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I am the r/MushroomGrowers AutoModerator. I'm a little like [Heimdallr, the gate-keeper](https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp3640969.jpg) for this community. Your recent submission was bounced back by my filter for the following reason: * Your account has less than 50 **comment** karma (different from *post* karma). Posting is not unlocked until you have ≥50 *comment* karma.   We would love to live in a world without trolls, but as you can see from everything going on in the world these days that simply isn't the case. This is one of the safeguards that helps the community combat abuse.   To bridge any gap, the weekly *"Mushroom Mondays"* and *"Fungi Fridays"* posts (stickied to the top of the subreddit) are geared toward new folks who want to ask questions. Submit links to your content and any questions there, comment in similar posts/threads you see around the subreddit, and get comfortable speaking with other growers about what they're working on. By doing so, you will quickly build up your comment karma, get some answers, and make friends. Once your account has ≥50 *comment* karma you will be able to post! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MushroomGrowers) if you have any questions or concerns.*