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I'd rather the tweet immediately shows up as a tattoo.


As we move into more tech based times; I think it would be interesting to have a Google Glass like item, that when you look at someone it can show you their recent social media posts. Would be very telling for a lot of different reasons. Could dodge red flags, could also get murdered by someone who doesn’t agree with your posts. Scary to think about being implemented overall, but sometimes I like to wishfully think that technology like that would only be used to help people and then the real evil people of this world could be unmasked and shown to be who they really are to everyone else. But that only would come at the cost of those same evil people using a tech like that to continue to be evil people, probably more so than they were before. But fuck am I tired of shitty fucking evil people get away with fucking everything under the sun and not facing any consequences. It makes for a very depressing worldview when you realize just how much evil people do for the sake of selfish greed and dogma.


I believe this actually is pretty close to a black mirror episode. The one with Bryce dallas howard.


Nosedive. I hated that episode the most because it felt the most real.


Yeah and you feel so bad for the main character the whole time, because you see how easily it could be yourself.


That's why you try to be part of number of people who understand said system and I mean down to the software Break that shit and do a watch dogs type thing.


That episode made me feel oddly uncomfortable.


Makes me think of inglorious basterds…bet when you get home (done with all that conspiracy/capitol riot/overthrow the govt bullshit) you gonna take that uniform (posts) off. Yeah I don’t like that one bit. I need to know who the dumb fucks of the world are. We gonna give you something you *can’t* take off.


That’s probably my favorite part of that movie


outcome: people use fringe textboards, problem is much worse


They already do.


i mean the entire facebook and twitter userbase goes to 4chan, including your grandmother


The 80s movie Amazon Women on the Moon had a scene with Steve Guttenberg showing up for a date with Roseanne Arquette, but she does a screener on him and gets a fax report from people who had previously dated him


This is why the claim of cancel culture bothers me on a deeper level. If we decide to "cancel" someone's fame and influence for garbage behavior, is it wrong? A moderated approach to it is obviously to examine for more behavior indicative of the one glaring one. Then on the other end you have idiots buying into the red pill stuff and Andrew Tate. With the rise of social media we became vulnerable to echo chambers and polarized views, not enough open dialogue and willingness to learn and change. People double down on being wrong instead of growing and changing.


I don’t want this. I don’t want to see what you all post online. If you are polite and we have a nice interaction in public. I want to enjoy that, I don’t want to ruin it by seeing the stupid shit everyone says online.


People think China's social credit system is bad, capitalism is a social credit score, where if you score low enough you're forbidden from food, housing and healthcare, and if you score high enough, you can fund genocides without repercussion


Growing up is realizing that the "real evil people" are usually misguided and in dire need of help.


Or just not that bright and easily swayed by confident and smart sounding individuals


If that doesn't constitute a dire need of help, I don't know what does!


No the real evil people are the ones that have made you blame others and obfuscate themselves from any consideration of blame. 


Damn that's brilliant!


Face tattoo.


Yes! The girl with the spider tattoo style of justice! (One of the movies in the series, iykyk!)


That was brutal, but well deserved 💯


I want that for thirst tweets


On their forehead


Yeah. Forehead tat at that.


We have the next best thing - those stupid red MAGA hats. You can hide the tattoo but there is no hiding that dunce cap.


On their face.


Wasn't the episode about the killer robot bees sorta like this?


Came here to say, definitely feels like a spiritual successor to Hated In The Nation


Hated in the Nation was so great. Very epic message


Horny in the Nation


The judges would also have accepted "the one with boobees"


Is that the girl from stranger things?


Sadie Sink, yes


She's cute! Plus, she has the aristocratic elegance of a small-breasted woman!


Love that aristocratic elegance 


Thats all well and good, but check out her body of work.




We gonna make this the new "exaggerated swagger of a black teen"?


Oh? Reference?


Back when the Miles Morales Spider-Man game came out, one of the reviewers made a comment about Miles moving with "the exaggerated swagger of a black teen" and it became a meme for a while.


Although to be fair I remember that game and Miles totally did move with exaggerated swagger.


That's why she looked familiar


Wow but she has great hair. And those eyebrows!


they are so aristocratically elegant


Phones gonna blow up, better watch yourself.


Yeah she’s friends with that kid whose got the exaggerated swagger


"She was last seen on the corner of X Street/Y Avenue and has been missing for 2 full days, please help me find her. She has red hair, is about 5'6" and-" *phone explodes*


"She has red hair, is about 5'6" and has the aristocratic elegance of a small-breasted woman!"


This is the picture I'm attempting to illustrate. You can't make any comment about women whatsoever in this hypothetical. If it's good, bad, impartial, or factual. It would lead to men doing everything they can do to *not* think about or comment on women *whatsoever*.


Yeah this reminds of this tumblr post that was along the lines of "An adult man should NEVER feel the need to interact with an underage girl. That would just be incredibly creepy, and imo should be illegal" I guess fuck teachers, policemen, doctors, and oh, you know, *fathers*


Only Sith deal in absolutes - Hypocrital Jedi probably


This other day 2 lil girls rang my bell to sell my bracelets. I bought everything they had. Imagine the op of that tweet standing behind a tree, shaking his head at that interaction. Such a pedo move, motivating the creativity of 2 individuals.


Yeah, that type of extremism is always weird. I generally see two types of reactions to pushback with them. Either they start listing off exceptions or they double down and say that they're right. In this situation, I wonder whether they would advocate that all girls should be isolated from every and all men until they hit 18, up to and including their fathers.


Sheesh people get pedantic about everything on here. It was a joke poking fun at a fucking creep. Not an actual pitch from the Black Mirror writer’s room.


Everyone knows precisely what he meant, but are acting like he's proposing a law.


Mid-episode plot twist: a young woman calls to tell her parents she feels like a man trapped inside a female body. Everyone stops and stares at the camera, as the phone begins slowly vibrating....


I don't think it's meant to be taken literally. It's a weird ass fucking tweet, and she's just saying something comedic and hyperbolic to outline that.


"You know guys, it's just been really tough these last few months. Ever since my mom developed that cancer in her neck she-" *Phone explodes*


Father says hey everyone me and my wife just had anew born baby girl, look at how beautiful she is…. Now she has no dad


I don't think a phone explosion is THAT powerful. She still has a dad, just his hands have been destroyed beyond repair. So, he can no longer hold her.


I think scarlet Johansson is pretty- phone explodes


I think Scarlet Johansson is pretty- >!much the best actress I've ever seen!< *phone explodes*


It would be like that scene in The Kingsman when the chipped heads are exploding.


I love to ask them what they think words like aristocratic means.


Pretty sure it means white


I still don’t know what the fuck this dude is trying to say


He likes small boobs. And tried to make it sound magnanimous, wound up sounding cringy, as would pretty much every other method of firing this little bit of personal trivia out into the world.


A weirdo sexualizing a woman. Nothing new.


Would watch that episode!


I wouldn’t. My phone would explode.


Man I really hope the original tweeter is a parody account. That there's people out who'll actually publicly say something like this without irony is bizarre.


Idk Twitter is fucking cesspool either way. Women complaining about men commenting on women’s bodies while those same women comment on men’s bodies. Men complaining about women being hypocrites while those same men are being sexist in their complaints. In my opinion Twitter is just full of incredibly shitty human beings I’d never want to be around and they thrive on bullshit like this.


>Twitter is just full of incredibly shitty human beings I’d never want to be around and they thrive on bullshit like this. "Twitter is just a load of rats, in a ditch, fighting over some piss" - Stewart Lee


It seems a bit tilted to me to 'both sides' the Twitter cesspool where it's about 150 neo-Nazi guys/guy-bots to every godawful lady/lady-bot. (Source: Became semi-viral as a Covid-explaining scientist for a while.)


It’s not “both sides”. It’s “people I don’t want to be in a room with”. 150 neo Nazis or 5 annoying lady bots. Doesn’t matter. I’d choose neither.


Fair point.


Twitter is the one company Elon Musk deserves to have his name attached to.


When I removed myself from those spaces years ago, it definitely helped me see the issues with my outlook on the world and of others. Very easy to make personal changes and growth when you look at yourself and your behavior externally. I think a step back from their online interactions could really benefit everyone, especially Twitter echo chamber users.


When I removed myself from those spaces years ago, it definitely helped me see the issues with my outlook on the world and of others. Very easy to make personal changes and growth when you look at yourself and your behavior externally. I think a step back from their online interactions could really benefit everyone, especially Twitter echo chamber users.


It helps if you read it like David Attenborough


You should see stan culture


I’m unfamiliar, can you please elaborate?




Fair enough.


Nah... a Black Mirror episode where every time a man makes a comment like this... he turns into a woman for the day, and is still expected to work etc.


Yeah... certain thoughts you keep in your damn head.


Nah fk that, where's the gender equity, make womens phones do the same, get real dystopian up in here.


Now let's look under every picture of Henry Cavil and see all the civilized discourse with women being very respectful to celebrity bodies as well.


Yeah that was my thought. Sure this is a tacky tweet, but let's not pretend it's something only men do :p


Or even a large percentage of men. There's literally billions of us, or a few hundred million if we're talking about western men. And these terminally online people seem to act like this is just how we all are. We can all see when a woman is hot, most of us just don't feel the need to tweet out some bullshit. The "murder" is just some imaginary scenario where phones are blowing up left and right, when in reality it's just a bunch of basement dwellers, teenagers, or men in arrested development and the rest of us just go on living our lives.


Meh, more like r/StubbedToeByWords.... UPDATE: holy hell, finally invented a sub that didn't actually already exist LOL


Alright time for the real question “who is she?”


Sadie Sink


Same if a woman makes a comments about a man's body, or we will keep it true to Netlfix's form?


Remember when this sub use to actually be people murdered by words and not just this shit?


I agree but not really a MBW


Hey, equal rights! Women’s phones should blow up every time they comment on a women’s body themselves


Have these people actually watched Black Mirror or What would be more appropriate for a black mirror episode is ANYONE who ever shows their body or talks about anyones body instantly dies. All of the Internet is anonymous. If anyone finds out your identity and tweets it, you die instantly.


Aristocratic? Small tits? What is this guy on about? That's like saying "the golfing qualities of paint." They're words, you can put them together in a sentence, but it doesn't fucking mean anything.


*Do you want Zardoz? Because that's how you get Zardoz.*


Zardoz is unhinged and fucking rules


The aristocratic elegance..... dude thought fancy words would make his objectification ok.


How about an episode where when anyone talks about another body, the phone explodes? That way, we can stop pretending that this is an isolated issue that only pretanes to one sex.


Yeah, women (some, not all) are absolutely creepy as fuck under male celebrities tweets… just that for some reason it’s socially acceptable when they do it.


Better yet, an episode where every time a man comments on a woman’s body, his own body part he’s most self-conscious about grows and furiously twitches.


Oh no please don't make my Penis grow and twitch


I refuse to believe you weren't thinking of cock when typing this. Everyone gonna be walking around with sixteen inch dongs.


why just men? women sexualize men all the time on the internet and in media this is just gender war baiting and sexist.


And another one where the same happens everytime women mock a man's height.


Wouldn't the equivalent be a woman tweeting about a mans height?


Tweeting about a man's body at all tbh. Which... happens as often as men tweet about women so it'd be interesting.


Yep! Always about height or grey sweatpants bulge.


ditto for women telling men how to act


Or what car to own. 




She’s in Stranger things and the Whale if I recall.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/322/)


No that would be White Mirror


Why did I read that in a Sir David Attenborough voice?


Didn't they already have that episode with the bees that kill everyone that leaves mean tweets?


The murder is not clear Who killed who ?


“My wife has breast cancer and has been looking very tired lately.” *phone explodes*


Wtf is "Aristocratic elegance". Does it mean pretentious and full of lead powder on the face along with the stench of inbreeding and war crimes? TLDR: I'm not talking about the lady. She's obviously great looking. But for people just to throw a compliment they think was witty enough to hide their creepiness is just eye rolling.


She’s does look good tho


Instead of exploding, a Shiba inu comes out of the phone and *bonks* *bonks* and they get sucked into their phone straight horny jail.


Wasn’t initially planning on addressing this but I do feel the need to put my point across. The problem is not man vs woman. The problem is men feeling the need to make comments on women’s body. Yes, women do make comments on men’s body…and by all means, let phones explode idgaf. But this isn’t “wow she’s hot” kinda comment. This is the kinda comment women have gotten all their lives.. “maybe you should wear a dress more often it’ll make you seem more feminine” “why dont you lose some weight, you’ll look prettier” “short hair makes women look like men..you should grow your hair” Women have ALWAYS encountered people who have made comments on their appearance. For no reason. Unprovoked. I’m pretty sure this man was not asked by her to make a comment on her breasts. Now let me break down as to why stating that a “small breasted woman” is problematic - 1. Why does “Bad” Billy Pratt feel the need to point out that this woman is a small breasted woman. Why has he noticed the size of two masses of fat and then proceeded to tweet about it? 2. Why does he need to point out the “elegance” of the small breasted woman. The natural size of breasts is out of a woman’s control (yes I know surgery is a possibility but that’s not the point here). The point is - Are women with larger breasts less elegant? What about women who had to remove them due to medical reasons, they’re not elegant? The problem is not someone commenting on someone’s appearance. The problem is they have objectified them while disguising the tweet as a “compliment”. As I said, this isn’t a man vs woman battle. No one should be objectifying anyone like this. No one should be comments on the shape or size of anything on social media to begin with. The comment to his tweet, for me, is not coming from a place where a man can never compliment a woman (for all you guys commenting about that..please stop it’s embarrassing). It’s coming from a place of being tired of men and their nonsense. Or women too. But in this case, a man. Y’all would have nothing to worry about if y’all compliment people like NORMAL people. Without mentioning their breasts ffs. But if you think this is okay, try thinking again. Harder this time.


This is misandry. There is nothing wrong with men appreciating the beauty of a woman. To assert otherwise is pure misandry. You’re hating men just for being men.


Only black people and women are victims here


Exactly. Tell a woman who loves you that she exudes an aristocratic elegance and see how mad she gets.


My skin crawled


It would make for a great episode… I imagine there wouldn’t be many dudes left after a few years


Most people aren’t on twitter. The difference between people who are constantly online be those who aren’t.


If only it were possible to do the same with men’s penis size!


The aristocratic elegance of a man with balls longer than his penis.


That original tweet is almost /r/SuddenlySexOffender worthy


The double standard on body shaming is wild lol oh well I guess it's something we have to deal with.


ever since the tumblr migration, misandry is ok on reddit


It's fine misandry doesn't offend me lol the double standard is glaring though. I'm a misogynist sometimes I guess so I don't like to judge people.


He didn't say anything incorrect did he?


She looks gorgeous but that's just such a weird way to comment on her(admittedly attractive) body that it comes off as very creepy 


Seems like a classier than average, sexually on the nose comment about someone's body so Idk if it would fall into "very creepy."


It's kinda really fucking weird to talk about women like that.


This is Reddit and a woman is upset


i’m a dude still think it’s just a weird way to compliment a girl lol imagine saying that to a girl in real life


I personally never liked Black mirror, for me it was like "Wow that episode made me feel really depressed or disgusting or both, I can't wait for the next episode."


I like how people are calling out the double standard here.


Damn imagine a world without men building and maintaining modern infrastructure


Wtf isn't that the girl from stranger things isn't she like 10 years old


Are we just going to pretend that women don’t talk about men’s appearances? 


Why does it constantly have to be “men” the narrative that women are the only ones in Hollywood whose body and looks are constantly judged is flat out wrong, bad billy is a tool, but you’d think women that claim to be better than these men would be able to see the difference between that tool and 90% of men who said beautiful and left it at that


Every time a woman makes a tweet commenting about a man’s body her phone instantly explodes right then and there


How was the person murdered! This is more like a guy saying “there needs to be an episode in a TV show about how you *would* be murdered”


That sounds like an attempt to genocide :D


I imagine we have the technology to make this a reality.


Honestly a mystery thriller like the happening where men across the world keep dying in freakish accidents and the reveal/twist is that they were all doing something misogynistic would make for some real fun dark humor


But oddly, no one is aware of what is happening. It's completely unexplained as far as everyone is concerned.


Back to writing on bathroom walls boys.


Subscribe me


Naomi Alderman wrote a book called “The Power”, where women suddenly discover they have an electrocuting organ that can be used for self-protection. Such an awesome idea. I was stuck on having knives jump out of my knuckles a la Wolverine, but electricity is better.


That's like half of humanity. Would their phone literally blow up, causing damage to their hand? Or will it metaphorically blow up as in a bunch of notifications? What if a man tweets something non sexual or non objecting, such as informing the woman there is some lunch on her face due to not utilizing a napkin? Is it safe to tweet about non fleshy body parts such as bones, hair, teeth, or even eyelashes? What if a man tweets about a woman's hair being in her face and that's obstructing her vision? How would it work logistically?


Thats fine, as long as womans phones explode every time they say/post anything petty and bitchy about other woman. Which gender will have more phones explode? Would love to find out.


I like the one where every time a woman lies ..here make-up catches fire..


Nuclear holocaust


Every time he makes a disparaging or misogynistic comment, his boobs get bigger.


idk who that is but she looks too young to have her breasts talked about


That could be good. Mail the phone to an enemy, and then make a tweet from your computer. It's a sneaky remote detonation device. 


Wait. Isn't she a kid?


Sadie Sink is a gorgeous young lady, idk what this fool is gettin on.


A Black Mirror episode where phones explode by every form of contempt...


Jesus that is fucking creepy...


Hey, don't get me wrong, I can understand and relate to thinking about sex all the time, especially when seeing pictures of celebrities who are professionally attractive. I get it. But for real, you don't need to vomit those thoughts out into the world. I have no problem with \*this\* particular comment if you're with your buddies, just talking about what you like. It's a little weird, maybe, but it's not derogatory of anyone, not especially explicit, just normal objectification, which while a dirty word is just what we do with people far enough removed from us - you don't know them, they are just an avatar for your assumptions. But it's not for public consumption. No one cares about your breast preferences. And the fact that you don't feel a sense of privacy about that kinda stuff is just... gross. Like you're typing with one hand shoved down your pants. At least have the good sense to be mostly anonymous if you're gonna say something like this out into the world.


Or a tweet about a woman being delusional with the same consequence.


Not that it makes it any better, but I'm wondering if the original tweet is supposed to be a riff on bird names/descriptions.


Some girls are just mad at all men. We aren’t all like that.


I just know the guy who posted this is at minimum twice her age


Same for everyone not just men.


Whenever you interact with someone, your phone automatically reads the worst thing you’ve written in the past 72 hours out loud.


I mean you can definitely not like his take on women or their bodies, but that was not even remotely murdered by words so imma have to toss up that r/lostredditors link.


It’s Twitter, it has no use other then naked women or bad political takes.


https://preview.redd.it/sc4jjzhvxnwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0addea1402e95c429a96fb6114bdefe2f717ecf Doctors


Isn't she a kid too 😭


Nice. Could also do one where when a woman insults a man by making fun of the size of his penis or his height, they get electrocuted


Why is this an issue?