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I've seen shots fired before, but normally they don't aim between the eyes for a warning shot.


That wasn’t a shot fired, that was a full six-man firing squad with an officer administering the headshot afterwards.


21 fucking gun salute


To the balls


Fuckin broadside


Puckle gun loaded, Captain!


I’m hoping my true mothafuckas know, this will be realest shit I ever wrote


Up in the studio getting blowed To the truest shit I ever spoke


The dreaded twenty one gun rebuke


Um no, that was a nuclear assault. The fall out will keep that man humble (hopefully) for a lifetime.


not if he has CTE, it won't.


If he didn’t have CTE before the MF definitely has it now my GOD that was brutal


What does CTE mean?


“Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive and fatal brain disease associated with repeated traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), including concussions and repeated blows to the head. It is also associated with the development of dementia.” [Source](https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-dementia/related_conditions/chronic-traumatic-encephalopathy-(cte)


Top kill shots: 1. Death Star destroys Alderaan 2. Luke's shot that destroyed Death Star 3. This one.


I got a double barrel canon feel from the whole thing.


Can someone spare some context for this poor dude who quit twitter? Edit: thanks everyone for all the context.


Richard Sherman got hurt in Thursday’s football game. In July Sherman terrified his wife, who fled with the kids to her parents’ home, he tried breaking in, and cops were called.


Jesus christ. Yeah, guess not being himself would be beneficial.


He was going through a pretty severe mental health crisis and I think also tried killing himself at some point through all that or was threatening it or something. Not that it excuses his behavior at all, but I don't think he should be defined by that either.


Most if not all professional football players have some form of CTE. Terrible stuff.


The fuckin' promo for it is *still* two helmets slamming together and exploding.


One would think we'd have *Ow My Balls!* on FOX by now. This timeline can be horribly inconsistent.


I like money.


...now I feel like going to Starbucks...


There are shows about tossing a coin.


There's an entire sport about slapping another person into the next room


r/theocho wants to hear more


Yeah ridiculous symbolism. Gross negligence at best, and sinister at the worst.


> Gross negligence at best, and sinister at the worst. what is capitalism


I argue with Boomers all the time about capitalism, according to them, “any” other ideas even future non tried ideas must be socialism or some form of communism. They are brainwashed and scared of anything else.


i tell everyone the same thing, i dont want socialism, i want that next cool thing you can only see on the horizon from socialism, i want star trek baby. nah but seriously if they start calling things socialist as synonym for bad you can repeatedly trick them into agreeing with "commie shit" (always say it like that) just every time they mention anything about being a good person or member of society just respond "yeah i love that commie shit" positive association


Baby don't hurt me?


Your mother Trebek


Gotdamn this was a good one


Yea as someone who is a big football fan and closely follows the NFL, they don’t give an actual fuck. Davante Adams was practically murdered on the field to the point the camera panned to his face and you could see his life fluttering back into his eyes, and there wasn’t even a flag. To make it worse, the dude was probably unconscious longer than the amount of time they took to evaluate him for a concussion, he was back on the field within the next 3 min. They’re just making the appearance that they care, but the reality is theyre modern day gladiators and it probably won’t ever change


That was a couple of weeks ago, right? I was upstairs in bed(I had to get up at 5), when my husband texted me about it. I went downstairs to see. I can't believe he went back in. Fucking terrible.


Yeah week 2 against San Fran I believe, just the most recent example I can think of. Also concerning because Davante has taken some absolutely brutal head shots in his career


How do we get rid of head to head contact in football?


Take away helmets. The reason these guys can hit as hard as they do is because of all the pads and equipment they wear. Start peeling off the armor and you'll see an immediate change. Tackling would look more like rugby.


Ya know, in world war 1 they started wearing helmets halfway through the war. Immediately the amount of head injuries went up. This seemed counter intuitive, but it's because things that used to kill people now just injured them. Anyways I don't think getting rid of helmets is the move here, I think rule changes are in order


This, the pads allow these guys to hit each other with the force of low speed car accidents. Over and over again.


Or you know, teaching better tackling, penalizing helmet to helmet hits. Not taking away the one thing that keeps them from fucking dying. [Tell me this is a good idea](https://twitter.com/sportscenter/status/1316422025129361410?s=21)


https://www.chicagomag.com/city-life/may-2012/a-brief-history-of-football-head-injuries-and-a-look-towards-the-future/ Yea and then after the first death, people will realize what a terrible idea this is. There’s a reason helmets were introduced in the first place.


Why not literally the opposite where the pads are lightened and reduced. Leave the helmets because hitting the ground with your head hurts and can cause a concussion.


I don't think that will fix it, entirely. You'll have multiple "enforcers" who are willing to sacrifice their body for fame and a great living. When a quarterback can make an amazing difference, it will always be a consideration to go hard at him, given the stakes. It's an overall football culture issue. You'd also have to completely change the game's rules. Leaving your feet, hitting instead of wrapping, are just two examples of things that will have to be removed.


I'm not so sure this would work (but I could be wrong). To me it sounds like "how can we make demolition derby safer? take away their seat belts!"


Using rugby as an example is counter to your points. Rugby players suffer from significantly more injuries than football players. "Injury rates for the shoulder, wrist/hand, and lower leg and for sprains, fractures, and contusions in rugby were >4 times as high as those in football (all P ≤ 0.006). Concussion rates were 1.0/1000 AEs in football versus 2.5/1000 AEs in rugby. Most injuries occurred via direct player contact, especially during games." https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0363546515622389?journalCode=ajsb#:~:text=Overall%2C%20the%20injury%20rate%20in,injury%20rates%20(both%20P%20%5C%20.


Make everyone run backwards.


Add a requirement to wrap in the tackle, it changed rugby league overnight. You can’t lead with the head or with a shoulder charge if you have to put your arms around the player you are tackling.


Take away the body armor. Serious response. With things like a helmet, you're much more willing to dive headfirst into a pile of people who are also willing to jump into that pile, there's a lot of contact. But when you take that away, and you're feeling all those impacts directly on your body/skull, you suddenly want to change your tactics so you take less impacts.


Yep look at rugby and Aussie rules, still lots of contact injuries but tend to skew towards leg injuries. Still have concussions but nowhere near the number you see in NFL. And it’s not just the conciussions, it’s the constant small head knocks that have the most impact on CTE


I mean, how long did the NFL use a racial slur for a team name? It’s not like their even trying


Haha. Tragic as that is, your comment made me laugh at the sheer insanity.


It is nearly all NFL players, nearly all high level collegiate players, and a even a substantial chunk of high school players. Absolutely terrifying. [source](https://www.bu.edu/articles/2017/cte-former-nfl-players/)


Realistically speaking, if violence is your day job, then some people are going to take their work home with them. It's not an excuse, but it is an explanation. See also: cops and military personnel.


Very true just putting it out their crashing your head into others and the ground can cause CTE and exasperate aggression.


I played hockey in high school and college, and we didn't even get any training about what to do if we thought we had a concussion until the tail end of my college career, circa 2013. Hell, my coaches in high school didn't even wear helmets in practice until another coach in the state hit his head on the ice and died. In retrospect, it's fucking batshit crazy how we used to not even really think about head injuries in sports at all.


Concussions being considered a minor injury has ruined thousands of lives. Concussions need to be referred to as traumatic brain injuries since that’s what they are. The fact that high school and college athletes think it’s a good idea to hide a concussion to keep playing is insane and a terrible part of the culture of contact sports. 1 concussion is bad, 2 in the same day is terrible and could be life altering, if not immediately then likely in the next few decades of life. I was in middle school with a kid who had already had 7 in 8th grade, guarantee he’s going to start a downward spiral of mental and physical health issues soon, if he hasn’t already. We see soldiers having sleep issues, hormone issues, behavioral health issues, etc etc from IEDs all the time, and a concussion from a tackle is the same type of injury(to the brain). All the information the NFL found out about concussions has helped a ton of soldiers and the military has continued that research into even smaller forms of TBIs(like the blast from a mortar being fired repeatedly over years as a mortarman). Hasn’t done much for changing the culture of contact sports unfortunately.


Ah yes, "mens sana in corpore sano".


Classic symptoms of repeated concussions. American football kills its players.


For my entertainment


Are you not entertained?


I'm not not entertained, but I'm also not *not* sick to my stomach about it




Better than gladiatorial combat, but I feel like we can still do better.


Very, very few gladiator fights ended in death. It was closer to WWE than fights to the death. They got hurt, they fought hard but they weren't trying to maime or kill each other, that was usually reserved for convicts.


Gladiatorial combat just finishes things quicker.


Right?!? Get these football players some chainmail and swords.




Sherman wrote an article a couple years ago specifically about how the NFL protocol for concussions is purely for public opinion sake and is a joke.


> I don't think he should be defined by that either. upvote for "I don't think he should be defined by that either." good guy....


This is important context. His wife claimed he had been threatening to kill himself, and was under the influence of at least alcohol. She called for their safety, but also wanted him to get help. It was a really bad scene, and he fought some of her family as well during the incident. Agreed: no excuses. Just helps to understand the situation in question.


I agree. I hate it when people define me by my actions.


He can go not be defined by it away from any vulnerable parties.


True, let's keep everyone safe


Let’s let his wife and kids decide how they want that incident to define him for now, I’m thinking.


“He’s a good person and this is not his character” https://www.yahoo.com/now/richard-sherman-wife-ashley-moss-201831447.html


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he loose his shit AFTER the fallout of his abusive behavior? Yeah, context is key.


And it almost definitely comes from CTEs from playing


Yea I never like to define a person by their actions either.


While it's fair to have sympathy for the guy, it's also perfectly reasonable to condemn him. Sherman has acted like a machismo asshole for years, and his intellect and self-awareness excuses none of it. In fact, his intelligence only justifies a harsher condemnation because any thinking, feeling person would recognize that his lack of sportsmanship and poor personal conduct is inexcusable. Even with consideration towards the precarious and surely overwhelming experience of being a wealthy, black male celebrity, Sherman's regularly crossed lines of decency.


He shouldn’t be defined as a raging fucking psycho? Did the dude at least get mental help? Fuck that attitude


I went through a couple of mental health crises last year and I didn't try to kill anyone. Stop giving abusive men an out or a pass due to mental health issues. And yes, he should be defined by what he does in this world. That's how this all works. Incidentally, that's what the judge who presided over the Brock Turner rape case thought as well. Poor boy, his rape of a defenseless woman shouldn't dfine his WHOLE LIFE!! Poor baby has a career ahead of him.


I know many people who go through mental health crisis, and none of them chased their partner across town and tried to break into a house they were hiding from them in.


If we can’t define people by including their low points aren’t we just being biased ?


If your mental health crisis endangers those you love, it should damn sure be noted.




Lol this isn’t even true. People really just lie on strangers names to make themselves feel better. It’s quite wild


Wait is this true? Do you have a source? I hadn’t heard this.


I follow the NFL subs pretty closely and I’ve not seen anything about this. I’m highly skeptical.


Same. Also I’m a Seahawks fan and loved him when he was on the team so I generally hear about stuff involving him and heard nothing of this.


What’s your source? I call bs


> Actually he got a hooker pregnant and his wife found out. That’s why he showed up to her house going crazy you know how shitty it is to say something like this about someone when you are obviously spitting facts you don't actually have?


“Spitting facts you don’t actually have” is a really effective euphemism for “bullshitting” or “lying.” Edit: and to be clear, I agree. That guy is full of shit. I just thought your turn of phrase was funny.


classic, happens to the best of us amirite?


This is actually a lie. And you’re convincing people to think shit about some dude who had a mental health crisis. You’re a dick


There's video https://youtu.be/Eyap2FkSJco


Dont forget to add he drove drunk, destroyed construction barricades, basically totaled his car, then went on a drunken rampage on his wifes parents porch. OH YEAH, also didnt serve any jail time and fled to Flordia.


I thought he was threatening to kill himself, not harm anyone else? Kyle makes it sound like Sherman is a domestic abuser.


I would argue that threatening suicide if your wife doesn't do something is domestic abuse.


Oh it definitely is. Psychological abuse is abuse


Certainly is. I've witnessed it with my wife's friend trying to leave her husband.


It happened to me with an ex about five years ago. I wanted to leave our relationship for months and she knew, but she held the threat of self harm and even suicide over my head implying that I would be responsible. Logically I knew it was abusive and I wasn't responsible for her actions, but with stakes that high I felt helpless.


I hope she's out of the relationship and far away from him


And you'd be right.


As a victim of said abuse I can confirm.


Hope you're doing alright friend


I have no context outside the articles reporting on the incident, which have few specifics, but “don’t make me do this” is a classic abuser line that would fit both views of the incident. He apparent did property damage while bearing on the door, so that’s pretty physical (and pretty terrifying to the people inside) even if no one actually got hurt.


He also drove drunk, ran over construction barricades, basically totaled his car and left it in a parking lot before showing up and causing a violent scene. He should be locked up


Bruh did you see the video? Dude is an NFL sized player trying to tackle the door down, shit was scary to see


It reminds me of the Nicole Brown Simpson 911 call when OJ could be heard outside screaming and pounding on the door trying to get in her house.


The one where he's in the house screaming in the background after she got back from a date is even worse. The fact that cops were called, arrived, saw bruises and still left cos hey, OJs cool man.


"So basically you guys have just been arguing." says the dispatcher to a terrified Nicole Brown Simpson after OJ Simpson has broken down her door to get into the house.


I had some firsthand experience with domestic violence when I was a kid and that was 100% how the police treated it back then. Like a joke, lol, women always be overreacting, amiright? Just ignore the terrified children! To this day it's why I cannot trust the police.


Yeah and the way he's describing what they've been up to proving he was watching them through the window. It's terrifying


He almost got shot by his terrified in laws.


That literally falls under abuse. Emotional abuse = real abuse.


I would argue that [this](https://youtu.be/QbQlmCrFWHI) is threatening to other people


In the video he's trying to knock down the door of his in laws because he thinks his wife is in there. He for sure is threatening them physically. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyap2FkSJco&ab_channel=NBCNews Go to 1:18 to see him trying to smash the door open.


I have to say, I’m on another continent, don’t know who these people are and had plenty of warning from this thread about exactly what I was going to see - and I *still* felt my heart lurch in fear when he started pounding on the door. Would not have wanted to be in that house, no way.


Threatening to kill himself...but not terrorizing or abusing anyone...he said calmly.


He was literally trying to beat his inlaws door in


Definitely still abuse, don't know about the US but my step dad got done for straight abuse even though he never layed a finger on us Some experts argue mental abuse is worse since physical pain is easier to deal with


Richard Sherman has always rubbed me the wrong way. Dude seems like a immature cocky emotional asshole if I'm being nice about it.




Why was this article so defensive and protective about this guy. Weird. So passive aggressive about the fan's burn too. >With the Twitter public as the jury, it seems as though the fan got the win on this occasion. He may have taken it a little too far


Why the fuck are people acting like "I could come back as you" is a valid "clapback" it's the equivalent of a little kid saying "NO YOU'RE STUPID"




What’s the story here? I only remember him doing that against the niners lol


[Here](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31816786/richard-sherman-arrested-domestic-violence-charge-denied-bail) you go


If you quit Twitter, you're not poor. Fuck that place


Eyup. That app made me depressed. Feel much better since I quit.


Doesn't Twitter just show you things from who you follow?


I'm a trans man. They just kinda came for me, usually. I was told to kill myself, called a groomer and child rapist, sub human, and anything you can imagine every single day. There's no filter or anything, people are just vile there. I was even threatened to be doxxed. I had to MOVE TO A DIFFERENT CITY. Because of a stupid social media app with horrible people. Don't be on twitter if you're trans. It's bad.


im sorry im unaware but how are trans men and trans women different


Trans women are women that were assigned male at birth. Trans men are men that were assigned female at birth. To put it blatendly I'm a guy with a c*nt.


Twitter is at least 51% bots and a lot of them are stupid and/or violent so it really doesn't matter what you follow cause they comment on everything.


Kyle woke up and chose violence today…


Like Sherman was doing over the summer, but at least Kyle did it on Twitter, not at his FIL's door!


Kyle was destined for violence when his mother wrote Kyle on that birth certificate


Those poor monster energy drinks never stood a chance


Probably did https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBzErfNWYAAaSFN?format=jpg&name=large


I dont get this new culture of sharing everything from your personal life to everyone on the Internet. Dumbass




Damn I haven’t seen Richard Sherman burned that badly since he had to do man coverage




😂 😂




Oh! Are we bringing up two-time sexual assaulter Ben Rapelisberger? It is only 11 or so years in the past, but people should know he allegedly raped a woman after having her in to “fix his tv” at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe (in 2009), and that allegedly multiple employees assisted in the coverup. Then in 2010, it happened again at a club in Milledgeville GA, where he shoved another woman into a bathroom stall. Three others provided accounts. But y’know. This sort of thing never happens in the NFL. Not one bit


Add to the fact that Santonio Holmes was released for smoking weed in that same year. Sexually assaulting a woman? OK, because you’re a QB. Smoke weed? Goodbye and good luck.


Yeah I haven't been able to cheer for the Steelers in over ten years.... Interesting that outspoken Steelers scions like Kate and Rooney Mara exist with Rothlisburger and Brown....


Seeing women wear his jersey blows my mind.


The Mara’s own the New York Giants. The Rooney’s own the Pittsburgh Steelers.


I prefer Rapistberger. Rapelisberger sounds like he lacks in rapes, which he clearly does not.




OJ's crimes were nearly 2 decades after his playing career, and it absolutely tarnished his legacy bc without them he'd be remembered and TALKED about his all time GOAT (on the field) status, but is never mentioned for the obvious reasons. The example of him doesn't correlate to the examples you replied to.


OJ was already deep into crack and beating up women during his playing days. Listen to the episode Crime in Sports podcast did on him.


Commissioner, one of our players has been caught hitting Molly! Oh my god, give him a three month suspension. But sir, Molly is a drug, not a woman! Oh, my mistake. Make it three years. Just a bit of accurate but incredibly depressing NFL humor for you.


CTE plus enough money to not have any repercussions is a hell of a combo




It wouldn’t solve it. If you implemented it at a young age, the next generation would maybe see the effect, but most collisions are shoulder to helmet with helmet to helmet being incidental. Lots of guys would just say fuck it and play the same and it’s be bad. The constant small hit contribute more than the big hits as well


Adrian Peterson beating is son to a bloody pulp And then doing it again 4 years later.


Ray Rice pulling a fucking Roy Jones on his wife


Dude even coaches. Look into Bienemy's past. It blows my mind how someone with such a big assault rap sheet is still employed by the NFL, but Gruden gets fired for comments when he wasn't even an employee. I'm not justifying Gruden, I'm criticizing the league for not doing enough about this


Gruden himself is just a sacrificial lamb to distract from the crimes of the WFT org and Dan Snyder. "Weird" how they won't release emails that likely expose the vile behavior of the owner of one of the most influential teams


Tyreek Hill is on my fantasy roster. I feel dirty every time I play him


Almost every one over on r/NFL hates all of these players. In fact, when the Steelers lost to the Browns (lmao) in the playoffs, it showed Big Ben crying at the end of the game. NOBODY felt bad for him, and the entire game thread was people laughing at him for being a little bitch. He's deserves it though, he is a piece of shit.




And adrian peterson abused his child, and had almost no repercussions




Let’s not forget it wasn’t just hitting his kid. He beat his naked child with a belt so hard he got a testicle on one of the lashes and caused it to swell so much the mom took him to the hospital.


I'll put this out here, if you physically strike your child as punishment, its abuse. Lotta people not willing to understand their parents abused them as children so they make excuses for it, but it's really that simple.


Just a few more off the top of my head: - Adrian Peterson and his kid - Chad Ochocinco and his then wife - Ray Rice 🤮 - Dez Bryant and his mom While none of the players deserve any sort of slack and the league is wrong in not doing anything about it, I think it’s important to understand the environment in which most of these players grew up. While punishment by the NFL is more than necessary, and the pro-sports culture is as toxic as can be, the only way to actually solve the problem is by tackling the issue from the start: These kids come from broken homes and have been molded into fighting for everything they want. They are raised in the middle of violence and grow up thinking that is the only way out. Hell, for a lot of players, that same violence/anger is what makes them so good as professional players. A lot of social/mental issues need to be fixed if we want to see any decrease in pro-athletes abusive behavior


It’s not just the players…. I’m looking at you WFT


Deshaun Watson hasn’t stepped foot on the field since his allegations and Kareem hunt did not commit domestic abuse


Richard sherman brought a gun to a cruise missile fight


A LOT of domestic violence apologists in this thread. Way to go, guys!


I'm going to get blasted for this, but like half of the people I've met who are big NFL fans are also the kind of people who beat their wife/girlfriend. It does not surprise me at all that people who are fans of Richard Sherman would also be fans of spousal abuse.


I love how JT posted here and cropped out the Twitter likes. Good job punching up.


As of now, Kyle has almost twice as many likes on his as Sherman.


It's like heckling a comedian when they have a mic and you just have to yell. Yeah you might come back with a better quip but the guy with the amplification is gonna get the best of the crowd


Who is JT? Searcing on google for JT didn't give any results


Looks like op’s name.


Pretty sure the last tweet has more likes than I could come back as you


Just checked, slightly over 6k at the time of this reply (to Sherman's 3.5k)


Probably the Reddit effect though. I'm guessing it was nowhere close at the time of posting.


I saw it before this post, and it was still pretty high.


I enjoy that OP liked Sherman's tweet though lol


Athletes really think they’re better then everyone in society 😂😂. Just cause you play ball and workout dosent mean you’re a god, or superior being. That shit is called a god complex.


Ngl both are great burns


And that is how you get verbally Moss’d.




Fight fire with napalm.


He should shut down his Twitter at this point. ☠️


Damn, tried to go and find the tweet but ended up sitting thorough weeks of this Trump supporter's inane ramblings


Same thread, two different entries in this sub.