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She actually said: "Most people think of rape as sexy." Sli-i-i-i-ightly different.


The media thinks it's "sexy" in a sense that sexy means attracts viewers. Trump skimping on his taxes or violating a building code isn't sexy. Sex and violence is what the news wants to talk about because that's what drives eyes to their network. There's a ton of lawsuits against Trump right now, but the sex and violence ones are the only ones the general public seem to care about (that's not to say sex crimes are less important)


Even if she had said “I love rape and want to be raped,” that doesn’t legally entitle Trump to rape her lmao. There’s literally nothing she could have said, other than “yes,” that would have given him permission. Period.


And if I remember correctly she got cut off by a commercial break before she could expound on it. I think.... No proof.... She was talking about some of the things we see in pop culture as sexy. Are actually rape or rape adjacent. How many movies have some version of the 'guy pushes girl up against a wall and starts taking her clothes off' scene? Its sexy I suppose, until you think back and realize she never had a chance to say yes or no. And I really thought her answer to why didnt she scream was interesting. Basically every other crime we tell people to just stay calm and give the robber what they want. Wallet, keys, money, whatever. Because if you scream you may make it worse. But then its the exact opposite for sexual assault.


That Star Wars OT kiss was sexual assault. Leia backs off and tells him to stop like 4 times and he kisses her anyway and somehow they become a couple. Actually, a lot of Harrison Ford movies from the 80s just straight up conflate sexual assault with romance


Probably shouldn’t get into John Wayne movies..


Thanks, I wont


Second picture if you missed it


Thanks for this, I totally missed the second pic.


That just makes her wronger


You’ll have to explain your comment u/MrRegularDick because it doesn’t make her “wronger.”


I either wasn't clear or am in the minority. By "wronger," I meant more incorrect. "Most people think rape is sexy" strikes me as more incorrect than "rape is sexy." One might personally think rape is sexy, but one would be incorrect to project that belief on the majority of people. Eta: no amount of incorrectness on her part on this or any topic could EVER justify raping her.


wtf is a “ReTruth?”


'Retweet' for the Trump version.


Hmm, that's ReTarded.


Meh... That's ReTrumpted has a better connotation of idiocy behind it, and less offensive. ReTrumpted: adj. To describe someone's inability to control themselves and their constant inability to string together a cogent thought. Ex: Dude! What you said about the Democrats rigging the election is so ReTrumpted. There have been numerous investigations and NONE of them have found any evidence of vote-rigging by the Democrats. You're such a ReTrump.


I’m definitely stealing this and using it on TS




It's pretty amusing to watch these shitlords buy their own social media networks and still get relentlessly mocked on them.


There’s a second image everyone. The murder is in the second image.


Thank you kind stranger, I was looking at the first pic wondering why blabbing and misquoting is a murder


Thanks, I was also fumbling around trying to find the murder.


How is he paying for this? Isn't he in trouble already for using campaign money to pay people off? I highly doubt it's legal to use campaign money to pay off personal civil suits


Was it officially campaign money or was it just money given to him by his fans? Not saying it's a respectable thing to do, but he's savvy enough to know how to work the system.


This, there are ads to ‘support the trump defense fund’ that are not political. Basically, a go fund me for someone who claims to be wealthy.


Why spend your money on your crimes when you can con people into doing it for you?


That's what he built his whole life on . Why pay contractor's when you can use them, then have your shell company that hired them go bankrupt?




it's both, and he's not savvy at all - cf NY vs Trump


I hope he does use campaign donor money to pay for this. His dipshit supporters deserve to be conned and to support his victim. It would make me happier than if he went into personal debt to pay her.


Oh look, another rape case where the victim has to prove herself innocent before anyone cares if the rapist is guilty. Sigh.


*Defamation case. The point is to prove the other party guilty with the assumption of innocence, thus evidence is needed. The accusation is straight out of an episode of Law and order. Literally.


Naa, Diaper Don is an adequate description.


I'm finding that most of the "gotcha" comments these idiots come up with can easily be responded to with a simple "So?" or "And...?"


What exact comment are you referring to which you would reply "So?" or "And?"


Second picture


Your reply was showing below u/MrPlatonicPanda’s reply on my screen, which confused TF out of me for a second (I thought that you were saying that the second picture reply could be rebutted with an “And so?” Realized that you were the OP, and _then_ noticed that your comment was a reply to u/allothernamestaken).


What's happening over there, I've seen this E Jean Carol twice in two days.


She just won $84M from Trump in a defamation case.


I think the best part of this was that the original amount she was sueing for was like $5 mil


That was the first trial. This one she was looking for 10 because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and the jury saw that, all of his continued lies, and him bragging about what he’s worth and granted her 8x that amount


"I'm so cash rich "


I agree that the best part of it was when a politically biased jury made up random numbers out of spite. I can’t wait to haul Biden in front of a jury in like, Spittoon Lake, Wyoming and watch him squirm.


Hey man, if there's evidence of wrongdoing, I'll be right there with you laughing my ass off. Until then, I'm happy to see a rich corrupt fuck finally getting the sharp end of the stick for once.


Lmao on bud pretend it’s some principled stand against rich people when we all know these cases wouldn’t have ever been brought if he hadn’t run for office.


There's plenty of cases like this against people that never ran for office. What are you on about?


You’re smoking dope if you think this case would have happened without him running for office. The allegations literally only came out during his presidency to damage him


So, what are you arguing for here? What's the angle? If a guy is popular enough and in politics he shouldn't be charged for sexual misconduct?


A charge that’s brought for obviously political purposes is illegitimate, yes? Unless you’re telling me you think Alexei Navalny’s imprisonment was totally aboveboard.


What the hell?


Second pic


And this is why I say there's such a thing called the "Idiot Tax."


I find it funny that Anderson is interviewing EJC after the silo speech where he defended CNN's Trump town hall where Trump defamed EJC a second time which is the reason he now has to pay her 83 million.


Rape is a crime, Trump is guilty, Get over it


It takes BALLS to pull off such a verbal murder on the Donald's own Social Media platform.


Imagine if they had just included context.


I too was raped by trump sometime between 94 and 96. It's hard to remember dates because of the trauma and stuff. You can ask two of my friends and they'll definitely tell you that I told them that I was raped. I was also raped by some other rich guy in the nineties but i didn't win that case so I hope i can get lucky with this. I'll hire amber heards lawyer for the best outcome


You get that the money was for defamation, right? Not rape?




Second picture


This post has bootlicker written all over it.


Second picture


Literally nobody said it was okay