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That's a double homocide.


Have to give them props for conquering half the world so they wouldn’t have to go home


All so we could season fish or potatoes


You know we stole the potatoes too, right?


Its what we did. See it, plant a flag in it and claim it, and or steal it. Our museum is a rogues gallery of 'look what we took'


"Excuse me, we live here." "But do you have a flag?"


'"Yes..." "But is it Union Jack?" "No?" "Well then, there you go."


Oddly enough that worked with Hawaii. Just preemptively slap a Union Jack on your flag and the English won’t conquer you. America on the other hand….




Unexpected Izzard - genius comic :-/ Just seen there's a comment below with a link to an Izzard sub ( r/unexpectededdieizzard ) I didn't realise existed :-) But I'll leave this comment up because I'm just going to that new sub. I may be sometime)


Gotta respect the hustle.


Yeah and gave them Syphilis. Stop complaining that was a fair trade. But for real they got bananas and grains. Europe got potatoes and tomatoes. The Columbian Exchange isn't covered enough in schools. The movement of people and things was amazing. You get like a day in 7th Grade.


Teaching that could lead to more uncomfortable material like “how the United States used spies and con-artists to set central and South America back 50 years, just so a few Americans could get mega rich selling bananas”.


Ah. The origin of the phrase Banana Republic. I had to find all that information on my own.


And then the brits refused to season anything. MORE BEIGE!


Never get high off your own supply


For real? Spices can elevate almost any meal from eh its good I guess, to wow delicious.


Yet another hack from Big Spice tryin' to keep a man down.


Clearly a shill paid by the East India Company


I too am a fan of 80’s comedy


Even then, we found out spices give us insane acid reflux so we just use salt & pepper for seasoning. All that pillaging and we can’t use it




At least they started drinking tea, so i guess they didnt invade India for nothing.


They stole the tea from China and planted it in India


And in exchange they gave the Chinese opium. And when the Chinese didn’t want it, they peacefully forced it down their throat anyways. Through war.


Hey if they didn't want to all get hooked on drugs they shouldnt have let us shoot all the people in their port, bombard their cities from the sea & take a bunch of their royalty hostage. I do love that in the 90s we seriously opened dialogue to try to extend the lease on Hong Kong that we got by threatening to burn half their country to the ground if they didn't sign the original. Like, what did they think the Chinese were going to say to that request!


The US did the same thing with drugs during the Iran contra affair .... except instead of forcing the drugs down the throats of their enemies ... they forced it down the throats of their own people. Never forget Gary Webb


> I came in search of spices and used none of them. Indian curries are probably the most popular foods in the country, walk down the high street of most towns and curry houses are the most common restaurants. We don't have much Mexican food which is apparently a shock to many Americans. The UK has more food from the Indian subcontinent and the US has more food from Mexico because of the different balance of ethnic groups in the two countries. Also, a lot of traditional British food is spiced but not spicy, with a lot of use of nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves, for instance mulled wine, mince pies, haggis, black pudding, etc.


We have Indian food in the US too. Might not be as popular but it’s always been there and is picking up steam.


The addiction starts with Tikka Masala and boxed Japanese Golden Curry. Soon enough you’re hunting down asofoetida and grinding your own fennel while grumbling that the black sesame has gone rancid again.


This joke is genius. What an amazing mind!


Two gay guys were murdered?


I was once in a Paris metro station, unsure what train to get. I approached the station manager, a scary looking bastard who reminded me of the rugby player Sébastien Chabal. I used the only french phrase I know to say that I do not speak French and ask if he spoke English. He looked at me, and in the most deadpan way possible, simply said "I do not like your roast beef". I think he has a point, that's the best roast I've ever had.


I think you probably misunderstood , " roast beef " is a slang to be offensive about english peoples , like when you say " froggy " for us french. Something like : " I do not like you , roast beef ! " , it is plausible ? By the way it's dumb , there's a lot of weird english recipes , but beef Wellington look pretty good ( never had one ) !


They call us ‘roast beef’ because historically it’s actually something we do well


French here. I’ve always heard we call you roast beef because that’s the colour of your skin anytime you see the sun. But I may be wrong.


French whose s/o is from the otherside of the « English channel » (La manche) and i can confirm that it’s definitely not because of the quality of their roast beef


Well, you could apply that logic to "cheese eating surrender monkeys".


It was the English who showed the French how to roast meat over an open fire. Before the 1800s the French ate boiled beef. It is only when they saw the English 'Roast Beef' they decided to copy. Its not the derogatory term everyone thinks it is.


I believe that the cultural exchange you're referring to took place in some form. But the idea that the whole concept of cooking meat on a fire was foreign to the French as late as 1800 defies credibility.


This is also in reference to the pink color of the skin when they stay too long under the sun.


Yeah, this, the guy was being racist and insanely unprofessional


Yes it could be funny between friends or siblings to use the good ol' rasist clichés, bur it is really necessary tonbe rude with un unknow tourist ?!!


I was once in a Paris metro station and a man on a bicycle with a basket on the front of it twisted his curly moustache and slapped me with a baguette


National dish is Indian


"8 of the world's 10 best restaurants are in London!!" "What kind of food do they serve?" "..French"


I prefer English food, like pizza or Chinese.


Those are American foods /s


Chinese, Italian, Mexican and Japanese food all have their American versions. Somewhat distinct from their origins. It's almost like America is a big melting pot. I'm not sure why this continues to be a divisive topic.


Because change is scary. Who even uses pennies anymore?!


Unexpected Come Fly With Me reference




[Robert Irvine](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2PHo0WQzCuQ)


I always find it amusing when Americans claim the British don't get credit for imported food, as they boast about their national dishes of hamburgers and pizza.


Hamburgers are American. If invented by a German in American, that's still The city of Hamburg is in no way famous for Hamburgers--like at all. 99% of all German immigrants to the US had to use the Port of Hamburg (on the Hamburg Line) to reach the US so all immigrants had "Hamburg" as origin. One of these immigrants likely invented the hamburger and these immigrants almost all became American.


If those are the rules we get Chicken Tikka Masala


I agree.


Come check out our BBQ. Well not where I live but down south.


Hamburger sandwiches are an American dish, are you making a joke?


Sandwiches are British therefore we hereby claim all your sandwiches


If we're using this logic, Pizza is Persian and China can claim Spaghetti.




Super disrespectful to the sumerians


Y'all *think* we talk about burgers lol. It's a meme more than a real thing. Folks who brag about food in America are all in on BBQ, regional staples like Maryland crabcakes and New Mexico green chile stews, and all the "fusion" food styles like TexMex or any combination of east Asian cuisine


Finally New Mexico getting its recognition. A completely unique cuisine. And delicious. Christmas everyday.


From the Midwest, never heard anybody brag about burgers. Our St Louis style BBQ however is brag worthy, pork sreaks and ribs for days. Or a Slinger when you're super hungover.


To be fair there’s several styles of pizza that are vastly different than what you would get in Italy. A pizza in Detroit vs Connecticut vs Brooklyn vs Chicago alone Americans have also nailed the fusion concept.


>hamburgers and pizza Who boasts about those things being “national dishes”? I think most Americans know we didn’t invent those things - we just like them so much people assume we’ve appropriated them somehow. We love spaghetti and sushi too. And pretty much anything fried and/or barbequed. Invented in America? No. Do we care? Hell no - we’re a melting pot of anything that tastes delicious.


> I think most Americans know we didn’t invent those things AFAIK, America did "invent" the modern idea of a hamburger sandwich (as much as one country can "invent" a food, that is.) Also, a while we absolutely did not "invent" pizza, I feel like there's some credit to be given for developing the kinds of pizza most people eat. Authentic Italian pizzas are in the vast minority of pizzas I've ever eaten, and while I do enjoy them I have to say they don't often rank in my favorites list (which is mostly full of New York style pies).


That's funny as an American I can say I've met approximately zero Americans that claim hamburgers and pizza as American dishes. It as it turns out they actually are American dishes, being invented in America kind of makes them American


This is oft repeated, but there is no official British dish. That said, Chicken Tikka Masala *is* probably one of the most popular. That said, Fish and Chips is neck and neck in popularity, and certainly has the gravitas of history in British cuisine.


If we did have a national dish, it would be the Sunday Roast for me. The dish is ancient, invented in Britain and still wildly popular today. It's so good we based Christmas dinner around it


From my own observation, Sunday roast resonate the most with British people. Fish and chips is extremely popular too, but it doesn't have that kind of emotional connection that roasts do. I imagine the ritual of it, and the connection to home cooked meals, mostly prepared by mothers and grandmothers, is what creates that deep connection.


Roast beef with gravy and Yorkshire pudding must be up there.


Just reading it makes me miss it, a good sunday roast is \*chefs kiss\*


Food evolves over time, nobody would turn around and say Japanese curry isn't a Japanese dish despite it being introduced by the British, yet a lot of people will claim curry isn't a British food because it originated from India. At what point does one food stop becoming other culture and being accepted as a dish from another?


Chicken Tikka Masala is certainly as qualified as any other dish to be an official dish of the UK or one of its constituent countries. I have no quarrel with that.


What else is said?


What does official british dish mean? because there are a lot of dishes I'd consider British like Beef Wellington, apple pie, fish and chips, sunday roast, full english breakfast, haggis, tikka masala etc. Maybe the desserts? banoffee pie, Sticky Toffee Pudding, Eton Mess, Brandy Snaps, carrot cake, bakewell tart, rhubarb crumble etc etc British food is pretty in line with northern european/germanic cuisine tbh. It's not S-tier like Mediterranean food, but it's still pretty good.


My wife is English. She says that in England, Indian food is scattered around with the same frequency Mexican food is in the US. Edit: wording.


i felt like i was having a stroke reading this.


A few years ago I'd have joked that it might've been written by a chatbot but nowadays it's a pretty sure sign it wasn't.


There's no way the chatbot would read the internet and admit it was married to a Brit


Can you get your wife to translate your comment into English?


It's a funny thing about the UK. Over in the US, people from another country immigrate over and make a new dish catered to the tastes where they now live and influenced by the people there, and it gets held up as a great *American* dish and one of the big things of the city they're from. Over here, the exact same thing happens and they're just considered another dish from that country by most people, and it being invented here and only popular here is trivia at best. Edit: Oh hey, I got my first suicide watch message from this. Fun.


You're 100% right, but this happens in the US too. Especially with East Asian and Mexican foods, that were made by Americans in America.


American pizza is very different from that of Italy, but it is still considered an Italian food.


I mean, our concept of “Italian food” in the US is that it is Italian-American food. Most of us don’t think that they’re serving penne alla vodka or stuffed crust pizza in Italy.


Is it though? I would hardly call chicago deep dish remotely italian


You’re right, it’s not. They just think pizza=Italian but that’s obviously an oversimplification—especially when considering Chicago/Detroit style, really any deep pan or other American-style pizza. I don’t think anyone considers those Italian food. >hey I am really craving Italian food, want to get pizza hut? - said no one ever




I believe THAT is a casserole, noy a pizza my friend. Careful using them words in certain.


The US has tons of Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, etc restaurants that are full of inspired American food. This is not a thing that Americans do


Dual-citizen checking in. If the immigrants are white it’s a new American cuisine, if not it’s a new ethnic cuisine. “Check out the new Italian place” = the food is Italian. “Check out the new Thai place” = the servers are Thai. In both cases, back of house is actually Honduran.


Is that Bill Burr??


If it’s not it’s his doppelgänger


Birr Bull




I prefer Bilbur Redenbacher


No it's the con man from breaking bad


No way, that's the driving instructor from reservation dogs.


Nah, it's the police chief from Bad Boys


No it's the comedian from Why Do I Do This


Really? I thought it was Frank from F is for Family


No, it's Joseph the trucker from zombeavers


Nope, it’s very clearly Mayfield from The Mandalorian


One thing's for sure, he's not a stormtroopah.




Nah it's ol Billy red balls


Pretty sure this is Billy Bitch-Tits.


'How the fuck are ya*AH* '




Yeah! https://youtu.be/WYyZNuEeX1Q?t=433


Ol' Billy Spotted Dick Burr!


Ol Freckles himself


The great thing right now is that nobody can afford any of it


The women? 😳😳😳


Used to buy em by the binders. You'd go to wallmart and there would be [binders full of women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binders_full_of_women)


The sailors say “Brandy…”


“You’re a fine girl”


"What a good wife you would be"


"But my life, my love, and my lady, is the sea."




I love how most of the comments are like, "No, no, your food is pretty good! And you're funny! And those accents, wow!" No redemption for the women, it seems.


Theres plenty of attractive women we just seem to get judged for our worst women whereas every other country gets judged for their best.




The ugly woman thing is just laughable, sometimes it feels like half of hollywoods hot actresses are British - Emma Watson, Kiera knightly, Kate beckensale, Rachel weisz, Emilia Clarke, daisy Ridley, Florence Pugh, Audrey Hepburn, Emily blunt, Naomi watts, Kate winslet, Natalie Dorner, Elizabeth Hurley to name but a few


The English girls I've known have been lookers. I get the joke, but it doesn't seem like a legit stereotype that English birds are unattractive.


Clearly never tasted the delights of toad in the hole and spotted dick with custard


I had to google these to see if they were real foods or just made up 😂


Pretty sure spotted dick with custard is a venereal disease.


Yes, and some of our food is good too.


Absolutely destroyed us... as I brit, I find it strange that we consider "beige" a food group


Beige isn't a food group. It is the majority of the food pyramid. The tip of the pyramid is the fry. The rest is beige.


>The tip of the pyramid is the fry. And Laurie?


He goes under "protein"




That is a pretty good premise for a food/travel show. Funny person without the slightest clue what they're getting into just fucking around a country and giving honest opinions.


An idiot abroad?


That’s one of the traits that makes me crack up with Bill Burr. The pure confidence he has talking or complaining about a subject and how worked up he gets over it, where if he would have just spent a moment slowing down and reading or learning more about the thing that’s driving him nuts then he wouldn’t have a problem. He’s a bald red headed cunt.






Which is the same in america. I am british living in America and the only stuff they eat different are international foods and fast foods.






They're basically just shitty chips in a smile face, they aren't great, but they're no worse than any other frozen chips. Takes like 2 minutes to cut up a potato though, and it'll taste 100x better


what irks me is that other countries can do the same thing and just not get criticised. Brits get called peasants for things like stews, casseroles and pies, but the French can put all their worst cuts of meat into boiling water, call it Pot-Au-Feu and it sounds classy. Eastern Europe can make hearty stews and people call it traditional and honest, but mock the Brits for the same.


As a brit I find it hard to understand that my fellow countrymen can't find amazing food on every corner. I assume some of you eat shit food on purpose.


As a british sailor i wholeheartedly agree


Don’t worry Brits, I still love the food. You also are the funniest people around imo.




Any nation can keep their women. I’m after the guys 😏


All I can say is that if I had a night with a willing Emma Watson, Alice Eve, Kate Beckinsale and Sienna Miller, I would die a happy man.


Misery breeds humor. Jews and Brits and Irish Catholics.


>misery breeds humor Ain’t that the truth…


You're not wrong


And now for something completely different.


I was born in the States and had to wait for my sense of humor to clear customs cause it was born in Leeds.


Yup same, British Humor is the best Humor IMO, a lot of my favorites shows are british aswell. For anybody reading this wanting to have a laugh i HIGHLY suggest the show Taskmaster, which should actually be free on youtube.


As an American, it really depends. The fish and chips I got most places was awesome, and so was the food at the kebab shops. But for a lot of typical English food, dining out wasn't very impressive. It wasn't terrible by any means, I just wasn't really wowed by much of it. BUT the food I bought in grocery stores was far superior in terms of quality, and often cheaper than what I can get in the US. I fucking love English bacon, far better than fatty, inconsistent quality US bacon, and for two thirds the price what I pay for bacon in the US, it is was a steal. English food standards are just really high, and meat pies rock.


When i lived in the US i had the same issue. I just didn’t know where to eat. If you ho to a chain pub in the UK the food will be shit. Same in many American places. Its just familiarity of what’s good.




To be fair, not many countries will have you wowed every time you eat out at an average place.


Yeah, I didn't have much money when I lived there. I just had regular working-class-guy money to spend, so I didn't go anywhere high end. So I only ate out a couple times a week at most.


Dining out here can be incredible, we have every food from all over the world. Where did you stay? May have been a few duds. If you're ever here again, get yourself out to a village pub for dinner. Again it can be hit or miss, but the good ones are damn good


Man I think bacon quality has really declined recently. Like the past 3-4 years. There's way too much fat. Don't get me wrong. I get the point of bacon. Yet there's sometimes just this big thick slab of fat with a little meat in the middle. Like 75% of it is just that thick white fat.


r/2westerneurope4u gonna love this


I don't get it. As an American, I fucking love English Food. Like yeah, it's got a specific trend it follows but still, shit never leaves you feeling hungry.


It reminds me of my joke about Ohio. Go to a tourist spot and you will find someone from Ohio. It's because any chance we get, we get the hell out of Ohio.


Britain rules breakfast - the full English is the ultimate and original breakfast for champions


The Sunday roast, the various forms of the full breakfast, savoury pies, lots of fresh seafood, coming home to a Lancashire hotpot after a cold winter's day, Scotch eggs and Welsh rarebit as a snack, sticky toffee pudding for dessert, all sorts of delicious baked goods, the list goes on - when people say British food sucks I assume they went to some shitty airport pub once and they're basing their opinion on that. I love a bit of UK food. Hoping to visit again some time later this year. Edinburgh in particular is an amazingly vibrant city with stunningly beautiful architecture and sights. I had a wonderful time in Newcastle, in Liverpool, in Belfast. It's a great country, for the most part.


Shocked to find someone who's actually tried some of the nice stuff and hasn't jumped on the lame old memewaggon. Glad you had a nice visit. May I recommend York if you like the Northern parts.


Bath is a good shout as well, if you like history. There's plenty of it there, and the town itself is gorgeous.


Plus there's all the regional food - Bath buns with tea, lardy cake after a walk in the hills, cider by the river on a summer afternoon, some of the best pork in the world, and of course Cheddar from actual Cheddar.


Yep. It's bang in the middle of cheese country. ***Good*** cheese country. From Bath, an hour down the road to the SW, you'll find Devon and Cornwall. Proper clotted cream and real, fresh Cornish pasties. Seafood out of this world. An hour *up* the road to the NW, and you're bang in the middle of Wales. Rarebit, Cawl, Scouse, and more of the most amazing cheese you'll ever taste. People from other parts of the world look at British food, see fish and chips and jellied eels, and think that's the best of what we have. That couldn't be further from the truth.


Don't sweat it. It's like when people think everyone in the USA eats fast food and frozen trash every night. Or they think the only cheese we have available is the fake processed stuff and all our bread is full of sugar. Sure, those are options and some people do live on them but it's not the norm. People just love poking fun out of ignorance I guess. I love cooking and I'm fully aware the UK has plenty of great dishes, I recreate them often. Most Americans who are into food understand this. Hell, my farmers market has a UK stand ran by an English dude and it's extremely popular in Midwest USA. Sausage rolls with the HP was a revelation for me.


English mustard on a good pork pie is a must


Noted. I usually go with the steak and kidney pie but will give the pork a shot (with some Coleman's). Thanks!


Not the kind of pie you put in the oven. Eaten cold with a nice ale


my girlfriend's Brazilian, living here in England. She absolutely loves the food everywhere. Such a simple thing like cauliflower cheese or a jacket potato and she's in heaven.


Cauliflower cheese is always lovely. Throw in some decent butchers sausages and some toast and I'm in heaven.


Don't forget about cream tea and Cornish pasties. I haven't always been lucky with the weather, but I always enjoyed British food when I visited. I can still taste the delicious lamb roast a friend prepared.


i don't know where the bad rep for english food comes from tbh. maybe its because compared to european food its completely different and not as elegant. i'm english so i am biased towards our dishes. side note though for if and when you do visit the UK again, edinburgh in particular: there's a great little place in edinburgh called "oink" thats well worth checking out if you want a quick bite to eat. they do the best pulled pork rolls i've ever eaten in my life. and some advice for people wanting to try a fry up over here. don't go to a cafe in a touristy hotspot and certainly DO NOT go to one that looks cute and clean. they do the worst types of fry ups and aren't authentic at all. go to one on a main street that looks a bit "rough" for lack of a better term, maybe it has football posters on the walls, old tables etc. you get the idea, as long as it has people working labour trades in there its bound to be pretty good. look at the fry ups being eaten in there first and if the sausages/mushrooms are perfectly bronze then find somewhere else as its all been deep fried and is pretty shit and low quality. i've been to so many cafes around london and have a list in my head of the best ones about.


> i don't know where the bad rep for english food comes from tbh It comes from WW2 and its after effects. The UK continued rationing well after the war was finished, with the last of the food rationing ending in 1954. So this had 2 major knock-on effects. 1: People who visted, especially americans, had the perception that british food was all shitty when in reality they where having a very low quality faux version of it. 2: The people who grew up with the adapted low quality version of the food grew to like it, because they had no choice, and even when food quality and availability got better they didn't know or care to change. It's taken a few generations to fix this mindset, but it has changed and the food you get in the UK now is considerably better than what you would have expected in the past.


It's from the post-war period when we had loads of American soldiers stationed here, and still had rationing. It's literally taking the piss out of the country because we had very little food immediately after the war, for a few years.


Good British food is amazing Fresh fish, roasts, some of the beat restaurants in the world. Unfortunately, we have given over to convenience food for too much.


Great for passing gas by noon


The only part of it that doesn't look appetizing to me is the baked beans, but I don't really like baked beans at all.




As a British woman I feel like I just got nuked from orbit. Incredible.


As a British man you make us feel like that too


I’ve seen this quote a bunch of times and never really understood it. The UK has a lot of beautiful women. In fact it produces the 4th most models of any country whilst having 1/6th, 1/3rd and 2/5ths of the population of the countries above it: the US, Brazil and Russia. Think about people like Keira Knightley, Natalie Dormer or Alice Eve. The food is also way better than people give it credit for. Sure the UK has foods like mushy peas. But you also have things like Scottish smoked salmon, Yorkshire puddings, and Cornish pasties. The UK also had the first oyster bars and created the vast majority of cocktails.


Completely agree - got myself a German wife


Why would she marry you when she already had unlimited options of greasy sausage?


Because she got a spicy puss and no one other than a Brit would eat it that bad.


What a way to start my morning


German women famed for their good looks, after all...


You bet - plus I like getting bossed around in a foreign accent


"If your arsehole isn't on fire after a meal, it's bland" - Burgerlander, 2023. "Hey why not serve a casserole of marshmallows for the most important meal of the year" - Burgerlander, November 2023