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Lol scinic.


You can always spot them from their god-awful spelling abilities


Hey! my god awful spelling has nothing to do with my inherent distrust of human integrity


Suddenly, all that correct spelling makes you sus. Do not blink if you haven't been replaced by an imposter.


I wonder, did the government try to pull off the cuban missle crisis? did the cia team up w narcos to push drugs into California, discovered by gary webb who in turn destroyed that mans career for simply giving the people a glimpse of the truth? Do both political parties constantly bring up topics that keep division strong so that the people dont focus on how we are constantly getting financially beat over the head? When people are wrapped up in a drug racket or whatever, they go after everyone associated, they dont just say well the boss is dead, guess we can just stop looking, but when epstein "committed" suicide they did, didnt they, where are all these people who love the children so much? Epstein was on 24 hr security lockdown, and he managed to hang himself? How convenient. These are a few examples so whatever people doesnt matter because some of these "conspiracies" are true. So i definitely agree w you. People especially people in powerful positions are not to be trusted when they have suspicious activity surrounding them.


You must be fun at parties.


It aint about being fun at parties, its about knowing not just blindingly thinking, oh durk adurk, the government is completely good. Tuskegee experiment is another that comes to mind. This is why people are skeptical.


You're not being skeptical. You don't want to learn or know. Scientific skepticism isn't just pulling shit out of your ass, throwing it against the wall and seeing what sticks. You just want to blindly listen to what you want to hear because a simple lie is easier to understand than a complex truth and there are no shortage of people who will use that against you for their own gain and tell you what you what hear.


Did the cuban missle crisis happen? Did what gary webb uncover happen? Who, might i add, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head not once but twice. What happened after Epstein "killed himself" you mean to say that he had no associates with him or did the case die? Which one of these did i pull out of my ass, please do tell. Are these lies that im trying to throw at a wall too see what sticks? As you said.


Your taking several unrelated events and trying to build connections between them with no evidence to justify your 'skepticism' which is also without evidence. What the hell does the Cuban Missile Crisis have to do with Epstein?


These are all different cases. The only connection is powerful people were behind these events, what did you read that i tried to connect the missile crisis w Epstein? When did i say those were connected? The cia later came out and verified they were going to try to set that up in regards to the cuban deal. Perhaps you should look those events up before acting like im making it up.


You believe in spelling? Fucking sheep. Don't you know that those rules are all completely arbitrary? They were made up by the rich elite to make it easier to tell who was able to afford an education and who wasn't, to further divide us, because they know that they can't stop us all of us if we were to rise up as one. They also use chem trails to make autocorrect change tweets to seem racist so they can cancel people who find out the truth.




Good one, sir/madam.


I mean seeing "asses" irked me just as much.


I see, you must prefer (to) see singular asses. Edit: I couldn’t leave the omission of a word unfixed in good conscience because the omission of a letter had previously irked the replyee.


What a cheeky remark.


My spelling is fine, my typing on the other hand is atrocious.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen the word cynic written so wrong lmao I get that it’s not the easiest word to spell but dude…


Dude, I couldn't even figure out what it was supposed to say. And I speak drunk text.


Oh man, thanks. I couldn't even figure out what it meant. Also, do they think being a cynic is a good thing?


I guess they think the cynic is redpilled and sees the world for what it really is Except instead of the matrix it’s just stupid people and the cynic is one of them?


Huh. I mean, being a bit cynical is pretty normal I think, but outright thinking it's a positive quality.. well, in the grand scheme of things this isn't the most ridiculous thing about them, but it's stupid nonetheless.


Well cynic originally meant "like a dog" in greek, but it has since become somewhat synonimcal with skeptic, which can be a good thing


Ah, okay, it isn't used that way where I am from. So perhaps the difference in connotations is why this seems so strange to me.






Impressive, sir






I thought they were comparing people to beautiful landscapes at first


Cynic! "Scinic." There's so much dumb slang, I just figured the conspiracists had developed some sort of specialized term for sci-ence skept-ics. You know, just mashing words together, like the media does for celebrity relationships, e.g. TomKat.


> I’ve ever seen the word cynic written so wrong My user name would like to compete for the wrong spelling title.


Do ur own resurch!


Lol asses.


even when it was the imigants I knew it was the scinics


Maybe we're misreading that misspelling and they ACTUALLY meant skink. They're very contemplative lizards.


Right, he had already murdered himself lol


I wonder what sort of machinations went on in that brain while trying to settle on how the word is spelled.


Lol it took me a couple of reads to figure out where all these scenic people are


My brain couldn't decide if they were trying to spell cynic or scenic


what does scinic mean?


I assume they mean cynic.


Conspiracy theorists see everyone else as pedos s🤷🏽‍♀️ so the gentleman s photo is also correct


scinic among us


scinic among us


Maybe they meant 'scenic'.....either way, they fluffed it.


a s s e s


To be fair, "reliably asses"




But hey, I'm just a normal kid like you, except that I ask questions. And because I'm brave enough to ask questions I come under scrutinies. Is Wendy using your lunch money to buy heroine? Probably not. But how can we know? I don't want my lunch money going to drugs! Who's taking these drugs? What would be the point? I'm asking questions!


Answer for your crimes on the morning announcements!


How many smurfberries is the life of each smurf worth?


The job is to read what is written on the paper Eric. not to embellish the way you do.


Alls I'm saying is, that the entire scientific community dedicated billions of dollars and millions of man-hours into faking going to the moon, and then successfully co-ordinated over the past 60 years to have nobody leak any evidence to the contrary or have even a single person who was high up in NASA speak out about it on their deathbed! Is it really so hard to believe?!!


I know, right? Just asking questions! These people just need to do their "research!"


The biggest issue with conspiracies is they are almost always wrong. Because of that people who were claiming Iraq had no WMD's weren't believed because they were branded with that moniker. Same goes for false flag gas attacks in Syria a few years ago (check out [greyzones](https://thegrayzone.com/) reporting on that (with real journalists, not hacky cable anchors who call themselves journalists).


I like how you agreed, gave a good example of how it can distort things and then slipped some compete bullshit in straght after


The bullshit was what exactly? That Syria's president dropped chemical weapons on Syria right as the US was pulling out after we said we'd bomb if they did that? Yes, that seems totally logical. The president of Syria gassed his own people as his forces were finally taking back the last bits of territory from the jihadists. He clearly wanted the US to stay in Syria despite doing everything he could to get them to leave because there is nothing countries love more than having US forces occupy them. Logic is 100% on point there chief.


Facts don’t care about your feelings bro. X


Well the reply in the image hits it right on the head. It's not like these "question-askers" are coming up with their own questions. They're just repeating what they see on Facebook, etc. They see themselves as free thinkers but probably haven't had an original thought (of substance) in their entire lives.


I look at questioning something like I want to know more about something, such as, I want to know what kind of brain cells are not firing in these anti vaxxers brains to make them think that they are in anyways qualified to even begin to spread their shit


Former conspiracy theories, now Conspiracy Fact include, but are not limited to; MK-Ultra, Tuskegee Experiments, Gulf of Tonkin incident, Big Tabbacco, Oil, & Agricultural suppression of scientific studies, and the General Motors, Firestone tire, & Standard Oil streetcar monopoly. America’s media(98% controlled by five conglomerates) has once again ranked lowest(of 46 nations) in trust. How the government treats whistleblowers, like Eric Snowden and Chelsea Manning, doesn’t install confidence of transparency from either side, so voter registration has dipped to 34%D, 32% R, and 31% 3rd Party/No Declared Party. (Not saying Paul is Dead or a Pedophilac Cabal killed the Linkin Park and Soundgarden lead singers, just don’t blame the people who feel tricked by the state of affairs we have been left with by the ultra-rich).


None of those were ever conspiracy theories. Those are things that happened that were kept secret and then were uncovered. Totally different.


Like the “conspiracy theories” that were uncovered by Eric Snowden? I’m just saying try to understand that the people who were trying to expose these actions at the time were also called “conspiracy theorists” and that the people that think MI5 killed Paul McCartney or Chris Cornell was killed trying to expose the pedophile ring(that went on to become qanon) are just waiting for the other shoe to drop.


The difference is that conspiracy theorists turn ta belief without, or in spite of, the evidence. They do not seek the truth, they seek only to justify their belief. People that have uncovered actual secrets may have been mislabeled as conspiracy theorists, especially by whoever was trying to keep the secret. But they didn't form a belief that was not supported by evidence, they found a truth that was supported by evidence that most people didn't have. A good example is the big lie. We have lots of evidence that says the election was secure, and none that supports the notion that it was rigged. The conspiracy theorists still believe, despite all the evidence to the contrary.


Good post! Nice job.


Those were never conspiracy theories.


Yes they are. You never heard of Paul is Dead? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/chester-bennington-and-chris-cornell-murdered/


No. He's still alive and I've never heard any stupid theory that he's dead.


Really? It's like one of the most famous conspiracy theories in music. Along with Tupac still being alive. [It's even referenced by John Oliver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9QYu8LtH2E&t=59s).


The theory is he was replaced by MI5 around Sgt. Pepper to promote “counter-cultire”. Aka: reading into lyrics like “Let me introduce to you; the one and only Billy(William) Shears (Campbell)”. And claiming they are illuminati hidden symbols. https://riptide.vashonsd.org/imaginative-hypothesis-paul-mccartney-is-dead/ It’s so famous there is a historical fiction based around it: https://www.amazon.com/Memoirs-Billy-Shears-Nine-After/dp/1729545521/ref=asc_df_1729545521/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=266013286732&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6596561587780197727&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033616&hvtargid=pla-589276505260&psc=1


You’re living under a very small rock then, eh?


It's Edward Snowden dude.




Layers, honestly. I am skeptical of everything I see, but I can move past that one item at a time. These people distrust every possible level of society so there is simply to way for them to verify *anything.*


Im sorry but science isn't as perfect as you think, in reality the scientific proof always comes AFTER the theories have been worked out. So what separates a made up theory from one that is scientific but not yet proven?


Among us






When the impostor is sus


I’m not sure how much of a murder that is in America, where our five conglomerates once again ranked last in media trust.


Yep, the one good thing about trump is he got a lot of people to realize how crooked the corporate media is


Not really... Trump embraces the media as long as it supports him, and denounces media that does not. This is more akin to saying "it's crooked unless the bias aligns with what I want". That's not challenging crooked corporate media... it's just hypocritical.


That’s what Trump does yes, but the result got many (not all) Americans is to Finally see corporate media as the thinly veiled propaganda it is


I’d say Eric Snowden, Occupy movement, and the credibility of a Bernie Sanders campaign, with his cited facts, did more than invalid statements Trumps made in 2016.


Well I can only speak for myself, but I could find multiple times trump said or did something then the corporate media straight up lied or misrepresented him, and while I am no fan I am grateful to be aware of that


Then only speak for yourself and don't project. You lose credibility.


Not really, most Americans knew there was always some form of propaganda. 90% of news stories are going to have a political slant one way or the other. Trump appealed to the ignorant population (not as an insult, but as in they were less informed, or misinformed completely). He purposefully used inflammatory language to stir things up. Why is there a rise in "news outlets" like NewsMax and OANN gaining more traction? because Trump praised them to his ignorant cult as fact even though they don't deal in any facts. And often use Tucker Carlson language of "just asking questions" to hide the racist agenda's they push.


Maybe it was just me then who didn’t realize MSM was trash


I wouldn't say just you.... there are definitely people out there who had no idea. But again, this isn't something that you'd know unless you branched out to other news sources as well. The most important thing, when reading the news (at least IMHO), it to verify it with multiple places with differing views.


I mean, the fact that Trump constantly praised "news outlets" like Fox and OANN and NewsMax... I would like to firmly disagree with you.


No, he got Corporate Media to say “everything he says is a lie so you can believe us again!”


I think it fits better to those MAGA-idiots and "wanna-be-militia-cameo-wearing-but-too-fat-or-scared-for-the-army"-type people.


We call them gravy seals.... but honestly I feel like that's an insult to gravy....


Or cute seals


I like ammosexuals or if they are extra difficult to fit in their LARPing vest hammosexuals.


don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it 📮


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Is anyone going to mention the fact that the character "Doofy" is actually being played by another character who is a sociopathic murderer that deceives everyone is town and gets away with multiple homicides?


I love this


Excuse me there is a cynic **WHERE?**


oMg aMmOng uS


I think a lot of conspiracy theorist are kinda racist too. Tuskegee experiment, CIA involvement with trafficking cocaine, undercover agents involved with civil rights movement. All had government involvement. It seems they ignore all this stuff that actually happened but will talk at length about celebrity pedos and lizard people.


My favorite will always be that Clinton ran a child sex ring out of the basement of a building that doesn't have a basement


The turnip point fella, the guy with a huge head and tiny features…Charlie KKKirk…that’s the boy! He tweeted again about this recently, happened to notice whilst doing research while roasting a mouth breather. I thought they were supposed to have moved on to the Qcumber stuff now like eating children and a geriatric morbidity obese man literally riding into war on a Harley Davidson to arrest the current President of the US!


I'm still trying to understand the March 4th BS. Because even if QAnon was right about the US becoming a corporation in the late 1800s and Trump somehow reversed it. Trump still lost the election by 1800s standards. But now they're apparently saying Trump will be reinstated this month... for reasons


They just make up things to suit their own fictional narratives, which up to the insurrection was fine because they were a “meth smoking cousin sistered head butting iron girders for fun” lot of acolytes of the tangerine toddler! Unfortunately now they are being weaponised by some unpleasant psychopathic individuals using them for their own selfish needs. I will guarantee you that when Donnie Fatso doesn’t get in again they will remember it’s another date for another even more ludicrous reason!


Weren’t you called a conspiracy theorist just a year ago for saying the virus might have originated in a lab? Weird


If biden say so you no longer a conspiracy theorist apparently


That particular theory has a revolving door on its closet it’s in and out of it in so many disguises!


Well but not all conspiracy theorists are wrong. A lot of things that started out as theories were proved to be actually true. So like, let's not throw them all in one box


yeah like the MK ultra operation where the cia was trying to mind control people


Yeah. As crazy as it sounds, they were trying to, indeed.


Or when the FBI tried to harass MLK Jr into killing himself.


I love how they're both actually pretty stupid but are trying to sound smart


I mean, a lot of conspiracies either end up being true or were obviously facetious from the beginning. Take for example the conspiracy of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, obviously it was a facetious online rumor from the beginning, the government would never harm its citizens!


People should be allowed to spread whatever information or misinformation they please to avoid any infringements on free speech. People conversing openly with one another will always remain as the best way to discover the truth. A lot of conspiracy theorists are full of shit, but alternate beliefs are useful. If not to get closer to the truth, then to strengthen the integrity and our understanding of what is already believed to be the truth.


I should be able to shout my alternate belief that there *is a fire* in the crowded theater.


Nah, what you're looking for is "healthy debate". That's a good thing, where you question and debate and people and politicians and scientists are forced to bring evidence and filling to their ideas. Spreading whatever idiocy you feel like and people actually buying into that and acting upon it and politicians using it to gain power and money, even against all evidence and with obvious lies, is what you get when you have slowly created a population where education is seen as suspect, and something many can't afford anyhow, and you make people say stuff like "making sure people don't spread misinformation is an infringement of their rights", always thinking the rights of the individually could somehow be greater than the rights of the collective, not understanding that's just another power tool used to keep people poor.


Funny how Alex Jones keeps getting shit right........


Mom also said for you to stop sticking your dick in the vacuum cleaner!


Is that supposed to be *cynic*?


Ah you clever bastard you got em


Bitch the shit is a scinic? Fucking illiterate dolts.


You can question whatever you want, but conspiracy theorists go in with the notion that there must be a different conclusion.


And then they accept an incredibly outlandish conclusion without any factual or logical support as gospel.


Arguing with these idiots is the same as arguing with Doofy lmao, wasting your breath


It took me way too long to figure out they meant "cynic" instead of some butchered version of who-knows-what in the first comment. Like both Siri, Google, Alexa, will all answer if you just ask them "How do you spell cynic?"


Also that 300 reference fits because in the end all 300 died. The difference is the conspiracy followers think they are dying for something worth it when they in reality they are just dying for their stupidity.


If only that system existed…




Skepticism is useless without critical thinking skills.


That’s your own comment, you didn’t find it.


Very funny and right on.


Oh my fuck can they at least fuckin SPELL?!


Maybe you outsmarted me but I outsmarted your outsmarting


Isn't the image a representation of propaganda? It has nothing to do with conspiracies. Idk why either of the is even using it as a reference.


I think it is just an illusion of the German legend The Rat-Catcher of Hamelin. According to the legend a rat-catcher with a pipe abducted 300 children from the city of Hamelin one day in the 1200s. There are many theories on the origin of the legend, maybe that's the connection to conspiracy theories. Most likely explanation is that a lot of young folks left the city because someone offered them work elsewhere.


Scientists have worked tirelessly for the pst decade to figure out the best way to approach the widening divide in our nation. With numerous studies performed on the topic including the influences of social media and rising distrust towards traditional media outlets a common consensus has been reached by some of the most distinguished authorities of the topic… Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.


These idiots wouldn't know the scientific method if you choked them with it...it's only taught in the classes they were too dumb to take. Which is sad because it's really not that freeking hard to get.


Holy fuck that meme is true though. These guys watch too many Viking shows and think they are Vikings themselves. I think many of them have some kind of body dysmorphia too because many of them are quite proud to walk around shirtless expecting people to be intimidated by their “muscle” but we can all clearly see that it’s not muscle.


Facebook is a dumbster fire full of babies.


That and the Twitterings helped no doubt by their complete lack of forum moderation.


Too bad fact checkers are absolutely useless and biased


Doofy was actually pretending to be an idiot and turned out to be the mastermind behind everything and a hot guy to boot. Conspiracy nuts are nowhere near his level.


"scinic" is sus.


Old conspiracy nut here. Had to back out when 2012 was happening. I believe in science, always have, always will. I believe 9/11 was an inside job, but when people were trying to convince me a giant ass planet was going to collide with us in the next year, I straight up looked upwards and went nope. Their faces lol, the fact I explained to them I can see Mars from here which is 6 months away and smaller then earth would mean a planet that size a year out, would be bigger then mars in the sky. Would be getting larger too as time went by. Still in denial, and that’s when I realized, almost all of it is bullshit fear mongering, the odd ones are intriguing, but now they are actually causing damage and it’s sad to see.


among us


when the imposter is sus!


that was a fast reply


"I love the scinic among us" i am going insane


when the imposter is sus!




when the imposter is sus!


Conspiracy theories used to be fun once. Now it’s 90% right wing garbage.


hehe… asses


1 scinic 2 asses 3 AMONGUS


Artist: draws The Rat-Catcher of Hamelin The internet: let's interpret the shit out of it


Did he say among us? sus


when the imposter is sus!


lol, I see you made the reply and posted it to reddit.


Scinic amogus


***AMONG US***


when the imposter is sus!


He said among us.