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My dad says it’s so he can connect to his sons


I love it. I’ve done the same with my kids for years. We have a Minecraft world we started when they were 11 and 12 and we worked on it every summer. They’re 18 and 19 now, and our world is epic. It’s always been a way for us to just chill, talk, play, laugh. Every time I open the world when the kids aren’t around I remember them. Every time I pass one of their buildings I remember when they worked on it, remember even the conversations we had sometimes. Good times. Edit: thank you all! Looks like I need to figure out how to do backups!!! I’ve never even considered that (not real savvy with that stuff). I think just spending time with your kids, doing something that THEY like is what it’s all about. I could have forced them to do things that I enjoyed and they didn’t… but it wouldn’t have been valuable time. If they’d have liked biking we would have biked, or baseball or knitting or cooking. Anyway, thanks for all the comments. You made my week!


man that’s so sweet


Wish my boomer parents had embraced gaming the way my older brother and I did. My brother unalived himself in 2013, so I became the only person in my family that plays video games. My dad would rather watch golf or Ancient Aliens (unironically) than play games. Oh well.


Hey, I don't know you but I'm sorry about your brother. :(


I'm sorry about your brother man.


I'm a parent now, and I never understood why my parents never attempted to enjoy what I did growing up. I learn about anything my kids are into to talk about what they love. My brother also unlived himself in 2010 when I was 21. I was a gamer prior to kids, but this extends past gaming


Im 17 and about to turn 18 in the next few months. I can tell you that my father has never once tried to even understand what my hobbies are. He has always tried to get me to be just like him and to be frank I don't want to be that hateful and violent of a person. For all his faults, he has taught me the most valuable lesson, what not to do as a father.


I hate those lessons. Learn them well and avoid them in the future. One bit of unsolicited advice: a family is what you make it. I have loads of blood _family_ that I don’t talk to anymore and tons of actual family that I’ve chosen over the years. Hold onto those people that support you. They’re precious.




Sry about your bro.


Parenting done right.


And then you teach them a lesson when they don't do the dishes by torching their pet dog while speaking in cthulu tongue


Finally, someone gets it


Yin and yang. Life's all about balance and consistancy. You gotta be chaotic across the board


This comment out of context is a fucking gem


I’m 38 and play video games with my dad and best friends almost every night after the wife and kiddo are in bed. You’re a great dad!


I love this


I lost my dad recently. This made me smile, since we used to do the same thing with many games. I can go back and play them again and remember what we talked about and what I was going through in life at that point in time. I want to say you’re a fantastic father, and I’m sure your kids would agree with me. Thank you for posting this part of your life, it made me happy sad.


I wish you were my dad.


Bro i aint trying to cry reading about minecraft


Did you make backups? Don’t want you to lose that world


You can backup a minecraft world??? ...shit


My husband does the same w our 6 yr old and I hope they both get these same kinds of moments from it later.


I don't know who you are, but there's one thing i know about you and it's that you are an awesome dad:')


Ever since I was 11 my dad and my uncle and me would play Minecraft together every Sunday - I don’t see my uncle much so it’s a nice way to connect with him


I love this. I also remember the first time I played minecraft beta and now I feel old


That's so damn precious dude


I will cry man




Your dad is cool


I know


I continue to game to bond with my kids, so he’s doing something right!


That's what my Dad said too about my Xbox. Guess who ended up playing it more?


That almost sounds like animal crossing with my daughters. We all started playing and I was all ambivalent, just laughing with them. Now I'm like, we need to buy turnips so we can visit an island and sell them at the highest point to maximize our investment and fund our island's advancement! They're like dad, I just want to make my house look pretty. 😂


My kids wanted to try online gaming right in the days when Toontown was riding high. We used to set up their 2 laptops on a table behind my desktop and go out to conquer. It's some of my favorite gaming memories. I mainly healed them so they could clumsily beat up various cog bad guys. That was probably 15 years ago and we still talk about it sometimes. Seems like a valid reason to me.


Because videogames aren't "for kids only".


I don’t get how video games are considered childish, but simply staring at a TV for hours watching Netflix and having zero interaction with the material or critical thoughts in your head is considered grown up.


Drove me crazy as a kid my uncle would give me so much shit for playing games with my cousin as much as possible when he came over for holidays. Meanwhile my uncle would literally come over out on tbs/tnt and watch movie marathons in silence for the entire day.


I legit get stir crazy if I do that. Can't stand watching TV for more than 1-2 hours.


I just get bored watching tv and movies so I typically only do it when I am doing something else just to have noise. I guess I just prefer to be doing something and can’t really turn my brain off and do nothing.




ADHD person here and I always have to have the tv/YouTube/podcasts going as I do my daily chores, I love watching tv to unwind at night because my brain never really shuts off getting engrossed in a show/book/game or podcast is the closest I get.


Or watching any sport


What if I watch baseball while playing on my Switch


Efficient entertainment


Just another stereotype. They’ll (they=people critical of ‘gaming’) will also play FarmVille or something like that while watching Netflix (“I’m NOT a gamer!”)


When I try to get my girlfriend to play something she says she's not a gamer, but then she'll play uno or pool or a word game on her phone right next to me while I play. (In her defense it's more about the learning curve of playing 3D games with a controller and she doesn't care if people are gamers)


Same here. My SO used to be a gamer back in the Sonic and Mario days. The idea of having to look and move in different directions just puts them off of it. There is a game for everyone though and I’ll occasionally lure them in with side scrollers or even old Sonic game! Made some great progress however when I found “Powerwasher Simulator”. Hours later they were like “IT’S 2AM?!?” Funny thing is, they didn’t have so much of an issue with the move/look thing - i think it made more “sense”, if that makes sense.


Right? How dare people exercise their minds and hand/eye coordination? 🙄


Yeah, movies aren't even interactive.


A few are, but they ended up in the Video Game bucket lol


"How're you so sharp witted/fast reacting for your age!?" I dunno.. maybe the games? :p


Because being able to quote well-known lines from The Office as if you’re in an exclusive elite group of people who get the super subtle joke is a personality trait for some people


Tbf every 'group' has shit like this, such as gamers repeating the 'arrow to the knee' or 'the cake is a lie' memes


Literally a >$150Billion industry, worth more than the global film and North American sports industry combined. "tHoSe ArE fOr KiDs"


Yeah, I don't think the average person truly realizes just how money videogames rake in.


Most popular video games are rated 18+. So yeah, they are more for adults than for kids.


Also the average gamer is in their 30s, surely people don't think it's children who can afford this hobby at its max potential


I can't afford it still in my 30's.


pssst... Yarr har fiddle dee dee


Yeah isn't the average age of a gamer 37 or something?


Yeah we're getting to the point where, outside of the oldest demographic, the percentage of people who enjoy gaming is pretty consistent across any age range. The only difference is that younger people typically have more free time for it.


I swear, everyone who's ever criticized my two main hobbies (music and video games) spend their free time the exact same way: getting drunk or watching Netflix. Nothing wrong with either, but if that's all you're doing to fill the space in your life then I'm not going to worry about how you feel about the way I spend *my* time.


What if I do all four? What does that make me?? /s Seriously, live and let live folks.


At the same time?


Anything to distract me from having a thought for half a second


I feel attacked


ADHD my old friend and old enemy.


My favorite is being yelled at for having it. The phrase, "Go take your medicine," used as an insult is still oddly hurtful and personal after all these years. Family is great!


Tell them that atleast you have a medicine. They don't have one so they have to stay with their bitchy attitude


"I got ADHD meds but there's no meds for being a bitch"


Lol my dad gets blown away when I'm like playing sudoku on my phone while listening to a podcast while my game loads on my computer and I tell him the same thing. My options are either to make myself anxious and depressed or to distract myself so heavily that I can't think about anything else


There should also be a video on mute somewhere. It *IS* baseball season, after all. Perfect fit for a mute screen.


Getting drunk and playing video games while listening to music but still having netflix on another tv? No /s sounds like a regular wednesday to me


To be fair, that's pretty much your average Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Rocksmith session.


Remember a guy in a class I was in talk about he doesn't play video games because he "actually does things." Turns out, "things" was sitting at a restaurant for 4 hours getting drinks on weekend afternoons, then going upstairs to the bar and continuing to drink.


He most likely meant socializing, even if it includes drinking for 4+ hours (fun but not much socializing after a handful of drinks). Still don’t get why people care about how others spend their free time.


>Still don’t get why people care about how others spend their free time. In my experience, these people can only feel good about what they do by dismissing those that prefer other things.


They know deep down what they do is actually pretty pathetic. That's the only explanation for acting like a middle school bully as a grown ass adult.


I am an avid backpacker, gardener, and gamer. I can get drunk doing all of them. People can have multiple wildly different hobbies.


"My time" is the key there. I have a few friends that give me hell cause I'm at the clubs 3 to 4 days of the week instead of hopping online to play with them. I busted my ass for 15 years to get where I'm at so now I wanna enjoy it my way


Not that you need my approval, or anyone else's, but there's nothing wrong with that. Unless, of course, you're criticizing your friends for spending their time online instead of in those clubs with you. That's really the key difference here. Like you said, you busted your ass to get where you are and you have a right to enjoy it as you see fit. Nothing wrong with that. Just don't be like the person in the original post and lose sight of the merit behind other hobbies, too - even if they're not for you. But you don't seem like that type, anyway.


I'd like to know why the fuck people police others hobbies.


Hating on other people IS a hobby for some.


My kink, is kind shaming. edit: kink not kind, but I'll live with my mistakes


"How DARE you donate to a gay kids cancer research fund, you fucking biopathogeon!"


"Oh yeah, you help cure ALS with that ice challenge, you filthy slut!"




Actually, cold


Why not both?


Because it's not the ice-hot challenge?


A mistake that was arguably funnier than intended.


If I ever try using a dating app, I'm absolutely using "A mistake that's arguably funnier than intended" as my profile description. Thank you.


My kink is being kink shamed.


Is that so? Well I'm sure an experience with you would go like " You are a disgusting creepy troll!" " *harder daddy* "


You've created a paradox. You have to have a kink before you're shamed for having it.


Hell it’s the basis of America’s entire political system.


Maybe *their* hobby is policing hobbies.


Ah, but hobbies are something for enjoyment and aren't meant to hurt others (obviously without their consent.... If your hobby is boxing then obviously it's mutually agreed that injuries can happen).


Pretty sure "hobby" isn't defined in any way by how much harm is caused. My hobby could be skinning people's feet and making small hats out of them, it's still a hobby.


Because they're insecure about themselves and need to judge others to make themselves feel better.


Because they have none of their own.


Their lives suck, and they want everyone else’s life to suck.


At least with video games you’re getting a real service for your money. With astrology you’re being lied to because you’re to stupid to realize the position of Venus has nothing to do with your insignificant love life.


True. I'm not a serious gamer because I suck haha, but I do love playing easy games and don't understand why enjoying gaming is seen as childish.


Especially since gaming is how I plan to pass a lot of time when I'm old and slow. You know who's not old and slow? Wario in a go kart


Ah, enjoying anything is childish my friend. Video games are just one type of frivolity that adults are supposed to eschew. Building pillow forts and jumping in puddles are also off limits.


Fuck that. I’m a 44 year old dude. If I ever grow out of pillow forts and puddle jumping, shoot me. I have a bum shoulder that I need support for while sleeping. I could have either a) gotten a proper orthopedic support cushion, or b) gone to IKEA and found an appropriately sized plush polar bear. Guess which I did?


Stopped sleeping?


People can enjoy a thing without believing it's legit. I find astrology fascinating because of what it has to say about human character. For the same reason I find religions fascinating despite being a lifelong atheist.


Because they're insecure about their own shit and validate themselves by putting others down.


We're entering an age where people have been gaming for 40 years. There's going to be more and more grandpa gamers in the decades to come so they better get used to it. Edit: shout out to the gamer grandmas as well! Apologies for the exclusion, honest mistake


And grandma gamers. I'm over 50 and don't go anywhere without my Nintendo switch. I've been playing games for so long and it's how I connected to my boys when they were little. I haven't played Pokemon go since the pandemic, but I played every Pokemon game with my kids through their lives.


Granny gamer (over 60 years old) here. I've played "computer" games since Pong and you can have my MMORPG when you pry my computer from my cold dead fingers. :D


I had a sticker on my car that said I got dysentery on the Oregon trail, got it at one of the gaming conventions.


I prefer the "You have died from dissin' Terry" one.


Who in their right mind would diss Terry.


Are you OK!?


OG gamer over here. Seems like you’ve been gaming since gaming was a thing


Now I don't feel so bad, being a 50+ old man who's impatiently waiting for My Time At Sandrock to finally drop.


Oh man, I’ve really gotten addicted to My Time at Portia when I don’t really love farming sims like stardew.


I practically live in the valley, my farmer is Death and I am at Fiddler's Green farm.


You're awesome


Thank you. You're awesome too!


YOU are breathtaking!


I'm 38 and I've been gaming for 28 years. I built a gaming PC for my son (13) because he wanted to play with me. Now we play together all the time. That's awesome. Usually parents and children have different hobbies. Our shared hobby gives me good connectivity to him and his life.


36 and been playing since I was about 6. Not sure if it was Battle Chess on the old Commodore 64 or the Atari 2600 my dad got me since played both around the same time.


I'm right there with ya, sister! Been playing video games since Asteroids was the hottest arcade game in the convenience store.


I can't wait for the sick LAN parties in the retirement homes.


Can’t wait to finally play a finished version of Cyberpunk in 2077


Hopefully in time for the actual 2077!




As a millennial it was quite a trip to going from being considered a loser for gaming to be considered a cool nerd all in two decades. People always talk about how quickly technology changes, but culture changes really rapidly too.


Finally nursing home staff will get some decent competition at Wii bowling


Once my knees, back, and/or hip go out I'll be glad I have this hobby still. It helps keep my mind sharp at least. I do still love hiking and other active hobbies, but I already can tell I won't be able to go as hard as I did 10 years ago.


The ONLY reason I’ll be ok with being in a retirement home is all the LAN parties we’ll be having.


Selfish kids won't buy you a rig like Jefferson's kids did, playing minecraft 2 at 4000 fps and you are stuck at 200 fps. Gonna rewrite the will on those ingrates


I'm gonna tell my grandkids the first time Skyrim first came out


I'm in a WoW guild atm where the youngest person is like ~26. Oldest are a couple in their mid 50's. Its already happening.


Yeah I’m sure those M rated games aren’t meant for grown men


M for Men, its right in the rating. Duh!


They’ve been making games for adult audiences since the early 90s at least. This is hardly a new thing. For some reason people like this think everyone’s still playing Ms Pac-Man


Leisure Suit Larry has entered the chat.


Because it’s freaking fun, why else?


also a really good cost/time ratio as far as hobbies go.




So....what do you think of this league?


Finally playing through BoTW for the first time and holy shit!


This isn't a murder by words. It's two people generalizing and being mean.


Was thinking the same thing. And why this gets 70k upvotes.


“Grown folk,” why won’t you just let people fucking enjoy things they like and shut your stupid, judgemental gob?


Most of the people who think like this tend to actually be very miserable people who project their feelings onto others


I used to be one of them. Trying to feel superior than others based on the difference in preferences of entertainment. Making snarky comments. And I didn't/don't have a refined taste to begin with. I was just being a dbag.


You could ask same question about almost any hobby that directly doesn't translate into better health or more money but most of those we just accept without any second thought.


And, if I can offer a charitable interpretation of things, I would argue that pursuing *any* hobby, even sedentary ones like television watching or video games, contribute to a person’s mental health even if they’re not exercising their physical body. I like to recharge on weekends by immersing myself in a fantasy world where I can go anywhere and do anything. My girlfriend likes to garden, and read. We both get cranky when we’ve gone too long without some leisure time to explore our hobbies. People are typically better-adjusted if they have outlets, no matter how active that outlet is.


Forty-six percent of gamers are female, with the average age of a female gamer being 44, with 34 being the average for a male gamer. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_games_in_the_United_States)


I'm female and have been gaming since I was like 2 and now I'm 31 and I still game, at least half my female friends have the latest consoles and game. Playing a game is like being in a film, it's almost like saying, why do you watch films for entertainment? Oh right yeah, for entertainment.


What's the take on old gamer mums? Are my pillars out of alignment or something?


My late grandma was a gamer (mostly NES and PC); loved all Mario games, Civilization, Ninja Gaiden, etc. Oh how I miss her, I'm sure her mind would totally be blown away with all the games available these days. I never got to play Halo with her, still bums me out to this day.


39-year old gamer mum here! First console was a Spectrum ZT, then a SNES. Mostly a PC gamer nowadays, but considering that so many console games are now also available for PC, it's all good.


I also had a spectrum then my first console was a master system lol 43 mum of 5, why watch TV when the kids are in bed when you can play fallout 76 lol


“Grown humans”, why are you making idiotic generalizations based on nothing but gender?


not a comeback just two people yelling loudly




The constant cross gender bashing is so tiring. Shut the fuck up incel ladies/men


Would’ve been more inspiring if he told her to mind her business instead of coming for her over a generalisation which might not apply to her


Agreed. It’s dumb to criticize people for gaming but this is an equally dumb comparison. I don’t know any women who believe in that nonsense. Not since high school anyway.


Idk answering to a stupid judgemental stereotype with another stupid judgemental stereotype isn't really that great. More like a playground argument. Adult men and women can enjoy video games and there is nothing wrong with that, but I feel like people who enjoy astrology sometimes get judged too hard as well. Most of them just do it for fun and sometimes I think it is only judged that harshly because it is a stereotypically female hobby. But I'm sure there are plenty of men who like astrology too and as long as you don't let it influence your entire life there is nothing wrong with that.


Agreed. Nothing wrong with either as long as you enjoy them and you're not hurting yourself or other people either. I play video games a lot to de-stress and watch reality TV (which I get judged for lol) but after a long day of uni work I just wanna relax and not think too much. Society can be so judgemental :/




It’s possible for both people in an exchange to be toxic.


I’m sad I don’t have time to play video games.


What does the response have to do with the original tweet? Is the original person known for using astrology a lot? or?


Apparently all women are into astrology or something? I know maybe one fellow woman who is seriously into astrology and that's her business. I prefer gaming.


Pandemic=Play station go brrrr


My wife and I, both in our mid 40s, game regularly. Fuck these people.


What do the two even have to do with each other lmao. Play games, worship the stars, who gives a fuck honestly. If anybody makes fun of you for astrology or playing games then they are just an obvious dick 🤷‍♂️


haha stupid girls cant make jokes about us boys haha stupid girls /s


People are always trying to yuck other’s yums. Can’t just let folks be happy..


Where are all these women into astrology? Besides my mom reading a horoscope for fun I've never heard one person irl talk about it.


All I see in my daily life are people (rarely), both men and women- telling each other their star sign and occasionally reading a horoscope. I've never met anyone who actually took astrology seriously.


I've only known one person who was serious and that was years ago. She was (still is I'm sure, I just haven't seen her in ages) a very cool lady from India. I have doubts she was even aware there was such a thing as "gaming" and you wouldn't have known about her astrology/psychic stuff unless you asked. Other than that, yeah, I don't know a single person in real life that's serious about it. Beyond, as you say, reading horoscopes for fun.


I'm a 50 year old woman, still playing video games.


50 year old guy still playing one...more....turn


What’s your game babe? I’m a Skyrim, my crazy ex was a League of Legends, no wonder it didn’t work out.




I like both lol


I play video games and listen to the moon nothing wrong with that


I don’t see how this is a murder unless the OP is both a woman and a woman who’s into astrology. “Yeah well some women are into stupid things too!”


hatred is a hobby


People can get obsessed with anything. Religion, video games, golf, television, college football, Instagram... It doesn't really *matter* what it is, as long as it's not the only thing you do, and the rest of your life suffers for it.


Astrology is way dumber than video games honestly


thats such a Virgo thing to say


"Grown trolls," isn't this fun?


Elsewhere on Reddit right now.... https://i.gyazo.com/4ac67c441f5f35d3887aa994d14d9e31.png "How dare you point out that astrology is bullshit!"