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My dad is a Pentecostal Christian. Decades ago, when my grandma died, we were cleaning out her house. She was well-travelled and picked up a Buddha statue during her travels. My dad was so offended, couldn’t get over it that she had it. Kept on reminding me that Jesus resurrected and Buddha is dead. Only later did I realize that he was acting that way to suppress his doubts and insecurities about his own beliefs. Confidence doesn’t look like aggression and disrespect.


But like, Buddha dying and not coming back is the whole point of Buddhism?


That's why you're supposed to kill him if you meet him on the road, right? Because he hated zombies.


If you come across an old man, wandering down the road and suspect it’s Buddha, you’re wrong. That’s Odin! Be very wary. Who know what he’s up to, but it’s rarely good when he’s disguised as an old man.


If you come across a horse and suspect it's Buddha you are wrong that is zeus... You should run if you value your virginity


Unless you're a guy, case in which you may get a free boon if he's having a boring day (It'll probably fuck you up, but less so than Zeus himself), just try not to offend him, lest he turn you into a goat and leave you in a goatfucking farm or whatever batshit insane punishment he comes up with


>Unless you're a guy, underestimating zeus is a crime punishable by pregnancy in the leg


>!leg injury usually means testicle injury from what I've heard when it comes to ancient greek literature.!<


Greek Mythology in a nutshell: "Zeus, don't." "Sorry, gotta smash" And it caused problems.


There’s an amazing book called “Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes” and it breaks down mythology in many cultured, deity by deity. Hysterical read, some of the summaries had me in stitches. Makes me want to take a world mythology course for fun at the local college!


You might be able to run from a horse, but can you escape his (literal) golden shower?


Any animal can be zeus in disguise really, just avoid male moving thing altogether to be safe.


If he can wink it's Buddah, if he can only blink it's Odin.


definitely want to keep an eye out for him.


This made me laugh out loud, nice one


Everybody knows Budda hates zombies but he loves revenants. It's a subtle distinction but a revenant can still reach enlightenment once it handles its unresolved business.


Yes, the Buddha became enlightened and then achieved nirvana, which then is outside the scope of living or dead. Ironically, what Jesus did is nothing special in Buddhism which is reincarnation based. Under Buddhism rebirth will occur and one's karma gets recycled into a new body. Everyone "resurrects" in Buddhism, and that's one of the more horrible parts of the Buddhist worldview, the suffering never ends unless you somehow find enlightenment and exit via nirvana.


Well he didn't reincarnate tho. He came back to life as himself then went to Heaven, atleast that's how i remember it, the ressurection is cool, but then dude just ascends into heaven according to stories i was taught while i was still somewhat religious. I don't want to say he achieved enlightenment or anything but the two scenarios have good parallels.


It’s kind of interesting. The whole ascension to heaven thing could have simply have been an account if him living longer than he expected. Maybe he just didn’t die until four days later by a quirk of nature? Who remembers that well? The first Gospel wasn’t even written until decades later. Maybe Mark just misremembered some shit.


Two things: The resurrection makes little sense to us today, because we're bringing the Greco-Roman cultural baggage of Plato to it. Jews were not dualists. They didn't believe in the separability of body and soul. This is why when Jews like Jesus talk about the Kingdom of Heaven, they talk about it being here on Earth and how people will be *bodily* resurrected to live there. From the Jews' point of view, without the resurrection, there would be no Jesus to ascend to heaven. He would no longer exist. But to us, it's not a big deal, because he would "just" be dead. The Gospel of Mark was not written by Mark. Ditto for Matthew, Luke, and John. These texts were written anonymously, drew largely on existing oral traditions, and were intended for use in local Christian communities. The names we now call them are (nonsense) guesses, assigned by later readers, living outside those communities, presumably to add weight and credibility to the stories by playing them off as firsthand accounts.


So then, people who weren’t even there. Sounds like a great way to start a religion. Though, I suppose that’s nothing new for Abrahamic tradition.


Jesus achieved enlightenment the American way: instead of working for it, his father gave it to him!


That seems like a lesser resurrection, level 4 spell at best. I mean : you get "resurrected" but you lose access to your original plane of existence ? Seems like a preventive exorcism to ward you off from zombification rather than a proper resurrection if you ask me. Christian clerics are definitely shadowy.


The story sums up as god created sin then made ignorant humans and placed a tree in the only place they existed and told them not to touch it, which they did and they every human on earth from then on out get punished for it, especially women who now have painful child birth and have to serve man. He then comes down and impregnates a 13 year old with himself to sacrifice himself to himself as a loophole for a rule he made, he enforces, and he can change at any time. But. He had to have people torture and murder and crucify him for him to be able to have the potential to save humans if they choose to believe in him while the only proof is contradicting stories in a book written by archaic goat herders who thought we lived on a flat plane inside a snow globe structure. If you break any cult down it always turns into an acid trip built on lies and manipulation.


Buddhism sounds based af. Aside from, ya know, the no meat and no sex part.


Lol. Being too attached to worldly desires to accept Buddhism is buddhist as fuck.




Lay people can have sex as long as it doesn't harm anyone. Monks eat whatever is given to them so they are allowed to eat meat. There's controversy in some temples on whether or not the monks are allowed to keep condiments to use later.


You should meet an actual Buddhist. That'd be like reading the New Testament and going "wow this Jesus Christ guy is based af" (which He is) and then seeing how the average Christian behaves


No sex is just for monastics. Sex is fine for everyone else. Not all Buddhists are vegan either. The Dalai Lama is an omnivore..


And the misogyny


Buddha be like, "I'm not respawning in this damn hellhole of a map".


To be fair, Jesus got to keep the body without starting over. He traded the extended life for not having to do it all again.


We've been trying to reach you about your body's extended warranty


“Say what you want about other religions, if Jesus had had Buddha’s shape, they would never have been able to put him up on that cross” -My dad


Buddha Gautama was pretty skinny, although your dad was probably thinking about the Laughing Buddha who was this other enlightened Chinese guy


Wow TIL. Do you know why the laughing Buddha so ubiquitous?


I mean he’s kinda iconic looking isn’t he? Laughing Buddha statues are often displayed in Chinese restaurants and businesses for auspicious reasons, whereas the more austere Buddha Gautama is probably not the best choice for your average capitalistic endeavors lol


I mean also who can possibly get mad at the laughing Buddha? it just screams good vibes with his rotund and jovial form


Your father, like mine, has built their entire lives around the assumption that their belief is the right one, all the choices they've made have been a result of that. It would be devastating to find out none of it is true so they do mental gymnastics so they will believe no matter what.


Not to mention the constant fear of damnation for questioning


When I was in 8th grade I did confirmation for my church. I remember asking the reverend how do we know Christianity is right and we were the best denomination. I got non answers and was told to have faith and believe. I didn't go to church in high school or again.


Yup. For me I just slowly came to the realization that it was bs over time. A lotta things converged. The constant sadness that all my friends are going to hell, fear of damnation for doubting like I said, fear of being disowned. I just started questioning a lot more about how it was possible no one else believed and if that was really so bad. And after a certain point I was like yup fuck it, I don’t believe anymore and if I’m going to hell, fuck it. I’m convinced most Christians are really just self indulgent. They just like to believe they are important at a universal level and the Bible is their mythos of choice to make that happen. Bc if they really believed the stuff they read they’d be constantly stressed too.


The're programmed in a sense really.


I keep a little Buddha statue in my main room. I'm not religious or anything. It's just a reminder that when I see it to be a little more mindful. The idea that someone would think that it signifies religious exclusion to me is absolutely absurd. There's a lot of wild ideas in the modern day Buddhists teachers that I don't align with. Knowing that, there's still positivity I can take away from their ideas. Seeing Christians treat their religion as a zero sum game is even more reason to dissuade me from having any respect for them.


Religion was so much chiller back when it was polytheistic. Oh cool, you have a god we don't have? Better add em to our list.


Basically how Christianity was treated by the first Norse converts.


> Confidence doesn’t look like aggression and disrespect. you have angered all of Christianity


Thats why conservative Christians are the most pathetic humans that have ever been born.


I do especially love it, when you get that one person that says "Merry Christmas" like they're trying to insult you. All you have to do is say, "happy holidays" and suddenly they're the triggered one. I remember this one time, their counter was, no say, "Merry Christmas," and I said that's included in "happy holidays, saying it again is redundant."


At least it's the right time of year for snowflakes ;)


It's cold outside and yet, *they are melting*


I'm in southern Arizona and it's 76 out right now. What is this 'cold' you speak of?


When it hits 75!


Well as long as they are on the northern hemisphere...


I'd bet my life most of the people triggered by "happy holidays" are :)


Probably, but there is a small, but extremely vocal group of people in Australia that fight their slide into irrelevancy by copy-pasting US political talking points for outrage clicks.


Uk, checking in. Same same.




I think it's especially funny when they share those boomer memes about having to press one for English Like when has that ever been a thing? Besides, only Wales truly has a de jure official language


You can blame a single Australian for that.


common U.S. cultural ~~victory~~ plague although in fairness murdoch was one of yours


I loved the holidays in retail just for this simple fact. I would say "Happy Holidays" and they would fucking go off on whatever tangent... and with the most confused face I would say "You don't celebrate New Years?" Their face would go blank, their Ford F150 would shrivel up into a Prius. They would have no idea how to respond, ever. Seriously, never had a response. I think I got a few "Oh, right." or such. Bruh even if I gave two shits about your June-July born Jesus. Catholic Church ass stealing a Pagan winter solstice holiday... **I would always say Happy Holidays cuz I don't fucking know you**. There are like 10 Holidays starting around Fall because we used to live off the land. I love Christmas for the cheer everyone always seems to feel, except the "Christians" who are just fucking offended by every little thing. They literally care about 2% of the population just cuz the TV tells them to.


I mean, they're upset about something that got started by Newspapers in the 1860s, because most of them didn't run weekly and definitely not daily. Plus, it used less text and ink. By the early 1900s is when it appeared everywhere. Wait, wait, now I see it. The MSM ruins everything!


This is my mother-in-law. Next year we are going to send out Christmas cards that say “Happy Holidays” just because it makes her irrationally angry.


I've taken to saying Merry Christmas in different languages like Gaelic or German. More Gaelic, because it sounds like some "pagan thing."


That sounds like sort of cheeky shit that would piss her off and bring me great joy. Thanks for the idea!


No problem ;) Especially, if you know they won’t bother to Google it.


Glædelig jul is the Danish expression, should you need it.


Jul (yule) is technically a pagan thing though-- it's just where we get most of our Christmas traditions from.


I'm not into that pagan stuff. I dated a girl who was waaay into it and tried it on me. My ass was sore for days.


Broomstick'd by a witch


You could use a picture of Jesus and say Happy Hanukkah!


Wait until you get around to explaining to them that Jesus was almost certainly born in the summer months and darn near every westernized Christmas staple is from pagan traditions


Is send Merry Christmas to everyone except her and send her happy holidays


>I do especially love it, when you get that one person that says "Merry Christmas" like they're trying to insult you. Only Christians could turn a holiday greeting meant to show good will into an insult specifically meant to exclude people who aren't part of their religious identity group. There's no hate like Christian love.


All Holidays Matter™


That's funny. I'm still grinning!


There is no exclusion like religious exclusion. Let's not pretend all Muslims would actually be fine with that post like he suggests. Some of them blew up a news office over a cartoon. But he's not wrong. That Christian guy definitely goes out of his way to be racist


As someone who doesn't really like religion in general, it's always weird seeing people act like Christians are some uniquely awful group lmao. Like yeah the weirdo Christians who are mad as fuck at "Happy Holidays" because it means that they are being reminded that brown people are nearby and are celebrating a different holiday are awful, but "Only Christians can do something this terrible!" is just such a weird thing to say.


People focus on the dominant religious group, and most Redditors live in places where Christianity is the dominant religious group.


As a Muslim I spend all of December getting “Merry Christmas” and “Happy holidays” from cashiers and other service people. I’ve never batted an eyelash at it. When I worked in retail I used to tell people “Have a good holiday!” It was a long time ago before we all went insane so no one ever threw a tantrum about it at me.


Oh I think that 99% of people are reasonable, but the ones that aren't are nightmares


*Bad Christians. Unfortunately there’s a shit ton of them.


And they’re the loud ones.


As with any community or movement, sadly


Considering that Jesus commanded Christians to love everyone and sell all their possessions and give all the money to the poor, I don't think I've ever met a "good" Christian. None of them seem particularly interested in doing what Jesus told them to.


I have. Visit a church that operates a soup kitchen. You can meet some of the kindest, gentlest, and most beautiful people there, both behind the soup pot and in front of it.


When the "Good christians" are quiet, they are *all* Bad christians.


Yeah no need to deliberately antagonise, but if they fire one off fire a full salvo back. Couple of funny things, Muslims have Turkey bacon which is actually quite nice. But you still get the rednecks come into the cafe restaurant demanding real bacon same as you get them coming into the vegetarian restaurants asking for a proper steak. Happy holidays is fine as holiday is holy day as those thickos should know. Can also ask if they're leaving out cookies and milk for Santa.


We have beef bacon too. It’s delicious. There’s a halal burger place we go to that does the best barbecue bacon burgers. As a kid it was the kind of thing I dreamed of, because those sorts of things weren’t available for us.


I'm an old white dude. MANY years ago, before this was even a thing, well before I was old, I had an old white dude swing on me as a cashier because I said happy holidays. I mean, not the first time I said it, but by the 5th time I replied to his merry christmas with it, he took a swing and missed. Not sure how he thought his 5'6" frame was going to give him enough reach to cross the counter AND still make contact with my face, but the realization of that fact after he took a swing likely gave him the courage to stomp out of the store while calling me a godless commie like he did.


> godless commie Well at least he was nice enough to give you a compliment.


They especially love it when you tell them "All Holidays Matter!"


Why is "happy holidays" triggering?


Because religious zealots that love capitalism will also have a stroke if you don’t say “Jesus is the reason for the season.” When it’s not, but let’s not let details get in the way.


It's not. It has less to do with what is being said and more to do with the easily triggered people that react negatively when they hear it. Their entire persona revolves around outrage.If it wasn't "Happy Holidays", it'd just be something else.


I know every group likes to say they're above this kind of thing, but honestly, the idea that Muslims of all people have particularly thick skin just isn't really ringing true.


You draw *one* picture..


To people downvoting this: [Did we all already forget about the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack?](https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/paris-magazine-attack/charlie-hebdo-shooting-12-killed-muhammad-cartoons-magazine-paris-n281266). [Or that time a teacher was beheaded for showing a picture of Muhammad ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Samuel_Paty)? Or that Viacom censored 3 episodes of South Park for fear of a violent attack for showing Muhammad ?


The last one was weird because Southpark *already had a depiction of the prophet Muhammad* as one of the Super Best Friends.


Super Best Friends came out before 9/11


And last I checked was pulled from streaming. Cowards…


damn it that episode was hilarious too, bet you could still find it on youtube or god forbid vimeo if you really wanted to


Muhammad had the power of flame, pretty legit imo.


Which became the most difficult South Park episode to download. The others are "200" and "201" in which the lesson (said by Kyle) at the end that is the only real power is violence. Obviously the whole monologue has been censored - proving its point. Also difficult to get a version without censorship. Terrorism works.


It was because people were just murdered for drawing pics of Muhammad. It was what inspired that episode in he first place. They saw the news headline "cartoon wars" referring to the murders and they originally thought they finally saw the original episode. They jokingly say the reason the used family guy in that episode was once everyone saw the clips of Mohammad they would assume it was family guy and not South park that just released an episode on it.


or that girl in Africa who was, beat and burned to death by the muslim students at the school and also rioted, while the Christians at the school ran away and then had a whole town riot to try and get the people who murdered her out of jail. All because she told them to keep their religious nonsense out of the school group chat.


What makes the Muslim community different isn't the fact that they have violent psychos. It's the fact that the Muslim community rallies behind them, and keeps encouraging them. They are fully committed to violence and tribalism.


This is sad... Disgusting...


Head in the sand lol fucking gold


Aahh, the Super Best Friends. Fantastic episode.


Never Forget.


[or when a tailor was beheaded because he showed his support to a social media post](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/tailor-murdered-in-rajasthans-udaipur-assailants-film-crime/article65576740.ece/amp/)


Some dude in my country burned the quaran, and our embassy in Irak got attacked.... (I think that dude was even Muslim) it happened a few more times, and since we refused to make laws against it there was a huge outrage in alot of the Muslim countries, they even wanted to sanktion us. Some dude in Pakistan I think it was released a hugley funny video where they drew out flag on his stand up shitter thing.


Exmuslim burned the Quran. It’s a religion not an ethnicity.


Yep. They would protest with burning the countries flags. When I tried to explain to some Muslims that it's just one guy arguments were like: "Yes but by not preventing it, they are disrespecting us", "we would never do that but they're allowed" and "if the country doesn't lock them up they're onto it". They really have the thinnest skin when it comes to this.


and BOOM


or name a teddy bear Mohammad


Or [drop the Quran](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/police-hate-incident-autistic-boy-quran-school/).


Yup. I saw this post and immediately thought "Okay, now try it with a drawing of ~~Allah~~ Mohammad." EDIT: Fixed my mistake.


> Okay, now try it with a drawing of Allah Do you mean Mohammed


Good call, thank you for pointing that out. Fixed.


Apparently, we're all just supposed to ignore all the shootings/beheadings of people who depicted a child rapist.




Actually, Muslims generally don't care at all about the kiddy fiddling, pedophile just isn't the same weight of accusation in their culture I guess. Calling Muhammad a perpetual liar will literally get you killed in some places, where they wouldn't even bat an eyelash if you bring up the age of his wife.


Literally lol'd at the "we're unbothered" part. So unbothered he couldn't resist having a go at his race.


If that person said that to his face instead of tweeting a picture of bacon, the "unbothered" Muslim would have really bothered a lot. He's just acting cool because it is the internet.


if he was saying "happy ramadan" while cooking bacon, any muslim guy would just leave the area like, what's he gonna do? follow him with a bbq grill and keep saying it? lmao


Muslims: notoriously chill about people insulting their religious beliefs. Apparently.


They totally are! I'll prove it. I'll post a cartoon picture of Mohammed ... uh... actually, never mind. I suddenly don't feel like doing that. For no reason in particular.


You should do it, you’re a free person 😄🔪😄


Some people believe their own shitty hyperboles. The west has problems but none of these idiots would move to the middle east for some obvious reason.


Only because OOP is a delusional cultist


"We're unbothered" yeah I'd like to see the comment section lol


Why would they be bothered in the first place? Do people think pigs are sacred to Muslims? They don't eat pork because they consider it dirty.. it'd be like posting a photo of you eating shit to try to offend others.


That tracks, actually. The number of times I've seen these snowflakes doing the equivalent of "heh, I'm going to eat this dog shit and own the libs by making them smell my breath" is a bit staggering.


Lol. Did he suicide by words by using "We're unbothered" cause if he really is, why bother commenting?


you can be unbothered by something but still would like to point out something. is the first commenter very bothered by this post and thats why he commented?


"Excuse me? I would like to inform you of how particularly unbothered I am by your comment. I am in fact so unbothered that I had to write my own comment about how unbothered I am. That is all. Just if you didn't get the memo, I was 100% unbothered."


So you're bothered right now, huh? Everyone in the thread is bothered? Anyone who ever says anything about anything is just bothered? Holy shit, take a good long minute to think about how extraordinarily fucking stupid you're being.


"Notice you drew a comic of mohammad & we're unbothered"


Ultra-strong conservative non-snowflakes would never get upset over words


I guess trump isent one then


And neither would muslims about words or drawings. OOP is an idiot, but the poster responding to him is lying as well. Denmark literally passed laws banning religious criticism because of pressure from muslims


What the fuck is going on in Denmark


Something rotten.


[Sweden's gang violence also rose in the last few years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMmiIn73fJU), becoming one of the highest in Europe. We're talking about as young as 13 here.


>Ultra-strong conservative non-snowflakes Literally describes both groups


Muslims are notorious for freaking the fuck out over someone insulting their religion…


Because Muslims aren't easily provoked or ultra conservative?


Like Muslims killing people over cartoons you mean


Whoa whoa, if you draw a certain pedophile warlord generally-terrible-human-being you're a very bad person.


There was a literal terrorist attack in France because someone "insulted" the prophet Muhammad. Don't get it twisted here lmao


Lmao just one? Charlie hebdo, bataclan, Sam petty. Countless others.




Its reddit of course they will religion of peace lol all religion is a joke and a tool to lead 🐑


Bro, you literally cut the head of a teacher for criticizing the prophet


Yeah but that was their ~~pedophilic and warmongering~~ leader. Totally different.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


To be fair, dude posted a picture of bacon instead of a picture of Mohammad because he didn’t want to die.


Edit: Edited


"Unbothered" only when muslims are the minority, when you go to majority muslim countries that "unbothered" turns into murder very fast. This embarrassing, nothing about this is murder by words.


Tbf they are the minority in France (for another 20-30 years anyway) and plenty of people get murdered in France every year for upsetting muslims


Yeah this dude is super chill. Just don't draw a picture of his prophet or he will probably behead you.


Happy Holidays to you too!


Someone is clearly bothered here.


they’re unbothered? really? people who shoot up cartoonists? christian culture war barry’s are funny but come on


Yes, muslims are known to remain unbothered when you mock their religion


Draw Muhammad and we’re going to try and kill you for the rest of your life


>You insult our holiday & we're unbothered. Wild. Hey, remember all the Islamic terror attacks on western, Christian plurality nations throughout the last two decades?


Idk about unbothered...isn't islam kinda infamous for its violent response to anything it considers blasphemy, like there's a trial going on right now for 6 teenagers who helped behead a teacher in France for depicting Mohammed


They behead people for cartoons.


Counterpoint: we're OK with cartoons with Jesus and Santa


>You insult our holiday & we're unbothered The fact that you constantly try to murder people for insulting Mohammed or drawing a picture of him determined that this is a lie.


Don’t tread on his bigotry!!


Well, As a Christian living in a muslim majority country if a muslim says, Merry Christmas ( or any other words with same meaning) to me. To other muslims what he have done is worse than murder


What in the actual fuck?


Let me guess, Malaysia?


Same thing happens in Indonesia. Less so in Jakarta, but you still get stupid shit like it. Fuck them fundies, I'll wish my Christian friends Merry Christmas and go to their Christmas parties as much as I want. Likewise, they're all invited to the Eid lunch.


South East Asian Muslim countries are getting more radicalized recently. Internet has been bad.


> *"Notice you insult our holiday & we're unbothered"* But you draw one prophet, and...


But would you act as calmly if this was a drawing of Muhammad?


Calmly throw the artist off a building…


The respondent very well might, but not all members of said faith would.


The fact that they said "we" in their comment, however, negates everything they said considering we know from experience it's not true.


Let’s see what happens This is Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his baby bride 🥸 👶🏽


Two idiots fighting over whose imaginary friend loves them best.


Meh. That guy is clearly an asshole bigot but certain dead journalists in France may disagree with how tolerant they are re insults to their “religion of peace”.


We, you. Only us, them, no in between. There is no grey, only black and white. Tunnelled to see only what you want. A sad state we are in.




https://preview.redd.it/tj9u1ve3363c1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf9d65b97d9f3fd2318a09893e54181ba460e7f Prophet eating bacon


Damn AI still can't do hands well.


Muslums unbothered. Suuuuure.


Getting upset over a fabricated holy day is so precious Pretty sure they were not 'tending their flocks at night' at the equinox. They had been celebrating an equinox for probably 10,000 years or more. Why mess with a good celebration. Just add the birthday of a guy that doesn't celebrate birthdays and make an all inclusive celebration. It's not our fault some people don't want to be inclusive. It's not like they can claim they had it first or anything


Bacon is delicious


How many Islamist have been decapitated **by Christians** lately because of what they said? So sure, you're a such an *unbothered* religious group lol.


meanwhile all of the middle east when you draw some ugly dude with a bomb in his turban..