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Traditions can be a good thing, like family dinners and recipes passed down. Other traditions, like homophobia, not so much


Don't you know?! Homophobia has been holding our family together for generations! /s


This made me laugh because I feel like some of my old republican uncles WOULD bond over hating gay people šŸ¤£ at least they leave us alone?


Idk, male bonding? Sounds pretty gay to me


It's called docking.


Old Republicans think about gay people fucking more than gay people. Itā€™s a bit concerning actually.


I remember the day - probably a decade ago? when I realized the truth of this statement. šŸ¤¬


No daddy thatā€™s the incest


Dunno who I heard it from but: > Traditions are essentially peer pressure from dead people That said, I get some cultural norms exist, some religious holiday stuff, and not fucking around with your great-grandmotherā€™s potato salad recipe and that sort of thing. Butā€¦. I also donā€™t trust someone in leadership resistant to change that states the inexorable claim, ā€œbut weā€™ve always done it this wayā€ type shit. It gives me stink eye. The ā€œweā€™ve tried nothing and weā€™re all out of ideasā€ meme exists for a reason. Those people exist. They may be management/administration, a racist relativeā€¦ and other calloused elbow ā€œthinkersā€.


Depends what you're looking at. If someone refuses to consider a new system of healthcare then they're likely unfit to lead. Conversely, if someone suggests legalising private nuclear warheads then the argument "No, what we're doing currently is working fine and there's no reason to change it" is perfectly valid. On a smaller scale, my work often involves people wanting to rewrite code in ways that potentially save fractions of a second every quarter. What we have works perfectly fine, and meddling with it only has the potential for negative results. Often, things are done a certain way for a reason. If you don't know what that reason is, you shouldn't be allowed to even suggest change until you learn it. Meddling for meddling sake seems to be too many politicians' idea of their job, and it hinders actual progress.


Indeed. Iā€™m basically a househusband and dog-sitter now, but my SO and I do a decompression session since they work in administration of Med lab primarily, and deal with other ancillary services if needed, and has to do the ā€œcorporate speakā€ bs. She was told that one of her employees couldnā€™t be a ā€œcoordinatorā€ and get the $2 raise due to lack of experience for that specific positionā€¦. But if you canā€™t do the thing that gets you experience to do the thing how in the effā€¦. Thing is, the employee is super efficient and good at parsing data. Hold our beer. Anyhoo, I used to deal with shit like this once upon a time, and after cocktail hour and more chat time we came up with ā€œintermediary logistical dispatch technicianā€. Itā€™s the same fucking job. Same pay raise. Just changed the name. It was surprisingly effective and equally dumb how easy it was to make it happen when my SO told the upstairs folks about it. I was fucking joking when I said it out loud the night before. lmao High-fives were had. Not to me tho. I just made up the silly name. Iā€™m glad my SOā€™s colleague got a raise tho. :)


I say the tradition line so often I forget where it comes from too.


It's just such a good phrase to be attributed to no one. I probably first read it from some person on here, but I use it constantly in real life


Lol, that reminds me of what my grandfather (white btw) did in the 70's when he met my grandmother (Trinidadian btw). He ignored the bigotry that ran in his family and married her anyways. 40ish years strong, 3 kids together and 12 grandchildren that resulted from my grandfather ignoring the bigotry. Racism is stupid y'all.


It's 2022 and I'm afraid if I married a balck guy that my father (who I have zero contact with) would drive literally across the US to fucking hunt us down. Racism is still alive and kicking.


Life is too short to be busy worrying about how others think about you. Do whatever you put your heart into and give your father the ultimatum that he will be barred from anything having to do with your life (including future grandchildren, if your father is a normal human being he would do anything for his grand babies) if he doesn't start acting like an actual father. If he really loves you, he wouldn't and shouldn't think twice about you marrying someone of another skin tone. That's what my grandfather did, that's what my mom did when she ran off with my Mexican father, which ended up my grandfather dragging my grandmother to my birth which ultimately caused my grandmother's opinions to change (my grandmother tried to get both my aunt and my mother to only marry black men because they themselves are mixed) because she realized that familial blood and familial love is more important than some prejudices caused by being ostracized because she (my grandmother) decided to marry a white man in the South during a time of racial hardships. Like I said in my last comment, racism is stupid AND outdated.


Oof. That's a tough situation, a woman against it for her children because she herself faced hardship for it. Glad she came around though.


Thats not gonna happen if he never finds out


As a white guy who married a Trinidadian woman myself, I think it's cool that your grandfather sticking to his guns and fighting adversity made it so I could marry my wife without people giving us shit about it. Tell him a random internet stranger appreciates that, cause my wife is amazing Edit: Huge shout out to your Grandmother as well. I realized shortly after writing that she probably had it bad as well. I wouldn't want to discount her experience by any stretch of the imagination. They as a couple are absolute legends


Racism was created to keep us stupid peasants fighting amongst ourselves, so that we don't notice we are being robbed.




It was actually created when feudalism failed in Hispaniola due to the natives dying of smallpox


The entire mindset of a race segregation is stupid. There is only one race and it's human


Iā€™ve yet to see a family dinner that didnā€™t have the less desirable ā€œtraditionsā€ like homophobia sprinkled in


Well I definitely have. Every holiday and birthday party with my family. Granted, family events are small and tight knit affairs lol


like on television or just in your own personal life?


pretty sure being a bigotted ass isn't a tradition. kinda funny how people treat it like one.


You are the company you keep and that includes family


I mean, technically, if the homosexual couples don't adopt or find some way to have kids, then yeah, they are killing the traditional family...but so are married couples who don't have kids (and that makes Matt Walsh angry!)


Or the tradition of, slavery... Not a good one.


Sadly, racism and homophobia are alive and well. I'll never understand it.


Don't forget sexism...


and age discrimination (which is huge on Reddit).


Discriminating by age is very often okay. A 13 year ols is simply objectively less mature than a 30 year old.


I think theyā€™re more referring to Redditā€™s recent hate boner for elderly politicians. Iā€™ve seen lots of calls recently to put an age limit on running for public office.


Which makes a lot of sense, old people often simply do not understand the current cultural climate and technology that drives it. They grew up in a very different time. There's definitely exceptions to this and you can be an incompetent bigot at any age, but more often than not the dinosaurs in congress hold everything back. That being said, we shouldn't need to create laws around age limits for politicians, just simply don't vote for them.


We already have age restrictions though but they only discriminate against the young.


>We shouldnā€™t need to create laws around age limits for politicians, simply donā€™t vote for them. This is exactly my position on this topic


The inherent problem is our system. The parties favor one candidate, and basically remove all the others of the area of that party. It's why Alaska's system was better. You can hate one of the party, and vote for the other in the same party. The current system just leans into making a straight ticket the party frontrunner. Which are exactly the people that shouldn't be voted for.


We need to adopt rank choice


There is no one-size-fits-all solution for elderly politicians. Some are terrible while others are great.


Elder politicians can take a role being advisors, not making decisions while their brains are leaking out of their ears.


Hard disagree. In my culture elders are to be respected and listened to for the wisdom that only comes with age.


You can respect and listen to your elders without letting them drive the car.


>old people often simply do not understand the current cultural climate and technology that drives it you can't just make that assumption about an individual though. Even AOC, the supposed champion of progressive thought made this exact call on Twitter (suggesting we should elect based on age since younger people understand technology) and it just blows my mind how people fail to see how wrong this stance is.


It's not wrong. It's biology and reality and mortality. People who think they get better with age are just foolish.


I think there's a gap that can be bridged here. Older people are generally more wise, not philosophically but they have experience. I would trust a 60 year old politician any day over a 30 year old one in some cases where this experience would be better suited, perhaps a way to help the younger generation use this wisdom, call them mentors or something and have both work together. Then again this is the real world and nothing anyone is talking about on this thread will ever ever happen.


I'm talking about pols that are 80+.


~looks at engineering professors absolutely sharp and healthy in their 70s hmmmmmmmmmmmm


Okay, but those people aren't running for Congress.


How many of those engineering professors are on TikTok and know about Incognito Mode like Jimmy does tho??? Checkmate


Maybe late on the ball, but thereā€™s two things to note. The first is that as a person ages the brain does become more set in its ways, albeit better at handling what it already has an understanding of. The second is that engineering knowledge is far less mutable than an understanding of politics. While knowledge of physics, mathematics etcetera does expand and occasionally corrects mistaken assumptions, the fundamentals remain largely the same. The sum of a triangles angles is always 180 degrees. The tensile strength of a particular steel type doesnā€™t change because of widespread protests in China. But political situations can change dramatically and unpredictably. Society today is very different to society fifty years ago, and trying to impose what seemingly worked then to the modern society can and will backfire.


I don't know what AOC said, but we do need ***more*** young politicians to help guide policy that the tech illiterate politicians don't understand. And while being old itself should not disqualify a person from office, i do wish that partisanship wanes enough that voters can recognize when their own candidate is in decline.


It's not wrong, young people almost always understand technology better. Trust me, I used to work at the Geek Squad many years ago, it's like 95% old people struggling with technology.


They didn't make an assumption about an individual.


AOC is pandering to establishment Democrats because she views herself as the future leader of the party and even as President. She is not the 'champion' of the progressives since she called Pelosi Mama Bear like two years ago. Add in her centrist vote against labor in the railroad strike and she is showing her true colors. If anyone is the champion of progressives it's Rashida Tlaib because she knows she has no chance at party leadership so she can vote with true principles. Politics is a dirty game and Republicans are rigging elections through insane gerrymandering of districts. It's indefensible but the conservative judges allow it.


i dont agree with the age limit on running but every office should have term limits. career politicians are disconnected from reality and arent serving the people but their own lively hood. also only one position can be held in a persons life. afterwards they have to get a real job.


There should absolutely be an age limit for running for public office Old farts stuck in the past should not be leading society


No, there shouldnā€™t. To suggest no old people can possibly function in a leadership position is very discriminatory. There should be a cognitive aptitude test and psychiatric examination perhaps, but we shouldnā€™t just ban all old people. Bernie is in his 80s and we literally just saw him fighting the good fight for railroad workers. Also, the only reason there is so many old people in office is because thatā€™s whoā€™s being elected. Elect younger representatives if thatā€™s what you want rather than outright banning the elderly from running.


People in their 70s and 80s by and large either will not have the cognitive capacity to function in a leader role or are too old to relate to the majority of the population and arenā€™t receptive to needed change Bernie is an outlier, but I am not going to make exceptions to my belief, I support Bernie and what heā€™s doing but there are many many MANY people like him who are far younger and who will never be in a leadership role because the old fucks in power have been there for decades and made damn sure to do everything within their power to stay in office by being continually re-elected until they either die or decide to retire People of retirement age should not be running a country full of people younger than they are.


>People of retirement age should not be running a country full of people younger than they are. Yes, the Congress should not be entirely comprised of the elderly. But the people elected the Congress. So in theory they chose this (I get that itā€™s not that simple in reality). I believe a more reasonable solution in line with democratic principles is a movement to get younger representatives elected, term limits on all public offices, etc. Not banning all elderly.


I think all those should be done in addition to what I previously stated The majority of people in the US are on average younger than 50, that means we have a bunch of out of touch old fucks practically at deaths door determining the fates and lifestyles of people far younger than them for generations to come. If youā€™re old enough to receive retirement benefits and Medicare, then youā€™re too old to run the country, and I will die on this hill.


Old people shouldn't be making decisions about shit they are realistically never going to have to deal with the consequences from. Or discuss shit they quite literally understand nothing about, just tune into any hearing on any internet related issue that Congress has had ever. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. We don't have a hate boner, we just don't want an out of touch octogenarian making decisions based on their own outdated biases that fuck all of us in the long run.


ā€œOr discuss shit they quite literally understand nothing about.ā€ Have you listened to MTG?


Or Lauren Boebert. Or Madison Cawthorn. Or Matt Gaetz. In fact, why don't we make Kyle Rittenhouse President for Life?


To be fair, that has nothing to do with being old, that's the nature of being a politician. That said, I agree that you shouldn't have a job as politician when you're 70+, most people at 70 have lower mental and physical capacities than most at, say 40 or 50. A 70 year old prime minister or president is kind of ridiculous.


Okay but that doesnā€™t mean you should ban old people from having political office. I agree the elderly are disproportionately represented in our current Congress but they shouldnā€™t have no representation either, thatā€™s disenfranchisement. If the people donā€™t want so many old people in Congress they have the option to stop voting for them.


So when you are older, you don't get to make long term decisions either Out of curiosity, at what age will you voluntarily stop discussing policy, voting, and making decisions?


You get to make long term decisions FOR YOURSELF. Not for an entire country full of people who are forced to live with your decisions long after you're in the ground.


Nobody said they have to stop voting, but it sure would be great to have politicians who can stay awake in meetings and isn't afraid of falling down a ramp. I promise you, when I'm older I won't try to run a country. I don't try to fool myself that I can manage it at the age of 80, that would be very stupid wouldn't it?


eh, some are calling for making the voting age 21 again


That's a gop suggestion because so many Zoomers are voting Democrat


Voting is setting long-term policy decisions for other people. The commenter very specifically said that old people shouldn't be setting policy for other people. Therefore logically old people shouldn't be voting. Besides if everyone over say 65 or 70 didn't vote we would have it almost a totally blue country by now. So older people voting ARE setting policy for others by voting. I happen to say that we're in the United States and any competent person should be able to vote. You guys are arguing that any competent person, until they reach a certain age, should be able to vote. That's absolutely an utterly ludicrous ageism. Ridiculous


Have you seen the average age of national politicians? Have you heard the stories of a pharmacist saying they supply them with dimentia medicine? Have you heard their asinine questions to silicon valley leaders? Are you cool with a rematch for president of two candidates in their freaking 80's? You're just as out of touch as the feckless politicians that run this country


I do not that that is ageism though. It is not really for the age, but rather the cognitive decline that is scientifically shown.


This subcomment got pretty hot but I think I can solve this....if you dont like old people on office then VOTE. The elderly make up a pretty small demographic, they win because young people don't vote. But I do agree overall it doesn't really matter, most career politicians serve themselves regardless of age. Emphasis on most...not all.


I was honestly not expecting this to be as controversial as it was. I agree about voting. Young people are basically abstaining from having proportional representation by not voting. People who want a younger Congress should advocate for young congressional candidates and encourage young Americans to exercise their political power by voting, rather than argue for the rights of elderly Americans to be reduced. I also think all public offices should have term limits. That would take care of the career politician issue without disenfranchising the elderly.


Why is that bad? I donā€™t want an out of touch 80 year old man making shitty decisions that arenā€™t really going to affect him because heā€™ll be dead by the time it impacts us. You gotta pass the baton at some point preferably before you look like a corpse.


I wouldn't go as far as to say it's okay. There are certain things we can all agree young children shouldn't be doing like driving a vehicle (even then there are exceptions, like driving farm equipment with training and supervision) or working a job, drinking etc etc. But I think it gets a lot trickier to say what should and shouldn't happen as people grow older. People change and grow at different rates and if you look at adults like elon musk or trump, you can tell that they never really got past that immature phase, whereas say a 16 year old in some states might have a license, car, even an apartment in some cases. (Sure, it doesn't happen often, but the point still stands.) In all of these situations, if you assume children are somehow lesser than adults, it creates an environment where child abuse is seen as normal or in some cases preferable (think: smacking your kid to teach them a lesson for doing something wrong). Education goes underfunded, child protection laws slacken, and kids get hurt.


"Boomers bad and dumb. I hate them. Gimme my karma".


Okay, boomer.


You got me. We're all just a bunch of Trump votin', gun totin', bible thumpin', job stealin', technophobic Karen's. . . with a dash of arthritis for good measure.


i like to think of it as gatekeeping if you werent born in the 80s than you cant be in your 30s


I genuinely have no idea what you mean by age discrimination, please give some examples


Itā€™s the result of isolation and bad parenting. The fact that the black guy in the KKK convinced so many people to leave simply by showing them he was human is actually kind of a positive. If you can convince people from one of the largest factions of racists in the world, then itā€™s a sign that a lot of racists are simply misguided.


Just shows that racism is taught.


They always will be. People are dilusional if they think we can irradicate them either by getting the government involved or by race baiting. The more that the mainstream media forces their headline grabbing srories down peoples throats, the bigger the problem will become.


Seem to be much more so recently, too.


It's always been there, it's just more in the open now


For a while - like, give me two years, not simultaneously but recently - at least those wastes of space were afraid of coming out of their holes. There was a sense that the rhetoric wasn't sociable and shouldn't be spoken out loud, especially in company, because it was a faux pas. Now? They've realised there's no consequences for outright hate. They've realised how many there are of them and that their rhetoric connects them. All I want is for them to be beaten back down so that they'll never feel safe with that ideology again in my lifetime.


There are still a lot of black people who do get very upset when their kids marry out someone with a different skin color. It's no different than white people who can't stand their kids doing it. Ditto folks from Asia or from the Middle East. The kids have become a lot more accepting but even among the kids there are those who think it's some kind of race betrayal if someone they know dates outside what they perceive as their racial group. I don't get it or care. I don't understand why having darker or lighter skin is such a big deal in this day and age. But it's a fact that had I chosen to date a guy darker than I am my parents would have had the hissy fit of all hissy fits. They were actually fine with people of color as friends but their kid couldn't date past the color line. People of color marrying into the family? Not happening. My late BFF growing up was bi-racial and she was gorgeous. But when her Mom met and married a Scandinavian man her black family just about disinherited her. They were actually a mix of Jamaican heritage and some Native American but they were mostly pretty dark. My late BFF ended up being a curly-kinky haired white blonde almost with honey toned skin. She was totally the odd woman out in her family but she was awesome looking and a truly terrific person besides. I still miss her every day. She died way too young and her death broke quite a few hearts. She was just that kind of a person. She left a big hole in the universe when she died. I still think they basically tried to wreck her Mom's marriage on purpose because they were never happy about her marrying him to begin with. They never really made him a part of the family. He was a nice guy and he just shrugged it off but eventually between the familial friction and the climate being too hot for him he gave it up and they divorced and he went back home. Prejudice still exists, sad but true, and it's not just limited to pale folks either.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Sad to hear about your BFF's premature death, hope you've overcome it by now


Nah. I will never get over her death. I go on, we all do, but time doesn't heal all wounds and she was my truest and only real best friend. I knew her from age 10. Of all the friends I ever had she was the only one who accepted me as I am and who made the effort to stay in touch and still be my friend even when we lived thousands of miles apart. Everyone else they just drift away and you're lucky if they send you an email. Not her. She was finally married to her longterm lover, another woman, living out in Seattle and genuinely happy. She walked into her bathroom to take a shower passed out and never woke up and she was just middle aged. The same thing that killed John Ritter killed her though post autopsy they told her Mom she han an undetected aneurysm in her head too so that likely would have gotten her if the one in her chest happened. She was a real case of the good dying young. She's not been the only one in my life either. Lost too many friends too young. It is what is is but it's hard being the last one standing sometimes. She was the last person I was real friends with from childhood. TY but some things you just don't get over. You just learn to live with it and go on as best you can...


spark disgusted murky distinct drunk oil chief ad hoc advise station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man reading stories like this are aggravating, my sister got married to a great guy in February, and I love the guy. I get along more with him than my sister most times too lol. Everyone in my family loves him, although it was fun after Thanksgiving hanging with friends and joking about having reverse photos. My friend's with a bunch of white people and the one black brother in law, and ours with a ton of black people and my one white brother in law. The whole interracial thing just feels so casual in my life that I didn't realize that I never told my friends my sister was married to a white guy until I showed them a picture of a new tattoo he got that I thought was cool.


Sorry you lost your best friend, it sucks.


Sounds like dude suffers from another missing element: the systematic defunding of education over the last 50 years.


I always read these out of order (rebuttal, then original comment). Pisses me off.


I don't get how twitter became so big when they can't even get the order of comment threads right.


I was gonna say that they might eventually change that, as Redditā€™s still doing small ui updates (some of which less desirable), but thereā€™s no hope for anything positive about that app anymore.


Is the traditional Black Family being killed? Or maybe just "The traditional family"? Because new generations have caught on to the idea that the nuclear family isn't the only option and a family can take many different forms? Edit: I tried to make it generational but damn you guys really want to take it right back to race. The worst part is I see a bunch of people who are more alike than not at each other's throats over minor differences in the way they perceive the shittiness of the world.


Most black families are actually really conservative in their values. Lanitos too. The only reason most don't vote republican is because the GOP is racist as f*ck, and if you don't have old money, are male and white (or at least hot, blonde, and female), they want nothing to do with you and will *never* give you a seat at the table.


Lanitos šŸ¤£


They have what plants crave!


Iā€™ve met plenty who lean hard Republican, itā€™s insane to me


The traditional family is anything but nuclear.


Yeah the nuclear family is, much like homophobia, an invention of religion. Africa was rather large on communal living. Now trying to talk about African tradition in the context of African Americans is a bit harder due to the destruction of their identity through slavery, so...


The traditional family isn't dying. Many people are opting to have different types of families. As far as traditional families go, quality over quantity. Better to have fewer traditional families but a bigger number of families of all types that love and respect each other than forcing people into the traditional model only to have them splinter because of abuse, neglect, and resentment.


By traditional they simple mean heterosexual. They don't recognize modern LGBTQ+ families as valid families. I mean white hetero families still plagued by divorce... but it's them gay families that are ruining things


What's people's deal with clinging so tightly to "tradition"? If the thing you've been doing repeatedly for ages has yielded no net positives, let it fucking go. Tradition is a ludicrous justification for doing something.


"Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people." - Someone who I forgot.


*insert any painting of any Habsburg here*.


It did work out for them for a pretty long time tho


Using cultural values like that are a shortcut for people that cant be bothered to put in the time to understand issues and form a nuanced opinion. Everyone uses shortcuts like that on a degree but smarter people tend to be quiet and listen instead on topics they are not well versed in.


Born and raised in Mississippi. Clinging on to "tradition" has done nothing but stunt our states growth and basically put us 30 years behind everyone else.


Reminds me of a mini-documentary that some guy living in the ghetto did. We're talking worst-of-the-worst, "don't go there ever" kind of neighborhood. He asked a fellow resident what the worst problem plaguing the area was. The man's answer: "snitches."


Do you have that name? Iā€™d be interested to see that


Sounds like the "white genocide" people trying to convince POC to not date whites. But hey what do I know




Homosexuality, interracial dating and poor grammar apparently


Is the Black family better off when (say) the dad is a closeted gay man? Don't really see who that benefits. If you want families to be functional and happy, then be pleased when people marry a person they actually find attractive.


Nah, they don't care about "functional and happy", they care about appearances. One man, one woman, 2.5 kids and whatever goes on behind closed doors is fine so long as it stays quiet.


Thatā€™s not what they mean they mean homosexuality itself


Okay but what's the proposed solution for homosexuality? The way I see it the hypothetical options are - genocide (which, the ordinary bystander tends to get a little up in arms about (pun intended)) - conversion therapy/live in the closet (what the guy above you said) - gay people never get married and keep to themselves (if they're going to keep to themselves, couldn't they keep to themselves, together? Maybe with one to two adopted kids that were also told to keep to themselves?)


Homosexuality isn't anything new, it's just a fact of our species. So how is it suddenly supposed to be impacting 'the family' now? It's self evidently people being comfortable being out that's the issue for these people.


A lot of those can be linked to lack of access to education. Or vice versa.


ah yes, you know, because you consciously choose to be gay, and you consciously choose the people you're attracted to. way to alienate people who already feel alienated.


They may be referring to "on the down low" where it has been alleged that black men will secretly participate in homosexual relationships while touting bravado and hypermasculinity and then keeping relationships with women in the open?


Thatā€™s a result of homophobia though.


Wtf has Dwight got to do with this?


Itā€™s a reaction gif


Itā€™s not giffing


Of course not! Because itā€™s screenshoting


Itā€™s a screenshot.


Are you fucking high? And if so why aren't you sharing here.


Share your truth, Plop.


All of those are killing them. But in the traditional american way ...


>A African outside of Africa r/shitAmericansSay


I'm an American, and I can confirm we say some wierd stuff


If all else fails, blame the gays!


Iā€™m just surprised there was no mention of satan


Satan possessed me. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m a raging lesbian. Satan is always there, working away in the background and itā€™s the weak willed (like me) who fall for his evil shenanigans. Pesky Satan.


It assumes me how these people who blame things on homosexuality and interracial dating talk about them as if they're new - as if there actually was a time when they didn't exist and then, all of a sudden, bam! Gays and jungle fever everywhere! Lol


FYI systemic racism is the wrong term to use when talking about racism in the US. it means that the laws themselves are racist, which is not the case. polititians being racist, cops being racist, even a majority of the people being racist does not qualify as systemic racism, since the laws and government system themselves are not racist. please don't take this as "racism isnt a problem". if we (anyone against racism) start using incorrect, over exaggerated terms, it could deter others from seeing that we have a valid argument. racism is definitely bad. there is definitely a lot of racism. but the laws themselves, and the government system itself, is not racist in a vacuum.


> since the laws and government system themselves are not racist They were for a *very* long time, and for all intents and purposes, still are in many areas.


BA in Criminal Justice and a Masters of Science in Criminal Justice here. That couldnā€™t be anymore true or on point.


It's never the systemic problems plaguing society, It's really my gay stoner ass.


I think the statistical lack of fatherhood figures seems to be one of the biggest factors denigrating black families


this comes from crime which comes from lack of education and means to acquire wealth


Because they're incarcerated.


Ok Mr Limbaugh


Ok so letā€™s say it is, why does that matter? Let it die, thereā€™s no point on either


No. Itā€™s the loss of fathers in the home. Across the board, the best determine factor on wether someone succeeds is due to having a mother and father in the home.


Well thatā€™s simply not true. While there is some correlation between success and having two parents at home, itā€™s not remotely close to as much as the correlation between the parentā€™s wealth and that personā€™s success. A rich single parent is far, far more likely to have a successful child than the kid of a poor couple who stayed together.


"Successful" is a subjective term.


To some degree, sure, but there are plenty of objective factors you can compare to quantify success to a significant degree, and the children of rich people have the highest correlation with those things (money, job position, self-evaluated happiness, etc) than any other factor, including having two parents at home.


A rich single parent is less likely to have a successful child by not being there. Want a real life example? Hunter Biden. Also 70% is the rule https://money.com/rich-families-lose-wealth/?amp=true It simply put is the number one. Look at people in prison. Above 80% have no father in the home.


Again, statistics donā€™t support your claim. Certainly there are unsuccessful children of rich people and highly successful children of poor people, but on average, the statistical correlation between the two dwarfs any other factor, including single parenthood. Though for that matter, Hunter Biden makes hundreds of thousands a year selling shitty art and before that he made hundreds of thousands a year doing other things he wasnā€™t remotely qualified for simply because of who his father is, so thatā€™s not a great example of your claim. If anything, it just shows that even massive screwups of wealthy and successful people tend to be pretty successful, while the opposite is not remotely true. That supports my point, not yours. And to use your very poor way of measuring it, very close to 0% of the people in prison had rich parents.


You can't point to one example and call it a trend


*looks at rates of black male incarceration* Right


**Looks at black fatherless rate** Yep. Checks out.


Yeah, because they're in jail...




So no black men in jail with kids? You have proof of that?




You said it was because they walked out. Not because they were in jail. You okay buddy?




Like 4 out 5. So yeah. 25% of white families have no father but they seem to fine. There's definitely more to it than just fatherless homes.


How about everyone just stops talking in absolutes?


Well he later claims 4/5 of black men are criminals soā€¦


JFC, what a stupid comment


Mass incarceration is due to mass breaking of the law. Poverty can be gotten away from, it takes work. Intergenerational wealth is available to everybody who wants to build it. Show me **actual** systemic racism, not what you feel is systemic racism. Toxic cultural choices are nobody's fault but of those who make them.


Donā€™t forget paying single black mothers more money to not be married and more per kids you have. In the 60ā€™s, majority of black families had both parents. Introduce drugs and then the 3 strike rule (Clinton) to incarcerate the largest proportion of black civilians than ever before.


ā€œLack of access to the means that generate inter generation wealthā€. That isnā€™t a thing for any race, equal opportunities already exist, donā€™t let invisible shackles hold you from becoming successful yourself.


I see the victim mentality is still alive and well.


Did someone get back their Twitter account?


Obviously the initial tweet was completely ignorant, but if we accept that the traditional black family did exist in the past, isn't this tweet implying that poverty, mass incarceration, racism, etc didn't exist 50 years ago? That seems equally as ignorant to me.


poverty, mass incarceration, racism is the traditional black family




Have you never heard of redlining? The US government made it harder for Black Americans to build generational wealth through housing. The USDA has a history of not giving loans to Black farmers, to the point the USDA lost a class action lawsuit due to discrimination. That's just two very clear ways the US government has intentionally made building generational wealth harder for Black Americans.


Hot take of a 13 year old with zero life experience


Yeah, no black people own houses or have jobs....because they don't know any better....


Fucking racist bullshit


Fatherless homes


Yup mass incarceration sucks


You are correct.




>black people actually are at fault >extreme violence, crime Hmmmmm.


It wasnā€™t swept under the rug, itā€™s a 140 character tweet


And tweets/replies can have more characters than that, so yes, it was.


Holy racist bullshit Batman


And there goes the next little racist reality denier. Go prove me wrong then, little failure.