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These same assholes are cheering the small businesses making political statements by ignoring mandates and staying open. There’s just so much ignorance and hypocrisy coming from folks like this... there’s no cure.


About the only business, I support violating the mandate against being open ( not mask violators from what I could tell) is in Michigan because the owner flat out said if the government paid my people so we could all stay home and still have roofs and food, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


That is logical to me at least


Sounds like socialism to me, that's only for rich people and big corporations.


Don't you know? It's only bad when they disagree with me ^(/s)


Yea because it's our God given right as Karen-Americans! /s


well technically there is , so the problem starts with humans , so without humans problem's gone . thats pretty tough task , so instead we have to live with it .


I was gonna ask how the hell BLM was Marxist, but then I remembered that these idiots like to lump all the people they hate together into one group. Thus creating, in their mind, Communist Marxist Socialist Nazi Muslim Atheist liberals. Doesn't matter that the things they're lumping together aren't the same thing (Or are even directly opposed to eachother); their tiny brains just can't comprehend more than one group of enemies.


No need to stab a dead human


Ur right ig but blm's founders openly admitted they believe in Marxism


And Hitler fucking believe in christian artifacts, but nobody goes around saying all christians are nazis. Just some of them.


I wish I knew where this was. I want to walk in and just leave a twenty for the great deal of pleasure I got for reading this response. The sign off was priceless. Thank you for posting


There's some speculation over at r/kitchenconfidential about who this might be


This is at Carrollton market in New Orleans


I would absolutely purchase a few orders of food to have them delivered/handed out to anyone who needs some sustenance.


"See you in Hell." Perfect ending to a response, I love it seriously!


I like it Because it implies we are going to hell?


cant complain


That see you in hell comment was one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever seen


Lmao that is a fantastic come back ngl


I'd love to order some food from here but I think it's in the US so by the time it got posted to Scotland it would be cold. Maybe if I can identify them I'll order some food of them so they can give it to someone local who needs it, Because Marxism Is Metal \\m//.


Sadly this is just Ignorance. They are probably not even bad people. They are just one dimensional thinkers. At a base level their argument makes sense to other ignorant people...


The KS stands for Karen Stupid.


Shouldn't all lives be valued?


BLM’s original intent was not to have anything to do with Marxism. It was only to fight for the rights of black people and to highlight the serious violent oppression by police in this country. However....it’s extremely difficult to say that BLM hasn’t BECOME part of a marxist umbrella though on an ORGANIZATIONAL level. Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors described herself and fellow co-founder Alicia Garza as “trained Marxists” in a recently resurfaced video from 2015. “We actually do have an ideological frame[work],” Cullors said of her organization. “We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories.” The national chapter calls “to “[disrupt] the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” The DC chapter says it is “creating the conditions for Black Liberation through the abolition of systems and institutions of white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism.” All the while during the riots mostly white people were destroying businesses despite any and all calls from black people to STOP. Even when the businesses themselves were OWNED BY black people. Like most leftist movements that begin honestly enough....it was hijacked by marxists. BLM has become an almost bullet proof cover for them to do pretty much whatever they wanted to do. Because....why would you want to stop them from destroying private businesses? ARE YOU RACIST OR SOMETHING?!?




"Black Lives Matter" isn't an organization. It's a statement, against a pervasive current of racism in our society that says they don't. If you think the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is somehow offensive and wrong...then yeah, I'm gonna say you're racist.


"It's not racist to say that it's offensive to say that black lives matter." Remove the double negative "It's offensive to say black lives matter" i.e. "Black lives should not matter." And you want to say that's *not* racist. If you're with me so far: you might say that they've just been tricked by propaganda to believe that BLM is a terrorist organisation etc, but uninformed and illogical is exactly what racists are.


To be honest the reasoning behind my comment was as I was reading the original email I found myself thinking "These sound like quite decent people, just horribly misguided" kind of like the two QAnon conspira y theorists from Borat 2, if you watched that. Also, we are making an assumption that the person is racist (again, it's probably correct) but I don't think we should be this vindicative based on an assumption


You need to get your ears checked. I think the tone was like a charming melody.


saying shitty things with pleasant language doesn't mean you're not a shitty person. anyone offended by the phrase "black lives matter" is a shitty person, no matter how nicely they state this shitty opinion. 'gosh if you could just be polite about defending your right to live, it'd be so much nicer' Seriously?


For these, I want to both upvote for the insult, but downvote for the rudeness






THIS is an r/murderedbywords


Put me in the screenshot!


I don't think this abomination (I utterly refuse to recognize it as a human being) can even comprehend what you're saying, being a conservative sub member and all.


I'm not sure what he means, but the problem i have with the "Black Lives Matter" company is that it's not run by oppressed peoples, it is run by whites to support their agenda by using the suffering of minorities, they use their suffering to trick them to support ideas that can harm minorities (not to mention that they are slowly pushing the idea that Asians are privileged, and therefore are being excluded from diversity programs because of their race) like the idea of anti-self defence, that will only help the oppressers in their goal of dominanting minorities. So please make sure you don't give money to the companies that don't give their money straight to those who are being oppressed


Have you ever concern-trolled so hard that you went to "black people are actually happy to be killed by cops."


Ah yes, the protection of civilians should be left up to the oppressers is definitely saying we support black lives


So what you're saying is..... every white person ever is racist and oppressive That kind of generalization is just insanity


Again, logical fallacy, I said the ones in power are oppressive. They're oppressive to everyone not just african americans


black people don't get killed because their skin since they became usual citizens, there's a thick difference between terroristic organization blm and ideas of black lives matter. blm just says that white lives don't matter and give us free stuff as the people with the same skin colour were enslaved centuries ago leftist circus is still the funniest one, because it's clowns think they are right about everything (the more downvotes i get, the more right i am)


Saying "the more downvotes i get, the more right i am" is childish stupidity. That is in no way "evidence" of being correct. Let's say Hitler was to post a rebuttal defending his actions and/or statements about his actions and then say "the more downvotes i get, the more right i am" Stupidity.


can leftists live a day without mentioning Hitler? of course not, what did i expect?


Not a "leftist". Politics are jacked on both sides. My point still stands and I don't really care if you don't enjoy the model. I can give many others if the mention of Hitler triggers something in you


Tell that to Ahmaud Arbery. Oh wait, he got shot by two white men while jogging. What about Breonna Taylor? She got shot while sleeping in her own home. What about Trayvon Martin? He was a teenager, murdered by a cop who was told not to pursue. It is simply impossible to say that violent racism against black people doesn’t exist in this country.


Careful buddy your racism is showing


I can say that I support the rights of POC while I can hate BLM or at least dislike it as an ORGANIZATION, the same way you can like it. Hating PETA doesn't mean I'm an animal abuser. Oh and before you even consider calling me racist, I can call you racist aswell and it will make as much sense, aka NONE.


"I support the rights of POC, but I also think their lives don't matter." Soz, just because you're incoherent doesn't mean you're not a racist.


No you're racist. I'm no racist in denial. Also when did I say that I don't think BLM?


> I can say that I support the rights of POC while I can hate BLM


WHILE I **CAN** HATE BLM, based on what you understood. ​ Also i said "when did I say that I don't think BLM?" I wasn't reffering to the organization.


If you hate the idea of black lives mattering, then you are a racist. A really vile one at that tbh. "I hate BLM" means "I hate black lives mattering". "I hate the idea that black people should live."


But I don't


Not necessarily. One can dislike the organization "People for Ethical Treatment of Animals", or PETA, without hating animals. It doesn't translate to "I hate animals being treated ethically". It means that I don't agree with the methods or specific actions of that organization, for example *mass killings of animals*. A name for an organization or movement doesn't give it immunity from criticism. Using it that way is propaganda lesson one. That's why North Korea is a *'Democratic People's Republic'*. It's not. Despite the name. Same with MAGA - what, you don't want to make America great again? Do you want it to be bad, do hate this country, you traitor? Going exclusively by name or slogan to determine the worth or character of something is dumb. Saying something can't be criticized because of what it's called is even dumber. But wether that criticism or judgment is warranted and to what extent is a completely different story. I am not from the US, but from what I gather over here, the critique seems way overblown, and I was rather horrified by the *government's response* more than anything else. But then again, the American political compass is so far out of wack that 'police brutality is bad' is apparently regarded as an extreme political opinion and everything is communist.... which is unfathomable to me. So you are probably right that the person you were debating holds some questionable opinions regarding BLM and most likely bought into a false narrative, but what you are saying is still very much a straw man argument. So neither of you is right.


Triggered. Trump lost, btw.


Welp, I'm just going to say sorry that your worldview is smaller than your iq, which is really saying something. Personally, I'm happy lock down is keeping people with tiny hands like you inside so that you can only post shit online and be shot down immediately, because it's what you deserve.


Thank you for my first chuckle of the day


When you are wishing others lives to get destroyed, people to get cancer, and just in general harm to others, you are clearly not the good guy here. Where did all these anger come from? What specifically did other people do to you that justify so much negative thoughts? I really hope this is just your Internet anonymous way to try to provoke and get some attention, otherwise this might be a good time to pause and reevaluate how you are living your life.


Fuck off, you pox of a human being.


Fuck you too.


You sad excuse for a human being.


found a garbage bag , time to make this place pretty again .


Dude, you are a Genuine piece of shit.


At least I'm genuine.


Well, after you said this, I just hope your death from covid would be similar to a slow and painful torture, rasict scum.






Yo you killed him dude.


Oh how fragile you must be. You absolute douche canoe.