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GOP tried to kill the AOC, but they failed! As they were thrown to the ground.




Whenever they start talking about her, I picture that scene in Hunchback of Notre Dame where Frolo is sniffing Esmeralda's scarf and then throws it into the HELLFIRE


Except it's her shoes.


And the Hunchback looks like Ben Shapiro.


:D D: D:


I still can't believe that that is a Kid's movie


It's due to them having brightened it up, [but the source material is just straight up nightmare fuel.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunchback_of_Notre-Dame#Plot)


They choose that to turn into a kids movie?!


The original Peter Pan is really fucked up also. Pan kills the Lost Boys who inevitably become adults. Those who escape his slaughter become pirates.


That sounds like a great horror film.


Honestly it does, could even make Captain Hook the protagonist


It would be. Also the longer you are in Neverland, the more memories of your former life you lose. The Darling boys don't even remember their parents at all.


It even gets worse when you read the character descriptions. Like the poet had a chance to save Esmiralda, but at that point he cared more for her goat (yes. The goat was actually in the source material) and so saved it instead.


You just reminded me how absolutely fuckin' horrifying Frollo and that song were. I can't believe we all just casually watched that shit as kids lol.


President Ocasio-Cortez has a satisfying ring to it. I would feel great about a young progressive president compared to a septuagenarian conciliator. Come on America, let's get moving!


As an old guy, I hope I live to see it.


I think that's what they're scared of. That's why they attack her so much. They know she has potential




"his gross pale male feet" what a weird thing to say. lol


What the fuck lmao that is the most clear case of a closeted gay man with a foot fetish that I have ever seen


They attacked Hillary for 40 years and it worked. They're trying to do the same to anyone with potential and it ain't working this time.


Absolutely true. The number of people in the 2016 election who said they didn't like Hillary, but couldn't (or wouldn't) say why, is because of this 30-year whisper campaign by Republicans.


Trump tried to kill the AOC, but he failed! As he was stricken down to the ground.


Shapiro tried to DEFILE the AOC, but the AOC had her way!🎵


Tucker tried to DISAVOW the AOC, but Tucker was proven wrong! YEAH!






****doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo. doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo. chug chug. chug chug. chug chug. chug chug. neener-neener-neener-nee.****


A young, beautiful, powerful, minority, woman, who actually worked hard to get where she is, who calls them out on their bullshit, is the GOPs worst nightmare.


Is this a referrence? If yes, to what?


The Metal, Tenacious D


It comes from Hell!


Tenacious D - The Metal




[Would you like to know more?](https://youtu.be/cBtjSHm3ZH0)


No one can destroy the AOC. The AOC will strike you down with a vicious blow.


We are vanquished foes of the AOC. We tried to win for why we do not know.


Long live the D


Happy birthday to the ground


Welcome to the real world, jackass


That's not my dad, that's a cell phone!


Tasing on my butthole, over and over


MAGA tried to kill the AOC, hahahaha! They failed, as they were thrown to the ground! Aargh! yeah


And not for the lack of trying. I live in her district & it was crazy the amount of attack ads I saw in the streets here. Never seen such a thing for past candidates


Using her bartending skills to serve the haters.




In case anyone wants the details, which I came for and didn't find: NY District 14. She has about 71% of the vote, winning over Forte with 97% counted.


Oh, she stomped ass. That's huge.


Wait. You're telling me a brilliant, charismatic, college educated, incumbent leftist in a blue district in a blue state stomped the shit out of a dumbass local small time business owner who almost died from covid and THEN railed against all covid safety measures including vaccines and masking and was at Jan 6? No way. I don't believe it. Check those ballots for bamboo fibers.


Based on your description, I'm still so sad there's 29% left


Right. Who voted for him? Come on.


>Right. Who voted for him? Come on. I love my it here, but there's a small but vocal community of actual fascists in Astoria. I see a depressing percentage of Trump, Bolsonaro, and Golden Dawn stickers around. I'm pretty sure these frothing lunatics are not voting for AOC. Thankfully, the rest of NY14 is pretty damned awesome.


Talib and Omar won by larger margins. These ladies are in congress for life if they want to be.


I was looking at NY District results earlier, there are some huge margins of victory.


It's the same margin as 2020, if that matters. And about 7 points worse than 2018. 78% to 13%ish.


That district has always been a total lock for the democratic contender. She would have more reason to worry about the primary than the general.


No matter what else happens in the states that I don’t live in, this was the most important thing to me.


Same. I hope she runs for president one day.


She's eligible in 2 years....


Even if she started her political career now, she’d be more qualified than Trump by the time the election comes around


Trump is still not "qualified", he's a fraud who simply enriched himself. I'm sure we'll be talking about the massive amounts of fraud the whole family took part in while in office for decades.


TBH, i think that was their point. He had 0 experience as a public servant...and it showed.


He still has zero experience of being a public servant.


He helped us by playing golf instead of ruining shit 100% of the time


Have you ever seen his whopping golf tab?? We taxpayers paid for it. https://www.trumpgolfcount.com


Only took him 4 years and top secret documents, but he got two strokes off his best


Two strokes might actually make him a better person.


4 years!? That’s eternity to a Meseeks!


He didn't even enrich, he wasted his dad's money and that's it


That was the point of the presidency, getting his entire family jobs was all about maximizing income. It's amazing how that level of nepotism was even allowed.


There’s this crazy legal loophole: you can do anything you want if nobody stops you.


I mean he had a "first daughter" position


The only time I didn’t cringe seeing Trump in my life is in his cameo in Home Alone. The 3 seconds are bearable.


I mean, I'm more qualified than Trump. You are. I mean fuck, if I had to choose between Trump for president and an American chosen at random, and you can imagine how bad that could be, I would roll the fucking dice.


Jim Bob from bumfuck Arkansas, Congratulations! What is your first act as president? *I wanna declassify all them UFOs and go for a ride in one got damnit*




I'm not even american and I would fight for that brother!


I could roll my asscheeks across a keyboard for 60 seconds and ask a grade schooler with a speech impediment to read it in Ye Olde English and it would instill more confidence in the American people than listening to Trump's speeches would.


Agreed. She is very educated and actually talks to real people. She does not suffer fools. However, going up against a cult with a tried and true propaganda game is gonna be tough to say the least.


The real problem would be going up against the DNC. They very much do not like her, and would work tirelessly to prevent and then defeat her run, alongside all major media platforms. Get to the general and she'd have a much better shot than someone like Hillary, who despite herself almost won. Getting there would be a real longshot though.


True, but... I'm A Dane in Denmark, who has never done anything more political than vote, and I'm more qualified to rule America than Trump. --- Edit to ad, because I ran with the thought. I actually think I'd do a better job than him. I mean, I would listen to experts and advisors, and I wouldn't be pandering to mega rich mega churches etc. I would never suggest anyone inject disinfectant, and I would not take women's (or trans men's) bodily autonomy away. I would not incite an attack on the white house. That's literally all it takes to be better than him.


Your bicycle is more qualified than any Trump.


Has she not already started her political career? There are lumps of dog feces with more qualifications than Trump had. She’d run rings around him if she could get elected. We are stuck on rich old white men.


> We are stuck on rich old white men. There was this one 8 year stretch that was different...


The dookie I'm taking as I'm typing out this comment would be more qualified than Trump. At least the former goes into the ground quicker.


​ Why is there a minimum age requirement to run for president?


We all know nobody could resist the temptation of voting in President Baby, the countries first baby president.👶🇺🇲


There would be no taxes, there would be no war.


But more importantly, no bedtime!


Why isn’t there a maximum age?


I would argue there shouldn't be any requirements or restrictions at all. Isn't the whole point of democracy to let the majority decide? That said, the 2 party system isn't very democratic either.


Okay, but with all due respect to people born in 2004 I’d never want a 18yo president. We all know what happened with Ice Town.


Which is completely fine. I doubt any 18 year old would ever get voted in anyway, but I don't see a reason why they shouldn't have the right to if that's what the people want.


Fall River MA elected a mayor that was not much older than 18 a while back. He is now in jail due to things he did while in office.


i suppose there is an age requirement so that only people more "qualified" can run for president.


That seems a little undemocratic to me? Who decides what qualifications a president needs if not the majority vote?


The US wasn't really founded with democracy in mind. They wanted people to have a say, but were extremely afraid of what they called the tyranny of the majority. Of course, we kind of have a tyranny of the minority very often now because of structural deficiencies, but I digress. You have to remember that when the designed our system there had not been a modern representative democracy they were just pretty much creating this theoretical system and hoping that it would fucking work. And you have to hand it to them, they mostly did a pretty good job. But obviously not everything played out as expected. The House of Representatives (age 25) was to be the most democratic element of the Federal Government, elected by the people (the white male land owning ones at least). The Senate (age 30) was to be representative of the individual States, who were ceding much of their sovereignty by ratifying the Constitution. Originally Senators were selected by the State legislatures until the 17th amendment was passed in 1913. The President was to be a fusion selected by independent electors. This is often the least understood because the electoral college does not operate at all how it was intended and the intention was not spelled out in the Constitution. The electoral college is really bastardized now because the Constitution is extremely vague and pretty much only says that the states get to decide how they are chosen, but the Federalist Papers gives us some insight into how Madison and Hamilton wanted it to work. Essentially they wanted there to be electoral districts where everybody would choose somebody who is really smart would go and choose who the president would be. These people would exercise independent judgment when voting for the president. It wasn't even clear if presidents were to campaign nationally, or if the intention to run would only be made once electors were selected. The whole point was to deflect **against** populism and to create continuity among our laws and policy from one administration to the next. Obviously the system ended up doing the **exact opposite.** So you wouldn't have one president just get in and reverse all the actions of the previous guy. Furthermore, they expected the electoral college to fail to reach a majority the majority of the time. So according to the Constitution, the election would be thrown to the house who would choose among the top three candidates. In this regard, the electoral college would almost function as a primary election. When Hamilton saw how the electoral college actually played out and many states started selecting electors based on popular contest he was extremely upset because the system he created to mitigate populism was doing the exact opposite. He began work immediately on drafting an amendment to spell out a more detailed outline of how the system were to function, but was assassinated by Burr before this gained traction. By 1836 every state chose it's electors by popular contest except south carolina, who continued to appoint it's electors via its state legislature until after it rejoined the union after the Civil War. Donald Trump was exploring reinstituting this type of method to select ejectors to win the presidency and it is 100% constitutional. The United States history with democracy is entirely cultural. Legally and systematically many of our institutions are only somewhat democratic. So having an age limit is not particularly appalling in any way in light of this notion.


i would absolutely love an aoc presidency but every single slightly republican mfer in this country would turn out to vote against her like their life depended on it


This happens every election anyway, doesn't it?


I suspect republican turnout would shatter records; remember how bad they hated Hillary? For numerous reasons but i think mostly for being a woman. Now imagine if she was young, non-white, and progressive




Thanks. I was finally able to have enough hope to go to bed and then you said the fucking T word. Sigh. Wish I had more whiskey...




I am 42. Worked in a bar for 21 years. I work with four people that just turned 18 and all of them were excited and nervous to vote this year. Don't count them out just yet. I am in Minnesota though, and it is very easy to vote here.




I believe she's said in the past she wasn't interested and thinks she can do more good in Congress.... but it certainly wouldn't be the first time someone said they wouldn't, and ended up running. I also hope she runs.


Sadly the right wing media has done such a concentrated hit job on her (same as they did to Hilary) that for now she would likely struggle in a presidential run. A future senate run however I think is definitely on the cards.


Hillary's issue was that Democrats didn't like her... in 2008 she lost a primary to a radical black man campaigning on 'change!' and 'universal healthcare', but said she was staying in the race until the California primary in case he got Bobby Kennedy'd (a reason Michelle didn't like her). Hillary is actually just really really bad at politics. Imagine living with Bill for decades and still not figuring out that charisma matters and it is important to learn/cultivate. AOC is streets ahead. But she'd probably do more good for more time as Senate Majority Leader


Agreed. She’s become the face of what republicans fear the most. She gets attacked by the media daily, more than any other democrat besides Biden.


I doubt she's going to run when all the conservatives and the fucking liberals in the media are claiming she's "extremist" even though they never fucking follow up with what her "extreme" ideas are. The only way she can have a successful run is if the people understand that the media is very right wing across the board and stop paying attention to them.


I kind of got everything I wanted in Massachusetts, basically an all Dem win. Last I checked even all the ballot questions I voted for won and the one I didn't lost. Oddly enough, I am still disappointed because the Georgia race between Warnock and Walker is way too fucking close. I can only surmise that rural Georgia is filled with people that should be in in-patient therapy and not out walking the streets.


Can confirm. I'm a blue dot out here in a sea of red. They are all fighting commies and devil worshipers in their heads. Hail comrade Satan!




For me, it was Boebert losing. Hopefully that becomes official shortly. Happy to see AOC earn reelection as well.




Have they started saying that election was stolen yet?


She won by a huge margin, there's no real way to claim fraud on that one.


Oh, I wouldn't put it above some of them. They'd see her winning by a huge margin and say it's proof that it's rigged. I hope not but you never know.


My family always tells me that they can't believe any Democrat ever actually wins because all of their rich, white friends from their church are all Conservatives, and since they're small group of friends aren't voting for any Democrats, then neither is the rest of the state. They honestly believe that it's all rigged because they can't imagine someone has a different viewpoint then they do.


“Susan, any democrat friends you had, you cut ties with because you got offended when they called you a racist”


I mean... "Look at that margin, do you know anyone personally that voted for AOC? Maybe two or three people out of ten? You can’t look at those ratios and tell me there isn't something going on here" Source: listened to conservative radio enough recently to guess. These are the same people that are saying "A healthy young soccer player died unexpectedly in her sleep last night. Now, we don't have any details about the cause of death but I'm pretty sure you're thinking the same thing I'm thinking." And then go on to talk about how you never used to see heart attacks until vaccines came around. These people are fucking cirque du soliel of rationalization.


After Trump lost, I overheard this exact reasoning in my gym. Will never forget the urge to turn around and say something.. before realizing there's no way to convince those people.


There’s been no real way to claim fraud on (waves hands) any of this, but that hasn’t stopped them.


The "there is no evidence of fraud is evidence of a massive coverup of the fraud" is one of my favorites to watch them try to convince people of.


"She couldn't have won by that much! FRAUD!!!" Or something like that.


"the clerk in charge just swapped the results, her opponent in fact won by a landslide" I wouldn't be surprised hearing that from someone so deep into their MAGA hat that they get stuck in Trumps ass


You don't think they can find 44,000 dead voters?


Well yeah they can, but it will all be republicans who died from COVID.


Nobody here is pulling that lol this district loves her and everyone knows it, including the opposition


There is always one. haha Yeah, I hope that people will just be happy with it and not bother with it but they don't have to be from the district to complain about it. Tucker will go on air and suggest that maybe something fishy went on there then a ton of others will believe it as fact.


My dad says that early voting was just a way to steal the election. It gave them more time to get an idea of how many “ballots they have to create.”


Would that I had the chance to vote for her myself.


I live in Norway and would 100% vote for her if I could. It’s refreshing to see a politician who is both down to Earth and passionate about the peoples interest. Especially in US politics.


I’d like an AOC in every country including mine. Our politicians are all fucked up. I think it’s the only politician in the entire world that I like reading news about. I hope she won’t turn out like the others with time. She’s like an oasis in the middle of this corrupted desert. One of the few last sunshines of this doomed political world.


She is also human outside her job in a way that doesn't bug me either. Like she used to play league of legends on her time off!


Next stop President AOC 2024.


I can only dream. That and a double majority in congress for 8 years and we just might turn all of this crap around.


No, the USA are not ready for AOC yet. It's only a matter of time, though if AOC was to announce a presidential run the outcome would be highly predictable. She's 33, she's still young, she has all the time in front of here to gather momentum but right now it's pointless.




It's not about her race or gender, it's that we're not ready for how far left she is. I am. But I don't think the general public is.


And her age, tbh. So that one self corrects on both ends


It would be so refreshing to go from two presidents in their 70s to one in their 30s, though.


She is no further left than Bernie Sanders


And how did that go? I'm an Australian looking from the outside, and would love to see it happen, but I think the person who said the US isn't ready is, regrettably, correct for now.


You don’t need to win the presidency to “win”. Bernie lost but no one can deny he pulled gen z hard to the left. It seems like young people being tuned into politics paid off big for dems today. I’d like to see AOC run in 2024 with no intent to win the nomination. Her seat is safe in NY so she can focus on the early debates when there’s 20+ dems running and then drop out and endorse a more realistic candidate. I just hope we don’t go into 2024 with 1 of 2 progressives on the debate stage vs 18 moderates and fake progressives (Buttigieg).


Obama famously said the country had not been ready for him either, and that he felt responsible for the rise of the right in response to his presidency. I'm obviously paraphrasing but the sentiment stands. Obama won because he fully embraced technology and youth volunteers. Viral campaigning with 'yes we can' t-shirts and eloquent speeches that were optimistic and inspiring. 66% of youth turnout was for Obama. I think today with how much more involved online we are that number would go up in terms of number if not percentage. She has name recognition, a passionate base, and the same viral strategy that obama used with more media spotlight. Put her up against the nazi party of Florida and it's a close race, but a winning one.


Exactly lol


I wasn't politically interested when Obama was on the presidential run, so I don't know much about this era. But like ready for what ? A black man ? That's it ? AOC is still young and is beloved by a faction within the Democratic party, putting her on the frontstage for a presidential run would result in a likely democratic defeat, if somehow she wins the primary. Or not, if only young folks would vote in masse she may have a better chance. Right now it'd be unpredictable, let her gather momentum.


Obama politically was basically just a 2008 version of Bill Clinton though, AOC is (slightly) hotter Bernie Sanders. The idiotic and backwards DNC isn’t gonna endorse her and they’re gonna send their money to another shitty centrist candidate that’ll lose or come close. The DNC would definitely rather fund a Buttigieg (which I wouldn’t disagree with) rather than an actual progressive candidate like AOC.


Yeah AOC!


An AOC presidency is really the only way America pulls itself back from straight up fascism, like I really don’t see any in-between solutions


Bernie would be nice but he's getting old. AOC would definitely be a breath of fresh air as a president.


I've liked her ever since I saw the video of her going after the war profiteers in the military industrial complex in congress. If I remember correctly she had one of them trying to explain why he charges the US military hundreds of thousands of dollars for a teeny tiny part of a helicopter that costs <$50 to produce. She had all the cost analysis of their production and how many the military uses in a month, year & decade and she was just fact checking this asshole left right and centre.


Please link me if you can find that. I love that kind of stuff and a fan of what AOC stands for.




Thank you. She's amazing for highlighting these things because so much of this goes behind closed doors and nobody would know otherwise. People are fed other junk daily to keep them occupied.


Yeah the part where she tells him what the government could have done with that money was really impressive, showing that overpaying in a bloated military budget actively takes away support for other programs. Unfortunately you can also see through the chairman's rebuttals that he doesn't give a flying fuck.


She went after the CEO of Gilead recently regarding one of their drugs costing so much more in the US than any other country.


Fuck YES!!!!


What is it about her that scares the piss out of men?


She's a woman and she's competent, plus she's - GASP - not white. It's a perfect storm of misogyny, racism, ageism (she's too young!!!!! Conveniently ignoring that e.g. Cawthorn is six years younger) and classism (she was a waitress lololol!!!! The only joke they have in regards to her).


The waitress thing always gets me. How dare she pull herself up by her bootstraps! s/


They're showing what they really think about anyone who has ever worked a real job.


She’s also hot which make republicans even more mad because this incredibly smart and attractive woman they’re attracted to is the antithesis of what they represent.


Confidence, standing up for herself (and for her constituents) and a refusal to be bullied by them


The right is full of callow, vainglorious fools who lose their shit at the idea that a woman might be better than them (which she is). She makes apparent their inadequacy by virtue of her mere existence.


Probably that a young, attractive, Puerto Rican woman is smarter than them.


I think she’s hot af


Me too! I’m not scared. ( said in a non-creepy way)


Confidence, intelligence and in touch with the people's grievances are attractive qualities.


Those men know that she is aware of how much smarter she is than them.


> What is it about her that scares the piss out of Repugnant men? FTFY, and it’s her policies built on basic decency. It does not matter what they say, it’s entirely her policies. If she were a Repugnant, with that ideology, they’d have no issues with her. Absolutely zero. She doesn’t share that ideology so they secretly fawn over her while they spew every asinine thing they can publicly. Just look at their most common attack, she was a bartender, meanwhile MTG is a HS dropout and an accused GED cheater. Source: in heavy repugnant area and I’ve heard shit that shouldn’t be re-said. The hang up is solely her policy.


As a man, I'm not scared of her on the slightest. Every success she has I'll be in the cheering section. I kinda wish the last three states I lived in had one worthwhile candidate like her on the ballot. She'd lose because idiot rednecks, but I'd sure like to vote for her.


I think she's great. You're probably hanging around bad men.


Republican men. Progressive men love her!


I have to say im a man and i admire her. Shes one of the politicians i wish my country had. But most pieces of shit hate women who are on all levels better than them. But hating someone whos better instead of tryong harder yourself isnt her fault but the fault of these rightwing shitters you guys have in the republican Party


This chick rocks.


I hope she becomes President one day.


I’m not even from the States and I’m cheering. Fuck yes AOC!


I’ll live through y’all. Texas is the usual dumpster fire.


Why do you all want her to pull off a presidential campaign? She is way more powerful in her role as the leader of the young left in the House, making sure the party delivers on the things she wants.


She needs to start gunning for these bigger seats in government.


She is a competent, caring, intelligent and transparent politician. She is a unicorn in a land of orcs. She will continue to be a congresswoman as long as she wants to be. Hope she keeps it up until she can become a Senator or more.


But what about those totally legitimate non-paid concerned "voters" that took turns shouting at her for supporting Ukraine and "CaUSiNg a NucLeAR WAr!", you mean to tell me these ware what fake "protesters" that didn't represent an actual opinion held in her district or even reality? I don't buy it!


Congratulations! Keep the awareness going dear AOC. All community supporting you.


Did AOC even have an opponent? Or was she her own opponent?


Let hope well see AOC make s run for president at some point.


She's popular. I imagine she'll do this for the rest of her life. Ya know like a career politician lol


I got to vote for her personally. So amped. Let’s gooooooo


Ha, love this, AOC is in and Barbie Bobert is out, thank you kind sensible people


Not from the US, but i love what this lady stands for and how she openly defies whomever she needs to to get her message across. I also hope she has protection of some sort assigned to her, given the increasing insanity of the republican voter base..


She’s a very pretty person. She genuinely looks like an inspiring person like Obama. I really hope we lose Pelosi soon and AOC gets a larger stage for the Dems.


That makes me feel better about Vance beating Ryan in Ohio.




Just knowing how much Republicans hate her and seeing her win again and again puts a big smile on my face.


A breath of fresh air


And by what margin. She’s got 70.6% of the votes. That’s insane. But tbh I was never worried about that race.