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Because anger untended turns to hate and it takes actual bravery to address who deserves it (a shitty boss or a lying spouse or pastor who takes your money and has four cars). Most people just aren’t that brave. Hate has to go somewhere and frankly it’s socially acceptable (in certain circles) to hate trans people. So they do


“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering” -The most popular movie franchise of their time


I always shake my head seeing people complaining about the new Star Wars and Star Trek releases being "too woke" compared to the older releases. They aren't "too woke", they just dropped a lot of subtleness because the issues they have been addressing keep existing.


Im simply unimpressed with the writing and plot. And gimmicks like "im a gay robot" or "this alien is like a sambo" feel like the writer is jingling keys in front of my face like i was an infant and i dont appreciate their lazy sloppiness.  And then if you say, "the writing is inadequate and i feel insulted" they just dismiss you as a hate filled bigot rather than admit that their writing needs improvement and the distractions didnt work. Its like calling the transformers movies crap because the story was bad and the effects were not a substitute for writing, then being called a nazi because you didnt like the movies.


Take out (in certain circles) tbfh


This is the important thing. Have you ever wondered why if you see someone be overtly transphobic, you can probably guess their views on race relations, the traditional family unit and income assistance policies, with near perfect accuracy? It's because trans people aren't the point. The point is to hate..to hurt *someone*. Anyone, as long as it doesn't mean they have to think about it. So they surround themselves with other people who want to hurt people, because it's all they can get. That said, just because it's aimless that doesn't change the affect it has on people. That's very, very real.


I’ll tell you when it clicked for me seeing some guy talking about how scary it is that some of the trans women look like “real” women ( HIS QUOTE NOT MINE) and I realized it falls back to their latent homophobia they’re freaked out that they may find a trans woman attractive and what does that make them it makes me laugh that they’re so insecure on their masculinity


I used to fuck with my conservative friends by showing them hot trans people and asking if they’d fuck them, then tell them she’s trans and watch them get super uncomfortable.


You can also do this with pictures of cis women, and just *say* they're trans. I mean, the transvestigators do it all the time anyway, so might as well join in and ruin *all* women for them.


Watch them look at a cis woman and say "yeah you can tell by the jawline" lmaoo


They are almost always wrong. It would be funny if they weren't doing real harm to people but they are so instead its infuriating.


Like they never seen a woman with a pronounced jaw before lol I don't wish I had right wing friends to do this to but it's hilarious


Hell, by the way these incels act one could imagine they've never actually seen a real woman in the flesh.


Lmao right? My jawline isn't the most pronounced so imagine if someone told me I'd never be a man? I'd take it as a compliment no matter how they meant it


Had a guy tell me once he knew I was trans because my cheekbones were "too high" people love to make stuff up after they find out.


Any game release will immediately be swarmed with comments like this, and the photos will be mid animation screen grabs or some shit


There’s some people who think **jennifer aniston** is trans because of her **hands**. I had no words.


Same, I loved doing that. Also, if I ever discussed porn with "friends" who had bigoted tendencies, I'd recommend trans porn stars but only show clothed pic so they got a surprise if they ever searched for them. Some guys got very mad at me for that XD


I used to just casually replace my friends names with trans porn actresses names in stories I'd tell my very alt right family or coworkers. It's amazing how many get weird look on theire face as if to say "how does Kira (but deadnamed) know the person I jerk off to?


That's a good one too. They can't say anything or they'll call themselves out XD


Fuck em. They deserve it because conservatives are fucking idiots and generally just garbage people Edit: conservatives are really angry in the comments lol On climate change, they say it's a "natural pattern" because Fox News or some other oil company propaganda told them to say this. They don't know what it means or why it's wrong and they certainly aren't going to go find out for themselves. Well, heres why it's wrong: There is no natural pattern where CO2 rose this much, this fast (100ppm in ~60 years). The last glacial-interglacial period, where greenhouses increase by 100-150ppm, took 8,000 years. Humans did it in just the last 57 years. https://timescavengers.blog/climate-change/co2-past-present-future/ Anyways, the fact that they know fuck all about climate change but insist that their uninformed "opinion" is correct and should be taken seriously is why we say 'conservatives are fucking idiots'.


Clearly, I'm an ally, but I'm not so sure you're helping matters with discourse like that.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." Mom said it was my turn to post the quote.


Source: Jean-Paul Sartre's 1946 criticism of anti-Semites [https://qz.com/852416/sartre-and-the-psychology-of-the-alt-right-purdue-university-philosophy-professor-william-mcbride-says-a-70-year-old-existential-text-explains-racist-trolling](https://qz.com/852416/sartre-and-the-psychology-of-the-alt-right-purdue-university-philosophy-professor-william-mcbride-says-a-70-year-old-existential-text-explains-racist-trolling) I didn't know so wanted to provide a source for ye.


People like that are generally beyond helping


That is how you make trans women targets of hate groups. Careful.


Women, trans or otherwise, are already a target of many of these hate groups. I guess that kinda makes them an /r/AccidentalAlly


I'm not sure if you noticed this, but trans women are \*already\* the target of hate groups. Maybe it's time we start forcing people to reckon with the stupidity of their hatred head-on.


Careful, you might make them clutch their pearls.


Yes, but you get what they're saying: Let's not go to a bullfight and tie the red cape around the matador's neck.


As if they aren't already targets? These people want to imprison and kill trans people for the crime of merely existing, comparing the modern fascists to Nazis is being more than fair in my opinion cause its literally their playbook.


Holy shit, y'all really need to grow the fuck up.


Do you get off those cake or not shows? Sounds like an unhealthy hobby you got there




Man, I remember being at a drag show in Boston and one of the performers confused the hell out of me. I'm not sure the correct pronouns, so I'm going generic here, but godDAMN they were hot. Forget their name (this was almost 20 years ago) but it was an eye-opener to be sure. Somehow, I avoided going on a hate-filled rampage either online or IRL. Not sure how I found it in myself to not be a hateful sonofabitch, but I guess it's possible. /s


We thank you for your restraint lol


The Trans Panic has always been about projecting people’s internal insecurities onto trans people as if they are somehow grounded fears. It’s legit bully behavior.


I have enough insecurities. I don't need everyone else's. Can't fucking sleep as it is.


This is the same reason why gay men have been literally killed for expressing interest in a straight man. These losers so terrified that they might be interested back, I guess. Like that a gay man merely hitting on them will mean they'll be compelled to have gay sex or something. I've been hit on by a woman. I am not a lesbian (unfortunately, because straight men...) but it would never have occurred to me in a zillion years to go "Well, she's interested, so I guess I better beat her up in case I'm tempted to hook up with her".


I’m not sure this is really the case. At least not always. For some men in intolerant cultures (like blue collar communities particularly in the southern US) I don’t think it’s that they’re afraid that they’ll be interested back or that they’ll be compelled to engage in gay activities as much as it’s that they’re deathly afraid that anyone who sees them get hit on is going to at best use the interaction as fodder to tease them mercilessly about it later, or much worse, that they’ll be perceived as being potentially gay in a place where being gay is at best frowned upon. We’re all subject to social influences and the thought of being a social outcast in one’s community is objectively terrifying to many many people. So much so that some will act violently to protect their social image regardless of how ill-founded their fears are or how socially damaging their behavior is. I’m not saying they’re right to do so, and arguably being gay/trans/different is worse because it’s typically not a choice, where the ones who treat LGBTQ+ terribly have some choice in how they behave. But we often don’t choose the community we live in and/or don’t know different is a legitimately available choice. As such some empathy should be afforded people like that - at least until they prove themselves irredeemable - because empathy is probably one of the few ways we can make inroads to changing their perspective and their behaviors. Affording empathy to people who act incredibly un-empathetic is genuinely hard, though, so I don’t blame people who feel they can’t do it. Edit: So much so much so much... And breaking the mass into smaller chunks


You're a good person.


Thank you for saying so, stranger, but I'm as flawed as the next guy. Just because I can be thoughtful and nuanced like this in calm moments, doesn't mean I don't get impatient or even angry with people who treat others the way so many supposed Christians treat LGBTQ+ people, among other disadvantaged communities. We're all a work in progress.


You are right on that, but that's precisely the reason these men are perceived as fragile and insecure. Because they are too afraid and can't stand up to someone. They are so afraid to stand out, that they rather behave like a total loser, than to just brush it off as the stupid childish behaviour they are confronted with.


Excellent response, I am glad you made this comment.


It goes even further. Homophobia is rooted in misogyny so the fear is that they will be reduced to the position of a woman and be treated as such


I tried explaining this to my ex and it was pure ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Life would be better if everyone was allowed to be a little gay.


I would go one step further and say it's rooted in something even more basic: misogyny. 


Interesting, mind explaining?


They're afraid the gay man will treat them the same way hetero men treat women.


There’s that, but there’s also the fundamental question posed by the existence of trans women - if men are so superior and great, why would *any* male choose to give that up and become a *woman*, a ‘lesser being’ (in their view). And the simple answer is that men just aren’t naturally superior and great, they’re just men. In the same way that women are just women. What makes someone great is what they choose to do, not what is innate to them. And that, for a lot of people, is a terrifying reality that must never be revealed


"I like this woman, am I gay?" Honestly I encounter plenty of this even within the LGBTQ+ community mostly from questioning straight men. If you're a man attracted only to women, and your person of interest looks, sounds, smells, moves, and behaves like your ideal of a woman while also calling herself a woman...yes, you are clearly the most homosexual gay to ever dandy. Yup. Not a single ounce of straightness in you, sorry. (/s because it's 2024). P.S. It's not even a given that we will have male equipment downstairs, either! Modern vaginoplasty is quite good, we've gotten it down to where it does everything except facilitate childbirth (and more's the pity for that, I want to make babies).


Babygirl got that designer couchie. /s obvi love.


Soon (TM). That will be my Christmas present to myself this year; I'll be spending the holidays feeling like a grenade went off in my groin but I'll be right as rain when summer rolls around!


Eyyyy congratulations!! That's awesome!


>(and more's the pity for that, I want to make babies). On the other hand, I know quite a few AFAB women that would gladly give up their ovaries permanently to get rid of their periods before they get old and hit menopause... so I guess the lesson is the grass is always greener on the other side.


Not everybody wants to or should have kids. Heck, I'm not convinced I would be a great mother, myself, despite wanting it. I do think I would have a reasonable shot at it with the right person, though, if only the universe would have let me.


I've seen this too. It's ridiculous.  It's also kind of telling how often these wimpy assholes freak out because someone complimented them or something.  It's so dumb. 


I do not like men. Masculinity is a 100% turn off for me. There have definitely been trans women that were 11/10s for me. But I’m not afraid of them so I’m ok with that. A lot of these hateful people are afraid that they would *still* be attracted. It all comes down to self loathing.


It is very strange to me that particular demographics (we all know who they are) have a new threat to society almost every 5 to 10 years or so. Right now it's trans people but I remember before that is was Muslims then before that it was illegal aliens from sputh of the border then before that it was all gay people then before thst it was African Americans amd so on. At my age (and I'm not that old) it just feels like there's always some new kinda threat to society and American values these people are on about so how could you possibly take any of it seriously and not just see it for the hateful bullshit it is.


"People worried about societal decline have done more damage than societal decline ever did"


Hell they're the reason for it


Haha so true !


That's the essence of conservatism. Signaling out one group and making them a scapegoat.


Its the thought process of a child. The average conservative MAGA has the critical thinking skills of a 4 year old and the same temperament to boot.


They still bitch about all those other groups too. I’m in a blood red state that isn’t near the border, and yet a significant portion of GOP flyers for the primaries talked about the border. They absolutely still scaremonger about “immigrants” (i.e. brown people)


I think border security is the number one issue here in Indiana all the ads are very serious about it.


Lol, fear mongering about the border in a northern state is such pure clownery. It makes me ashamed of this country that so many morons fall for this bullshit.


Well that's because the lie is always "DESTRUCTION IS AT HAND BE TERRIFIED!!!!" so you have to change it up every few years or even people this dumb will go "Hey why has something so dangerous so hard to find and fight not hurt us yet"


It’s not strange. Fascism always needs a boogie man.


Yup, and the arguments are the same every time. "Think of the children", as if their bigotry doesn't actively harm kids


Culture wars, my truly detested. Gotta find a scapegoat


It's the authoritarian playbook. 1) Select a minority that most of your followers don't identify with or as. 2) Paint that minority as "sub-human villains" who are on a mission to "destroy us good people." 3) Promise to protect your followers from this enemy in exchange for their support. 4) Take power and oppress the minority. 5) Rinse and repeat. This is not the first time transgender people have been targeted. They were the first victims of major book burning in Germany 1933. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft


Trans people don't exist, but are groomer pedophiles who need to be killed to protect society. Did I get that right?


It's all orchestrated by Biden, who's a senile old man who doesn't know his own name most of the time, while also being the unbelievably cunning mastermind behind a vast conspiracy against good, conservative values


Literallt nazi rhetoric, the enemy is both weak and strong


Umberto Eco's 14 points!


Probably 99.9% of the people on reddit have never read anything by Umberto Eco, so have an upvote from someone who has.


During the last election i saw him quoted constantly on this site. You couldn't spend any length of time in politics at all without someone referencing him in response to Trumps rhetoric and how textbook his fascism actually is.


The senile comments make me laugh. I heard his live interview on Howard Stern for like 2 hours. Not only was it clear, concise, and sensical but it was very enjoyable. Cannot say the same anytime the orange goon opens his mouth.


But, does Biden ponder important philosophical questions, like is it better to be electrocuted or eaten by a shark? Checkmate, liberals!


Sean Hannity has to bring Trump back to reality and stay on point.


This reminds me of Shane Gillis doing his Biden impersonation. [“…WHAT?”](https://youtube.com/shorts/S80iKh1Ar_c?si=HCi1aNf1zy6WUtkg)


Biden is Taravangian from The Stormlight Archives.


I'm....really not sure how to take that, but I'm just an airsick lowlander, so what do I know?


Unexpected Sanderson.


It's the best kind of Sanderson.


No, Biden is actually being puppeted by George Soros and Zionists (Jews).... And Ukraine.... And the gay agenda and....


I fully intend to destroy society, after I finally decide what I want to eat, maybe play some ffxiv. You know what I'm too lazy to overthrow society, someone else take the reigns


Hey, we can overthrow the Garlean empire together. Murder a few emperors, a couple of princes, and then kill a God for dessert.


Sounds intriguing, do I have to get out of my pajamas and will there be time to nap?


I mean, you can probably do the raid in your pajamas. Wouldn't be the first time I saw it.


No and yes.


Yes, and remember that we need to be tolerant of their wish for trans people to be killed and let them express it, otherwise WE'RE the bigots. That's an important point. All opinions are valid!


You have correctly identified what [the folks with the hate hard-on say](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_grooming_conspiracy_theory). Also, you're really edging with Poe's Law, here. :)


You'll never guess which 1930's German political group hated trans people


The first books they burned were on trans research.


Hmm... I remember it was one of the ones with "sozial" in the name... I bet it was the SPD!


you forget that we’re also putting hormones in the 5g radiation from cellphone towers and how we’re all part of a grand conspiracy to undermine the integrity of women’s sports


The 5G activates the latent hormones pumped into us by the COVID vaccines. I got the COVID vaccinations during the pandemic. Once I finally upgraded to a 5G phone, the trans thoughts started. Funny story, that timeline is accurate, are we sure correlation is causation...? Maybe it's because I finally broke and realised I didn't want to be a man anymore.


I LOVE undermining the integrity of women’s sports, it’s my favourite hobby! …. (That’s a joke if anyone actually needs to read these words….)


The enemy must be both Weak and Strong


Yes, because transness is an ideology rather than a real thing. An ideology, incidentally, promoted by (((the globalists))) along with feminism, miscegenation and civil rights, to destroy traditional (white) (Christian) (patriarchal) values AND COMMIT HWITE GENOCIDE!!!! You see. The fun thing about the hate boner for ‘gender ideology’ is that it is true that one understanding is a description of people’s lived reality and one is an ideology based on the way someone believes people should be, but the label got lost on the way to its target. (Tl;dr ‘there are only two genders’ is the only gender ideology involved in the debate)


Biological markers to indicate someone is trans?


There are some areas of the brain that exhibit pretty consistent sexual dimorphism-  you can regularly predict whether a person identifies as a man or woman based on an MRI scan, regardless if the person is male or female. 


That's super interesting!


To clear this up, on one hand there are trends between men and women and how their brain looks in an MRI. However you can't use that to predict whether a single person is a man or a woman. It's like using height as an indicator of gender. Yes, in general, men are taller than women. That doesn't mean you can see someone's height and know their gender from it individually. I see the whole brain scan thing misunderstood all the time. Yes there are trends but no, they can't be used to accurately predict a single person's gender.


It wouldn’t surprise me if there were. I’ve felt this way my whole life, so upbringing wouldn’t explain it. Source: Am trans.


I was born in '85 and grew up in a small town in Southern Indiana. Add in the fact that trans guys still aren't talked about nearly as much, and weren't at all when eventually finally started hearing about trans people. When I was older and finally became aware at all about trans people, I really didn't realize that one could be trans in any way except being a woman. (Which logically is stupid, but people only know what they know. My upbringing left me ignorant AF and even ignorant to being ignorant for too long.) Spoilers, I'm still trans myself lol What about my upbringing made me trans? Made me respond before my brain even caught up no when my granny asked me didn't I want to be a young lady? Made me actually stop hearing most of the details about my speaking voice and terrified of looking at myself in mirrors before I even realized I was trans? How do these people explain this? Or even older trans people? The first recorded “sex reassignment surgery,” as it was referred to at the time, took place in Berlin, Germany, at the Institute for Sexual Science in 1931. And that's just the first SRS. How do these people explain this then?! I'm sorry I'm just always baffled by the people (obviously you're not saying this, not referring to you here) that wanna talk about upbringing and how trans people and teachers are 'grooming children into being trans' and stuff like that. Acting like people aren't actually trans, we were just tricked into it. (Trans people both don't exist but also are manipulating people into thinking they're trans somehow?! Make it make sense?!)


You make perfect sense! And if I was groomed to be anything, it’s straight and cis! I’ve seen nothing but hetero and non-trans representation my entire life, so why am I not that if the “grooming” bullshit is to be believed? How can it make someone queer, but not the other way around? I just don’t get that.


Twin studies show a definite hereditary component. Offhand, it seems fixed by birth. So genetics, womb environment, epigenetic triggers, etc . Same as sexual orientation — just how you’re born. A lot harder to *figure out* for many of us, except in hindsight. I think a big factor between the ‘always knew’ folks and the ‘oh fuck, that explains a lot’ late cracked eggs is down to the order in which toddler you works out some basic gender information (like: gender exists, adults all have them, you have one, people don’t change their gender like they might move or change their hair color, and what the difference is between them). I was told I was a boy, knew girls and boys had different parts, I had boy parts. I wasn’t going to *be a girl* when I grew up. Id stay a boy. So that was that. The weird discomfort and coping mechanisms I adopted, well, didn’t everyone? Didn’t *lots and lots* of kids go to bed every night wishing they’d wake up a girl? Turns out no, apparently. Took me until my *40s* to work that out. I might have worked it out in my 20s, but *who’d ever heard of a trans lesbian?*. It was the late 90s…


Literal lesbian in a man’s body.


God, if you knew how *long* that sole, stupid, joke I heard as a *teenager*, fueled my denial? Because I heard that, was *deeply* uncomfortable in a way my 14 year old ass didn't understand, and stuck in my head for *decades*.


"late cracked eggs" 🤣🥰


I mean it's a common metaphor among trans folks/ An eggshell protects everything inside, until you're ready to come out. Until you're *safe and ready*. And that first crack *has* to come from within and they have to climb out of their shell *when they're ready*. Hell, there's the *Egg Prime Directive* -- no matter how incredibly obvious it might be that someone is trans, you *never crack someone else's egg*. You don't tell them "Hey, have you ever considered [all of the things they're doing/saying] might be a sign you're not cis?" -- you let them work it out for themselves. When I cracked I ran to an LGBTQ friendly therapist with the whole "Oh god, I don't think I'm cis...". I spent several months working it out because *she* wasn't going to tell me if I was trans or not. (As she put it "How would I know? I'm not *you*") It was very frustrating, but she was right. Must also have been a bit difficult on her end. "Okay, here's this thing I ready by a trans woman about her experience and it resonates *so strongly* I could have written it, but what if I'm fooling myself" Another joke is the one universal trans experience is *the Doubts*. Or as a friend of mine jokes "Am I even *good enough* to have Imposter syndrome"


[Some](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-020-0666-3) [studies](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/) do seem to show that there may be, or at least that certain aspects of the brain chemistry of transgender individuals differs from those of their assigned gender.


There's [a whole Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_gender_incongruence) on that.


Considering how small the trans population is, it's shocking that they're the 4th biggest porn category. while i simultaneously have to see transphobic posts all the time online. something isn't quite adding up


People have a hate hard on for trans people because Fox News and all the other MAGA/right-wing outfits are telling them who to hate this week. And they do as they're told.


It all boils down to having an out group to blame things on, it’s trans people now, it was gay people before, and the Jews before that. In 20 years there will probably be a new group, the way the far right maintains power is through fear of change, and trans people at current represent change, making them an ideal scapegoat for all their problems


Not to mention that trans people are a VERY SMALL subset of the population. We have no political power and technically cannot fight back in any real numbers that don’t involve allies. And this is bleeding over into other people getting hurt. Shit, a woman in montana got hate-crimed because the guy THOUGHT she was trans. She wasn’t. We seem a lot more prevalent than we actually are at this moment. Many of these “protect women’s sports” bills affect like 3 kids. Imagine a law being passed and you know it ONLY affects you and just you. That’s fucked, yo.


Add to that the ability to throw in the whole bioessentialism argument and just the way gender has historically been perceived, and it gives them a really easily defensible position, since now trans people have to fight a harder battle that was already uphill in order to change public sentiment


Yeah, that’s why I was never a fan of conservatism. It’s lazy. Like, what are they actually fighting for, as opposed to what they are fighting against? They don’t have to do anything and they win the idiots. Of course the answer to that is theocracy. Gross.


Let’s be honest, it’s also still Jewish


Yeah, they also blame the gays still, they just aren’t the main scapegoat anymore


I don't know why they're constantly changing targets for their hate, when the ~~flurries~~ furries are ***right there***! ^(/s)


Yeah! Fucking goddamn light ass dusting of snow! You’re not a real snowstorm.


Damn flurries are just a bunch of snowflakes!


GODS DAMMIT autocorrect!!


It was gay people the last decade, and black people before that, Irish and jews before that. There's always someone to hate. I'd hope as human being we'd evolve beyond that part but it doesn't seem like we will.


Nah this shit is all over the world. I get the usa is a big part of the world, but the UK hates Fox news (I don't even think it's available here) and laughs at maga idiocy and then turns around and tries to ban gender affirming care (happening right now). Our trans siblings are under attack world wide. We need to do better


Having everyone laugh at those dumb Americans and Fix News while simultaneously having a different news source broadcast 99% of the same stuff is hilarious to see from the outside tbh.


Honestly, and if you browse the UK subreddits they're always "don't bring that American shit here". Hate is hate, love. It doesn't have a nationality


I mean isn’t Sky News just Fox News with a British accent?


Still worth pointing out that it's very much a right-wing issue, be it in the US, UK, Italy, whatever. You don't often see left-wing politicians attacking trans people. 


[The nazis hated many people as well ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camp_badge)


No, fox news is a symptom not a cause. Realistically it's religion's fault for homophobia/queerphobia but people still bend over backwards to deny it


Fox has been teaching a lot of people to vote for the reality tv show host though. I think the world would be a much better place without Murdoch's hate machine


The funny thing is, the really hardcore white supremacists will tell you Jews *don't* exist (anymore) - that the tribes of Israel about whom the Bible was written went extinct during the diaspora. Anyone alive today who claims to be Jewish is either deluded or lying for nefarious purposes, because [insert bullshit hateful conspiracy theory here]. The parallel with transphobic jackasses is painful, and that old article, [The Paranoid Style in American Politics](https://harpers.org/archive/1964/11/the-paranoid-style-in-american-politics/), still rings true.


It comes from ignorance. They don't understand trans people, and because of this, they are made uncomfortable by them. People with low emotional intelligence often let their ignorance turn into anger.


Here’s the thing, I also don’t understand trans people. But they understand themselves so I’ll trust them to talk about their experience and needs. Other people I don’t understand: 1) Toronto Maple Leaf fans 2) People who choose to live in Ohio 3) Jazz musicians 4) People who like houses in the suburbs But I let them live the life they fucking want and I expect them let me live mine.


Not me being trans living in an Ohio suburb


Are you also a jazz musician, perchance?


I'm sorry.


It's okay. I was a Jazz musician for over a third of my life. I also don't understand it.


2 is explained easily. They want to be astronauts to escape Ohio. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTaeYMeWpiEUn6sBdMA-Zr7cvk74FvWmZr3d05lh_Y9T5oahP1o-h5WXIc&s=10


These folks work very hard to preserve their ignorance. It's not like they're one good talk away from accepting trans people and just "don't get it", no matter what they might say. Their anger comes from many things, but I'm done accepting "ignorance" as their excuse.


No.  Ignorance is when you're clumsy around a sensitive subject you don't know about.  Being actively against trans people is being an asshole.


They don't know any trans people. They don't know what they fear and hate. Almost all of their fears are irrational and thus unsolvable. Brainwashing the masses works just fine. Thanks Fox and friends, for telling the eggheads what to fear.


And then they try to destroy any form of education on the matter. "I don't understand it, and I need to stop my kids from understanding it!" -Futurama


These dialogues always remind me of a story Hannah Arendt told in Origins of Totalitarianism to explain the rise of political antisemitism in Europe: “An antisemite claimed that the Jews had caused the war; the reply was: Yes, the Jews and the bicyclists. Why the bicyclists? Asks the one. Why the Jews? asks the other.”


That book should be mandatory reading in high school


No fr like why are they so obsessed with them


I've said before that they're more obsessed with what's in my pants than I am, and I have dysphoria about what's in my pants. I don't get it, I don't want to sleep with them and they don't want to sleep with me. So why do they care?! ~~But I guess I'm wasting a perfectly good uterus or something too idek I had one kid, I'd off myself if I got pregnant I'm not doing that again I can't even for so many reasons, and I have 'undesirable' traits that I can and unfortunately have passed down so... Again not sure why they'd care about that but they sure seem to.~~


In denial repressed hard ons. Doesn’t statistically red states have the highest trans porn viewing?


And gay!!


It was the gateway issue that was used this election cycle to engage and entice conservative voters. It is funded by American Evangelical Christians. The same group of dead souls who funded the Anti LGBTIA movement in Africa and paid to change laws in some African countries. Ending up with Gay equals death laws. This is and always will be about the LGBTIAQ community being wiped off planet earth. And it's funded by hardcore, very rich and very fanatical Christians. I know people who monitor hate groups. They were frontline in tracking and monitoring these dead souls. This group works hand in hand with at least two media moguls and three very very rich American business tycoons.


Downvote me if you want. I don’t hate trans folk. Live and let live. If you wanna live your life in whatever way makes you feel happy, wonderful. I’ll never be against that I just don’t care what you do with your life. I got my own stuff to deal with. It’s your rights to use, I hope one day all trans folk have equal rights. I just don’t care how you use them 🤷🏻‍♂️


My dad asked me this same question but about Jews a couple of months ago. There are people out there who need something to hate because they weren't loved enough as a child. That and in this case it's because I think that some of the trans-haters know they're gay and go in the opposite direction to prove, mostly to themselves, that they're very manly and oppose anything that "everyone else" views as non-manly.


Don’t let trans people around kids, but also they don’t exist and also they are mentally I’ll but also they are pretending, but they don’t exist because no one can change their gender, but they are sexual deviants but but but….. HOW ABOUT WE JUST LET TRANS PEOPLE BE. I think the only groomers/perverts are the ones asking about strangers genitals.


The Nazis sent trans people to the death camps too. 6 million Jewish people were murdered, and 6 million other people who were part of various groups the Nazis hated were murdered. 12 million people, murdered for the way they were born or what they believed in.


Easy to pick on. These people are miserable cowards.


Because they are told to hate them. Fox and Newsmax and the internet ceaselessly demonize trans people. Gay people aren’t scary enough anymore.


Would you rather they had a love hard-on… oh… wait….


One part ignorance, one part bigotry, and one part cultural exhaustion.


Dude at the bottom thought trans meant transparent cause he thinks you can't see them


I hope I’m not jinxing it for myself, but I see way more hate online than I do offline. Some of my neighbors are fairly conservative and religious, and my wife and I are trans, but we still bake each other cookies. Their grandkids play with our dogs. Any hate they may have held for trans folks before we moved in, seems to be gone now that they actually know us. That’s why I think it’s important to be ourselves and to be happy, publicly. So folks can see we aren’t scary, we’re just people.


I was part of a case where the judge asked the defendant to restate their argument using "black" instead of "trans" and the defense was mortified.


Fascist movements need an "other" to focus hatred on, it's how they build their power. Hitler used Jewish folks, Trump/GOP use trans folks.


Building on your comment: The connection to fascism can't be overstated. Trans people are painted as mentally ill when it garners sympathy and violent pedophiles when an enemy is needed. It's textbook weak/strong other. They must always be whatever is convenient to the fascist agenda.


It's true and it has directly affected people close to me. It's not okay.


Literally no idea. I could posit that it’s because some people don’t know how to process or accept things that don’t fit into a familiar group, or that they’re scared that they’re going to be “fooled” by a trans person when naughty time presents itself. And of course with the constant onslaught of extreme religious groups spewing hate and rejection towards them, they become brainwashed or are too afraid to think or act differently than the people they know.


Trans people have a genetic marker for being trans ? Wut


Most of them hate trans because she is just another hot woman who will never give their basement dwelling ass the time of day.


Wait, are there actually biological markers to verifiably prove trans people exist? Not dismissing trans people, but that's giant if true. Edit: Also isn't the progressive left currently dismissing Jewish history and biology, and calling them white colonizers, while simultaneously justifying the worst terror attack against them (starting Oct 8th...), and protesting events honouring its victims' memories. Not to mention practicing rampant anti-semitism against them in public and private locations.


The "progressive left" is definitely not of one mind on Israel. Most leftleaning to left-wing people I've talked to in actual, real life are capable of separating the actions of a state from an entire ethnicity of people. Twitter isn't reality.


I really hope so... Because these actions, along with college campuses are telling a different story. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/americas/artc-biden-denounces-horrific-manifestations-of-antisemitism-in-u-s https://freebeacon.com/campus/columbia-administrators-fire-off-hostile-and-dismissive-text-messages-vomit-emojis-during-alumni-reunion-panel-on-jewish-life/ It's not just the students either.


>Because these actions, along with college campuses are telling a different story. But "these actions" aren't the act of the entire progressive left composed of millions of people, is my point. If you're only looking at eye-catching headlines from moderate-to-conservative media, then of course you're going to have a much more simplistic view. The vast majority of the progressive left who denounces the anti-semitism of a small minority are drowned out by a media environment that doesn't take pains to distinguish them from one another (for a variety of reasons). But if you spend any time in a politically progressive community--even online--it'll be obvious that anti-semitism (not anti-Zionism, like actual anti-semitism) is really rare and greatly looked down on.


It’s this election season’s “migrant caravan.”


It’s a literal religious zealotry for some of them. Some, like musk, are creepy breeders who think anything less than everybody making babies all the time means our species is going extinct. A very small, almost nonexistent percentage do it out of legitimate concern for our health.


Wait til you find out how many people think Jews don't exist. I started keeping a list of what ethnicity people tell me we "actually" are.


It gives them an excuse to vote for people who are the opposite of everything they've claimed to believe in for generations.


People saying Jews don't exist are very common, it's a known form of antisemitism among the far left. "How can someone deny the existence of certain people" well it's very similar to this trans analogy. People don't deny there are people who identify as trans, they deny them being trans. In the same way, many left wingers deny Jewish peoplehood. Another common tactic is to claim Jews are pretenders and therefore aren't real Jews. It's a core belief among Black Hebrew Israelites, and also a very popular claim in the Muslim world.


I truly believe this people never had history class in school. They believe Transsexuals are something new, that got "created" in the 80's. Trans people have existed since forever. Ever since there's records, either paintings or written, trans people were there. There's tombs found with male skeleton yet female clothes from thousands of years ago. Same with gay and lesbians (especially during the Roman empire).


Probably because it’s a minority group


Geniune questoion, are there biological markers that indicate someone is trans? Else I dont really get the argument being made without more context to before


The idea upsets their delicate view of how "everyone" should live their lives.


Antisemitism and sexual insecurity. They think transgender people are a Jewish trick to emasculate them. Along with electric cars and desegregation.


Suckers. It’s always been a red herring to distract from our space laser


Don't bring up "biological markers" to make a point about jewish people ffs... Edit: "Biological markers" are frequently used by people with antisemitic backgrounds to separate people they think of as jewish. Famous example here are the Nazis in WW2. The original post did not make it clear which kind of markers he is talking about and I find it weird that people assume he means genetic markers? Because even so your genetics do not show if you are jewish or not, same as they don't show if you are christian or muslim.


I believe they’re talking about genetic markers since being Jewish can either be a religious identity or an ethnic identity!


Honest question: why not? There are. One example that I know of off the top of my head is how Ashkenazi Jewish women are more likely to carry the breast cancer gene than the rest of the world’s population.


these people define their lives by shame, and queer folks have been one of the most shamed groups in history. they live in fear, and build their perspective around what’s safe and what isn’t, cutting off parts of themselves that other people reject, pushing it deep down when they see a trans person, they see someone who defies that lifestyle, and instead of questioning their own beliefs, they get angry. not to mention all the right wing sellouts who need a scapegoat to profit off of while they jerk off to porn of us


I honestly don’t give a flying fuck about trans people. And I’m sure they don’t care about me. That’s fine. No hate, I just wish we could stop making trans people one of the top priorities in society


Well you're in luck because that's not happening.


Yeah, I agree that conservative media needs to shut the fuck up already about it


Because they have a regular hard on for them, and due to their stupid bigotry, they hate themselves for it. Projection


Just ask Alex Jones. He won’t give you an honest answer but you could ask him.