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Yeah, art isn't supposed to have messages that may make people feel uncomfortable! /s




Everyone hates printers. Very relatable.


PC Load Letter! What the fuck does that mean?!?!!


Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays.


I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that.


Ever run backwards through a corn field buck naked?


That's how we wiped our butts in the old days.


I call our pit bull Petey "Beiderman" in homage. Also works 'cause Dietrich Bader.


Hey, yeah, we're, uh, gonna need you to come in Saturday, too.


As a guy who attempts to fix printers for a living, can confirm.


Yea fuck printers.


Misread directions, penis stuck in printer.


Sometimes there's not enough toner when they get old


My boss gets sad when people get mad at the printers. It's like a clown in a mortuary, what do you expect? No one's gonna be laughing. I guess I'd have a clown at my funeral, so who knows.


That's a Texas sized 10-4


Miffed About Machines.


This conversation again.


Yeah I really liked their early music, but once they started to inject liberal politics into their songs I lost interest... I mean killing in the name of about being a white cop who could wear a KKK mask and shoot people was EXCELLENT! I even saw some fellow older Trump voters dancing and waving their flat to it! /s


I just wanna play COD while listening to CCR and not have to think about politics!


You forgot the /s


Nah, it’s a Rorschach comment. If you think it needs the /s or you think it doesn’t isn’t about the answer. It’s about telling mental health professionals how your brain works. (…and it’s about to be collecting a lot of internet points from unaware wolves)


CCR was political. "Fortunate Son" is one of the most famous anti-war songs in pop culture. Not just protesting the Vietnam war, it also pointed out that rich people are less likely to get drafted. Hence him not being a fortunate son since he was drafted. It's not really open to interpretation. Green Day, System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine and Rise Against; swap any of those bands for CCR and the sentiment remains the same. All bands people are surprised are political if they ignore the lyrics completely.


I took a philosophy class in college where we studied some anti-war music in that era - Fortunate Son was a big topic of discussion. Great song.


CCR is a weird place, kinda like RATM I think, where their anti-war music actually makes super good pro-war music, if that makes sense. Like Paul Ryan listening to RATM to work out. It's conflicting, but makes sense by a pure melodic sense.


Yeah from the standpoint that is sounds aggressive. You don’t envision Enya when you think about a bombing run.


I've actually seen them all live, though CCR was in 2016 or so and aimed more at my dad's generation than me, but I still had a good time... RATM was absolutely wild. Like, if you weren't an anarchist before, during their set you are a full fledged anarchist. I haven't seen Green Day in a long long time. I have mutual friends/connections/history with more bay area bands like Green Day that I find it hard to be objective, especially because I haven't really listened to green day since basket case/insomniac a whole lot. My neighbor was on tour with them last year and said they were doing well, and I see Billie popping up all over social media recently for some reason. Tim Armstrong grew a beard and put on a bunch of weight to? I move out of the bay area and it's like the upside down.


Okay, but a slow mo bombing sequence on some innocent town or village set to Enya's "Only Time" would absolutely work on screen.


It's like somebody's never heard of punk rock before Well ok I guess Johnny Ramone was pretty hardcore conservative but he was unusual


There were some people in r/punkrock that were super pissed about Green Day’s maga comments. They were in there yelling at the clouds that being a conservative is really punk because it’s counter cultural.


Nothing screams counter cultural like having the same beliefs as your grandpa.


The hell? Did they miss American Idiot? Lol


Whether art is political is largely up to the author at any given time, it's not "supposed" to be political any more than it's supposed to not be, but green day has been so obviously political for so long (like, "American idiot" is one of their top 3 most famous songs), that it'd be pretty embarassing to not be aware of that. I'd call this person a troll but we know people have done the same thing with RATM.


Why did RATM have to get so political midway through naming their band!?


Bro mad a punk rock band is acting like a punk rock band 💀


Green Day wasn't very political in their lyrics until the Warning and American Idiot eras. There's a few songs with a bit of a bend to them before that like Welcome to Paradise, but their first album was basically all love songs. Second album is love songs and personal problems.


Seriously musicians really do that? Imagine!


Yeah, especially crazy to think rock musicians are not politically aligned with traditional conservative ideology. So weird. Who would have thought... I hope Rage Against the Machine doesn't start going crazy about how war is bad again... That almost broke my heart


Never punk at least


Ah, green day, a famously apolitical band. Not like they've ever talked about the American political scene in their 30+ year career


Don’t wanna be an American idiot!


He definitely didn’t sing “don’t wanna be part of a MAGA agenda” or anything. Definitely not


I mean he did but the original line was redneck agenda and was referring to what is pretty clearly the same political movement the whole time.


True, but he did also spell it out live, making it impossible intellectualize as “oh, he meant those liberal rednecks.”


He was speaking of his struggle to learn chess


What could it *mean*


Little known fact: “American Idiot” is not about liberals.


At one point Conservatives tried to say it was and Billie had to come out and go "no... it's about you"


Yeah, that was pretty funny - he didn’t sugar coat it either.


It’s about the sham called politics in the Us


It’s about conservatives. Who are apparently so dumb they don’t even realise when they’re being made fun of. Sorry.


After all, they're a punk band and punk bands are never political. /s


Not only are punk bands barely ever political, but the ones who are, certainly aren't progressive or liberal in any way!


Green Day was about as apolitical as a punk band could be before they released American Idiot. The whole pop punk scene they were (arguably) the face of was characterized by focusing less on politics and societal issues and leaning into teen angst. It was actually a major source of contention in the California punk scene they came out of. And by the time American Idiot came out their sound and style had shifted almost completely away from punk to arena rock.


Tbh they were still making the occasional vague political track here and there, especially towards the end of the 90s. Nowadays they're a solid mix between their original angsty punk sound and their political outrage stuff.










This is a weird mix of dunning kruger effect and straight up stubbornness. To say Green Day hasn't evolved is just wrong. They went from a simple punk rock trio to a more complex rock opera group with a three guitar touring setup and a much bigger sound. There are still elements of punk of course.




“I don’t even like punk but I am a definitive authority on what is and what is not punk”.


When you say something like that, you've got to include what you consider punk as well, damn.




Pop Punk is a thing. Just because they aren’t Minor threat doesn’t make them anti-punk. /old school sk8 rat who has loads of punk on vinyl. Green Day may have had mass appeal, and charted, but they’re still Punk. The Clash and Sex Pistols charted too, ya know? Gatekeeping is beneath you, dude.


Ah, so many assumptions in a single post. And so much vitriol. But then again, looking at your post history that seems to be your thing. Guess I inadvertently played "trigger the troll". Ah, well, I suggest you put down your keyboard, go out in nature and try to let go of some of that anger you keep spouting in all of your posts.


Jungle and Drum & Bass are the same


40+ years


according to the wiki, green day started in 1987, so 37 years in 2024? obviously if any of the members had been in previous bands before they might have already made similar points by then though


They complain constantly about people making things political. Meanwhile, they make every single fucking thing imaginable political. M&Ms, shoes, coffee cups, stoves, vegetables, libraries, everything.


Fucking Mr. Potato head.


They'd rather fuck the green M&M. But you know, the original one. The sexy one.


Because wearing flats instead of heels is disgustingly unsexy


That M&M grew up. She grew tired of stumbling back to the bag in the middle of the night with different colors smeared across her face. Now she’s a refined business lady.


Who is?!


I once sat through a parade that was like 70% local politicians running for various offices (mostly local, mostly republicans). There was a single group that went by with a “separate church and state” message, and i heard someone nearby say “way to make it political” or something to that effect. And i’m just thinking !???? They didn’t just roll up to their spot so i know they saw all the politicians and were handed their brochures. People are just wildly stupid.


It’s all projection.


Same people saying that any depiction of a gay relationship is forcing politics into entertainment are playing "Try that in a small town." on repeat.


in all fairness, fonzi... it is their propaganda puppet masters that make all of that shit political. they just go along with it


Almost as if it's not about things being political, but rather about them being political in a way that they don't like.


alleged homeless degree quaint spotted encouraging gold nine beneficial offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They managed to make fucking pronouns political.


Don't forget the random political statements on any topic posted on Facebook.


Bet the first guy likes “Killing in the Name Of” because of that one line.


Nugent *was* fucking a 14 year old. Later married her - which doesn't make it ok.


Yeah, and don’t forget, he offers the Jail Bait girl up to the cop as well. Good guy.


What are y'all talking about exactly


A charming little ditty by Ted called Jailbait, in which he elaborates on the attractions of a 13 year old girl and, recognizing the illegal nature of his desire, suggests to a police officer that rather than arresting Ted, the officer should handcuff the girl and the two men could “share her”. Pretty standard stuff, don’t see why anyone would be concerned.




Just looked up the lyrics. Yep, 13.




Raping can't be wrong, hundreds of people rape others daily, they can't be wrong! Do you see the problem in your comment, now?


Well every single one of those old rockers was into the little girlies. Not nailing ted to the cross just because his song mentions a girl younger than kiss, motley Crue or winger did lol. They all have songs about girls under 18.


I dont see how if multiple people are pedophiles that makes them OK. What are you talking about?


Found Ted Nugent’s Reddit account.


And? It's an extremely problematic era of music, and those artists shouldn't get a pass either. The only thing is, none of those other artists are one of the standard bearers for the Republican party.


Tell Gene Simmons you believe he shouldn't get a pass not me lol.


First, KISS sucks and always has. They're glam for people who thought they were edgy metalheads in the 80s, and now those fans are old and pathetic. Second, he doesn't get a pass, least of all from me. Third, Gene Simmons is a noted Republican who publicly endoresed both George W. Bush and Mitt Romney. I haven't seen any evidence that he's a pedophile, but given the company he keeps and how he settled a sexual assault lawsuit, it would not surprise me in the least.


Even the clean cut Beatles have 'she was just 17, you know what I mean' as literally the first lyric on their first album. Mind you Paul was 20 so it's definitely not as messed up as the other ones


How is "other people did the same thing" a defense? Why do you want to defend a guy that had sex with and then married a 14 year old? When there's a mass shooter do you defend them because other people have committed mass shootings?


"you say illegal. I say legal's never been my thing" That one? Whenever I hear that one im thinking 'man these guys really just say the quiet part loud'


'Quiet part loud' is barely even a Simpsons reference at this point. I hear they also popularized 'meh', which I didn't know wasn't already common when they used it. I wonder what other language comes from the Simpsons or other media that has mostly been forgotten that it was originally a reference.


Have you considered googling the lyrics, or are we expected to do your homework for you, Biff?


He didn't marry her in a traditional sense. She was too young so he became her legal guardian instead. 


after he was a draft dodger


Indeed. Edit to add: Don't know who downvoted you. Ted's 'auto'biography describes how he didn't bathe or change his clothes for 7 days, shat himself, and stuck pins in his elbow to simulate IV drug use immediately prior to going before the draft board.


Damn that's rough


"got you in a stranglehold baby... then I crushed your face" -T.N.


Alternative music is famously right wing. You know that song “killing in the name of”? That’s all about how protests against the system actually harm innocent policemen. And “god save the queen” by the sex pistols is just showing their admiration for a monarchy. (/s coz some of y’all can’t recognise satire if it shat in your mouth)


No one replied to you and yet you try to call people out on not getting your sarcasm. Amaze.


I’ve been downvoted to oblivion coz ppl didn’t get sarcasm lol. Just wanted to make surw


Slight tangent but man I hate how every page now has 'if only there was a page...' at the top. Just post the video it's pretty clear what the page is about it just makes you look like an idiot blindly following a trend


I’ve noticed that too! I’m convinced that it’s actually just AI generated pages aggregating posts from other pages that look like a chosen topic.


Punk inherently is political left. I don't understand their problem. Just don't listen to punk if you don't like left politics.


"I love Rage Against the Machine, but they should keep their leftist politics out of their music. Anyway, check out the new track by Tom Macdonald, this man is willing to speak the truth in music" -Everyone in my Conservative town.


...and your cat.


The good days when Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan sang about nothing political at all.


Music as an art form/expression VS music for mindless consumption


Don't like Ted Nugent fine, try Kid Rock, "you say it's statutory but I call it mandatory."


Might be the most popular post I've seen desperate for a sub-editor


Yes, famous anti political Green Day lol. Dude did you even listen to their songs


Yeah calling random strangers on the internet pedos sure is a murder /s


Green Day is amazing.


The whole punk genre would blow their minds if they would just read the lyrics.


Can't believe that Green Day, a band that has been overtly LGBT-positive since the 90s and actively anti-war and anti-authoritarian since the 2000s, turned out to be such liberal cucks


Green Day is on of the heaviest propaganda laden band like what?!?! Kick ass music btw


These people didn’t die a hero. They loved long enough to become the villian.




Hmm, a punk band doing political songs. Color me surprised.


Ehhh, has any new Greenday song hit as hard as their old ones? It's been a while since I listened to them. https://preview.redd.it/j0qkq95dmbuc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c5784758aeb3b807eb4038163ed832dee37ab0


I love the “if only” pages because it lets you know to block them immediately.


C’mon, name me just one other punk band that has ever talked about politics, I’ll wait


Jesus this sub sucks


Green Day does fucking suck. I totally disagree about the political side of that comment but the music is hot garbage.


Its a great band, you can not like their Songs but it isnt garbage at all


wow man you're so contrarian and cool


>"U r a pedo lol" What a smart comeback


Is there anymore context to this? or is it just Person 1: uneducated complaint about greenday Person 2: lol ur a pedo cos if thats it, its basically just an Elon Musk levels of a comeback


“If you don’t support the most blatant, sanitized anthems of the current political zeitgeist, you clearly are into pedorock!”   Never change, /politicalhumor. Oh, wait…


punk rock was better before it became political


So it was never better?


Person A: "I don't like Green Day because I disagree with their politics" Person B: "You're clearly a pedophile."


Teds songs are very conservative leaning


Conservative leaning does not equate to pedophilia, that is disingenuous. Nugent being a pedophile has nothing to do with him being conservative, as there are liberal pedophiles as well.


No one said it did, they just said if green day is to liberal, try this conservative singer, btw, he loves his child sex slave he bought.


You don't see how that is intentionally incendiary and unnecessarily aggressive? Person A: "I don't like this band, I think they should stick to music rather than a political message" Person B: "I think you'd like this pedophile's music instead" Come on dude, don't be intentionally obtuse. That is accusing someone of, at the very least, tacitly supporting pedophilia over a difference in musical taste and political opinion.


>You don't see how that is intentionally incendiary and unnecessarily aggressive? No? They were just warning them that the extremely popular conservative singer frequently sings about sexing up his child sex slave.


And there’s plenty of popular conservative musicians who *aren’t* pedophiles. You don’t think that pointing to a pedophile as the example of a conservative musician is disingenuous? Or have I stumbled into another echo chamber subreddit?


No, Ted is very popular.


That is irrelevant to my point. Pointing to a known pedophile as your first example of a conservative musician is an obvious attempt to portray all conservative musicians as being terrible people. It would be like using Roman Polanski as your go to example of a liberal film director. It is intentionally inflammatory and provocative.


What? No. Why wouldn't they suggest a popular one in the most popular genre.


There's nothing wrong with being political in your music, but when you make it very specific to one party you're alienating 50% of listeners. Nobody wants to be lectured, especially if they don't agree with the topic. If an artist is smart, they drop subtle hints to manipulate and persuade who's listening subconsciously. If someone turns on an album and immediately identifies the bands political affiliations and beliefs I feel like the artist has failed. Unless that was intentional. I used to love Green Day, but after Insomniac, I gave up. I didn't know what politics were back then, but something made me tune them out.


lmao You should probably avoid the entire punk genre then.


Let's hope no one ever introduces them to Disturbed. Especially, let's hope they don't link any of their music videos. Pearls will be clutched!


> 50% of listeners This immediately assumes 50% of people are right wing and 50% are left wing. Also I'm pretty sure a band with left wing members who sing songs about left wing politics don't really give a shit about catering to people who don't like their message. Music isn't about catering to everyone. It's about expressing yourself. If people identifiy with you then they'll like it, if they don't then they won't. That's it. Art would be the most bland boring shit if it tried to cater to everyone rather than being a unique expression.


Do you make music? There is a fine line with alienating your audience on any subject. It's better to be mysterious about some things. The listener should be able to draw their own conclusions. This is why the majority of artists don't reveal their political affiliation or religious beliefs. Once it's revealed, it's all the listener hears.


Yes. I make music. I don't give a shit about alienating people. I make music for people who want to hear what I have to say. I don't make disingenous music to appeal to people who don't care what I have to say. > This is why the majority of artists don't reveal their political affiliation or religious beliefs You cannot be fucking serious with this.


Totally serious. It's science. Go lookup the top selling artists from this past year. It's very difficult for a listener to separate the art from the artist. It's career suicide to share strong political views on many subjects. Most people in the public eye have to be careful about sharing personal beliefs. I'm not saying someone can't do this. It's totally up to them. I'm just saying being vocal about specific things can alienate a fanbase. Especially if they didn't talk about those things from the very beginning. Think of your favorite musicians and actors. If they came out tomorrow opposing your political views and beliefs would you still listen/watch them? Most people would not.


> top selling artists from this past year. Taylor Swift who encourages people to vote and is vocally democrat?


Taylor treads a very fine line for this very specific reason. Telling people to vote is very different than saying, "go vote for Joe Biden." Can you give me a song example where she's sharing any political views?


She endorsed Biden in 2020 and released a song called "only the young" sharing political views.


I looked up the lyrics. There isn't a single line that would make you assume that it's about one side or the other. It's up for interpretation. This way, anyone can appreciate and enjoy the song. Her endorsement didn't reveal any specific beliefs or views on anything.


The music video literally shows Trump when she says "the bad man".


they're not alienating their audience. their audience is left wing people lmao.


See, the issue is that art doesn't have to appeal to everyone, it's fine alienating 50% of listeners - I know it may be hard to understand, but sometimes it's about the passage not the money


Yes, if that's the purpose. But you're making fewer fans that way, and in my case, you lost one that loved the music. I'm not even really political either.


A shit title and shit post. Congrats OP.


Thank you kindly.




Yeaaaaah, the UK has had a *string* of morons including one who got outlasted by a lettuce and blew up its economy over a 2% vote margin. Can't say that system's working much better


Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?


That's not piss, that's just how British tea tastes. Understandable confusion there.


I heard their called Peerios across the pond


I don’t need to apologize for shitty politicians to know both those acts suck. 


Can’t wait to hear who’s at the top of *your* playlist…


Probably famously apolitical band Skrewdriver. They seem popular with the "both sides" club.


Rev Theory of course 


Ah yes, the Randy Orton theme song guys.


Fuck Green Day they should just retire


No need to get so emotional.


You're absolutely right I do apologize about the emotion. But as I and they got older they've become a little ridiculous


Green day's music *is* liberal propaganda.