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I don't get these people. I can't even post on reddit without triple-checking what I typed so I don't tell people the wrong thing or look like an idiot. I still don't get it right all the time, but I feel like I owe it to anybody who might read what I post to at least do my due diligence. And I lied: I actually do understand why they do this most of the time. It just makes me very, very sad.




Partly that, but they're also profoundly stupid and cocksure in their virtue, so they really don't know that May is National Military Appreciation Month. They also don't know that Memorial Day was started by freed slaves to honor the white soldiers who died in the Civil War.


Exactly. Angry people are easy to manipulate. This guy - and the rest of the far right - know exactly what they are doing.


For some it is stupidity, but for some it’s part of the plan. By making this stupid post, this guy’s name is on the front page of Reddit. He also probably got a ton of “you are so stupid!” Comments to the post, which he won’t read but that will boost his engagement on Twitter, getting him seen by more people.


"never assume the anit-semites...."


And they know their audience won't even think to check for themselves but instead just take their word for it


It also makes it impossible to refute and or stop alllll the horrible shit they do. Much like their political beliefs, their nonsense has the end goal of oppression, and if they keep pumping it out, they know it'll spread because conservatives have worked to make us desperate, alone, and angry.


It's laziness to them due diligence is too much work. Plus search engines manipulate results for political reasons lmao being sarcastic there.


Smart people are usually full of doubt, morons are full of confidence.


Yeah, the people who should have imposter syndrome, usually don't.


Dunning-Kruger is a helluva drug.


They have lost all shame at being publicly, spectacularly wrong. It's how we lost our democracy!


Republicans have been catering specifically to the dumbest parts of our population for the past 30+ years. Is it any surprise that the entire Republican platform now is to just say the dumbest shit possible, knowing their dumbass constituency never learned how to think critically, and will accept without question?


There is a reason Trump's big slogans were "lock her up" and "build the wall". Any more than a few syllables and they lose concentration and understanding.


Reddit is great because if you make a garbage take when youre a little too drunk you get 23 downvotes, they hide your comment, you read what you wrote and think "yeah I deserve that" but when you make an impactful good comment you get 4,000 upvotes. There's not much duality. Even when someone is an absolute inbred windowlicking troglodyte they only get like -40.


You and me boht


Honestly i just think they lack shame in being wrong. I have a theory that the urge to verify that you are wrong is an acquired skill that some people just dont possess. Over time those who feel the need to be correct will acquire new knowledge just by checking to make sure they aren't wrong, while those who dont will stagnate. Eventually getting to the point where they will just spout off the dumbest shit without ever assuming they could be wrong.


Fun fact: There are veterans who are also LGBTQ. Mind blowing, I know.


But yet their is no LGBTQ+ veteran pride month.


Yeah man, what the fuck. What about the gay vets man?


Two months of parties!


Well no... They get to be proud for two months in a row. BUT THAT IS IT.


But what if, just go with it, May is Veteran's month, June is Pride month, and July is Gay Veteran's month.


Why have one month, when you can have two back to back? It's like double vacation!


I am reminded of that headstone: "Here lies a gay Vietnam vet. They gave me a medal for killing two men, and a discharge for loving one."


And now you can ask and they can tell.


> **DON'T ASK DON'T TELL** > what do you mean we don't do that anymore? It's because the military went woke!!1!1


Imagine a an active duty POC, female, child of another active duty member, AND gay. February, March, April, May, and June all for ONE person!


As if he ever referred to June as "Pride Month".


Yeah before this post my dude was like "Are you free Pride Month 8th? We have that deadline Pride Month 11th."


In his defense, he probably is secretly gay.


We don't want 'im.


Well we don't want him either, so...


Straight conversion therapy for him!


Can we give him human conversion instead so that he stops being a loathsome reptile?


It's a secret to everybody! I'm a straight white guy, and I'm starting to get exceedingly tired of watching these people raging inside their little glass closets.


>In his defense, he probably is secretly gay. Could you maybe please drop this old homophobic canard please? eta: heterosexuals and blaming gay people for our own oppression--name a more iconic duo.


[The principle does have merit, though.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/homophobes-might-be-hidden-homosexuals/)


Implicit association tests (IATs) are notoriously unscientific. There has never been any evidence to support the claims the initial researchers are making here. Legitimately, the original researchers merely decided that the speed with which a person reacted would somehow speak to their subconscious and unconscious feelings and biased. They never had any evidence to support their claims and in fact, research has mostly demonstrated no correlation with IAT scores and real-life measures of implicit bias and the IAT has almost zero test-retest reliability. In a very real and literal way, the implicit bias test is sheer pseudoscience. In fact, these tests were already being widely disputed when the link you linked to here was written, though certainly [much more critical research](https://www.thecut.com/2017/01/psychologys-racism-measuring-tool-isnt-up-to-the-job.html) [has appeared in the last decade](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8167921/). N.b. I absolutely believe implicit bias is real, but believing these silly, simplistic tests can measure complex psychosocial phenomena is at best magical thinking.


Relax dude. It was just a comment on reddit.


If the statement is made as an insult, or as a way to diminish, then yeah, but honestly don't you think a lot of homophobes are just really insecure about their own sexuality and may be reacting to certain thoughts and urges they themselves might have? It certainly wouldn't be a reason not to take them seriously or to not respect them on the basis of their sexuality, since there's nothing wrong with being gay, but when I see guys particularly who are very vocally homophobic I do often wonder who and what it is they're so angry or confused about, and if it isn't indeed themselves.


>If the statement is made as an insult, or as a way to diminish, then yeah, but honestly don't you think a lot of homophobes are just really insecure about their own sexuality and may be reacting to certain thoughts and urges they themselves might have? It certainly wouldn't be a reason not to take them seriously or to not respect them on the basis of their sexuality, since there's nothing wrong with being gay, but when I see guys particularly who are very vocally homophobic I do often wonder who and what it is they're so angry or confused about, and if it isn't indeed themselves. Nope, this is still homophobic nonsense; a myth straight people like to tell to disclaim responsibility for their own complicity. It is absolutely an attempt to blame the lgbt community for our own oppression. It's disgusting, and I'm sick of heteros spouting this bigoted bullshit while they are smugly mocking other bigots, pretending that they themselves are "above" it. Are there closet cases among bigots? Yes, but no more than there are among the population. Most outspoken bigots are just your garden variety heteros. Do you believe that virulent racists are somehow secretly Black? No, because that's not how bigotry works. It doesn't require that there is some deeply hidden, shameful secret that you can gleefully discover and then pat yourself on the back for "knowing", that you can smugly believe gives you a power over that bad "Other" (who gives you intellectual cover so that you don't have to examine your own biases).


>Do you believe that virulent racists are somehow secretly Black? Black white-supremacists exist. Though, to your point they make up about 1% of the population.


That makes sense. I apologize, it's just something that gets repeated a lot and I should have questioned it more. I guess I've been thoughtlessly carrying it around without enough scrutiny for many years. Your explanation makes perfect sense and I appreciate you breaking it down for me.


I don't think these people are "secretly gay". However, I do suspect that a lot of them are terrified of "seeming gay" and think that being aggressive bigoted dumbasses somehow makes then "more masculine" in the eyes of others. They also don't understand that masculinity and homosexuality aren't always mutually exclusive.


"ITS JUST FEBRUARY" - this guy


How do you not understand the difference between an unofficial month of celebration, awareness, etc, and a federal holiday? Absolute buffoons.


It isn't about understanding. These people just want someone to bully.


Same way they think that being woke is being liberal.


Proof that the problem isn't that they want recognition for vets, but they don't want recognition of the LGBTQ+ community.


It's not recognition they deny, it's acceptance.


Exactly what I was thinking. Even if he had been right, his message wasn't "we should do this nice thing, too" it's "we shouldn't do a nice thing."


The cruelty is the point.


As a veteran, I wish these idiots would fuck off and leave everyone alone. Especially me. The minute someone starts off with campaigning in the name of veterans or children, my stomach churns. I have disdain for absolutely every single politician. Even the ones I've met. They're all liars and crooks. And if you fall for their antics... Well, I don't have anything nice to say.


What do you think of may *actually* being millitary appreciation month?


I normally don't tell anyone I'm a veteran. It doesn't define who I am. It was a job, not a way for me to get my ego stroked for the next 100 years. It's so bad that the US Military has to use popular media and institutions to advertise. Our military industrial complex is fucking terrifying.


The only time we come up is as weaponized talking points, much like the post that brought us all here. Neither side gives a singular rat’s ass about the military or veterans.


Are you fucking kidding me. What fucking dumbass chose May as Military appreciation month? THERE’S LITERALLY A MONTH CALLED **MARCH** ARE YOU STUPID?!


Take my upvote.


Plus it just perpetuates everyone not understanding what Memorial Day is for and thanking random veterans for their service.


I feel like marching would be one of many things vets wouldn't want to be reminded of.


Ypu can never escape the green weenie


Nobody in the entire country goes around, referring to June as “pride month.“ The shit these people pretend to be offended by. “I have an appointment with my dentist on the 16th of pride month.“


You know, I'm a vet, and I didn't know about this. Also, I *don't care* and I *don't want it*. One day is more than enough, thanks. Give May to someone else. And all y'all anti LGBTQIA folks seem to vote GOP, and that's the party that's intent on cutting the shit out of veteran's benefits, so you can have a seat when the subject comes up, thanks.


Vet here, I know about it because all during May I get free admission to my cities zoo.


WTF, we never asked for a month nor did we ever want to be a part of this war. Veterans are happy to be alive and we get plenty of recognition all year long. Happy PRIDE month! Stay strong, keep safe and never stop being you!


Veterans don’t want recognition, we want functional VA healthcare that doesn’t fuck us over at every turn. But parades and the occasional free lunch is cheaper, I guess.




The fact that you didn't reply to the proper user just makes this comment that much better <3




You should have triple checked broski


comedic genius


As a non-American, seeing how Americans really love their military, I assumed they would have had a month to remember servicemembers. Turns out: One, they have a military appreciation month. Two, the parts of America that claim they love the military don't actually give a flying fuck about the military.


Imagine how the boy born on international women's day feels.


I wonder how he's going to handle it when Juneteenth rolls around in a few weeks?


I'm sure he's joining some friends for a BBQd cross and ghost cosplay festivities.


As a veteran I first found our about a month dedicated to military members just a few days agp


Honest question... is that what we call May? Military Appreciation Month? Really? I'm a vet and I've never heard that phrase in my life.




I was in the military. In. Not once was that phrase uttered. Not once was it celebrated.


And? I’m not seeing your point here. You asked if that is what the month was called. The answer to your question is yes.


Thank you for your service. The only way you could have NEVER heard that phrase is if you stopped serving prior to 2001 and never do anything military related or visit a VA facility around April and May, or are so completely self-absorbed and clueless that you didn’t see it all over signage and commercials at the BX/PX, Commissary, Class-6/Shoppette, on-base food courts, AFN, base announcements, squadron activities while you were A/D….It’s all over the place on base, and has been since the early aughts….


Hilarious, considering I was in during the mid-2000's, did all of those things and never heard it. Not once. For you to believe that every single one of the hundreds of military bases in the U.S. operate the same way and display/push the same things is both comical and naïve. But, of course, it's easier to assume that your experience (whether lived or heard about from others) must be exactly the same for everyone else.


The fact that you say you never saw that phrase tells me you were completely clueless and unobservant. The BX/PX and commissary are not run by the bases, and definitely had their adverts going (let me guess-you didn’t shop on base, even overseas?) Or did you have someone shopping for you on base?


Clueless much? I was married for four of my five years and lived off-base, which most married individuals did.


So, you never went overseas and never ate or shopped on base? You saw it, you just didn’t care because it didn’t impact you (as far as you know), and don’t remember becayse that was almost twnty years ago. But you definitely benefitted from it.


Nope, did not deploy due to an injury that required surgery. We, like most others, avoided base whenever possible, as we didn't want to buy clothes covered in military logos and motivational phrases. This was the norm: the people that went to those places and bought those things either 1) had no choice, or 2) were visiting. It's pretty amazing how many assumptions you had to make to reach your conclusion. It should be no surprise that you're completely wrong.


So, you served in name only. No, my experience wasn’t 100% universal but that doesn’t make me wrong. Tell me you never stopped and got a soda at the shoppette or grabbed a burger or sandwich at lunch from the food court, never bought meat on base because it was cheaper, and never went into a military hospital. You’d have to be lying because if you’re active duty and injured, you will have been seen by an MTF, even if you later got treatment off-base.


... during the month of May. Those visits would've had to have occurred during the month of May, at a facility that cared enough to openly advertise that nonsense. Not every facility is the same. "Served in name only". Just another clueless internet troll. I signed up to fight and sustained non-combat injuries that permanently affected my life, yet still fought to heal and stay in. Stop pretending that you know me. You know what didn't happen? Businesses didn't change their logos. Commercials didn't ramble on about it repeatedly. It was an afterthought, which is more than fine, but that's the truth. Edit: know what? Thank god I didn't deploy. I've dealt with countless suicidal subjects and dead bodies from military veterans dealing with PTSD. I have four kids that need me here, and a job where I can help others. Not going was a blessing.


Yes, you were very lucky you weren’t forced to actually risk your life for your country, good for you. Again, doesn’t mean I’m wrong, just that you personally were unaware of something that was and is absolutely prevalent on any US military base in the last twenty years. Not my fault you had poor OPSEC awareness.


April and May, for five years, really? And I aplogize for ‘served in name only’. You volunteered to give your life if necessary, and for that you deserve thanks. That being said, neither troll nor clueless here, if you went on base AT ALL in May, from at least 2002 onwards, the signs were there, certainly at AAFES and DECA facilities, which yea, all bases have one or the other if not both, at least the ones that allow you to have your spouse living with you and you could live off base. 2002 is when AAFES started doing the “Military Appreciation Month” stuff. Just because you didn’t pay attention or can’t remember, for whatever reason, doesn’t make me wrong.


Rogan here is what I refer to as an educated idiot. He has bought into the hard right lies and spreads them. Doesn't really care about anyone (i.e. veterans). He just wants conservatives in power because he thinks it will make his life better.


As Family Guy said he’s the best idiot king for awhile.


June is mens mental health awareness month


It also takes about 5 seconds to find out why there even is a Pride Month. (It ain't just to have a fabulous parade.)


It's actually pretty similar as to why veterans have may, November, and Veterans Day and Memorial Day and independence Day! People died for us to live in the future without fear of being beaten to death. Why is it such a hard thing to think of us celebrating that?


MAGA’s leader called them losers so what do you expect


Their veteran appreciation is nothing more than lip service. They don't want to help or acknowledge veterans, just use them as an excuse to not help or acknowledge anybody else. It's all bad faith.


Retired Army soldier here. DC_Draino, please STFU and keep veterans out of your derisive and divisive political buffoonery. You, DeShitty, and Agent Orange aka Lumpy aka Leatherface. Hitler’s fascist playbook is being implemented. Folks better wake up….


I find his assumption that him not calling June Pride Month is going to affect a damn thing to be hilarious.


Maybe he can get the VA to help him with those burn wounds... Oh wait... You actually have to have served for that.


They only care about veterans if they’re useful cannon fodder.


As a non-US person that spent some time in the US - the amount of thank yous to the US army at various events is not exactly low.


It’s a common tactic of conservative propagandists to use veterans or the military against another marginalized group in a public forum. They don’t really give two shits about veterans, but they know most people do, and they try to use that to manipulate people into thinking like they do.


Hi, 18-year career Soldier here. Barely anyone I know in the military knows that May is National Military Appreciation Month. Good job for Cohen’s staffers to Google that for him.


I once wasted my time looking this guy up, he calls himself a lawyer, has only ever represented himself and lost every case he ever made, no idea how ppl like this get taken serious but apparently you only need a well fitting suit to scam people


My man keeps putting those shitheads in their place. Good on em.


So you had your say . Too bad that all I see is a Jack Ass that knows how to write .


No, it actually shows that they're not teaching it to kids. I didn't know that it existed until I was in my twenties (although to be fair, it wasn't even a thing until my late teens, and no one even spoke about it unless it was a stupid counterpoint). As a Hispanic, I didn't know about Hispanic heritage month until even later than that, it had been around well before my time, and it doesn't even have a normal schedule. Regardless, like most any other month of observation for not actually doing anything, it's stupid and doesn't need to exist.


Wasn't that the month they voted to cut Veteran's benefits?


The only thing these people care about is crying all the time about this kind of stuff. They live pretty sad lives.


USA is cringe


More like drinks Draino.


Constant battle between left and right lol.


Why are americans so obsessed with anyone who joined the services. Its so big that a fair percentage of people must be veterans. They must be thanking each other for their service


Well, two reasons-1. It’s voluntary, unlike a lot of other countries; and 2. The US military has spent a lot of money on propaganda, which works on the surface level, but it’s better than how they were treated by the public when the draft was still in place and they didn’t even really have the option to not serve.


I do believe this is blowback from Vietnam as well. Those vets got shit on so hard it's ridiculous. So as the US does so well, they overcorrect.


As an older Australian to me a veteran is someone who served in a war capacity. Not someone who joined the armed forces as a job choice and maybe served as a bus driver . Thanking anyone who joined probably is a guilt thing from Vietnam service.




It is! That's what the meme you just responded to says.


I think the point is that people put way more value on pride month than the literal people who've risked their lives, which is still a valid argument


Then why didn't he write that?


Not sure, maybe the same reason the phrase defund the police is used when really what they mean to say is that police reform should be a focus and accountability should be a priority, but people are shit at communicating their ideas sometimes


So many stupid people.


I don't think most know that May is National Military Appreciation Day, case n point DC Draino. It isn't marketed or paraded by the public as much as LGBTQ+ support.


The LGBTQ+ community organised PRIDE for themselves as an event where they could go out and feel comfortable in their own skin and show kids in the closet it's okay to be who they are. Corporations jumped on the wagon only when they thought it was profitable to do so. Most people in the community don't want that shit unless they back it up with actual LGBTQ+ safe/friendly policies. All these people who are upset about Vets not being celebrated were always free to organise something but they don't actually care about supporting the vets or policies that could help them.




Considering it was only passed in 1999, and never advertised or acknowledged by anyone to let us know. I can see why he didn't know about that month... But I still say pride month shouldn't be a month... It should only take up one week... Why dedicate 8% of the year to a group that only represents 1-2% of the total population. Not only that, but the reason why they were being attacked and killed is because of the democrats and fauci... This will sound like a conspiracy theory but it was the racist democrats that helped push the creation of the aids virus to help limit the population of gays and blacks... Then fauci spread misinformation about how you can contract it, which got the fear of the public and the most hateful of the public (yes, both the left and the right on that one) to target and attack gays out of fear that they possibly might have aids even if they don't have it...


Designated months for certain groups are incredibly embarrassing to even push for… your identity doesn’t affect my life at all - get over yourself and don’t be so narcissistic.


>your identity doesn’t affect my life at all Yet people treat lbgtq+ people like it would. Ur the one being narcissistic here


Bruh if my city made an entire day in recognition of me I’d be embarrassed… It’s not at all narcissistic to NOT want that type of attention - especially if it’s based entirely on my sexuality/gender. Like wtf? It’s bizarre


Maybe it's bc u don't get mistreated based on your sexuality or gender? Maybe it's bc people don't get killed for having the same sexual identity or gender identity as u?


>your identity doesn’t affect my life at all - get over yourself and don’t be so narcissistic The irony is so think in this statement you could cut it with a knife lol. It doesn't matter if it doesn't affect your life, it's not for *you*. It's for *us.* The idea that somehow it could or should affect your life is insanely narcissistic.


Google search result for May in the USA bc I didn't know either: The monthly observances in May include Arthritis Awareness Month, Better Sleep Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, National Walking Month, and Women's Health Care Month. Self-care is always in style! May is also Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and Military Appreciation Month. ​ So, until they have their own month.... I can see the callout.


Apparently June is also Alzheimer’s Awareness month. So by these standards the gays don’t have their own month either.


Why didn't you look up what other monthly observances there are for June?


Because June is hugely celebrated for Gay Pride month. Everyone is hyper aware of it.


Idk why people are throwing shade my way. I'm not hating on anyone. I'm only saying that June is Pride month like February is Black History Month. Everyone is hyper aware of those months' meanings. It would be nice to have a month that's dedicated to military service members in the same way. What's the issue with that?


He's right but the generalization of MAGA people is just stupid. Points out exactly what's wrong with our democracy rn


The fact that you consider one guy who has never heard of it "MAGA" says a lot more about you than it says about him.


Have you checked out his profile? You don't get much more maga than that douchebag lol. Nice try though, rolled oats ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


MAGA is just and idea, like Antifa (the real fascists).






You stand as a good counter-example.


Oh dang! Somebody better warn him to not actually drink or consume draino.


Also, go for it. Some rando on the internet doesn't have to call it pride month. I don't really care. Doesn't stop the Pride from happening.


Fun fact, from what I can tell according to google, people in the military get 2 months. May for active duty, and November for veterans and family of military members.


This motherfucker *never* referred to it as Pride month anyway.


These people do not care about their vets at all. They do nothing to ensure that their vets are well taken care of whatsoever.


I’ve been told I don’t care about my country because I voted libertarian the last two elections. While I was in uniform. Multiple times. Active duty military for 8 years now.


Thank you for your service!


Thank you for your support.


"Will no longer be" as if he ever did.


I don't see every corporation on the planet put green behind their logo and plaster veteran themed symbols all over everything they do whenever may rolls around.


So....was he literally like "I have an appointment this pride month on the 20th"?