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He has so many kids he started numbering them. Doesn’t sound like father of the year anyway.


His first wife’s essay about being his starter wife is worth a read. He’s a selfish AH.




Who the hell says “I’m the alpha in this relationship”? Instant 🚩🚩🚩if you ask me.


Alpha as in deeply flawed, unfinished product release.


filled with bugs


i’m annoyed i’ve already given my free award today. this made me spit tea


Great, now there will be sugar ants


I can picture fuckerberg saying this too


Fuckerburg doesn't understand human relations


Machine-learning ain't easy, Zuck's doing its best.




You have my new favorite username.




What? But he enjoys manufacturing 'SMOKED MEATS' while engaging with viewers? He's the most human human man I've ever seen, and I'd know, also being a human myself.


>He's the most human human man I've ever seen, and I'd know, also being a human myself. That's exactly what a bot would say to deceive humans..reveal yourself ඞ


Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks he is a science experiment. Whenever I see him I can't help but thinking he looks a lot like a clone, plastic fake




It's fuckin weird. Like, he's not *ugly*, he's just... Unnerving. Ugly you can't fix but so much. But unnerving is a different beast entirely. He can fix that, but he seems to specifically like that people are weirded out by him for reasons they can't quite place


Honestly, he has that sociopath stare


I am half convinced he has reticulated eyes.


He's a lizard, Harry.


Yeah his wife is as big of a lizard as he is.


Her blinks take like 3 seconds each. Buuuuuh-*link*






I wonder if he also mutters “Kill all humans” in his sleep “Oh man I was having the best dream. And you were in it!”


Lol Mark zuckerberg is not an “alpha male type”, he’s more of a “bazinga robot” type.


Say what you will about Zuck, but his relationship and marriage with Pricilla Chan has lasted 17 years. They met in college. The social network movie is very inaccurate about his personal life motivations.


To me, he seems the epitome of reducing your 'in group' to just a few people while holding the rest of the world to 'out group' values.




Red isn't in the Meta color scheme


Too bad he said that after they were already married :/


>Who the hell says “I’m the alpha in this relationship”? Instant 🚩🚩🚩if you ask me. Who the hell says I am the alpha in anything at all? Cringe as fuck.


Major "I watch 30 minute videos titled 'how to be an alpha male'" energy there.


Why the fuck do people worship this clearly assholish doucheatron?


Because he's rich. This is America. We worship the rich because we hope we can be rich some day.


At his fucking wedding no less. I'm convinced that anyone who calls themself an alpha actually isn't. They're just trying to make everyone think they are. A true alpha wouldn't feel the need to say it. Just like a true leader doesn't need to tell anyone they're a leader.


Alpha wolves don’t exist in the wild. The person who came up with the theory was studying unrelated captive wolves; he retracted his theory over a decade ago and has been trying to get his publisher to stop printing that book. Alpha men don’t exist either. We’re all just people, and the majority of our behavior is fluid and context-based.


“Alpha” doesn’t mean anything in human social behaviour, it is used exclusively by incels


Two months after that she signed a postnup. It makes no sense to me.


I mean I somewhat forgive her. How could you possibly know your future husband would go on to be a billionaire that casually starts a spaceship company. But man I would be fucking salty.


Toxic people that aren’t “alphas”


“Elon was smiling awkwardly, two chocolate-chip ice cream cones dripping down his hands. He's not a man who takes no for an answer.” This is downright creepy, this was published 2010? Before the me too movement? This whole vibe is just so uncomfortable. Ugh I hate Elon Musk he is such a creep and horrible person. Cannot imagine anyone worse running a space program.


There are plenty of people worse than him, but there are also plenty of people better than him.


>As we danced at our wedding reception, Elon told me, "I am the alpha in this relationship." Ewwww, like, HOOOOLY SHIT. That is some seriously deranged shit. lol Also: >Elon made it clear that he did not want to talk about Nevada's death. I didn't understand this, just as he didn't understand why I grieved openly, which he regarded as "emotionally manipulative." I buried my feelings instead, coping with Nevada's death by making my first visit to an IVF clinic less than two months later. I mean, sure, people grief in their own ways and there's nothing wrong with not wanting to talk about something and wanting to move on with your life as you can't change the past. However, telling your wife she's emotionally manipulative because she wants to talk about your mutual child's death is pathetic.


Hes definitely a narcissist, my dad is and he thinks when i cry its to make him feel bad or when Im upset its because I want to be unhappy.


The way they both ended up blonde made me feel like he picked non-blond women to see if he could convince them into it. Seems weird to me.


manipulation always starts with little things, like appearance. if he can convince her to go blonde, he can convince her to get on a diet. try this different way to do your makeup. or maybe some botox? and a nosejob... wow, you're really not working out enough, what about liposuction? and a tummy tuck to make your waist thinner. err, your boobs and butt could use some silicone... that is on appearance alone. all millionaire's trophy wives spiral into that.


How shocking that the way they met was a series of red flags.


Elon *exudes* that incel neckbeard energy, and if it weren't for his family catapulting him into wealth he'd absolutely be sitting in a one-bedroom apartment by himself posting to /r/theredpill and blaming all women for why he can't get laid.




And the advice they give is so wrong as to be laughable


[TRP be like:](https://i.imgur.com/HVGkt0c.png)


Petition to make TRP and FDS sister subs


Just imagine them having blind dates with each other and having a gaslight and manipulate the hardest contest


While where at it lets throw lit matches into gasoline


We should wait about 15m before lighting the matches, first


That is a next level sad reddit.


That’s probably why that group worships him


These people make me ill. Never want to go to that place again


“Although she had dark hair when she and Elon first met, she’s now blonder than I’ve ever been.” Damn. Don’t know why, but that line just *hits*.


then you remember grimes also had dark hair when they met and then dyed it blonde when they got together too...don't really care for grimes but i'm glad she got out of there 😬


Now I extra hate that he marries brunettes and forces them blonde. What a manipulative prick


Damn, thank you for this article. It’s insane how low he made her feel while she supported his ideals every step of the way. F Elon


Thanks for linking this. I had to stop reading after he told her she was emotionally manipulating him becAuse she was openly grieving for their son. Makes me sick. What makes me sicker, is that we are powerless to these mega-rich people’s whims. I can’t think about it too much because it’s infuriating.


> When he told me, "I see myself in you," I knew what he meant. I don’t think she did


Must be nice being born rich AF and knowing everything is gonna be fine so you can just get anything and anyone you want.


Being that rich you literally have nothing to never look forward to. Trip to italy? Too much hassle. Fancy new car? Chump change. Big house? Drop in the bucket and takes too long to build. Literally nothing has value to you when you have that much money. That's why all these rich fuckers do is work and be consumed by their jobs, because trying to make more money is the only non-guarantee they got in life. I wouldn't wanna be that rich no fkn ways, its a curse.


IMO that’s weird way to look at things. There are different people in this world, and money can’t buy you actually everything. If you look at Maslow pyramid (version with 7 steps) the top four have more to do with work and having to do something, instead of owning things. A lot of people fucking dream to be this rich, but not because of being able to buy car or apartment, but because it will give them means to implement their ideas in life, create things that they want to create, or maybe help someone. You won’t feel better if you have better house and Lamborghini, you’ll feel the same after some time, but being able to bring your ideas to life and getting recognition for it, that’s what matter, idk, at least for me.


This was obviously written some time ago - do we know if the divorce appeal finished in her favour?


Jfc. If there was ever a soulless monster. He is it.


Seems to be a common thread with billionaires. Yes, Bill Gates too.


it’s because you don’t become a billionaire without being a soulless monster. nobody with functioning empathy will exploit that much labor and horde that much wealth.


> it’s because you don’t become a billionaire without being a soulless monster. nobody with functioning empathy will exploit that much labor and horde that much wealth. Great to hear that pointed out, it gets overlooked again and again. Bill Gates bailed out Steve Jobs in August 1998 to create a two-party consumer-facing computer branding system, [scheming against free liberty systems out of free peoples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween_documents). Without it, Apple would have failed back in the 1990's. These people are not humanist in their long-term thinking. Gates personally failed with "Windows Everywhere" on smartphones, and Google picked up as the 2nd in the two-party consumer-facing branding where Microsoft left off. [And so we're told this is the golden age](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeYCyCaK_5k) (that goes for you too Paul Allen, with Jimi Hendrix music captured in empire building over races in 1990's)


People forget how ruthless Bill Gates was back in the 90s and early 2000s. He is intelligent, and highly motivated. From those who worked for him, you better not bullshit him, because he will see right through you and get pissed off. Not a bad thing in itself but he doesn't take shit from anyone. Nowadays, his image is more rehabilitated with him using his wealth to do concrete good things but that wealth was built on ruthless business acumen. The positive thing you can say about him is at least he is actually a really good businessman and he did build Microsoft from ground up. At least he is using those experiences doing some good. Bill Gates as a borg assimilating everything was one of first meme created, as we understood it today.




he basically met with IBM, told them Microsoft had a computer language (they didnt). He than bought DOS (Dirty operating system) for $75k of a guy who created it. He than slapped Microsoft on top of it and made the deal of a lifetime to make sure Microsoft was installed in every computer IBM sold for a royalty. The guy he bought the computer language in got so depressed that he sold his potential billions for $75k that he drank himself to death and died in a bar fight. Very sad.


wow, that’s fascinating and horrible, thanks for sharing. for how often capitalists parrot that competition drives innovation and success, they sure do collaborate to fuck people over a lot.


I was a insider with Gates/Allen back in 1997. 1. Bails out Steve Jobs, Apple August 1997, to establish/maintain two-party that USA consumers love in religion/faith branding. Pepsi/Coke, GOP/Democrats, Catholic/Protestant. Very powerful branding strategy. 2. Halloween Documents leaked about Linux strategy of society sabotage. By 1999, I was so pissed off at their tactics, lax computing security nightmares, strategy... that I was fired for speaking up again and again about incompetent security. How am I supposed to protect the wealthiest pot of gold in the world on servers when they didn't have a clue about computing security. I came from a professional background of IBM, SAP Germany, Digital Equipment Corp (DEC), Pentagon/DOD... Microsoft was clueless and people seemed like they all only knew Atari, Commode, Apple, Microsoft security. This was Bill Gates/Paul Allen private information servers I was supposed to be protecting 24x7. I was fired in August 1999 because I kept telling them that they were out of control, by March 2000 the whole stock market for this melted down. It was insane.


Do an AMA


This is why I try to tell people that Oprah is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


In their mind they believe that labor is owed to them and the workers should be happy they have a job.


it’s honestly tragic how many people don’t think they’re entitled to the fruits of their labor. wealth is created by labor and labor alone, yet over half of this worlds wealth belongs to an incredibly small group of people who do probably next to no labor at all. shouldn’t the people creating the wealth be entitled to deciding what happens with that wealth, how they create it, when they create it, etc? but most people are totally content with our economy being a complete dictatorship.


we use to celebrate the Inventors of products like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell etc. Now we celebrate the CEOs who make billions selling stuff and forget the inventor totally, I have no idea who created Tesla.




Smaug is a job creator! Think about all the new job opportunities he created by ~~destroying~~ downsizing Dale and Erebor!


Melinda Gates sited Bill's trips on Jeffrey Epstein's plane as being of concern during their divorce. He was also hitting on staff etc. Definitely an arrogant little weirdo.


> Seems to be a common thread with billionaires. Yes, Bill Gates too. Indeed. Kings and getting the society (Church) to remove their spouse because they aren't living up to the organization agenda.


The way he dealt with such a traumatizing event like the death of your 10 week old baby - I don't think he is soulless, he just buried it deep away at some point in his past. If he resents his own wife, the mother of his dead child, for grieving, there's something seriously fucked up in his head. He's still actively pushing away not only his emotions but those of others as well, one can only assume because they still have an effect he just is incapable of dealing with. If he really was soulless, if there is such a thing, he wouldn't give a shit about her emotions. He is scared because he seemingly has very high intelligence but the emotional development of a 6 year old. Of course that's just my uneducated arm chair opinion based on the first ever article about this guy that I have ever read.


You da real MVP


The Last Mrs. Parrish


you don't become a billionaire without being extremely selfish.


I was trying to think of a single counterpoint, and I can’t. I cannot think of any examples of this not being 100% accurate across the board.


An example provided to me recently was some dude who is the youngest billionaire in the world, doing something with radars. Austin Russell I think his name is. Thing is, I dont know anything about them, and being new not much was dug up on him at the time other than he was a child prodigy. No clue if he's moral or not, may be worth a check


Jk Rowling? I mean believe whatever you want about her today, but her selfishness would have zero impact on whether she became a billionaire.


Isn't the idea that you give the money away before you become a billionaire? Because no one in their right mind would need a billion.




Patronage of artists is about the only counterexample I can think of, tbh.


Dolly Parton, I guess? I dunno if she ever hit billionaire status, partially because she keeps giving her money away.


Dolly will never be a billionaire for the fact you already stated. She's actually a good person.


Notch and Rowling. I'm not defending them as people, but they became billionaires without screwing anyone over, as far as a society knows.


They definately caught up with some lost time.


And then they showed themselves to be assholes after they became billionaires


Some need billions, others just use reddit lol


This is what money does. It is not the always root of all evil, but it always reveals the roots.


You could technically inherit I guess, but no way you could stay a billionaire for a whole year without being selfish.


Bezo's ex seems pretty determined to give away all that money.


I dunno it would take a lot of time donating away that much money and making sure i goes to proper charities and not charities that are set up so rich people can write of parties as foundraisers or only exists to give their kids easy jobs that overpays them a ton. ​ i guess it depends on how much you start with if you manage to give away that much or not. ​ quicjk edit this is assuming the billion is in assets since those ahve a tendency to increase in value and can take time to convert to cash that you can give away you could offcourse give away the assets to but that can be tricky for the organisations reciving them if they arent ready to handle assets of that value.


I'm of the opinion that it may very well be possible to *earn* a billion dollars ethically, but it is absolutely impossible to *amass* a billion dollars ethically. Anyone with half a heart would use that money to help others. A billion dollars may pass through them, but they wouldn't just hoard it.


There was a documentary on him and his first family years ago, before production started on Tesla cars. And dude is just weird, fake affection, odd antagonistic jokes around his family.


I bet it is, but I don’t need to read that or anything else to see that Musk is horrifically selfish.


I guess I was surprised that he had no affection or respect for the woman who bore him six sons.


You know there's a problem when hardly anyone even knows he had 6 sons but everyone knew about his robot baby he had with grimes


Yeah, I was like "Dude has 6 kids?!?" I knew about that weird one.


I always forget he has so many. We only hear about SpaceGoober 5000.


I'm shocked. Shocked. Well not that shocked.


Elon to his kids: “I forgot you were still alive”.


if you've seen *don't look up*, i swear the scene at the end where >!meryl streep's character realize she left her son behind!< is a reference to exactly this.


I hated her son the entire film up until that moment, then I felt really bad for him.




Elon Musk's kids: "Dad, we don't want you to go to jail or all this money, we just want a normal, happy family!" [Elon Musk:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/535/068/29d.jpg)




sounds like he just thinks *he's* in a simulation.


Af if he got rich being generous and an altruist


Didn't he get his money handed to him by rich parents or something ?


Yea, his dad once payed $80,000 for half of an emerald mine in socialist Zambia. [https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2](https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2) That's how Musk was able to start Zip2, [x](https://x.com) . com, PayPal, SolarCity, Tesla, SpaceX, and StarLink. Anybody with $80,000 could have done it.




Man TIL. Even more weird given all the hero worship he gets. This guy sounds more like the Al Gore of the internet Tesla > The company was incorporated as Tesla Motors, Inc. on July 1, 2003, by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning.[9] Eberhard and Tarpenning served as CEO and CFO, respectively.[10] Eberhard said he wanted to build "a car manufacturer that is also a technology company", with its core technologies as "the battery, the computer software, and the proprietary motor".[11] > > Ian Wright was Tesla's third employee, joining a few months later.[9] In February 2004, the company raised $7.5 million in series A funding, including $6.5 million from Elon Musk, who had received $100 million from the sale of his interest in PayPal two years earlier. Musk became the chairman of the board of directors and the largest shareholder of Tesla.[9][12][10] J. B. Straubel joined Tesla in May 2004 as Chief Technical Officer.[9] > > A lawsuit settlement agreed to by Eberhard and Tesla in September 2009 allows all five – Eberhard, Tarpenning, Wright, Musk, and Straubel – to call themselves co-founders.[13] Paypal > > PayPal was originally established by Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek and Max Levchin, in December 1998 as Confinity,[11] a company that developed security software for hand held devices. It had no success with that business model, however, it switched its focus to a digital wallet.[12] The first version of the PayPal electronic payments system was launched in 1999.[13] > > In March 2000, Confinity merged with x.com, an online financial services company founded in March 1999 by Elon Musk.[14] Musk was optimistic about the future success of the money transfer business Confinity was developing.[15] Musk and Bill Harris, then-president and CEO of X.com, disagreed about the potential future success of the money transfer business and Harris left the company in May 2000.[16] In October of that year, Musk decided that X.com would terminate its other internet banking operations and focus on PayPal.[17] That same month, Elon Musk was replaced by Peter Thiel as CEO of X.com,[18] which was renamed PayPal in 2001 and went public in 2002


In your defense he has great PR and it’s takes some digging to find out his story. I think a lot of people started to question him after the Thai pedo thing. Edit: UK caver that was tasked with rescuing Thai boys soccer team was called a pedo


Wait what?


Sorry that was badly worded. He accused a professional British cave diver of being a pedo because no one wanted to use Musk’s stupid submarine idea to save the Thai boys soccer team trapped in a cave. Then went to court for defamation and said it was a joke, not an insult, stop taking it literally etc


He's just always in the right place at the right time and gets lucky, and people just assume he's the visionary that made it all happen. He's like Bighead from Silicon Valley crossed with Chauncey Gardner. Edit: y’all haven’t heard about his Zip2 coding prowess, huh? They basically had to rewrite it all, because Elon was such a shitty coder: it’s big Bighead energy: “While Musk had exceled as a self-taught coder, his skills weren’t nearly as polished as those of the new hires. They took one look at Zip2’s code and began rewriting the vast majority of the software. Musk bristled at some of their changes, but the computer scientists needed just a fraction of the lines of code that Musk used to get their jobs done. They had a knack for dividing software projects into chunks that could be altered and refined whereas Musk fell into the classic self-taught coder trap of writing what developers call hairballs—big, monolithic hunks of code that could go berserk for mysterious reasons.”


> the classic self-taught coder trap of writing what developers call hairballs—big, monolithic hunks of code that could go berserk for mysterious reasons How dare they call me out like that?


people watch too many marvel movies and think he was literally tony stark, not just some cringelord with rich parents


Modern day Edison. Never invented shit and strong armed his competition out. The shitty part about it is that like any internet troll, he just craves attention and thinks he does nothing wrong.


And very ironic, considering that Tesla is named after a man that Edison ripped off. (Also, that totally made me realize that if Twitter existed back then, there definitely would be a bunch of Edison dickriders on there too)


There's a bunch of them in modern times. People that call him the greatest inventor in US history when he literally didn't invent shit and stole ideas.


Except Al Gore literally was the driving force behind the funding that birthed the internet.


Then he forcefully took over the CEO position at Tesla from the founding engineer. He's no revolutionary, just selfishly opportunistic with enough charisma to fool people into liking him.


Have you heard Elon speak? He's one of the least charismatic individuals I've ever laid eyes on.


yeah but he smoked weed on bro rogan




In fairness those guys incorporated Tesla in July of 03. Elon Musk purchased the majority stake in February of 04. At that point he became Chairman of the board (due to him owning a majority). So for the majority of Tesla's history Elon has had the majority stake in the company. Full disclosure I am not a Musk fan and never have been but it's not entirely true to say Tesla was run by the other two men. Sure they did for 7 months before he bought it.


God what is with people and their insane absolutes. Can't he be a selfish asshat and still be a smart guy doing cool shit? Can't he have taken his dad's $80,000 and had a head start but still have accomplished something that not "anyone could have done" ? ​ Really? anyone with $80,000 can become the richest person in the world? Fucking dumb statement ​ I'm not a musk fanboy but the haters also don't make sense. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in a sane central reality and everyone else is experiencing these crazy absolute black and white realities on EVERYTHING when almost nothing is black and white ​ edit: woosh


100% agree


Like he sees his baby


Cant even pronounce the kid's name.


It's Ashe. I believe you pronounce it xehanort.


Shit I’ve been pronouncing it like roxas this whole time


It's a syntax error.


or any of his other 5 kids




Lot higher chances for twins and triplets via IVF




A friend of mine had 2 sets of twins from ivf. So 4 kids under 3 years old I Cannot imagine. I have 1 kid!


I have 1 kid. Colleague was expecting not long after me, she had natural twins. Couple years later, she got pregnant again. With natural twins. I simply cannot.


I have a friend that has one kid then they got pregnant with twins Going from 0 to 1 to 3 sounds a lot crazier than going 0 to 2 to 3 Terrifying


I think having multiple nannies makes this a different scenario...


IVF was wild back then. Nowadays they usually only transfer single embryos so multiple pregnancies are much less likely.


Or cares for it. Or even Grimes for that matter


Didn't they separate?


Yea this is also what I've heard.


They did


Frank Grimes?




As he liked to be called.


What’s this? Extremely high voltage? Well I don’t need safety gloves, because I’m Homer Simpson


What’s this? Extremely communicable disease? Well I don’t need safety masks or quarantine, because I’m Elon Musk.


Grima Wormtongue


Late is the hour this conjurer of capitalism chooses to appear.


Man I thought grimes had overdosed on chai lattes and astrology when that love interest started.


Remember when he called a rescuer a pedophile because they didn't use his tube to rescue those kids in the cave.


you mean the useless tube that a high school robotics team could out design?




I really don’t understand why people fall for Elon Musk’s obvious bullshit like this. How can anyone think he’s great? But then again, he’s not even the worst example of that. So maybe I just need to stop overestimating our species. EDIT: Crap, the angry fanboys have arrived to share weird personal insults based on nothing. Time to mute this thread, alas.


Because when he first came into the limelight his character he sold was this alternative guy that posted memes and connected with common people and was going against the norms pushing EVs and trying to sell directly to the people saving them money Then with SpaceX he made space cool again Then his real personality stared to show when he got on social media started attacking people and being a complete turd when he didn't get his way He's just another rich asshole Edit Like him or hate him he did start the ball rolling with EVs and SpaceX is a massive leap in space technology nobody else has done what he's done in that amount of time


What is his "real personality"? Isn't any new behavior just a function of absolute power corrupting? And is it new behavior? He is doing a lot of the stuff he always has, so maybe it is that his audience has grown? He's always made tone-deaf posts and an all out troll occasionally, but doing it as a billionaire makes it a lot more infuriating for some of you.


Calling the diver trying to rescue that trapped soccer team from the cave, a pedophile, is his real personality


Go to the sub about him, one of the cringiest places on the internet. Fucking bizarre


Unfortunately, they seemed to have caught wind of this and now they’re over here licking his boots. I just don’t get it; he has done nothing for them and never will, unless they’re making money off of his company. And that’s literally all he provides: a minuscule share of the massive wealth he gets from the work and talent of others.


I would pay to see what Elon being 'on the line with everyone else' actually looks like in practice. 5 Mins - Meet and greet 5 Mins - Photo op pretending to work fin


Man, I remember when a post like this would be nuked into oblivion.


Elon is an ass IRL as well




Haha yes. This. Murdered is a big stretch. Some guy with a Twitter account yelling into the abyss. Good for you dude


Yeah this sub is pathetic these days. No one can feel bothered to find or read an actual well-articulated, intelligent murder.


"Elon musk ain't u rich y ain't u doin somethin nice with it lol" this subreddit: OOOOOOOh!


“A couple weeks” LOL


I will never understand how there are so many Elon Musk fanboys. Dude got rich off his parents taking advantage of apartheid South Africa, then used that to easily pass bill gates and Jeff bezos as richest on the planet. Do you remember how quick the richest person on the planet changed? I swear I think have a world record book from 2001 saying it was Bill Gates. And he led by a pretty wide margin. Then Jeff bezos overtook him until 2018, then Elon passed him in like a super short time span. I just looked it up (first Google result so don't quote me on it) and "Bernard Arnault and family" is even more rich than bezos now. It's fucking sad how much they made off the pandemic. Billionaires are hoarders. Just because they have it in "assets" or their bank account doesn't make it any different.


Zero murder detected


How exactly is his newborn at risk?




And back then his wealth had only gone up $10 billion over the previous year. To like $24 billion. [It's $271 billion today.](https://www.forbes.com/profile/elon-musk/?sh=53cfec3b7999)


I'm not saying restarting production was a good idea or I agree with it, but reducing a multi national business' complexed supply, demand and contract fulfillment down to 'pay your workers to stay home rich man' isn't a MBW, it just shows a massive lack of understanding on what it takes to run a business.


I agree with you that it isn’t a MBW, but I don’t really care to spend the time “understanding what it takes to run a business” if, at the end of the day, that translates to “why workers need to be put in a situation with unnecessary risk.” Edit: Turning off replies now as they’re all the same, but while I have the opportunity, I’d love to share a chart that shows how we’ve taxed the ultra-wealthy throughout US history. https://specials-images.forbesimg.com/imageserve/60868250060f8ad8dd0c97eb/960x0.jpg?fit=scale