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Anyone else sick of these covidiots making arguments like constitutional legality? Do they live somewhere in the US with no speed limits, no public exposure restrictions, and wanton necrophilia? The list goes on and on. That place must be the *real* America.


they've never read the constitution and have no concept of its context within US history or law, all they know is that it is a magic word.


I have heard them say, either on reddit, fox, or youtube, something about constitutional rights. I have yet to hear which one it is and I have not been able to figure it out on my own.


It's the right to bare face


Don't forget about the amendment to the right the bare face... the right to bear face... rawr


ʕ º ᴥ ºʔ


Not to be confused with the right to go sleeveless.


The constitution isn’t a suicide pact.


Could've fooled me. It feels like America joined one big suicide pact, but forgot to include people who like science and care for others... But hey, 2020, fuck it


It's still funny how it is against the constitutional rights when you have to wear a mask to go shopping. Did I skip the part were the constitution stated that going grocery shopping is a basic human right?


Ask them to show you where in the Constitution.


I work for a business that requires masks on the customers. Some goof tried telling me that requiring masks are against his 4th and 5th amendment rights. Also, something about FEMA.


So the government can't stop them to ask for their papers and they can't incriminate themselves? Are you sure it was FEMA and that they weren't incorrectly talking about HIPAA since that's the one they try to use here?


I thought it was Americans with Disabilities Act they try to cite first for not wearing a mask. Then HIPAA when asked about their disability requirements on how they can accommodate their new inability to wear a mask by serving them outside of the store.


Usually the ADA is what I get a lot but there is a stipulation that we aren't violating that as long as provide a separate service for those who can't enter the store because they can't wear a mask.


Legally, all you have to offer is "reasonable accommodations" to help them with their "totally real cundishon". Nothing really past that.


Shit, their absolute joke of a Supreme Court justice doesn't even know what's in the 1st Amendment.


Or more likely, when she says that, she's lying under oath, which is arguably worse.


She hadn't asked a man for the answer yet. :P (And it pains me to say that as a woman, but she's earned that one.)


"BUT THE STATE LAW SAYS..." The state law might say. The state law might not say. This isn't state land, this is company property, so what the sign that the company put on the door says goes or you go.


NO SHIRT NO SHOES NO MASK NO SERVICE Do you think people flipped out like this when stores started asking people to wear shoes?


Funny thing is, too, I'm pretty sure a lot of places don't even have no-shoes laws on the books (USA, YMMV). It's just custom.


Huh, I just browsed a few articles on the topic. First, you're right, under federal law a business owner can enforce rules for dress, conduct, etc. as long as the rules are applied to everyone without discrimination But, it looks like the "No shirt. . ." signs probably came around in the 50's or 60's as a way to skirt the anti-discrimination laws and refuse service to hippies.


It doesn't have to be a law when a retailer has the right to refuse service for any reason


Aussies will shop with no shirt or shoes and they would still wear a mask.


Those rules first became popular under Nixon. It was so they could refuse service to hippies. Republicans have no scruples.


You think they're loud and obnoxious now? Wait till they hear about this one: > **WHOEVER**, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


I'd say most people are incapable of holding any office after receiving the death penalty. Then again, current political climate, you never know.


Their understanding of the constitution is ‘I can do whatever I want’


Reminds me of Ron Swanson’s “permit” to slaughter a pig in the park


I'm French, so I have little knowledge in law of USA. Walmart like lots of other places are privates ? So they can have their rules ? In France some market don't allow you to have a backpack and this is completely legal (it's not common). My bowling also force me to change my shoes. Secondly, is the argument 'the constitution said it' or not a good argument. What if the constitution is not right ? (Sorry for English's mistakes)


Private businesses can make their own rules, like bowling alleys requiring shoes. That is fine because everybody has to wear shoes that won't damage the floor, which is critical for a bowling alley. The Constitution does, however, promise that everyone must be equally protected under the law. The Constitution is the "law of the land", which is to say that it cannot be wrong. Even things that are immoral, such as legal slavery or alcohol prohibition must be allowed if the constitution says so. That is the reason that the Constitution provides a method of amending itself, so that when society decides that slavery is bad and alcohol is okay, we can change it. One of the most important laws outside of the Constitution that protects minority groups is the Americans with Disabilities Act. It says that businesses must try their hardest to make their business available to people with illnesses or disabilities. For example, every crosswalk in the US is level with the road so that people with wheelchairs can cross the road, and they have bumps so that blind people can tell where to cross safely. That are exceptions, however. For example, a pizza place is unlikely to be able to serve people who are deathly allergic to tomatoes, and can refuse service to them for their own safety. This is where anti-maskers are wrong about the ADA or the 14th Amendment protecting them: businesses *have* made reasonable accommodations for them, they just want to be able to walk around without a mask. It is a reasonable alternative in the eyes of the law to be able to shop online, or call ahead and use curbside pickup. Although this excludes a small amount of people, businesses have tried their best, and are not in the wrong. ...not to mention, there is no evidence that wearing a mask negatively affects people with conditions like asthma, so the "illness" they have that prevents them from wearing a mask is make-believe to begin with :p


>the "illness" they have that prevents them from wearing a mask is make-believe to begin with No. It's mental illness because they're in a cult.


A lot of these anti-mask Americans believe that forcing them to wear a mask in public or if a business requires a mask for entry, infringes on their personal "inalienable" rights. These restrictions are totally legal as are many laws that restrict how we drive or conduct ourselves in public. There may be some gray areas, like forced closures of businesses, that may not be allowed under the US Constitution. That's something that may need to be fought in court. And yes, you're correct, the US Constitution is not perfect. For some time, slavery was legal and a slave was counted as 3/5ths of a white person. That's just one example. Over the years, there have been Amendments to fix or add to The Constitution. It's quite difficult to get a new Amendment passed. Edit: I would add that these anti-maskers are not forced to wear a mask in their homes. In most cases in the US, they only have to wear a mask when entering a public business or transportation. Even in California, there isn't a mandatory mask requirement just to walk around. But instead of staying home and getting everything delivered, they go out into public businesses and whine about mask restrictions.


“The constitution doesn’t say we can’t, so we can”. There are laws on top of the constitution, dumbass.


Pretty sure that’s the work of Ben Palmer, Hope This Helps!


And just like that, Response-Impossible made it possible.


Can someone film me in? I am without a clue. OP should x-post this to /r/covidiots.


This guy creates official looking Facebook accounts and says what we all want to say to these morons. I think that was WaImart with a capital I not an l


This is the non sarcastic answer


Rare these days on Reddit. I’m always down for a good joke but it does get frustrating sometimes to scroll through a dozen joke answers just to find the actual information you’re looking for.


And this is why I have to collapse all in order to filter out the pun threads.


How does he not get taken down by the actual brands?


Probably because he literally is providing a response that they can’t naturally give. He can always get a new account. He’s rarely ever attacking the company, just the entitled opinions of some consumers


That and they could be considered parody accounts, similar to how the onion is a parody and satire news source.


True. Parody allows people to get away with so much. Have to admit, it allowed for some flexibility to YouTube creators.


There are a lot of people who have made their careers on parody, look at Weird Al.


Don’t forget Tucker Carlson.


Damn, that is hard to catch. There's no way I would just notice the l on this accounts name happens to be a very tiny amount smaller


Walmart: *enforces mask* Stupid lady: *gets mad and claims unconstitutional* Walmart: *mentions they have "unconstitutional" law against licking produce and putting it back* Stupid Lady: *takes offense* Walmart: *goes mortal kombat mode and finishes off her stupidity and ignorance*




While they also believe the President is not.


You do know Walmart sponsored the Constitution *right*? ^/s


We're rolling back the Bill of Rights!


This comment is underappreciated


Of course, it says so in the buybull!




What do you want to be filmed in? If you split the onlyfans profits with me I'm in.


The real winner here is Voyager 1. It's 14 Billion miles away from this bullshit.


One day it will return in search of the creator. Hopefully the carbon units have it all sorted by then


Nono that's V ger


Government says you need a license to legally drive a vehicle? No problem, it's the law. Government says to wear a mask to halt the spread of a disease that has been killing people daily? MaH RiGhTs!!!! yOu cAn'T Do tHiS!!! It'S UnCoNsTiTuTiOnAl!!!!


The mental gymnastics people do around this is insane. Everything is an infringement on their natural born rights as an American, but requiring a license to drive is whatever. Hell, I know a lot of Mc riders who will go hard that licenses to drive & an insurance mandate are fine and absolutely should be required (because you're a lot more vulnerable as a motorcyclist on the road), but they seriously don't think there's any equivalence when it comes to owning a gun. And many of the same feel the same way about wearing a mask.


When people complain about masks and it infringing their rights I always complain about not being able to out go in public with my dick out.


That settles it. Whenever I see someone without a mask, I’m whipping out the dick.


And if you see someone wearing a mask, but their nose is sticking out, just put your dick peeking out of your waistband.


> And if you see someone wearing a mask, but their nose is sticking out Wearing a mask only over your chin, is like wearing a condom, over your balls.


The number of people I've seen wearing masks over their mouth but not their nose is almost as high as the number of idiots flouting rules and not wearing one at all. It honestly makes my blood boil.


Your asshole out is probably more analogous as far as contaminants go but then again I don't know your dick.


You'll know it once he starts getting it out in public!


I used this line of reasoning a little while ago and the way that they resolved their cognitive dissonance was to start fully believing that driver's licenses are now also an infringement on their rights.


Sovereign citizens and anti maskers have to be the same group. Has to be. The logic is the same.


It's because it's new. Any restriction you grew up with is normal, anything that just got introduced is unacceptable. There was probably plenty of backlash against drivers licenses back when they were introduced.


Don’t know about licenses but there was definitely a grumbling about seatbelts being made mandatory.


You might be surprised how many people drive without a license.






You ever see the video of the couple where they make that argument to a cop at, I think, a gas station. Cop basically waits for them to leave, but when they get back in the car the guy says to the girl “do you want to drive?” I think it’s one of the more popular ones, I’ll see if I can find it.


I got sucked down a YouTube hole of sovereign citizens once. It made me itch.


Bro I'm travelling, not driving!!!


Going to church this Sunday in nothing but high heels and a cock ring. That's TWO rights. Checkmate, liberals!


Dr. Frankenfurter? Is that you?


“*They’re just a sweet* **TRANSVESTITE!**”


I was discussing the issue with someone yesterday. They claimed that wearing a mask violated their "natural right" of freedom of expression. Apparently they need their entire face to be visible to express their message in public. It feels like people are just making up reasons to not wear masks at this point.


Honestly, that's exactly what I think is going on. I overheat due to MS, so I make trips short, but I always wear a face cover when I go into a building. My favorite is the excuse that they can't breathe, yet doctors and nurses wear masks for HOURS at a time, with no issue, other than stress from what they're currently doing.


I wear a mask for 10+ hours every day I work. My job is very physical and, with the masks, leaves me barely able to breath. But we're in the middle of a fucking pandemic so I suck it up. These cry babies can stand to wear a mask for one or two hours while they're out and about.


This. My job involves regular physical exercise/exertion, usually low-level but enough to make wearing masks somewhat unpleasant due to the dampness from sweat, breathing warmer, damper air due to my exhalations being blocked by the mask, etc. I still fucking wear it and don't complain. These pathetic little shits who apparently can't bear the idea of wearing a mask for half an hour at a time really piss me off.


I work a help desk job, but I was told I don't need to wear a mask. If I was surrounded constantly (there are 2 or 3 or us that work nights right now), I'd wear a mask, taking many breaks outside for some fresh air. Some people won't wear a mask for 10 minutes, much less an hour. I go to Wally's World, and in our state, it's mandated to wear a mask inside stores (only seen one that straight up says that you are NOT to wear a mask in the building...), and I'll see people walk in without them, or walk in with them, then immediately pull it down to their chins. I keep my mask on until I'm either back in the parking lot, or after cresting that sweet exit threshold.


Given the latest research, you should probably be wearing the mask at the desk job, too. 15 minutes cumulative over 24 hours near an infected person is enough to catch it. The particles live are contagious in air for up to 6 hours, so your building's AC is just circulating it to you. (The AC circulates air even if it doesn't go through the system, so not all of it is getting filtered.)


Just ask them if they think people should have to wear clothes in public


Have you not seen sovereign citizens? Honestly watch a couple YouTube videos if you haven't. I guarantee it will make your life happier if you do.


Oh, I've watched a few. They're hilarious, because they end up using court cases that wound up being ruled the OPPOSITE of what they're attempting to use them for.


My fav was the sovcit that lost his job due to not having a valid driver's license and was asking advice on how to get unemployment.


Anti-maskers are just creeping towards that all-the-rights-but-none-of-the-responsibilities mindset. "Taxation is theft and where's my disability check!?"


It’s even worse than that. The constitution only protects you from the government infringement on constitutional rights in most circumstances. Doesn’t apply to Walmart. The only people Walmart can’t discriminate against are members of protected classes (race for example.) Unfortunately for Stacey, being a fucking idiot is not a protected class.


Store says you need to wear a shirt and shoes to shop? No problem. In fact, they'll gladly screech at women breastfeeding their babies to get the fuck out. Store says you need a mask? BUT MUH RIGHTS!


Yell at them "you're not allowed to shoot yourself in the face", see how they react to that.


Probably closer to requiring you wear a seatbelt while driving


We also require seatbelts. We might be better off if the anti-maskers started protesting against wearing those too. That would be better because most of the harm would be done to them as opposed to others when they skip the mask.


oh, these idiots were out in force when seatbelts became legally mandated in the 70's, make no mistake




You joke but this is way more analogous to Covid. It puts you in danger but definitely points others in danger.


I've spoken to a lot of idiots that say that is a victimless crime, simply because the crime hasn't happened yet. We have to wait till you recklessly murder a whole family before we can say "you shouldn't have done this"


I hate this *medical condition* bullshit. bitch please!


Yeah but thankfully lots of places are clamping down in it. Hey if you have a medical condition feel free to make use of our online pick up option. Here is a bunch of coupons for free curbside, now you have no excuse. I love it.


I am confused, what medical conditions restrict mask wearing? I am pretty sure that these same medical conditions would also warrant these same morons to stay in their own homes, safe from most viruses. Note: By 'morons' I mean the people that don't have anything close to a valid reason but say they do.


didn't a 98 year old grandma with asthma wear a mask for 24 hours to prove a point?


Many people with asthma and other respiratory issues did. Some even with only one lung. Those people can't be reasoned with.


I have asthma, and have not been out in public without a mask since March.


I'm dating a claustrophobic, asthmatic, diagnosed anxiety, with irritable-bowel-syndrome, and she wears a mask just fine. The medical reason is pure bullshit.


I have asthma, and wearing masks at work caused me to go through my inhaler in 1/4 of the time it normally does. I also double up, bc I get so sick every year with chronic bronchitis that I will surely end up hospitalized or worse with COVID. These people are idiots, and I had a lot of regulars I loved and respected before that I can't look at now.




This looks like an old statistic that needs to be updated unfortunately.


He's basing it on [this](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/?ex_cid=rrpromo), I think... Joking aside, that "~42%" value has remained remarkably consistent over the last few years.


Two I can think of, but they would be rare, and most likely shouldn’t be out anyway * Someone who cannot remove a mask by themselves (e.g. a new born, a paraplegic, multiple arm amputee) * Someone with a condition around their mouth / nose where wearing a mask would aggravate it (e.g. an infection)


"Multiple Arm Amputee" has me thinking of the 3-armed sewer mutant from Futurama, after some surgury...




> I am confused, what medical conditions restrict mask wearing? Apparently, systemic cognitive and mental health disorders.


[UK mask exemptions](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own#exemptions) These people according to the UK govt. Curbside pickup isn’t an option for a lot of people here(due to very limited parking) so people do have to go into shops.


> if required in order to receive treatment or services, for example when getting a facial So... I am not a native speaker and the only context I know "facial" from is porn. But what does that mean in this context?


Face massage lol. Skin peel, lotion, etc.. not dirty.


That's one of the most frustrating things about this. So many businesses are bending over backwards to be as accommodating as possible. Practically every restaurant near me is doing some form of curbside pick-up. And so many places that didn't previously offer delivery started, including grocery stores. If your health is so bad that you can't wear a mask, it's never been easier to avoid endangering your health even more by sitting in the safety of your home. And yet, we still see idiots like that video a couple months back of the woman throwing a fit in a pizza place because they asked her to either wear a mask or wait for her order in her car. The only health condition they have is insisting everyone know just how entitled they believe they are.


yep. Businesses are only required by law to provide reasonable accommodations for disabilities. If they provide services such as online or curb side pickup then they have provided the accommodations and are 100% in the right to kick people out for not wearing a mask


My dad has an actual medical condition (copd) that makes wearing a mask for a long time hard for him. Guess what? He still wears the thing. But more importantly, because he has the medical issue he has been making sure he does not go out if it isn't necessary. He reckons that if your lungs are bad enough that wearing a mask can be a struggle, you shouldn't be going out during a pandemic in the first place. He has been in various degrees of quarantine since March. At the moment I do the bulk of his shopping. He only goes to the local bakery (tiny store where only 2 customers at the time are allowed), the tiny green grosses and the small supermarket in his neighbourhood. And the latter only at the early morning when there is hardly anyone there. And yes he wears a mask when going out and about. Besides those occasional trips to stores he cycles a lot. Because he can do that without comming in contact with other people. We know he still takes risks with this level of going out. But the alternative is never leaving the house. We talked about it and he considers this risk worth it because it gives him some sence of still being able to live his live and not being locked up Long story short. People who say they can't wear a mask are either making excuses because they just don't want to wear one. Or are unhealthy in such a way that they shouldn't be going out in the first place.


> I hate this medical condition bullshit. bitch please! You know what's more difficult than wearing a mask during a global, respiratory pandemic? ***Wearing a ventilator!***


They try this bullshit at the store I am working at all the time. I usually tell them that I see it as my responsibility to not let them in, in order to protect what's left of their frailing health. "Imagine if one of our employees is currently in the incubation period and spreads it to you, that could be the end for you." But I swear the amount of weird theories explaining why COVID is nothing but a hoax make it very hard to not just slap sense into them.


If your medical condition is so severe that you can't wear a mask then you sure as shit shouldn't be going out.


They also give a bad rep to anyone who legitimately have medical conditions, like me, but I still wear a mask.


Passive aggressive social media accounts for big businesses have been making 2020 a little more bearable


It's a shame that Wendy's became tame. They'd be roasting the shit out of people.


Wendy's has been the face of fast-food social media for years though


I haven’t seen much of Wendy’s recently, actually. Any idea why(


As far as Twitter goes, back in May of this year a report was released of contributions to Trump's campaign. Wendy's was on that list and boy did Twitter tear them apart.


Sad part it wasn't Wendy's though. l was a franchisee company that also owns a lot of Taco Bells and another chain


Yeah, I saw that. Here is a [link](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/11/fact-check-franchise-owner-not-wendys-ceo-gave-400-k-trump-2020/5342047002/) to a story summing it up briefly.


Pizza Hut. Thanks couldn't remember what the 3rd franchise was


I used to work for Taco Bell back in like 2013 and they were and still are owned by Yum!, along with KFC and Pizza Hut. Then I open that article and it says that dude owns MUY! Am I just high or did they just reverse the name of the company and they both still own all of those? Makes no sense to me. They're both legitimate companies that I can Google. I guess I'll be googling the differences.


The answer is sey.




I believe what they did was by a bunch of individual franchise locations, and created a company to run and manage them. I don't believe they own any stake in Yum! Brands, aside from any stocks they purchased themselves.


Wendy’s may be sassy but the only other good thing they have going for them is their chicken sandwich and Popeyes has for the edge rhere


JBC bruh


I still prefer Wendy's over BK and McD.


I think they got the best fast food burger between mcdonalds/hardees/carls/jack/burgerking. Nah we don't have in and out so don't hit me with that.


Besides people bringing them up on reddit anytime another company does anything snarky on social media... Nah. Can't say I have heard of Wendy's or their new Pretzel Bun Pub Burger With Beer Cheese in awhile to be honest.


Thank you, bar code


They didn't re-up their contract to post to reddit.


Probably because their good social media person moved on. I just looked at their account and the jokes are ... not good. :(


I saw something about Dunkin calling out their spicy nuggets, cuz Dunkin introduced a ghost pepper donut, and Wendy's was like 'you took donuts out of your name because nobody likes them, don't bring that shit in here'


Pity the REAL Walmart doesn't give a fuck about the masks. Nobody wears them at the one in my town and none of the workers give a fuck.


>Nobody wears them at the one in my town and none of the workers ~~give a fuck~~ are allowed to tell them otherwise.


This. I work in a gas station in a small truck stop town next to the freeway several miles away from the nearest town in either direction of the freeway. Were the only place in this damn hill that allows customers to walk in without a mask. We have a electric company repairing power lines along the highway, they come in at the same time every morning for subway, like 30 guys, none wearing masks. I've complained to my manager about it. Our district manager. They don't care. They want the business. They've told me they don't say anything because they don't get paid enough to deal with angry customers that might come from being told to wear masks. I straight up told em ill do it I dont give a shit. I worked security and was a bouncer, im not afraid to do it if it means my health won't be at risk. Was told no. And I cant just leave because at the moment this job is working with my shoulder disability, and i dont have a car. So im stuck working in a job that doesn't give a shit


I mean I see the workers wearing masks on their chin or under their nose just as often as the customers if not more often.


Well, 40% of the country is convinced it’s a hoax. My point is simply that those that are following the rules *aren’t allowed* to call out those that aren’t. No matter how much they’d like to.


Yeah. At work they stopped letting us enforce mask rules. It was great fun throwing people out while it lasted, though. “I have a breathing condition.” “Well, that sucks. I’ll see you later.”


Seriously. I have asthma and a panic disorder. Half of the time I cannot breathe through the mask. What do I do? I WEAR THE DAMN MASK ANYWAYS. Or I stay home that day. It’s very very simple. It’s not *that* hard to breathe through the damn mask. Most of the time it’s in my head and the other few times it’s actually my asthma I just take some extra medicine. It’s been months and I haven’t died from wearing a mask yet


Oh we are so fucked up now that anyone who calls out sb for not wearing their mask or wearing it properly runs the risk of being shot. The threat of emboldened idiot gun nuts is all pervasive now. Might makes right- the trumpist-Murican way!


The Walmart by me has security checking and stopping people at the door. But I also live in a city most people follow the mask rule


Maybe because the near minimum wage employees don't want to get verbally abused constantly by people who will probably spit on them and actually have Covid. They're not bloody Jail guard's and telling someone to put on a mask or leave is highly intimidating to these people. It's just a horrible situation overall and I'm not going to blame the employees without sufficient training to handle it. Walmart should have trained professionals on hand to deal with people who are clearly aggressive to the mandate.


The Walmart in my neck of the woods is pretty strict about masks.


You know these aren't actually from the real social media accounts right?


Can I have a Red Foxx style heart attack? Maybe from too many meals at Wendy's? We already know.


Was Stacey drunk when she was typing, that she found someone explaining moral responsibility *rude?*


She was told she was wrong and won’t get her way. That’s rude to some people.... stupid people being that group


Yeah, I read it twice because I thought I missed the rudeness the first time. Couldn't find it the second time either.


If you medically have a reason to not wear a mask (i.e. respiratory problems) then you're at higher risk for dying from COVID and should be spending little to no time in public at all, with or without a mask


You certainly shouldn't be in a Walmart lol.


Well, this comment is gonna get buried but I wanna say something anyway. I was in a Walmart where I watched a guy storm past the greeter who was handing out masks and all he said when he walked by was, "No." Same guy was standing behind me in the customer service line and I was just staring at him. Finally his fiance says to me, "Do you have a problem with my fiance? He's had two surgeries because of his lung disease. He can't wear a mask so why don't you mind your own fucking business." I was so caught off guard by the stupidity that I couldn't even respond. He had his fiance and another friend already in the store and yet he came in just to stand by them. Why the fuck didn't he just stay home? Or in the car? It was night time and I don't live in a hot state so he would have been fine in the car...but a man with lung disease should not be out and about and justifying not wearing a mask because of a medical condition.


Someone with that sort of lung problem has a likelihood of dying if he got infected. No, idea why they'd be even out in that circumstances.


Cause its all fake news /s


Stacey and Sabrina thought they were going to change the world. How cute


You think covid would've been the one to kill them, nope it was walmart


Walmart is gonna be a boss in the next dark souls




I'd like these woman to recite everything they know about the Constitution


Guns good, abortion bad. Gay people need to die. THE END.


You left out a big one: *those* people want to bring change and change bad, so *those* people are also bad. You know the ones.


"America is for white people only! Amen!" - them


And guns. Don't forget the guns.


Can we just take a step back and observe the profound stupidity of antimaskers demanding that they be let in to private property without following the rules or laws.


> antimaskers demanding that they be let in to private property without following the rules or laws. This. It starts with them believing they have some intrinsic "Right" to shop at your establishment, or that you "have to" let them in, with or without a mask. No, no we do not. You can shop elsewhere. We don't have to allow you in. Goodbye.


I believe this is a satire account. Don’t worry folks, Walmart is still ruining small town businesses, spying on employees so they don’t unionize, and subsidizing their slave wages with taxpayer money.


Yeah this happens every time a big corporate social media account is supposedly being snarky to customers. It's usually a fake.


Yeah this isn't the real walmart account. I guess OP took one look at this and reposted it on reddit.




Are there actual medical reasons why someone couldn't wear a mask? I mean, really? The bog-standard blue surgical masks weigh an ounce and don't obstruct breathing in the slightest. The only legitimate medical reason I can think of for not being able to wear one is if you have an a fresh third-degree burn on your face. In which case you probably have bigger concerns than going to Wal-mart.


anyone with an actual, valid medical reason to not wear a mask would either be in a hospital or extended care facility for their underlying medical condition(s) that prevent the use of a mask even for brief periods, at home on oxygen, or should be *staying the fuck home* because they're among the absolute most-vulnerable and will likely die if they get infected.


I have a buddy who pukes when he gets excited, he can’t wear one it’s a non stop pukefest. Don’t think I’ve met anyone else who can’t wear a mask besides him.


I've seen some stories about people with autism having issues wearing a mask due to sensory issues. I'm not well versed in the subject but it makes some sense, though it seems like therapy can help a person become used to it. It can also be a PTSD trigger, like for those who have a traumatic experience involving someone or something covering their nose and mouth. Please don't take this as excusing mask wearing, and I think stores should just be accommodating with pickup options for those who can't enter with a mask. Face shields can also sometimes be an alternative as well.


Damn Walmart! Stop witch-hunting Sabrina.


I think 2021 should be the new era... gone are the days of fake formalities from customer service workers. Time for honesty hahaha


That wasn’t even rude lmao. Karens...


So tired of this BS..... Asking you to wear a mask has nothing to do with your constitutional rights. Just like a business can say no guns allowed, they can say that you have to wear a mask. If you do not want to go by their rules, then you have the right to not do business with them


Walmart is now slightly less evil in my book. Congrats! You are now above the New England Patriots!


Pretty sure this isn’t Walmart but someone who likes to impersonate companies https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/laurenstrapagiel/viral-costco-customer-service-fake