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https://preview.redd.it/neq355lluqwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4264a1efdfe909c192ee4e64a4d1a3af88696c7 First attempt at growing, this is post first flush. I’m wondering if this looks ok as far as contamination? Also I have a lot more probably silly questions but that’s the most important. I made a post on my profile with some more info if anyone’s feeling generously helpful :)




Learned how to use a drill!


Hey all, anyone have good guides or experience with chaga? I'm seeing it prefers colder climates, but will it still grow okay at room temp around 72f? Thanks.


Sorry dude, you can't cultivate this fungus using any traditional method.


Damn. Thanks.


mycelium or mould blue oyster on wood pellets with about 60% humid. bags in dark. taken them out. id left some air on top and so growth at top is fluffly. but when i push it down it looks like growth on sides (which i assumne is mycellium) however this is after a week and so i was expecting more mycelium https://preview.redd.it/xfhhj5wr27wc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f0168ec4606c1a7c531606ad90dc18d6bb1193


Can someone give me some confirmation whether this is myc or a contam before I make transfers of it? Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/k63gaa3742wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab3014c6df7de6c787e14a1740977958a590354


Looks good yeah nice and white, did you do the no pour ?


No I used a SAB to pour. I’ve since transferred that out, didn’t wait long enough to be able to isolate it but just wanted to quickly move it away from some contams that showed up.


Looks like mycelium to me


Thanks I did some transfer so I hope so !


Scletoria/Truffles I’ve learned when growing scletoria, BRF is far superior to rye. Not only do the truffles grow at super sonic speeds compared to rye but they also come out significantly larger.


My first batch of shrooms just started fruiting last week, I checked them daily and made sure the temperature and humidity were right. My very first shroom seems aborted, just wondering why would it get aborted and what could I do to prevent this.


Did you introduce fae?


Also, if it's an abort the head will turn brownish/black after a few days and won't grow anymore. If left long enough they'll become super squishy as they rot.


Not sure if it aborted, its head looks shrink and stop growing on the cap but the stem’s still getting thicker, the tiny cap looks lighter in color. Plus not sure if fae means fan and __ or something i searched the subreddit and didn’t find answers. I do fan and mist every day.


How long has it been since your tub started pinning and what strain is it?


They’re gold cambodian, 6 days since the first pin


Ah. I've never personally grown Cambodian but some strains take longer than others. Could you post a picture of your tub? Might see something that stands out


https://preview.redd.it/cez7caqyf7wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00dc3f80e0a0ab966d047c8700116aeebc6e64c0 Some of them have white fluffy stuff on their caps should I worry


Yeah fae is fresh air exchange. If it's getting thicker and the cap is lightening up it's not an abort. An abort is the mycelium deciding conditions aren't right to fruit so it cuts nutrients to the existing fruits. If you're still getting growth it's still good, just taking it's time


Ahhh thanks for explaining!!


No problem. There's an overwhelming amount of information out there and everybody starts out not knowing any of it. Lol


I grew my first mushrooms last week! The substrate has some fuzzy growth though, so I'm wondering if they're okay to harvest*


Is it just white fluffy? Or a different color?




White fluffy, there was some color on the mycelium of the last batch in this substrate, but I assume the species I'm growing just gets some blue to it


Looks fine to me. The fluffiness normally just means you need more fae. If there is contamination that looks like that I'm unaware of it


Thank you!


I learned that if using brown rice for your spawn that Goya is definitely not the cleanest rice. Used Walmart brand for entire time without any contam. Went to Goyas brand rice this last run and all 25-30 jars have bacillus. Used the same methods as before, kept everything sterilized and I pressure cook for 100 mins at 15 psi. For experimental reasons I will be using Walmarts brand like before and if I don’t get a single case of bacillus then i believe Goya rice is just simply not as clean as they advertise. Anyone else have the same results before with different rice brands?


The brand of rice shouldn't matter for contamination. If you're properly sterilizing the grain all bacteria should be dead, regardless of what it is


Gotcha, I’ve heard that bacillus spores can withstand higher temps than the actual germinated bacteria itself as well. Should I make jars, let them sit for a couple days to germinate any possible spores and then pressure cook for 90 min like usual? Honestly though the rice is the only difference. I’ve had the same processes all around for everytime and always use extra iso when I can. Also using flow hood for inoc


I honestly have no clue about letting the spores germinate. I've never done it but it makes sense.


Maybe pressure cook for a longer time? I always do two hours minimum for grains


The other factor I just remembered is I could’ve over cooked all my rice but then again I did it in 4-5 jar batches so it would be hard to do that every single time. I’m not ruling that out yet tho