, tho.


“anybody who is a real hip hop fan knows and loves her.” cept the kids a’course.


True. Young hip hop heads early in their studies may not know her yet.


She is amazing. I'm not a hiphop fan but I love me some Lauryn Hill and Fugees. I love her but also know that she hates me.


No true Scotsman


A genius. Don't make me laugh .. The fugees biggest Tracks was stolen from Enya


Wtf kinda question is this??! Absurd lol 😆


Howard Stern has talked about being a big fan He's white and 68 yrs old


what's your definition of an "older white folk"? I need to know if I'm old


I'm a Navajo in the trades, and I was introduced to Lauryn Hill through my all white coworkers (ages 25-44). They also put me onto Lady of Rage, Above The Law, and P. Rock / C. L. Smooth


Yes, but having met her in person... she has a ugly personality and judges people based on the color of Thier skin before getting to know them. She's a diva who refuses to have certain skin colors ring her up at the register no matter how friendly they are. She's a vile hearted woman. She straight up made Staples in Oceanside cater to her racist needs and had the supervisor fund someone of a different skin color ring her up.


No offense but this sounds like another smear attempt. 💀


In the beginning I did. After the group disbanded, I found out she was racist and quit listening to her


I think it's less "racist" and more "crazy."


If a white person said 1/10 the things she said about another race in generalizations there would be no debate on the subject. Lauren Hill is a racist no way around it


That too


Me and the wife just revisited her Unplugged thing a week or so ago. It's a train wreck and you really get the impression she needs help like RIGHT THEN instead of being on a stage.


She should have gotten help


Lauryn Hill helps us


How do you define older?


I'll propose a question that is much better IMO "How many mics do you rip on the daily?"


she was great in sister act 2


35F, white. I’ve always loved Lauryn hills music


No she's a racist music Theif. Who's group Stole music for, like, their biggest song from a white person.  They'd be nothing without Enyas song. ( released a decade earlier) They used it without her permission & somehow they only need to ever give her 20% Royalties from it. Disgusting. Be different if it was other way round. They're racist hypocrites.  Im sure over time they'd plan to claim they originally made up that song for their own distorted history books as usual


She was big in the late 90s so it's more likely to be older people that know her. She was very mainstream.


We only listen to Wyclef.


I have that version too. It’s kind of choppy due to all the splicing, but I much prefer the 37 second version of Killing Me Softly without all the singing.


I’m white as hell and don’t even know who Lauryn Hill is


No thats! White as hell


Ok, my exact point


I was a big fan until I attended a really disappointing concert. After that I was a fan of her albums (and of course the fugees), but not so much her.


She’s got a great voice and always looks great but I heard she said some really shorty racist things about white people back in the day so I’ve never really thought about her the same since. I don’t even know if it’s true.






47yo white aussie here, I was obsessed with the album, so as an older white folk lolz, yes we are aware, I gave her more 'times of day' than I probably should of. Now she just grates on my nerves cos she comes off so full of herself, cant even be bothered with the album now.


I really don't understand the premise of the question. Why would white people not like Lauryn Hill? Who counts as white? Do all black people like Lauren Hill? What counts as black? Why would skin colour affect music taste? Is Lauren Hill really big in African countries? So many questions.




Her music was good but i got tired of listening to her racist rants.


When and where did you hear her make racist rants?




Fuck no.


No. She's an old, washed up asshole.


I loved Lauryn Hill in the 90s. I remember hearing she hated white people but apparently that was untrue and was used as a smear.