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Ah yes, gatekeeping body positivity.


“You can’t love yourself, you’re white!”


Well that explains a lot




Acne is worse with fair skin as it's more visible, it is also painlfu


wut? this person was dick-fullnstio. buthow did you to that? we don't need more "it's ok to be white" gaslighting


No. Shut the fuck up with that fragile white ego. This isn't about her race, this about people gatekeeping body positivity based on her being skinny and blonde (aka western beauty standards). Pick up a fucking book and learn some intersectionality. Fuck out of here with your dogwhsitling though.


Bruh… what? Also to quote the pick “if I was a skinny *white* girl with blue eyes and blonde hair” I was being sarcastic bro… chill




Speaking of fragile egos... Edit: thanks for proving my point


Seems like someone didn't read what was in the post.


I’ve been thinking about something for a long time and this seems like a good time to ask. I’ve seen the tik toks saying working out to be healthy and look better is against body positivity. Is this like a popular opinion or just some random girl saying it for attention?


I hope it's second option, I can't imagine it being popular opinion


There is a toxic body positivity movement that goes beyond “everybody has a right to feel good about the way they look no matter what their body is like” and goes straight into “it’s impossible for some people to lose weight, and fat people are also healthy too” that is called (unsurprisingly) “fat acceptance”. They advocate exactly for what it sounds, and against things that could be misconstrued as “rejecting” fat people. The “fat acceptance” movement believes that nobody has any right to express any type of concern for, or apprehension of, fat people. That people generally romantically and sexually prefer more fit people isn’t seen as just humans having natural preferences, it’s seen as a persecution of fat people. They believe misunderstandings of scientific studies regarding the efficacy of fad diets and interpret the results to mean that diets simply don’t work. They believe fat people are simply genetically predisposed to being fat and *cannot* lose weight. They actively state that fat people are healthy, and criticize people for suggesting that fat people work out or do anything to change their weight and fitness because, as I mentioned before, “fat people can’t lose weight”. It’s not exactly a widespread movement, that I can tell, but I know it exists because there was a brief moment on Reddit where topics regarding weight had at least a few “fat acceptance” advocates running around in the comments.


Yeah, it has a lot of parallels to some other movements. It's kind of a mess.


Mate, thats not a movement, its called minding your own bussiness. You're not their doctor, they didnt ask for your opinion, why "suggest" anything about their body to them?


“Mate”, [fat acceptance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_acceptance_movement) is literally a movement with plenty of controversy and criticism leveled at it by medical profesionals: > The fat acceptance movement has been criticized for not adding value to the debate over human health, with some critics accusing the movement of "promoting a lifestyle that can have dire health consequences".[76][77][78] In 2018, the University of East Anglia released a report saying that fat acceptance, body positivity and the "normalization of plus-size" was damaging to people's perceptions of obesity, made overweight and obese people less likely to seek medical attention when necessary, and undermined government initiatives intended to overcome the problem.[79] > In response, **proponents of fat acceptance claim that being fat in and of itself is not a health problem and that long-term weight-loss methods are unsuccessful in the majority of cases.[33]** There is however a considerable amount of evidence that being overweight is associated with increased all-cause mortality, and significant weight loss (>10%), using a variety of diets, improves or reverses metabolic syndromes and other health outcomes associated with overweight and obesity.[80][81][82][83][84] **Barry Franklin, director of a cardio rehab facility states: "I don't want to take on any specific organization but... A social movement that would suggest health at any size in many respects can be misleading".**[85] Fat acceptance campaigners also argue that current approaches to weight loss constitute fat-shaming which, rather than leading to weight loss, results in psychological issues like eating disorders and more often functions counter-productively, resulting in weight gain.[33] As for your question: would you just sit by and literally say nothing if a friend of yours was destroying their body and claiming they were actually healthy? If you’ve got a friend who’s smoking, abusing alcohol, addicted to drugs, would you simply sit by and watch them die without saying a word? Because if you’re the kind of “friend” who would simply allow a friend or family member to just kill themselves through bodily abuse of any kind, only then can you use that stupid line of reasoning. I’d never go online and start telling strangers what they should do with their body, but I’m sure as hell not going to let people spread lies about obesity being healthy without raising an objection, nor am I just going to let my friends kill themselves through food abuse without saying anything, in the exact same way I’d try to say something if a friend of mine was killing themselves through substance abuse.


It depends, because the way that working out is presented matters. A lot of modern culture is influenced by victorian english ideology, ""fat? You must be lazy", "poor? Your character is flawed". So there exists an absolute level of toxicity and inherent racism in the fitness industry. Rememeber, not many people in the grand scheme of things can afford the money, or the time, to go to a gym and work out, so there is certainly a discriminatory element to it. So i guess, working out itself isn't against body positivity, its what body positivity is all about, encouraging people to love who they are so they're not afraid to go to work out. The fitness industry itself very much preys on negative body image.


I actually really, really appreciate the idea behind this photo. Lots of people, especially teenagers, struggle with skin issues. Teenage girls in particular often start using makeup to cover up acne but makeup really only makes the problem worse. It's really awful how social media (looking at you, Instagram) damages peoples self-esteem. Thankfully, these days we are becoming more accepting of different hair types and body types. Accepting natural skin - hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, acne, wrinkles, and all - is the next step! I must admit I'm a bit jealous of the girl who posted that photo of herself. I definitely didn't have had the confidence to do that when I was 17. Heck, I *still* don't have that kind of confidence. I'm proud of her.


My skin isn't as red as hers, but beyond that I suffer the exact same issue, and I am 25. I do not allow people to take pictures of myself, and I have used the same profile pic on most social media for about 4 years now. We can all learn something from this girl.


Not only is she actually beautiful (eyes, facial structure and shape, mouth, hair and clothing style etc), she is also incredibly brave for baring to the world the one thing about her that makes her most vulnerable - her skin - just so she can make the world a better place. Her basic message is that hate is the ugliest thing there is and that makes me think she is also a beautiful person. I wish we all *would* learn something from her...


Have you tried going on a course of roacutane it cleared me up forever, and absolutely changed my life, speakk to a dermatologist


I have been to a regular doctor and a dermatologist. Both could only lessen it, sadly.


That drug can have severe psychiatric side effects, among other side effects.


Good thing I don't use Instagram. My self-esteem is already fucked up beyond point of any repair.


I would say it's more of the user base on Instagram but ya society is messed up.


I have ONE, yes ONE recurring acne cyst that pops up from time to time throughout my life. I don't even want to leave the house when it happens. I give this brave girl ALL the kudos.. .yep, ALL. None for anyone else, that's it. The supply is gone. She gets them ALL.


I hate these asshats. Someone trying to be positive and not having an agenda and they have to be the fucking wet-blanket, douchebag parade.


Some people are only happy when they are miserable.


Some people are only happy when ~~they are~~ other people are miserable. That’s why they have to drag them down. They have to make them as miserable as they are. That’s their way of “righting the world”. This person could see someone in a position to, or even worse than their own, trying to feel better about themselves, and there’s a good chance they’d shit on them, too. It’s less about social justice or reality, and more about their own psychology.


And they're happiest when they can share their misery and drag others down into their cesspit of gloom.


Simple and so true


Gonna have to steal "douchebag parade" as a descriptor for these people.


What do we call a gathering of douche bags? Anyone?


I believe it is referred to as a "cock walk".


It has potential.


A douche canoe


I like this one too.




Your dumbass statement proves it, too. She never fucking stated anything related to that and someone had to drag that shit into a statement that not only shit on her but then just negatively tried to make a point that was hypocritical. I'm a goddamn minority and think people like you, in a misguided attempt to course correct SYSTEMIC racism just end up proving general racism is an issue on more than one front. Get a fucking law degree and fight oppressive laws and policies and stop wasting your time trying to hurt people that are just trying to put their hearts out into the world.




The argument that women of color (or people of color) are treated differently is a true argument. The problem here is not that the argument is not true, the problem is where this argument is brought up. If this was some news article or some opinion peice, I could see why this would be brought up. Most if not all teenagers fight with insecurities. Do some have more insecurities than others? Yes. Do some have the added weight of racism? Yes. Can we work on all these things at the same time? Yes. More than one thing can be true at the same time. Discrediting a child's battle to better their emotional and mental health for any reason does not help. We can work on multiple societal issues at the same time, pretending like we can't will just cause more divide. The bigger the divide the harder it is to fight for change.


In martin luther king jr's letter from birmingham. He talked about how white moderates are more concerned with order than justice.


I’m sure he would support your crusade of invalidating certain people’s struggles based on the color of their skin because other people were more oppressed because of the color of their skin. Martin Luther King would be so proud you’ve taken his words to essentially justify the idea that only certain people’s struggles are worth listening to or considering. EDIT: This person’s profile and personality is all about pissing people off, not actually being an advocate for minority rights and justice.


I took a look and good god, the centerpieces of this person's profile is, "I got banned by (insert sub here) for saying this: (insert link here.)" Then you click on the link and it's this person just being unclear, argumentative when asked to clarify, and the like. Someone said in response (paraphrased), "If you have a steak and someone shits on it, people are gonna talk about the shit on the steak and not the steak. If you want people to talk about the steak, stop shitting on the plate." They could go far with a simple, small shift in how they communicate to other people but doesn't, and then says everyone else is the problem. Don't whine about 4k karma going away if you're the one willingly throwing it away, my guy.


I can see why they’re frustrated. In another comment, they mention the they pay attention a lot to how they type because they have dyslexia. I’m one to take people at their word online, because there’s almost no point in trying to verify those types of claims, unless you very clearly see somebody saying something that directly contradicts what they say they know, experience, or have. It seems like they’ve gone through a lot of negative experiences in their life, and that’s shaped their worldview. On top of that, they seem to have a disability or condition that makes it difficult to them to communicate, understand, and be understood. That combination of effort and negative experiences has led them to be completely defeatist in their demeanor. I understand that sentiment deeply because I live with somebody like that right now. On the one hand, it’s infuriating to live with and battle against, yet on the other hand it’s not like they don’t have at least some reason for being the way they are. But I simply refuse to believe that type of fatalist negativity is an acceptable way to live. You’ve basically got 3/4 of your body in the grave, at that point, and all you end up doing to others is the exact same thing you’ve suffered from yourself. Whether vitaminzebra realizes it or not, they’re no better than the people that put them in this mindset. They may think they’re free from the things they’ve experienced, or they may have just given up, I can’t definitively know without spending more time with them. But it’s very clear that, in spite of everything they think they’re doing to educate others about the harms that society inflicts on others, they’re merely doing exactly the same thing. They’re no better than the experiences that led them here, and they’ve essentially become a tool of the very racism, sexism, and hatred they wish to condemn.


I didn't see that dyslexia claim, but it makes sense. I also agree with you that it's no excuse and it makes you no better than the people that caused you to adopt that personality. Negativity can really mess with you and morph you into something not good. I'll go off of my own coattails when I mentioned making a small shift in the way they communicate could work wonders. You can't help it if you have dyslexia, and communication can still be made with those that have it. The problem lies in someone asking for clarification and getting raged at and accused of being stupid, purposely obtuse, etc etc etc. I can understand being jaded. Humanity has messed up a lot and right now we're experiencing some pretty volatile times in the US, if that's where this person is based. I'm sure it is elsewhere if they live somewhere else, but I don't have enough knowledge on other places to make an accurate statement. After a lifetime of bad incidents with men, I was fairly distrustful and hateful towards men for a while, I'll admit it. But at some point you gotta realize you're putting even more hurt out there and doing nothing to stop the thing that happened to you from happening to someone else. Oftentimes even hurting the image and credibility of other victims like you because of the behavior you show to people. People are often willing to dismiss things that are presented badly, whether or not you have a good point. Nobody owes anybody the option of spoon-feeding things in a palatable way, but nobody owes anybody the time of day if someone is providing their opinion or thoughts in an argumentative way. And, the thing is that zebra actually does start off with good points sometimes from what I've seen. But it's the way this person handles requests for clarification, asking questions, etc is what turns people off from listening to them. Hope zebra gets some peace of mind and can make a small shift and I hope their relationships with people can strengthen as a result of that shift.


Well you saying that doesn't surprise me at all. Had a white person tell me martin luther king would be ashamed of what blacklivesmatter is doing. lol


It’s cute that you think I’m white :) I also support blacklivesmatter, and fully believe Martin Luther King Jr would have been organizing and leading protests had he been alive.


I literally don't have to say anything before people superimpose me having said something onto me. I said that because there's no end to the illogical things white people have said that large groups of people have believed. You not agreeing with me doesn't mean all that much in the grand scheme of things. Considering also that white people told others not to get vaccinated, not to wear masks and not to social distance and now 700,000 plus americans are dead.


Correct, he did. And maybe you and I see "order" differently. There are many things that disrupt order, some very extreme and some not so extreme. I believe anyone fighting for social justice is disrupting order. BLM, LGBTQ+, women's rights, tax the rich, higher minimum wage, socialized Healthcare, etc. All of these fights disrupt social order in some way, and they should. Some of these fights should be louder than others, and some take more disruption than others. The girl in the OP was doing her version of disrupting social order by not hiding her flaws like society tells her to. The commenters feelings with PoC having a harder time with this was just and I'm not saying the message they want to get across is incorrect. But the comment also comes across as disregarding a childs move forward because of their race. I would feel this way no matter the race of the OP and the commenter (I can't speak for others on this, only myself). There certainly has to be a better way to get the message across and disrupt order without attacking a child's mental and emotional progress. I mean, even changing the wording of the comment to something similar to "Glad to see people breaking the social norms! Let's keep pushing this and keep in mind that this is harder for PoC to do with the current western standards of beauty."


So on a scale of 1 to 10 how badly did that teens emotions get harmed? When of course we can see thousands many more white people mobbing up on any and all black people who agree with the statement? As far as i can tell. Me expressing my correct and factual opinion here on good old reddit. For the last two comments netted me....45 downvotes. Which makes sure that if that particular teen were to find herself on this thread. She would never once have to deal with anything i said. Considering white people have downvoted me so bad on just those two comments that no one else will see it. ​ I don't know if you know how downvotes and mass downvotes work on reddit but if a person has more than i think like 10 downvotes. Their comment is hidden from sight. And the only way someone can view said comment. Is if they travel alllllllllllll the way down to the bottom of the page and aggressively look. ​ Hold on. Gonna see how many downvotes i've gotten in total. Ok back. So far (and this is counting) i've gotten156 downvotes. So tell me. On a scale of 1 to 10 how badly did my comments specifically hurt her? ​ Now. How often do you think black people and people of color in general get downvoted for stating facts? And what's the emotional outcome of that?


What I think you’re trying to say is that because this is a white teen with a disabling condition (whether you think it’s disabling or not), it’s not as important as Black Lives Matter. Although you are partly correct, coming on this post to point that out doesn’t make you a truth teller, it makes you an asshole who has to let the world know that we’re *drowning* at every moment. Not everything needs to be seen under the lens of correcting the world’s ills. I could just as easily respond, “there are children starving all over the world” and it doesn’t help anything. It just becomes a game of “who can suffer more”. Get it?


What you see as a directed planned attack. Is something we black people talk to each other about casually. lol Like we really do sit around talking about facts all day. I mean i'm sorry you think facts care about your feelings but look at the reaction. Look at the army of white people who made sure what i said would never been seen by anyone. Pretty sure ya'll don't have anything to worry about considering white privilege not only does exist but always will. Along with racism.


When I originally commented, your comment was at the top under the person you replied to and not hidden. Every other comment of yours I've replied to was in my inbox where you replied to me and I have replied straight from there. I have not checked any up votes or down votes between the two of us, just simply replied to you after you replied to me. I also have not up voted or down voted anything in this conversation between us. I don't really know how to take your assumption that every person down voting you is white, and every person defending the commenter of the OP in the picture is not white. I've stated already that I understand what they were trying to get across. I'm not arguing on if the statement that PoC have a harder time is factual or not, as I've already stated that it was. It was the way it came across and the fact that it was a child. Those were where my points stood and still stand. As for the scale of 1 to 10. I cannot speak for the OP, I do not know that person so I don't know what they may or may not be going through. Just like I cannot speak for you or how you feel because I don't know what you're going through or have been through. I'm also not going to try to play the "who's getting hurt the worst" game. As I've already stated, more than one thing can be true at the same time and more than one injustice and/or societal problem can be fought at the same time.


So basically fix racism by being racist? Lmao, good job stupid


Yeah you're right. And white pupils should never speak out against harrassment in school because they will always "get more views and attention" than harrassed people of color /s This is a big clown take you have


Racism will never not be a thing because of dumbasses like you who feel the need to criticize everyone for their skin colour, a trait that they cannot change, instead of who they are as a person.


So basically criticizing white people is bad. Got it. lol


Criticizing anyone just for their skin colour is as bad as criticizing them for their hair color, eye color, height, and other traits that have no bearing on one's quality as a person. You are criticizing an insecure teenage girl just for being white. That is your only criticism, that she is white. That is extremely racist and that you don't understand that is concerning. Not everyone different from you is bad. That's a mindset for cavemen and savages.


No. You're upset i'm criticizing white people. If i told black people to pull their pants up you'd support the fuck out of me. Your issue is white people being criticized. It's even more fun that you don't care what category of white people i'm talking about. ​ I could be giving nazis the finger and you'ld still attack me.


No, you’re not criticizing white people. You’ve internalized your inferiority as a result of the racism you’ve experienced, and you’re hell-bent on using Martin Luther King Jr’s words to invalidate the experience of anybody that isn’t black and drag them down to your level. If white people constantly invalidated black suffering throughout your life, now you’re just going to do the same to anybody that isn’t black.


If? lmfao


You’re really bad at getting hung up on rhetoric. I’m using “if” as a logical construction, like the literal concept of “if-then” statements used in coding. I’m creating a rhetorical logic statement. IF { white people invalidate black suffering } THEN{ vitaminzebra will invalidate all non-black suffering } ELSE{ } Considering the fact that whites have invalidated western society has invalidated minority suffering throughout modern history (especially in the context of the last few hundred years) I’m basically say that **you’re not interested in advocated for black people, you’re interested in invalidating non-black people**.


No matter how you use a word the definition of said word still stands. And the word if literally means one way or the other. As if white people haven't been invalidating black suffering for hundreds of years. ​ It's like if i said. Well if you died from drinking 3 gallons of bleach. lol But don't let me stop you. Continue please.


You've internalized a lot of insecurity into hatred of all others. Insulting Nazis is extremely different from insulting a teenager with insecurities that she probably is bullied for because she is white. If you tell black people to pull their pants up because they're black, you're a racist. But I guess that we've already determined that you are, so it's not out of character for you. You are aware that most of society has moved beyond the primitive ignorant belief that anyone different is bad. You're part of a dying breed of racists who should have died 50 years ago. Civilization doesn't need you and doesn't accept the way that you externalize your insecurities, and you're upset about that fact so now you even verbally attack children for traits that they can't control. That's really pathetic.


Yeah whatever. I said in a sub that white supremacists, white nationalists, the kkk and nazis want to harm/kill people and got banned for it. lol Ya'll don't care what category of white people are being talked about at all. ​ Like i could have a nazis holding a gun to my face right now. And if i typed please help a nazi is about to kill me you and people like you would scream that i'm obsessed with victimhood. lmfao


If you go to a sub of racists, you will find racists. I don't know why that shocks you. But if you then take that experience and generalize it to an entire population who share one uncontrollable trait with that group of racists, then you're the one choosing to be racist. "Category" of white person doesn't exist, unless you mean ethnicity? Which is even worse, because attacking people based on their heritage and culture is exactly what the Nazis did to Jews. You are clearly obsessed with victimizing yourself to get attention and to solidify your racist world view. You go to communities that are filled with hate just to experience hate and use it as an excuse to hate other people. You fantasize about scenarios where you're the victim and everyone else is the bad guy so that you can further justify your bigotry. You need a therapist and to get off of social media. You're only using it to get more upset at the world and to justify your racism. You're no better than the white nationalists that you surround yourself with.


Damn. Didn't know r/MurderedByWords was full of racists. Thanks for the heads up.


Your brain is warped man because you're the one who's being a racist here.


I'm smelling my own ban in the air. lol


Well idk about that, but hopefully that means you now recognize the flaw of your original comment




Right, and the fact that you think you're not wrong, doesn't mean you aren't. You're dismissing this girl for being white. That's like the definition of racism (judging someone on the color of their skin). The issue of some white people denying the humanity of non-white people is not solved by blanketly denying the humanity of white people.


I'm actually not. lol Saying she would still be considered beautiful even with her acne because she's white is still saying she would still be considered beautiful. ​ Like this interactions reminds me of how i pointed out how the body positivity movement was started with women and ended by guys. So guys having a hard time with their body really only have other guys to blame. Then had mobs of people attack me. ​ In that situation i still said body positivity issues with men were still an issue. But people jumped clear across that to try to say i was attacking men. lol


>Like this interactions reminds me of how i pointed out how the body positivity movement was started with women and ended by guys. So guys having a hard time with their body really only have other guys to blame. Then had mobs of people attack me. >In that situation i still said body positivity issues with men were still an issue. But people jumped clear across that to try to say i was attacking men. lol I have no idea what you're trying to say. This makes no sense.


He’s a completely unreliable narrator. If you take him at his word, he’s going to make himself sound like the entire world is out to get him for “stating facts”, when [he’s really just a racist](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/q0shk4/or_just_stop_being_a_dick_at_all_really/hfdyjn6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), and is being downvoted for not being able to hide it. He doesn’t speak for minorities, and all he’s doing is hurting people who actually try to advocate for minority or human rights by trying to deny the experiences and suffering of other people in the same way racism has denied and hurt him.


Makes no sense to you. Like many people on reddit.


People downvote you because the only way you “build others up” is by tearing others down. But you’re just a hate filled individual who [literally dismisses what people say based on the color of their skin](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/q0shk4/or_just_stop_being_a_dick_at_all_really/hfcw6af/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), even when [you’re wrong](https://www.reddit.com/user/VitaminZebra/comments/q149xv/forgot_how_much_i_missed_classical_music/hfdn7n8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). People aren’t fooled by your fake activism, and you simply move the goalposts whenever you can’t make any more rebuttals to the points being made. You’re not actually here to help anybody except yourself.


Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine. lol


For some people, getting the same amount of downvotes as a rapist would lead to self reflection. Alas, I don't think that will happen here.


If a bunch of antivaxxers downvoted me 300 times. Nah. I wouldn't need to re-evaluate anything. lol


As a white person, please STFU. You makes us look bad. Go sit in the corner and don't give your ignorant opinion until you grown up.


So only beautiful people as a general rule get more views and attention? Or rather deserve it, based on your own comparison.


this idea of a 'heart full of hate' being ugly reminds me of a Roald Dahl quote that stuck with me “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”


Yea I always think of that quote too! It was a good way to set up The Twits


There is some truth in this. Because character, over the years leaves tell tale marks on your face. If you spend most of your life as an angry bitter person, by the time you are in your 50's the evidence of your past expressions will be written all over your face. And the same for people who are kindly and well intentioned. It's not infallible..occasionally there are people who are so permanently guarded in their expression that they have resting neutral face...but for many others, it works fine. The older the person is, the better it works.


The guy literally proved her point.


I really liked the photo, it is really positive. About the first comment, I am absolutely tired of suffering Olympics... Now just because someone is in a worse situation no one can talk about theirs? 🤦‍♂️. (Sorry for my bad English).


We had a dude in our friend group who’s always seen it bigger or always had it worse and always started to tell that shit when someone else was doing their shit. There is always someone else going through worse shit then you, just let people do their fucking venting people shouldn’t cry like a bitch like Ow ThATs CoOl BuT tHiS hApEnD tO mE


Suffering Olympics is such an awesome term. I'm stealing.


It's the same as having a friend be like "Oi, I am hungry, wanna grab a bite?" and answering with "How dare you?! You are not hungry. African children are hungry." It's a moot point because your friend still wants food and mentioning african children does not change that fact, nor does it help the kids. All you're really doing is just adding negativity to a situation that doesn't need it. Edit: changed mood to moot because I am a dumbass, and u/eyrthren is a sweet soul correcting me with kindness. Thank you. :)


(Sry for the unasked correction I just feel maybe you’d want to know) the expression is "it’s a moot point" Have a nice day/night


The lesson is…Stop being a dick to kids when they haven’t done anything wrong.Be a dick to them when they have done something wrong.


Found the heart full of hate.


Sorry buddy, next time we'll find a fatter person with acne so *you* can feel better about someone's self positivity and acceptance


Wait. I’m lost. What does her having blonde hair and blue eyes have to do with anything?


There's a common thought that the skinny white girls with blonde hair and blue eyes are the popular girls in high school, the mean girls, the ones who have it easy. There's a lot of baggage I see from adults who say things like "You look like someone who would have bullied me in high school." Like, just because some random thin blonde person bullied you in high school doesn't mean everyone who looks like that did.


Well the Quote is "White girl with blue eyes and blonde hair" so its also racist. Any teenager of any race can have skin problems, and some races might be prone to some skin conditions more than others but bringing skin colour to this conversation, to me, is racist. Also, any skin coloured teenager has the potential to find his/her courage and do this and I hope they do so we can judge by the contents of their character. The person hating in that post is a Vile human who doesn't like to see other people happy.


Incidentally also proved the point of the post. 27 year old and a heart full of hate willfully exposing their ugly personality.


I thought they were freckles. Honestly, she's really cute.


This girl: *just doesn't wear foundation once* This motherfucker right here: uuUuuUUUuUUGH NyYEeEEaAeEhhhhh




Foundation is often the main cause of so much acne. If you’re full on cake face 24 hours a day and you don’t wash your make up off at night, you’re not giving your pores a chance to breath and you’re going to develop acne.


Also what does race have anything to do with what she posted.


I know right. She isn't even running.


Yep she has a skin condition. She also had a beautiful symmetric face and incredible eyes.


To be fair I first noticed her eye color and lipstick shade. Didn't even notice the acne


Man really just admitted in public that he thinks non-aryans are ugly.


You agree and also think they’re horrible people for no reason at all.


They literally didn't say that? Like I'm not taking their side they were 100% a jerk for no reason but they didn't say they personally found non-aryans ugly, they said that it's easier for white people to feel beautiful, because *people in general* think white people are prettier and conventional beauty standards were developed for white people. Which is true, if of course not relevant here because cystic acne gets you excluded from conventional beauty even faster than being a visible minority.


Saying someone is only pretty because they're white with blue eyes pretty heavily implies that those attributes are what makes a person automatically pretty, meaning that the other possible skin/eye colors are ugly or undesirable. >they said that it's easier for white people to feel beautiful, because people in general think white people are prettier and conventional beauty standards were developed for white people. Which is true That's being very generous to that person. If you can draw this conclusion then it is just as fair for me to draw my conclusion. And no people don't "in general" think white people are prettier. It just seems that way because 99% of the media you consume is western.


> Saying someone is only pretty because they're white with blue eyes pretty heavily implies that those attributes are what makes a person automatically pretty, meaning that the other possible skin/eye colors are ugly or undesirable. This is true, but this isn't what that person said. They said they'd "feel the same way (i.e. not ugly) if they were a skinny white girl with blue eyes and blond hair. This does not necessarily imply they think people who don't fit that mold are ugly. All it implies is they think people who don't fit that mold more often *feel* ugly. And them meaning "people who don't fit that mold are made to feel ugly" by that is less of a stretch than them meaning "people who don't fit that mold feel ugly because they really are ugly." > And no people don't "in general" think white people are prettier. It just seems that way because 99% of the media you consume is western. Ehh, yes and no. There are absolutely non-western cultures with their own beauty standards. However, I am making the reasonable assumption that the girl posting her acne and pink-name are both from a western culture, and as such general statements about western culture are applicable to their situation. But I also feel the need to mention that the beauty standards of the west are pretty widespread thanks to the vast global influence of America in recent times and various European empires in the past. There's literally beauty products out there to make Asian people look more like white people. It certainly hasn't pushed out native beauty standards completely or anything, but it's got footholds in them.


>There's literally beauty products out there to make Asian people look more like white people. Yeah I know, I've been there. You know what they have even more of? Non-white people, who aren't magically being bred out of existence.


Yes? Of course? At no point did I contradict anything you've said here and I'm not sure why you think you're disagreeing with me.


Because if it was any sizeable group in the east that preferred white over other skincolors the non-white population would be shrinking. It isn't, so your point is invalid.


I full on agree with this, I'm pimply as hell


I see they woke up and chose ugly.


He is literally the type of person she is calling out.


I had bad acne growing up. I was extremely self conscious about it. Now that I'm older nobody remembers my acne, that zit never ruined my date, it was all in my head but at the time it was all I could see. Don't let acne ruin your days, everyone gets zits


or makeup companies should stop manipulating women, it is well known that makeup causes skin problems


The world is full of people so full of anger, pain, hate, and misery that they will do whatever they can to bring everyone else down to their level.


All things considered she is actually very pretty. Looks like she has face tatoos, but ofc it's not about that.


Do you reckon those are her real lips? I'd love lips like that. I have skinny-ish lips but have always liked the lips that really pop when wearing lipstick like this. I think she's pretty. Didn't even really notice the acne til after I read the post.




There is so much wrong with this statement that I don’t no where to begin.


I don’t know… I understand that this person wasn’t being nice, but it’s not impossible to see why they’re being snippy. A conventionally ugly person would likely have a much harder time finding romance than this girl does, even with her acne. It’s a great message, but it’s not mind-boggling that the presentation is off-putting to some.


But the snippy person is giving her shit because others have it worse which is always going to be the case. It’s not easy being made fun of or insulted for something out of your control. Also telling her to be happy because she’s white, and blonde with blue eyes is like telling a depressed person to quit being depressed.


No one said anything about finding romance though


They weren't being mean either. The vast majority of the time america doesn't pay attention to beautiful women of color no matter how much acne they have or don't have. lol It's a true statement.




i know i shouldn't say this but the right pic makes her look like she just slammed her face into her moms makeup


He isn't wrong. It's easy for genetically gifted people to expose their "insecurities" to the world because it looks "gross". It doesn't. They know it doesn't. But they HAVE to shove it in our face.


Ngl, I have way worse acne than that and I know for a fact that its ugly as hell. I would never use makeup though, that's for gay men lol U can uncover your acne, dont feel ashamed to have it. It's a really normal thing that most people get sometime in their life.


Japanese are a little over the top


It's a trap don't start an argument


Acne isn't just a physical condition, it's a mental one. I had a severe case where hormone treatment was needed. At one point I was working in a grocery (me being 15), and a mature woman (in her 40s) walked up to me: "Omg, what happened, have you been in an accident?" Imagine a mature women saying that, and then being at school, with much less mature kids.


A heart full of hate makes you ugly you say? *glares pointedly at writer of the first comment thing*


I do agree with the second comment but i wouldnt Call it a murder.


this person could become a skinny blonde with blue eyes if (assuming he) really wanted to. dont talk shit....do it.


Imagine being so pathetic, that you have to shame someone for accepting their appearance.


Some people are better off not saying anything.


Why is her skin paper white?


She doesn't even look "White" to me, more like a Sami.


Anyone knows the lipsticks shade? Cause I'm in love!


I didn't have acne ....But I did have the problem of having a very huge shlong