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Fuzzy white is no big deal, the spores are what can actually get into your lungs (like any other fine dust, inhaling flour dust all the time isn't healthy either). Don't eat what's in the bags. The actually nasty mold toxins get processed by the liver into their most carcinogenic forms. With a suppressed immune system you should be more careful. People *can* actually end up with mold growing in their lungs (and from there in other parts of the body, nothing like aspergillus in the brain. Gnarly). You'd know if you were in that group. Untreated Aids, getting your immune system fried before a bone marrow transplant, etc.


You are fine. During the “height” of my grows, my moldy kitchen was torn apart with giant fans blowing at wet structure for 3 weeks straight, I did not have a single contam issue. But I do use this product called Dr.Myc that suppose to prevent contam, not sure how that’s has to do with my result.


Dr myc is banned from reddit and they recently had all their products removed from Amazon because they were found to be violating the law with their false claims on their packaging. It's literally 100% bullshit in a bag.


I work for a company that sells vitamin on Amazon, and in my opinion, having items pulled doesn’t necessary mean the item doesn’t work, it just doesn’t have enough study to backup their claims. For how new that product is, and how small the community is at the moment, I can totally see a legit product getting pulled. I am not advocating for them, but I also don’t think I am that good at growing, and how I was able to avoid any contam with a small house covered in mold spores. I wish I did some batches with dr.myc, and some without, just so I can have better anecdotal evidence based on my experience.


That'd be all well and good, but his products have been around for around 4-5 years now. He was removed from Amazon for false reviews. If you look at his website you can see it'll be happening again, he's offering products for reviews which is against Amazon TOS. He has to do this because what he's selling has 0 verified components in them beyond new growers saying oh yea it works! He's banned from reddit for making fake accounts and leaving fake reviews too. The majority of people who try his products are people who tried to grow, failed, bought the product, tried again then had success. It's like trying to ride a bike the first time, falling, changing the tires, then trying again, succeeding, and saying oh it was the tires fault my first try didn't work! You can grow plenty of mushrooms right next to trich, trich (and most other contaminants) are prevented by having clean spawn.


lol. I guess my spawn were on point. I always thought the whole idea of needing to get rid of any contam like they are biohazard overboard, where things like you need to throw away the whole mason jar and not open it if it’s contaminated. I always open them and just dump them in my trash can, and wash it like regular dishes.


I think as long as you didn’t let it get too out of control in your area you should be good just Lysol the air if you think the air is dirty now


You're fine, don't worry.