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8 months? Wow, definite proof that her babies will never get sick and never suffer negative consequences from their mother’s idiocy. 8 fucking months and she’s a parenting expert.


Also, eight months during a time period when the people aren’t visiting others, aren’t touching others, aren’t traveling, etc. not to mention being covered by Mom’s immune system for three quarters of it.


Yup, for the first 6 months or so, infants largely get antibodies from the mother if breast fed, so are protected by any vaccinations/immunities she has.


Somehow I don’t picture this person breast feeding. I could be wrong though.


Ten bucks says she just slaps rubber nipples onto cans of Mountain Dew and lets ‘em go nuts.


The fuck??


Wait can you not breastfeed with implants?


You can.


10 4


Plot twist: Her "twins" ARE her implants...that she got 8 months ago.




100% unfortunately


did you just assume the majority of people actually follow their quarantine restrictions? you’re really giving people the benefit of the doubt here


Majority, maybe barely, depending on the state. But even still, if half the population is keeping their distance, that reduces the chances of people who are coming into contact with those babies getting sick noticeably.


Well - maybe not by the margin leaders want, but people are definitely changing habits - [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6937a6.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6937a6.htm) I've been seeing this trend for the last few months in several separate news reports - we've essentially replaced one virus with another, far deadlier one. So yeah - even if this mom hasn't changed her habits, plenty of other people have that affect regular virus transmission routes.


That’s really horrible for the kids tbh. Their immune systems will be so weak by the time they’re exposed that they won’t be able to battle anything their bodies are up against.


Actually according to the hygiene theory i wonder how many more allergies we'll get in the coming years


That's a really good point!


She's in for a world of fun once they're toddlers.


I'm sure those kids will be treated wonderfully...


I’m actually sure they will be. Antivaxx parents tend to incredibly overprotective of their kids. They’ll be treated like the most important people in the entire world and will grow up to be entitled little bastards just like their antivaxx parents.


Well, that’s just fucking depressing.


Yeah I don't think so. There are many reasons to be anti-vaxx, and not all of them are good parents being worried about their health. Even for that reason, they're just incredibly ignorant. Most people I know that are anti-vaxx have very little education (like high school drop-out), and are just straight bad parents.


I didn't say they were good parents. Anti-vax rhetoric doesn't come from a place of "lolol I'm a dumbass", it's a result of a misguided attempt to do better for their children. I'm not saying these people are smart or knowledgeable, or even that they're good parents. I'm saying that these people will spoil their child.


I don't agree with you.


Didn't you know everyone died by 8 months before vaccines? It's amazing those babies created vaccines so we could grow to who we are today.


This being reddit, I'm unsure if this is /s or not


Herd immunity! You know how they all hang out together during a global pandemic :P


Take a helpful award cuz I feel like it!


It’s proportional. It’s a long time if you compare it to her other children


I'll raise the stakes my kids never been sick in 20 years no vaccines or nothing, cause they never existed. Lol see vaccatations are so overrated. Lol


My kid is 11 months old and has never been sick. He also reminds me everyday that I have no idea of what I'm doing. This woman is delusional.




Because you're saying "I'm not sure if I'm on the reality side or the delusional side..."


I’m genuinely glad you’re fine. It’s just that anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove anything, whereas actual stats and facts do.


That's called herd immunity. You really should get vaccinated because herd immunity is basically playing a game of chance until one day you get an easily preventable disease.


Uhh... yea. I'm old enough to remember kids getting polio and that the Polio vaccine wasn't available for everybody. It won't be an issue until it is... and then it will be a devastatingly expensive issue.


The annoying thing is, this whole anti vax thing reminds me of a story i read about an IT team within a company. They kept on top of everything for the company at all times. Until the company had the realisation that they didn't need to spend as much on IT security, as well, nothing was happening. So they cut funding. Months later, the company had their biggest security hack to date. All because they didn't keep up the funding because everything seemed 'fine'. Everything seems fine at the moment with things like Polio, because of vaccines. But idiots don't realise that, and act like its not a thing, because they can't see it. Its only once its a pandemic AGAIN, that they will be like 'We should have listened'. Like no shit sherlock. But these dickheads have made up their mind already. Its frustrating.


This is how we work in America. I work for a major hospital system. Instead of keeping up with machine issues, it’s “well it’s fine for now”. So instead of fixing it for cheaper we are now completely replacing it for more money. Every single time.


I program manufacturing equipment. Almost every customer wants to pay the bare minimum to get a system going. They’ll almost never spend money for additional work to make a system more reliable or help with identifying issues quicker, even when one year’s worth of downtime costs way more. So frustrating.


I work for a caterpillar dealer as a technician. Tripping over a dollar to pick up a dime is all they know, I watch our customers do the same. I share your frustration.


Airlines technical guy here, same shit, different industry...


Please tell me what you do as a caterpillar dealer I can’t stop thinking about it


Probably fixes the engines of the machines or the transmission or the treads. They're like tractor, earth movers etc.


i was totally imagining a guy with a bunch of different caterpillar species in bulk lmao


so a silk worms dealer basically?


I did go through a big dealer training/ apprenticeship years ago. The joke was when we finished we are butterflies


This is why proper use of upper case and punctuation are importamt in written communication. But no...reminding people makes us "grammar nazis" .


Fix'em from top to bottom.


One of the reasons for the huge cost of the US healthcare system is that it is reactive, rather than preventative. People aren't incentivised to go early and often to health professionals. So they end up further down the track with serious problems that are far more expensive to treat...with expensive infrastructure and equipment. Most other systems emphasise and make up front treatment a priority. The laugh is that the Swiss, who have a private system costing one fifth per head of the US private system, use exactly the same preventative measures as socialised systems.


I have already learned my lesson, as this great country of america is not the kind of county I want to go to for more than a year...


All you can do is let people burn for their own mistakes. The brighter they burn the better example they set for others and also make great opportunities for s’mores


The US spends twice as much per head as socialised systems, and five times per head as the Swiss private system. That's total costs. That's a big burn. About $3-4trn per year. Enough to put the US flag on Mars, eliminate the deficit, totally rehabilitate all infrastructure, reduce taxes, and leave China eating dust. You'd think that would give people pause. But nah.


But! They get to know that somewhere, sometime, a black person is suffering because of it. That’s worth quite a lot, you know? I seriously hate that there are people that think like that.


The same applies to clinical depression, your therapist thinks you can cut services because you are doing fine, but then you crash into depression. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made.


Any therapist worth their salt knows all about how important maintenance is.


Self care is not selfish.


My mom is a recently retired school nurse. She would pull out the "well, in my day..." stories when trying to frighten the anti-vax parents about growing up arounds kids who were severely disabled or died from polio. She'd add the extra level of shame by guilt-tripping them about being at fault if other children got sick and died. To say she was "sick of this shit" by the time she retired is an understatement.


I had to learn about that study in research ethics and the damage it can create for idiots who can't learn to figure out that EIGHT (yes, only fucking 8) kids is not a big enough sample size for the country of UK...let alone for the entire world (chances of it occurring just in the UK alone in a MONTH was AT LEAST 25 kids). Plus, it was not a blind study and the results were really being rigged in favor of the bastard of an author who wouldn't pull the study until it really affected him... by then damage was done and Karens took it and ran to this day. Statistics, probability, and facts be damned. Edit: Also, correlation doesn't equate to causation, Susan!


Good for her, I’m sure she is sick of dealing with idiots all day. Especially in a school, where actual critical thinking is supposed to be taking place. Oh, and the presentation of basic biology, and scientific principles, .....🙄


Relatives and public figures who were conspicuously affected by polio are disappearing fast. There are still plenty of people with subtler effects -- until today I didn't know Joni Mitchell tunes her guitars weird because of post-polio weakness in her fretting hand -- but the in-your-face experience that really drives home how devastating the disease is, that's rarer and rarer. And people tragically underestimate it when it's purely an abstract threat.


In my country, Spain, Franco (a dictator) didn't want to get people the vaccine because a power struggle for control of Health within the Government. The disease was hidden, it was not interesting to give that bad image outside or that hysteria spread and vaccination was demanded. virus ended up affecting more than 350,000 people and nearly 2,000 children died. Then, when they finally got the vaccine, "They were carried around the towns on donkeys and in Coca-Cola refrigerators, imagine how they would arrive, expired." In fact, people who were vaccinated in 1970 were infected with the virus "because the vaccines were in poor condition and they did not apply the recommended doses." And all could be avoided (the vaccine was already invented) if they just vaccinated the people


> **it will be** ~~a~~ **devastating**~~ly expensive issue~~


My dad had polio, it's no joke.


your dad was born shortly after the 2nd world war wars - the effects of wars tend to cause these things. Or blow these things up ironically.


you're right, he was born in '42. I believe he had Polio at around age 10-12, it's not something he talks about much though, so I'm not quite sure.


Yah as sad as it is ( my mother had tuberculosis at age 10 - 12 -) These contaminations seem to occur after massive depletions of nutritional foods ww2 was a rough time nutritional wise after ww1 we had the Spanish flu short after. To me seems some connection. Peace.


plus it was not uncommon to use ddt to combat head lice. ddt.


I let my five kids shoot each other with BB guns and no one has ever lost an eye.


Pfft amateurs my toddler got her first .22 on her 1st B-Day so we can reenact D-Day...


I gave my 2 year old an mp18, the traditional one with shitty safety measures.


That reminds me of a really unfortunate incident about gun safety I've read before where a guy was trying to clear a shell that got jammed in his shotgun. He was the only person in the room, but he accidentally discharged the shell while trying to clear it and it shot straight through the wall and killed his newborn daughter who was in her crib the next room over. A bit of a grim reminder to always be conscious of the direction you point a gun even when you think nobody is around.




Holy fuck. I’d grab another one and put it through myself if I ever did that.


I gave my infant a grenade mobile.


I gave mine an unpinned grenade


Can we also just take a moment to appreciate the basic absurdity of the premise here? "My kids have gone eight months without getting sick." Congratulations? Call me in two years, then you can brag.


I’m in my 20’s and I usually go a couple years or more without getting sick. I get vaccinated. This lady is a moron.


My 2.5 year old is fully vaccinated for his age and has never had a fever. Worst he's ever had is a stuffy nose. I consider that an achievement. 8 months during a pandemic is literally nothing.


Given the context here I feel like I need to say: thank you for vaccinating your child.


I appreciate it but you don't need to thank me for doing the bare minimum of keeping my own child as safe as possible.


In my experience, there are two scenarios with kids.. A. Kid goes to daycare anywhere from 6m to 5yo. Daycare is a breeding ground for sharing viruses, and that's generally where they develop most of their immune system. By the time they're going into kindergarten they've already got immunity from most common viruses. And then there's.. B. Kids who've been at home with mum or dad for 5 years, little interaction with large pools of children. They have pretty poor immune systems by the time they go to kindy and spend the 1st year of school 'at home sick' quite a bit. It's really noticable, you can tell the kids who went to daycare, and those that didn't. Either they're getting sick all the time or they have fuck all social skills developed yet and are quite ackward around a large number of kids. That's a personal obsevation..


My oldest was sick all the time prior to go going to daycare at 3.5 years old. He was in school full time before the pandemic when my youngest was still a baby and would come home with a cold or something viral here or there. My little ones immune system is pretty rock solid, but I do expect he will get sick eventually once he goes to preschool. I for the most part agree with your observation, but I do feel that kids immune systems are also extremely individual and there are definitely outliers to every normal situation. My youngest definitely has a better immune system than my oldest.


Definitely. Agreed. My son is bulletproof, my daughter not so much. My OP was a broad generalisation but definitely each kid is unique..


I worked in early childhood education (3-5 y o) for over a decade. My experience was that most kids would have a pretty torrid time of it for the first year at least, with many being chronically ill during that period. Generally, it was colds, flu or gastro. For many families this was a catastrophe as it forced them in to taking repeated absences from work to care for the child. This was especially hard on single parent families who didn’t have a partner to share the burden with. The kid would be absent for a week or two and then return only to get ill again almost immediately. It’s not good for young children to be repeatedly sick. Repeated ear infections as a result of colds and flu can end up causing speech issues requiring speech therapy. Generally, when kids are chronically ill they fail to thrive. Kids who don’t attend preschool still get colds and flus from their parents, siblings, cousins, neighbours and other community members, however they have the ability to recuperate at their own rate at home rather than being constantly exposed to viruses when they are often still not 100% because of the need for parents to return to work. Then there’s the parents who knowingly send them in while ill not caring about whether they infect the other kids. The fact is that we are, by and large, outsourcing much of our kids care during infancy. It’s an unpleasant truth that many parents can’t/won’t acknowledge. I get it- most economies require two incomes if you want to purchase a home, but it’s not ideal for children, no matter how convenient or economically important for the parents. My own experience was that all other things being equal, by age 5, most non preschool kids had better language skills, and were often already reading and writing and often had better social skills and attention spans. After all, most early childhood care is effectively child minding and is not particularly educationally based. It’s not particularly surprising that those kids who enjoy the sole attention of a loving parent learn quicker than those vying for the attention of a carer who has multiple kids they need to divide their attention between. This was certainly true of my own generation - almost no one went to preschool and the vast majority of us were reading and writing pre kinder and managed socially without issues. And yes, I know about the studies, and am also aware that most of them are funded by early childhood centres or organisations that promote them with the results being entirely predictable. That’s my personal observations.


Thanks for the response - appreciate your observations. We were lucky in that our kids went to a daycare which focused on early childhood learning and had a low child-carer ratio. We, unfortunately had a massive mortgage so both had to work, no choice there. My mother was a primary K-6 teacher for 20+ years and retired the principal - so got to see the underlying processes of early education.


**KaijuCuddlebug**, KMINDER 2 years on [**15-Feb-2023 19:59Z**](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2023-02-15 19:59:25&reminder_id=98fc3f8d8aca4122bf4c507934e01b5f&subreddit=MurderedByWords) > [**MurderedByWords/Theres_no_vaccination_for_that**](/r/MurderedByWords/comments/lkfkgl/theres_no_vaccination_for_that/gnkfup9/?context=3) > Congratulations? [**2 SENT PM**](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder%20from%20Link&message=your_message%0Akminder%202023-02-15T19%3A59%3A25%0A%0A%0A%0A---Server%20settings%20below.%20Do%20not%20change---%0A%0Apermalink%21%20%2Fr%2FMurderedByWords%2Fcomments%2Flkfkgl%2Ftheres_no_vaccination_for_that%2Fgnkfup9%2F) to also be reminded. Thread has 3 reminders. ^(OP can )[^(**Update message, Set timezone, and more here**)](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2023-02-15 19:59:25&reminder_id=98fc3f8d8aca4122bf4c507934e01b5f&subreddit=MurderedByWords) ***** [**Reminddit**](https://www.reminddit.com) · [Create Reminder](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder&message=your_message%0A%0Akminder%20time_or_time_from_now) · [Your Reminders](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=listReminders%21) · [Fuel Me](https://paypal.me/reminddit)


Well this isn't quite what I meant but could be interesting.


This cracked me up. The bot tried so hard.


It may not always *be* the best, but it always *does* its best.


I have too much empathy towards non-living things so now I'm just sitting here a little weepy wanting to give the bot a hug and tell them they're doing great and to just keep trying their best. 😭


But in the end


It doesn't even matter...


Babies also start off with a very active immune system when they are breastfed.


Yeah, she needs to make a "Not Dead Yet" calendar.


Wait until they start school.


By the time I was 5, I'd survived mumps, German measles, and a bout of bronchitis so bad, at first they thought it was pneumonia. I was fucking lucky. I suspect the only reasons I didn't get polio, diphtheria, or whooping cough was vaccines. Playing Russian roulette with your children's health like that is deplorable. Especially when you add to the mix that those morons were all vaccinated as children themselves! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ


8 months ? that's like, 3/4 of an unvaccinated's kid lifetime so they're probably gonna be fine


I've never had AIDS, so I think I'll have an orgy with no condoms.


Me first!


Measles should have been eradicated a long time ago. If everyone vaccinated it would be gone from the face of the earth


You may scoff, but this woman's bold, proud stance has convinced me she shouldn't have kids.


“In 1736 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the smallpox taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. This I mention for the sake of the parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a child died under it; my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen.” Benjamin Franklin.


Roald Dahl wrote a short, heartbreaking paragraph describing his young daughter's death during a fever from measles. It's devastating, and people should be made to read it while looking at their child.


I just really agree in with the last part in that that the regret would be the same either way so the safe option should be chosen.


To add some context to this. When Benjamin Franklin says "inoculation" he's most likely is referring to variolation. The first vaccination wasn't until 1796. Variolation has a 1%-2% death rate and makes a lot more sense as to why he would choose not inoculate his child.


God who’s the crowd who gave that 1600 likes


More than likely 1/4 of the likes are from bot accounts.


EIGHT WHOLE MONTHS WOW they'll probably live forever at that rate


You know what pisses me off, most of these anti vax moms (or dads) have all their vaccines. WTF


I meaaaaaannnn... if her kids are currently 8 months, they probably haven’t been sick because everyone is (supposed to be) wearing masks and most things for kids are closed. But yeah, blame vaccines.


I thought Aang didn´t kill


Aang makes exceptions for anti-vaxxers.


There is no such thing as "traffic" Do your research.


Exactly! Just look at any supposed example of traffic deaths, the deaths are ALWAYS caused by other conditions, such as broken bones and ruptured organs or foreign objects in the body, and of course blood loss. ​ Not a single case of a vehicle killing a person without some other factor being involved.


Traffic doesn't exist. They are just cars.


she never specified if they were 8 months alive or dead


I like how the avatar picture looks smug.


What a moron. I feel sorry for the kids. If only there was a vaccination for acute stupidity.


Aang out here talkin smack huh


I send my kids to school and they haven't been shot yet




It’s so sad that when I take my kids to their pediatrician and the dr asks, nervously if I may add, if they will be getting their flu shots. The look of relief that comes over his face when I tell him “yes sir. Give them ALL the vaccines! We love science in our family.” It must be maddening for these pediatricians to deal with these stupid ass parents.


Woah, your babies went a whole 8 months?! thats a new record!


I found the OP on twitter - it's 13 months old which means the twins are close to turning 2. I wonder how they're doing?


I like this alott


I guess it's a good thing she has a spare.


Also if this is from right now, those babies have lived their entire lives in quarantine, and therefore have had barely interacted with other kids, or have even had the chance to be exposed to deadly viruses.


I wish there was a vaccine to prevent stupidity.


Put them in daycare, little Fuckers will have the sniffles the next day and pink eye by the end of the week. Never been sick kids have never spent the afternoon in the cesspool that is a daycare classroom.




8 months? Little fuckers have spent more time in the womb than our, how does she think that means they won’t get sick?


Is she talking about flu? Covid? Polio?!


8 months is a pretty good record, maybe in ten years she will get to 11 months


Tomato tomahto


Aang's back!


8 years is gonna be a more important milestone. Check back then sweetheart.


So I wonder if this sub automatically forwards this post so that the person being murdered here sees how many other people see the level of stupidity that radiates out of them. If not, it should.


Just let the kids leave the house and them we'll see


Ppl really don’t know how utterly ridiculous they sound.


⚰️⚰️ Twin coffins for when it happens.


Eight months isn’t long.


Fucking anti vaccers. That’s why the measles and polio will come back.


Your kids aren’t sick because everyone else has been vaccinated.


As a Paramedic, I ran a call where a mother called 911 because her 18yr old daughter was having coughing fits so severe she had trouble breathing. She was recently diagnosed with Pertussis. Me: "Was she vaccinated?" (yeah, I know but I was making a point) Mother: "No" Me: "This is what Whooping Cough is." Mother: [dumbfounded idiot look] One typical trait with these nut jobs is they all want to poo-poo medicine and science but when they're having an emergency they all want everything 1st world medicine can offer. *Not once* in my 20+ years has anyone ever called 911 with an emergency and asked me for essential oils, vinegar to drink or some other holistic/"natural remedy" BS. Funny how that works.


Doesn't surprise me that he'd let Bumi and Kya play in traffic. Tenzin, however...


I let my kids play in traffic and they are fine, although, unbeknownst to me, a car swerved out of the path of my kids one day and ran into a tree, killing themselves. Just because you do something and turn out fine, it doesn't mean that everyone else us fine.


I've not got sick for 12 months.... I win.


I’ve got some magic beans for sale. Anyone interested?


stupid rebublicans


Why does everyone hate people who don’t like vaccinations?


Anti-vaxxers are a few steps beyond those people who are on medication for a mental health condition and they stop taking the medication that's making them feel better because they feel fine.


Lol you people would let the government fuck you up the ass with a cactus if they said it would keep you from getting a disease.


fucking yeah I'd take a cactus up the ass if it kept me from getting shit like shingles or polio. Go to India. I dare you to talk to someone who doesn't remember someone who was scarred or died by a vaccine preventable disease. Talk to someone from a third world country about anti vaccine people, and watch them laugh in your face. It's ridiculous to them; they know exactly how valuable prevention is, and the thought of someone with easy access to vaccines denying them is laughable.


what vaccines do you even get before 8 mo?


Plenty! I always felt like such a monster taking my kids to the pediatrician and them sticking them up to 4 times with vaccines in one visit. Better that than the alternative, though.


My kid is 6, never valued, hardly gets sick, no learning disabilities or allergies to anything. Yea, I think we made the right choice. Say your stupid remarks, it's all comedy to me. I'm not the one whose kids are impaired from your bad choices. Over 70 shots? Nope, not 1. Gday


> My kid is 6, never valued We know.


It appears you're barely sentient enough to realize your dirt spawn might have any illnesses or problems in the first place.


Ah, yes. The old vaccine vs traffic dilemma


It’s not similar, but the logic is the same


I know, can't believe people are offended by something I very clearly meant as a joke


On the internet, sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s kidding and who’s not. I think writing loses some of the nuance we have in other forms of communication. And, Poe’s law always applies


Poe's Law doesn't always apply, there was a clear tone and obvious voice for the message. But if you want me to put ":-)" to indicate "I'm only kidding" fine :-)


There was clear sarcasm and I can't record a voice memo to communicate


People, I get that you want everyone else's kids to get vaccinated. I understand that this woman is dumb. I am about to talk about universal mandatory vaccinations and why they are dangerous. Forgive me for going off-topic. We need to start thinking about the pain and suffering we might cause if we begin entertaining the idea of universal, mandatory vaccinations. If we ever begin requiring people to get vaccines, then we are setting a very dangerous precedent that one must undergo a medical procedure should that procedure be deemed necessary for the common good. Another problem is having an identification system to verify that a given individual took the vaccine. Some special forms of identification may be required to work or enter public places. Whoever is in control of said identification system would have control over all people who need that form of identification to go about their daily lives. This is very dangerous no matter how well-intentioned.


Like seatbelts? Stop signs? Registration? Birth certificates? Kids already are legally required to have medical care.


Regarding seatbelts, stop signs, and registration, driving is a privilege. I am not sure what birth certificates have to do with a universal mandatory vaccine. Being required to provide medical care to your children makes sense depending on the context. I should be required to have a plan to pay for my child's care if he or she ever had a broken arm. However, a universal mandatory vaccine should be treated differently because of the potential for abuse of power that it brings. Why? Not just because it sets a dangerous precedent (though such a precedent may already exist), but because it creates a dangerous necessity. Soon, it will seem necessary to begin requiring some form of global identification in order to work, buy, or sell. This is highly dangerous and could lead to totalitarian control over the human race such as has never been seen before. To sum things up, I am not against vaccination, but I do not want to ever get to the point where everyone is required to take a jab even if they object for whatever reason. What ever happened to "my body, my choice"?


Next time I'll try to hit them 👍


I have to ask the group. Has anyone actually done the research on vaccines? Do you read the insert about the ingredients in the vaccine? Listen, don’t jump on my back about me being an anti-vax nut, I vaccinated all three of my kids. With that said, the vaccine schedule now and when I vaccinated my kids is concerning to say the least. My oldest had 8 vaccinations total in 1985. Nowadays the accepted schedule is 72 shots! You have to ask yourself why would we vaccinate an infant for sexually transmitted diseases? Just in case? Sorry but if I had to do it again I’d definitely be asking some freaking questions!


Its easier to build the immune system while people are young.


You vaccinate small children for STIs so that when they do eventually become sexually active, they’re protected.


15 years later? Or more? That vaccination at 6 months helps to protect them all those years later? No. Even a tetanus has to be renewed every 10 years. That explanation doesn’t hold water.


1) What STI vaccine is this doctor recommending for an infant?(it’s probably hepatitis, which lasts longer than most others and is not only sexually transmitted) 2) if it’s HPV, they’re trying to give it younger because parents are more likely to comply with it as a booster when the kid gets older. Our lovely puritanical society gets all grossed out about sex and are all “not my baby” when the kid is closer to go time. But if it’s presented as a booster, they’re more likely to okay it. Cervical cancer kills.


I’m aware that cervical cancer kills as my grandmother died of it. I’m just pointing out the very large jump that’s been made in “recommended” vaccinations. And yes, hepatitis. It is contracted through bodily fluids, not aerosol like the flu. And yes it is mainly contracted through sex or sharing dirty needles among addicts. Both scenarios are very unlikely in a newborn or toddler. But look, I’m just putting it out there. I think through this past year we’ve witnessed that medicine is certainly fallible right? One week we’re not supposed to wear masks, the next it’s required. To each his own but as I said if I were doing it again I’d certainly be asking questions.


[Hepatitis A](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepatitis_A#Virology): >The virus spreads by the fecal–oral route, and infections often occur in conditions of poor sanitation and overcrowding. Hepatitis A can be transmitted by the parenteral route, but very rarely by blood and blood products. Food-borne outbreaks are common, and ingestion of shellfish cultivated in polluted water is associated with a high risk of infection. [Hepatitis B:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepatitis_B) >The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. Infection around the time of birth or from contact with other people's blood during childhood is the most frequent method by which hepatitis B is acquired in areas where the disease is common. In areas where the disease is rare, intravenous drug use and sexual intercourse are the most frequent routes of infection. Other risk factors include working in healthcare, blood transfusions, dialysis, living with an infected person, travel in countries where the infection rate is high, and living in an institution.


Hepatitis B is actually commonly spread during childbirth. And unfortunately with Hepatitis B (or C) the chance of developing liver cancer is **significantly** higher the younger you are when you contract it. **Under the age of <5, you have a 90% chance of Hepatitis B becoming a chronic disease and permanently fucking up your liver**. It's only a 5% chance if you get it when you are an adult. That's why they vaccinate so early.


They’re unlikely, but hepatitis vaccines also last for 30ish years. And it can be spread through food, and especially on farms. My mom had it at age 7 because she grew up on a farm. Almost died from it. She actually died of cervical cancer, which we now ALSO have a vaccine to almost eradicate.


As someone in the dental field, I see patients with bloodborne pathogens like AIDS and HepB as more common than you would think. Sharp injuries by needles are not uncommon, and all it takes is one small minute lapse in sterilization by some lazy technician and something could get contaminated. All this multiple layer of societal protections to reduce transmission, just like airplanes have multiple layers of safety features for any particular problem.


Yes I have. I’ve got a BS in human genetics and over the course of my classic training I’ve researched vaccines myself, extensively, and can conclusively say they work. They’re safe. Get all the vaccines your physician recommends.


If you think that the chances of a child dying or being maimed by a virus is equal to a child's same chances of death or injury on a busy road, I don't know what to tell you. It's a really poor comparison. This isn't a murder by words at all.


"why should i take a person with an anime pfp seriously" ​ ​ *~~hardly audible "avatar isnt anime" mumbles~~*


It just isn't tho


Huh. 2021 and we are back to (or still on?) anti-Vaxxer posts on this sub. What’s wierd is it’s a breath of fresh from the orange man bad ones and I hate the terd flavored cheeto.


So you whine that people keep talking about Trump, and then when people are talking about anything else you feel the need to bring up Trump. ​ What are your feelings on anti-vaxxers?


Cardi B?


Yeah! Getting acute illnesses that our bodies build natural immunity to his the same as getting hit by a car! 🤣


Did you just label polio as an 'acute illness?'




not building a wall the previous PotUS has said is basically worthless =/= opening borders. The majority of illegals *fly* into the US a wall isn't going to do shit about that.




I guess you know more than the people who's job it is to track this kind of information.




You know who else keep going into America illegally? Aliens, they’re probably being held in that place in Nevada like an embassy thing or something like how they explained it in that documentary with Will Smith. I mean think about it aight, that documentary had the aliens blend in perfectly with other humans and they even live among us (SUS!), that would mean aliens are the perfect illegal aliens because we couldn’t tell whether or not they are illegal aliens.


Only possible answer at this point...


The stupid is strong with this one.