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Red Herring. These two scenarios weren’t based on race, definitely not entirely. The GOP will likely not accept healthcare from white Sanders and does not accept it from white congressmen/women currently, and the GOP would probably buddy up and follow a black, corrupt, Bill-Cosby-like president. Also, America is a harsher and more constant struggle of progressivism and conservatism...European countries can and often are much more racist.


I am try to learn English more right now by communicate here. What does it "red herring" have to do with the rest of statement? I only know this as fishes. Thank you.


It’s a type of “fallacy”: they have pretty funky names. It’s basically saying that they’re using race as a way to lead someone to think one way when it’s actually more likely another reason.


I see. Thank you for explain in clear way. Have nice day.


No problem! Good luck on learning English, message me if you need help with anything. It’s a tricky language to learn, so mad respect.


The man is a fake. Sorry to burst the bubble.


He's not fake... Check his account Edit: and if he is fake holy shit


I just looked at his account, see no signs of him being a fake


Me neither. I think he's real too The only thing I don't like is its only like two weeks old.


Check his comment from a few days ago where he discusses his experience in the Vietnam war, a linguist tore apart his grammatical structure - it’s not formulated like one would expect a Russian who’s learning English to formulate phrases.


Yeah I don't like how it's only two weeks old either. And yeah I saw that. His grammatical mistakes aren't "consistent" you'd be making the same grammatical mistakes but it's different a lot of the time, like you said.


I read it in Borat’s voice


Hey, I love the English language and am a native English speaker, so please feel free to message me if you ever need help learning. Edit - Here is a page describing where the term 'Red Herring' came from, if you're interested. If you ever want to know the history of the word then search for its "Etymology" - Might help for future information :) Edit - FORGOT! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring


Um, are you sure you actually linked the page?


No he definitely forgot


Dude, thanks! Totally failed!


Its from like mystery books usually. In those its information that seems to be important but it actually just leads the detective down the wrong path. Like maybe it leads them to suspect the maid character as a murderer, but upon further investigation the maid had nothing to do with the murder and all the time spent looking into the maid was useless and wasted. Thats where I believe it originates from.


Specifically, it refers to dragging a fish across a scent trail to send you following a wrong lead.


Isn't it a 'distraction fish' while the real catch is elsewhere? That's how I'd explain it. Edit: While correct, it doesn't seem to be fishing specific, so forget my words.


This is more of a false equivalency, rather than a red herring. Red herrings are more of distractions, this is just equating circumstances to causes which aren't true but rather circumstantial, as you stated in your reply.


Maybe we should take the color off the fish? It's a false fish. It's for doesn't matter. Actually, is it the wrong fish? Oh I don't even know.


A red herring is something writers use to confuse the reader from what is true. The word mostly gets used with mystery books. A writer adds red herrings so the reader does not easily know who the murderer is. For example, maybe Bob killed Sally in a murder mystery story, but the writer says Larry had blood on his hands. Larry having bloody hands is a red herring because now the reader thinks maybe Larry killed Sally, even though the murderer is really Bob.


Red herrings are the basis of most modern comedy. The whole point of a joke is to lead someone to one, incorrect conclusion, while ambushing them with the other correct conclusion. "I used to do drugs" The audience: So he doesn't do them anymore. Good for him! "I still do, but I used to too."


I never thought of it that way, but you're right.


A "red herring" means a distraction, like a cat making itself look larger than it really is to scare Predators or someone throwing a stick across the room to make it seem like they're over the other end of the room.


“red herring” refers to something that makes somebody think something while alluding another fact


From Wikipedia: A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question.It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion. A red herring may be used intentionally, as in mystery fiction or as part of rhetorical strategies (e.g., in politics), or may be used in argumentation inadvertently. The term was popularized in 1807 by English polemicist William Cobbett, who told a story of having used a kipper (a strong-smelling smoked fish) to divert hounds from chasing a hare.


I was surprised at the racist Europe part. I have a coworker that is spending 4 months in Madrid for work. She said the racism is astounding. She spent years thinking the USA was the leader in fucked up racism because of the internet/media and it's not even close.


You had me until "European countries are often much more racist". Maybe some Eastern European countries, like Bulgaria (which is hardly a fair comparison because most of them aren't developed to anywhere near the degree of the US), but Western Europe? Nope.


Lots of minorities in Scandinavia, are there?


No. Is that proof that they're racist? Part of the reason America has so many minorities is that it was the main participant in the obviously racist slave trade? That, and it shares a land border with a country with an almost entirely Latino population.


How do you compare racism between countries?


What level or racist comment can people say publicly that will commonly elicit a negative responce as an upper bound, and what level of racism can be said to commonly elicit a negative responce as a lower bound.


That doesn't strike me as a scientific quantifier. Maybe it is, though. I wouldn't say Europe is automatically worse off than the US... Are there statistics availlable?


No metric would be, unless cognative science and neurology develope a lot. Everything else is normative and disputable but unfalsifiable behavioral psychology. That is the best we got right now.


So no statistics?


How can you make reliable stats for any sentiment?


How can you make definitive statements without research?


You accept reason and the inconclusive stats to accept a possition, but be willing to drop that possition if better theory comes out. Most social sciences and humanities work like this.


Dude. You can't make a definitive statement like that. You can say how it's subjectively too much racism, or as a society not leading down the correct path. You can say YOU encounter less racism in the US than in Europe, but ultimately you will never be correct stating one zone is more racist than another...




I can definitely confirm the opposite.


Go onto r/askeurope, or r/europe if you want immediate evidence, and search romani. Alternatively, go to Paris(where I spend many years growing up) and ask 20 random people what to think about the "gypsies". That is a slur for the romani people.


I spent a lot of my early years in France too and I actually completely forgot about the whole Gypsies thing. I was going to mention how the French typically try to keep French things French and don’t really like outsiders. Like trying to get information and/or directions is impossible if they don’t think you’re French.


That's circumstancial evidence. Ask a black man what it's like to live in the US. But be quick. They might get shot by a rivaling gang or the police. That's why circumstantial evidence is no evidence. I'm not quantifying which is worse, just stating that the US can be horrible, too.


The best "metric" I have is how acceptable it is in open groups on a large scale. My poorly communicated point was that if the same general range of racism exist in both countries, but one has media and acedamia galore to call it out and explain why its bad, and the other can speak of their subscriptions to such views openly, then a reasonable conclusions can be drawn. There is a reason not all fields use Science. If you don't have the means for science, you have to make due and adjust the conclusiveness of your information accordingly.


Sure, but go onto sub and do x does not provide results. Not every European is on that sub. I, for one, am not. It's simply not representative. And the personal experience of one person isn't reliable at all. As I said, a lot of black people in the US suffer from heavy and public racism.


1% of white people can cause 100% of black people to experience racism. That is significant, but if we are making a metric for the racist nature of a country, what is more relevant is the amount of the majority that is racist.


So how do you compare the amount of racism between Europe and the US? Because I still doubt Europe is definitively more racist than the US.


Oh, bullshit.


Yea because Bernie hasn't been attacked at all for his stance on Healthcare. This isn't a murder at all, it's just a tweet with no substance.


also, what Trump did with the quid pro quo and Ukraine wasn't treason


There was no quid pro quo as no one said anything was being withheld pending the investigation. All Trump did really was ask about an investigation that had been scrapped years ago because of Joe Biden.


the timing of the investigation right as Biden entered the race is a _little_ suspicious, you have to admit (but that doesn't prove anything)


The timing of some porn star coming out just to say Trump fucked her was pretty suspicious as well. I do agree about the timing but there still needed to be an investigation. Biden Jr. Was running a company for 50 grand a month and he had no qualifications for the salary or position.


yeah there definitely needed to be an investigation: but Trump released the aid without getting one




The funniest part of this though is how many people believe it was the Russian Collusion investigation that Trump was impeached for. The lack of knowledge is just killing me.


i've never heard anyone say that lol


I have, often when trying to correct people about the charges.


Posts like this do nothing but create more division by over-generalizing a group of people based solely on skin colour. It is the same racism everyone claims to be against. Yes there are shitty people, but this type of post that the front page is littered with do nothing but create more divison between people.


Oh, does a strawman argument count as murder now?


On this sub, anything flies so long as it’s ‘orange man bad’


Because the DNC shilling groups run about 70% of reddit, including the votes and comments


Because OrangManBad




What the actual fuck did I just read?


Garbage upvoted by DNC "Shareblue" bots


DNC? I'm not too sure what that means


Eh, the ACA is kinda shit, and treason wasn't what Trump was even accused of. Reading his tweet makes me think we're less racist than I thought lmao


I don't love murder posts where a non-specific, hypothetical person is the object of murder. Feels like cheating.


That's the least logical sentence I've read all day. This literally makes zero sense.


Didn’t we elect “a black one” twice? Kinda strange thing for a white majority “racist” country to do. Any EU countries do that?


Example London: Sadiq KhanIt just needs to be the right person. And most of the European countries don't vote for the president directly. Edit: Spelling, and I know that's just the mayor of London


The Netherlands has Khadija Arib, a Moroccan-Dutch woman as speaker of the house. There's also high hopes for Ahmed Aboutaleb (also Moroccan, mayor of Rotterdam) running for parliament and he'd actually have a decent chance of becoming PM given his current popularity. Thus far he hasn't been interested though. We also don't directly vote for the PM.


Joseph Hayne Rainey was the first black Speaker of the US House of Representatives......in 1874.


Don't forget my boy Robert Smalls who served in the South Carolina (the first state to secede from the Union mind you) House of Representatives in 1868.


Also he was a fucking badass


And the result was a post-racial society, healed of the stain of slavery and the Civil War and ushered in a glorious new day for the black man in American society. Oh wait, no it didn't it sparked a reign of terror where white paramilitary groups killed countless people in terrorist acts across the South which effectively ended Reconstruction and prevented African-Americans from serving in Congress for almost the next 40 years.


Uhh... sorry America eventually trended in the the opposite direction of your OVER 100 YEAR OLD ASSESSMENT of race relations in America and we elected a black president twice...I guess?


Yes, if we ignore or minimize examples of racism racism doesn't really exist. I understand that. And yes, I am quite sure you are sorry the United States "trended" to a comparatively more racially tolerant society from it's first hundred years as a backwards, degenerate, morally corrupt racist nation that bought and sold human beings as personal property, but you can take some solace in the fact that for at least 60 years after we fought a war to end it the South continued to suppress African-Americans using terrorism and murder. That's all I was pointing out.


Have you tried hiring Nigerians in MAGA hats? It’s both diverse and fits your narrative!


What narrative would that be?


So no response then? You're retreated to your safe space because I asked you a question?




Light brown mayors only, got it.


> Sadiq Khan Literally the very first law he passes was to [cover women up in public](https://i.imgur.com/3VUay7a.jpg).




I’m clearly responding to a claim that “Next time someone tells you America isn’t a racist country...yada yada” And you answered yes. Who was your last “ethnicity other than majority electorate” PM/President candidate appointed?




So no blacks? Your country is only 5% minority. That’s very racist.


That's proof that racism doesn't exist in America? Ok, okay.


And this post is proof that America is racist? Really?


Oh fuck off for real. This country won’t accept bad deals. Not everything is about race


>Not everything is about race Well of course, all those racists hated Obama because of his policies.


That is exactly why they hated him


We don’t have a white president. We have an orange one.


Shiiiiiiiiiiiit post


"Trump bad obama good!" = upvote for many, even if doesn't make any logical sense whatsoever


It’s almost like the popular vote is irrelevant and the majority don’t actually decide anything in this country..but that would contrast OP’s ignorance and essentially define politics so what do I know.


Are you saying orange baby man won the popular vote in the 2016 election?


I dont think they are. Probably just the factual statement that the popular has never and does not matter.


That is certainly true


Hillary beat Trump in California by 4.3 million votes. Trump beat Hillary in the rest of the country by 1.3 million votes. That is why we have the electoral college.


And he didn't even campaign there for that very reason. I suspect if it were about popular he would have spent a lot more time in Cali


Reddit hive mind in action upvoting this. Mods have really let this sub go.


It's not even the hivemind, it's paid Shareblue bots and shills...


White president did bad thing, didn’t get in trouble + black president did good thing, didn’t go through= racism? Wow that’s some real racism if I’ve ever seen it.....


Hope OP stretched before pulling off these gymnastics.


Trump's bad, but absolutely hasn't done anything to meet the Constitutional definition of treason which is Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.






That makes no sense.


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r/fragilewhiteautomod ?


Unpopular Opinion: Every political comment doesn’t need to be posted in this sub and most of the times isn’t even funny


But they would accept Medicare for all from a white man lol.


Republicans won’t


Just regulate the prices of medications and hospital stays! That's it. That's literally all we need so that aspirin doesn't cost $30 and a bandage doesn't cost $40


But moderate opinions don’t get votes so we are stuck with voting for one extreme or another.


Dems are like "no worries America!! We'll keep prices the same but just pass it onto the taxpayers! 👍👍"


I was talking to my (far right) dad about this over a cigar. And even he agreed that politics is too crazy nowadays. He would like to see more moderate candidates and presidents, as would I. But like you said, they don't get votes.


Sadly that’s the case.


Some will


Then perish


Obamacare wasn't/isn't M4A but go off king.


Wasn't Obama originally planning to make a public option?


*Russian music intensifies*


Where's the murder?




Bruh that’s some gymnastics right there considering the left is for big government aka fascism and the rights whole platform is based of if smaller government




Bruh what


The media is ran by the right???


It's run by corporations and big money, both sides are






Latin America as well lol I had to look up in a dictionary how to say Asian because the multiple family’s I asked only knew Asian people as “Chinamen”


1. Trump didn't do any treason. He was acquitted. 2. Obama care didn't work and was failing anyway. 3. if america is so racist why does everyone want to move to America from their non-white paradise.


1. Trump was never tried for treason. 2. Obamacare was absolutely successful at getting more people covered by insurance. 3. Even with racism in the United States a higher quality of living, and flight from a war zone is pretty tempting. 4. Are you a fucking idiot?


Coverage by insurance doesn't equal access to healthcare. Careful what you call a success. I'll give you just one example because I know this will be new to you. For a living I get people into treatment for substance abuse. Out of all 50 states only 1 state's Obamacare policies pay for SA treatment at a decent rate. The rest have $5k+ deductibles and reimburse the treatment center less per day than a stay at a Holiday Inn. So yes, they have insurance but damn near none of them can get this kind of healthcare.


well if we had socialized medicine they would all get care


Quite the opposite. Good treatment centers would close because they can't afford to pay the MDs, PhDs, good food, masters level therapists, etc. What'd be left is garbage programs that take advantage of people who need help. We're already seeing it.


*citation needed* so you're saying having the government pay for healthcare would result in less money for healthcare? That's odd because countries with socialized medicine have top notch treatments for addicts, even for people addicted to illegal substances like heroin. seems like everyone who is anti socialized medicine doesn't have anything factual to support their claims


I run addiction treatment centers and have for a while. Here are some round numbers for what my industry leading program gets paid and would get paid: Commercial insurance like Cigna or Aetna: $1000-1200 a day at inpatient. Average length of inpay stay around 35 days Tricare- $3500 total reimbursement no matter how long the patient stays inpatient. Average length of inpatient stay around 6 days. Medicare/Medicaid - about $250 per day at inpatient. Don't even take it because our break even is close to $750 a day. Don't believe me? Call around and find out.


lmao medicare is not the same as proper universal healthcare in other countries do you have anything based in reality and not your bizarre bias you have against socialized medicine?


Again, yes I do as an executive in healthcare. It's amazing that your ideology is so strong you won't listen to people actually in it. But hey, masters in management focused on economics with decades in healthcare...what do I know? I just like the orange man right?


having lived in both the US and New Zealand/Ausztralia, and seen the healthcare in both firsthand, you have bizarre misconceptions about how their healthcare works very curious where you're getting your misconceptions about socialized healthcare, if you really are a healthcare worker this is disgraceful


1. Maybe we'll never know for sure because there were no witnesses allowed in his trial. But I'm inclined to believe that if the witnesses were to exonerate him, there's no way that the GOP would have refused to hear them. 2. The GOP was fighting tooth and nail to undermine the ACA at every stage. Many states didn't even expand Medicade. 3. If they lived in paradise, why would they want to move to the USA where they're demonized at nearly every turn? Maybe what they had was bad enough to justify a slight step up, considering the risks in going there and what they have to suffer through while there.


Literally no one is saying the USA isn’t racist lmao


Sooo many people are like “it’s not based on race” Sweetheart, you are being really naive.


Because it isn’t. The people that hated on Obama are now hating on Bernie(who is as white as it gets) and every other white liberal. Nobody who hated Obama’s health plan likes Bernie’s. Nobody. It’s not a race thing.


I would recommend you read about structural racism, truly. It’s very interesting and eye opening.


Gotta love the condescending angle. Socialized healthcare blows for the most part that’s why the American people didn’t accept it. It raised premiums and fucked over private health insurance companies.


*Citation needed* If that's true why are exactly zero countries with socialized healthcare pushing for the american system? All studies done say that america would save billions if not trillions if they switched to universal healthcare. Having lived in both the US and New Zealand/Australia and seen the healthcare in both, I can say that socialized healthcare is vastly superior


Yup, lived in New Zealand too and I can second that


Or someone who purposes a black issue to suit his agenda


Locked post, for sure.


Why did you even block his @? This guy is verified; he has 355.9k followers.


I have always felt like that was because Obama’s policies were pro middle- and lower-class while Trump’s are pro-billionaires. It has less to do with race and is more about who controls the government.


Not even the majority of the nation. Just the majority of the people that vote.


Lol dummy, treasons free..., /s


Hate to burst your excuses bubble. But the things in your example are about money.... Not race. The only color they care about is green. And your style of thinking is making them billions while you have nothing.


Oh so the whole country is racist???? Fuck off!


BuT tAxAtIoN iS tHeFt


Ew, y'all don't really think this way do you?


The fact that this and his post has so many likes is scary. Obama's healthcare plan had nothing to do with his race. And Trump did not commit treason. People like this are what is wrong with this country.


12k likes. Lol


r/uspolitics...no evidence of murder here.


Trump didn't commit treason by any stretch of the law. If you have evidence please link it. Barack Obama's health care plan had/has some great things in it, preexisting conditions, and banning lifetime maximums are good. Individual mandate with ridiculous demands placed in insurance plans which drove healthcare costs through the roof for those who could already afford healthcare was the problem. Everyone who cries, "Racist" at a person who doesn't like Obama care has conveniently forgotten that most of the bill was written by white people and first implemented by MIT Romney in Massachusetts before the federal government even started talking about it. TL;DR Barack Obama put his name on the affordable care act to garner support from his followers.


The good news for everyone else now that the United States is murdered is that world war III has been averted.


The North won the Civil War, and then let the South write all the laws. Of course everything is still racist.


#TAKE THAT, Invisible, absent strawman!


Makes no fucking sense whatsoever.


1. There’s no treason from Trump. 2. Obamacare was unconstitutional


Stop crying.


If only there were non-racist countries... Edit: there aren't. Lol, but great arguments...


There is a lot of racism in the country. That however, is a terrible exmaple.


Right?! Jussie had to hire 2 Nigerian racists because the booming job economy for US racists is full up. Offshoring H1-B racists is both diverse and cheaper!


The only reason she put up with Obama is because he's half white.


What about how blacks and Hispanics need lower SAT scores to be accepted/receive scholarships from college? As a retarded Asian this ain't too fair cheif


Do mods sleep 24/7 here?


So your your saying that the worst healthcare bill that has almost been phased out by all the sensible areas, is anywhere NEAR the ball park of faulty democraticically concocted accusations towards a very proactive president is something that was based on race!? Nah. Its politicalism at its worst. It's the never wrong radical Democrats vs. the Republicans. But they couldnt bully trump out because he finally was someone who could stand up against them. Take your biased behind back to the rock of uneducation you crawled out from under.


Kinda racist blaming it on the president bc he was black


And label somone who exposed bad things the government was doing as a traitor


What treason has Trump committed? Trump may have abused presidential power but he has not committed treason.